-- A pretty-printer for SMTLIB.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Jukebox.SMTLIB where

#include "errors.h"
import Data.Char
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Jukebox.Form
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Jukebox.Name
import Jukebox.Utils
import Jukebox.TPTP.Print(prettyNames)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio

keywords :: [String]
keywords =
    [ "ac"
    , "and"
    , "axiom"
    , "inversion"
    , "bitv"
    , "bool"
    , "check"
    , "cut"
    , "distinct"
    , "else"
    , "exists"
    , "false"
    , "forall"
    , "function"
    , "goal"
    , "if"
    , "in"
    , "include"
    , "int"
    , "let"
    , "logic"
    , "not"
    , "or"
    , "predicate"
    , "prop"
    , "real"
    , "rewriting"
    , "then"
    , "true"
    , "type"
    , "unit"
    , "void"
    , "with"
    , "assert", "check-sat"
    , "abs", "min", "max", "const"
    , "mod", "div"
    , "=", "=>", "+", "-", "*", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "@", "!"
    , "as"
    , "declare-datatypes"
    , "declare-sort"
    , "declare-const"
    , "declare-const"
    , "declare-fun"
    , "declare-fun"
    , "define-fun"
    , "define-fun"
    , "define-fun-rec"
    , "define-fun-rec"
    , "define-funs-rec"
    , "check-sat"
    -- TIP:
    , "par"
    , "case"
    , "match"
    , "assert"
    , "assert-not"
    -- Z3:
    , "Bool", "Int", "Array", "List", "insert"
    , "isZero"
    , "map"
    , "select"
    , "subset", "union", "intersect"
    -- CVC4:
    , "concat", "member"
    ] ++ map snd renamings

renamings :: [(String, String)]
renamings =
  [("$i", "individual"),
   ("$int", "Int"),
   ("$rat", "Real"),
   ("$real", "Real"),
   ("$sum", "+"),
   ("$product", "*"),
   ("$quotient", "/"),
   ("$difference", "-"),
   ("$uminus", "-"),
   ("$is_int", "IsInt"),
   ("$to_int", "to_int"),
   ("$to_real", "to_real"),
   ("$less", "<"),
   ("$lesseq", "<="),
   ("$greater", ">"),
   ("$greatereq", ">=")]

-- Both the following functions expect prettyNames to have been used first
-- (no Unique names).
renameAvoidingKeywords :: Symbolic a => a -> NameM a
renameAvoidingKeywords x = do
  -- Allocate a new name for every reserved word
  sub <- Map.fromList <$> sequence
    [ do n <- newName ("smt_" ++ k)
         return (k, n)
    | k <- keywords ]
  return (mapName (\x -> Map.findWithDefault x (show x) sub) x)

renameTPTP :: Symbolic a => a -> a
renameTPTP = mapName f
    f x = fromMaybe x (fmap name (lookup (show x) renamings))

showProblem :: Problem Form -> String
showProblem = show . pPrintProblem
pPrintProblem :: Problem Form -> Doc
pPrintProblem prob0 =
  vcat (pPrintDecls prob ++ map pPrintInput prob ++ [sexp ["check-sat"]])
    prob = renameTPTP (prettyNames (run (prettyNames prob0) renameAvoidingKeywords))

pPrintDecls :: Problem Form -> [Doc]
pPrintDecls prob =
  map typeDecl (filter (not . builtIn) (usort (types prob))) ++
  map funcDecl (filter (not . builtIn) (usort (functions prob)))
    builtIn x =
      (show (name x) /= "individual" && show (name x) `elem` map snd renamings) ||
      case name x of
        Fixed Integer{} -> True
        Fixed Rational{} -> True
        Fixed Real{} -> True
        _ -> False

    typeDecl O = empty
    typeDecl ty =
      sexp ["declare-sort", pPrintType ty, text "0"]

    funcDecl (f ::: FunType args res) =
      sexp $
        ["declare-fun", pPrint f, sexp (map pPrintType args), pPrintType res]

sexp :: [Doc] -> Doc
sexp = parens . fsep

pPrintName :: Name -> Doc
pPrintName (Fixed (Integer n)) = pPrint n
pPrintName (Fixed (Rational n)) =
  sexp ["/", pPrint (numerator n), pPrint (denominator n)]
pPrintName (Fixed (Real n)) =
  sexp ["/", pPrint (numerator n), pPrint (denominator n)]
pPrintName x = text . escape . show $ x
    escape xs
      | all isOk xs = xs
      | otherwise = "|" ++ concatMap escapeSym xs ++ "|"

    isOk c
      | isAlpha c = True
      | c `elem` ("~!@$%^&*_-+=<>.?/" :: String) = True
      | otherwise = False

    escapeSym '|' = "\\|"
    escapeSym '\\' = "\\\\"
    escapeSym c = [c]

pPrintType :: Type -> Doc
pPrintType O = "Bool"
pPrintType ty = pPrintName (name ty)

pPrintInput :: Input Form -> Doc
pPrintInput Input{kind = Axiom, what = form} =
  sexp ["assert", pPrintForm form]
pPrintInput Input{kind = Conjecture, what = form} =
  sexp ["assert", sexp ["not", pPrintForm form]]
pPrintInput Input{kind = Question, what = form} =
  sexp ["assert", sexp ["not", pPrintForm form]]

pPrintForm :: Form -> Doc
pPrintForm (Literal (Pos l)) = pPrintAtomic l
pPrintForm (Literal (Neg l)) = sexp ["not", pPrintAtomic l]
pPrintForm (Not f) = sexp ["not", pPrintForm f]
pPrintForm (And ts) = sexp ("and":map pPrintForm ts)
pPrintForm (Or ts) = sexp ("or":map pPrintForm ts)
pPrintForm (Equiv t u) = sexp ["=", pPrintForm t, pPrintForm u]
pPrintForm (Connective Implies t u) = sexp ["=>", pPrintForm t, pPrintForm u]
pPrintForm (Connective Follows t u) = sexp ["=>", pPrintForm u, pPrintForm t]
pPrintForm (Connective Xor t u) = sexp ["xor", pPrintForm t, pPrintForm u]
pPrintForm (Connective Nor t u) = sexp ["not", sexp ["or", pPrintForm t, pPrintForm u]]
pPrintForm (Connective Nand t u) = sexp ["not", sexp ["and", pPrintForm t, pPrintForm u]]
pPrintForm (ForAll (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant "forall" vs f
pPrintForm (Exists (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant "exists" vs f

pPrintQuant :: Doc -> Set.Set Variable -> Form -> Doc
pPrintQuant q vs f
  | Set.null vs = pPrintForm f
  | otherwise =
    sexp [q,
          sexp [sexp [pPrintName x, pPrintType ty] | x ::: ty <- Set.toList vs],
          pPrintForm f]

pPrintAtomic :: Atomic -> Doc
pPrintAtomic (t :=: u) = sexp ["=", pPrintTerm t, pPrintTerm u]
pPrintAtomic (Tru t) = pPrintTerm t

pPrintTerm :: Term -> Doc
pPrintTerm (Var (x ::: _)) = pPrintName x
pPrintTerm ((f ::: _) :@: []) = pPrintName f
pPrintTerm ((f ::: _) :@: ts) = sexp (pPrintName f:map pPrintTerm ts)