-- Pretty-printing of formulae. WARNING: icky code inside! {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, CPP, GADTs, PatternGuards #-} module Jukebox.TPTP.Print(prettyShow, prettyNames, showClauses, pPrintClauses, showProblem, pPrintProblem, pPrintProof) where #include "errors.h" import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ import qualified Jukebox.TPTP.Lexer as L import Jukebox.Form import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set(Set) import Jukebox.Name import Jukebox.Utils import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict pPrintClauses :: Problem Clause -> Doc pPrintClauses prob0 | isFof prob = vcat (map (pPrintInput "cnf" pPrint) prob) | otherwise = pPrintProblem (map (fmap toForm) prob0) where prob = prettyNames prob0 showClauses :: Problem Clause -> String showClauses = show . pPrintClauses pPrintProblem :: Problem Form -> Doc pPrintProblem prob0 | isReallyFof prob = vcat (map (pPrintInput "fof" (pPrintFof 0)) prob) | otherwise = vcat (pPrintDecls prob ++ map (pPrintInput "tff" (pPrintTff 0)) prob) where prob = prettyNames prob0 -- Print a problem together with all source/derivation information. pPrintProof :: Problem Form -> Doc pPrintProof prob = pPrintAnnotProof (evalState (concat <$> mapM annot prob) (1, Map.empty)) where fun f [] = text f fun f xs = text f <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma xs)) list = brackets . fsep . punctuate comma clause n = "c" ++ show n info inp = (kind inp, what inp) -- We maintain: the set of formulas printed so far, -- and the highest number given so far. findNumber :: Input Form -> State (Int, Map (Kind, Form) Int) (Maybe Int) findNumber inp = gets (Map.lookup (info inp) . snd) newNumber :: Input Form -> State (Int, Map (Kind, Form) Int) (Maybe Int) newNumber inp = do (n, map) <- get case Map.lookup (info inp) map of Nothing -> do put (n+1, Map.insert (info inp) n map) return (Just n) Just _ -> return Nothing annot :: Input Form -> State (Int, Map (Kind, Form) Int) [(Input Form, (String, [Doc]))] annot inp -- Formula is identical to its parent | Inference _ _ [inp'] <- source inp, let [p, q] = prettyNames [what inp, what inp'] in kind inp == kind inp' && -- I have NO idea why this doesn't work without show here :( show p == show q = annot inp { source = source inp' } | otherwise = do mn <- newNumber inp case mn of Nothing -> -- Already processed this formula return [] Just n -> do let ret k stuff = return [(inp { tag = clause n }, (k, stuff))] case source inp of Unknown -> ret "plain" [] FromFile file _ -> ret (show (kind inp)) [fun "file" [text (escapeAtom file), text (escapeAtom (tag inp))]] Inference name status parents -> do -- Process all parents first rest <- mapM annot parents nums <- map fromJust <$> mapM findNumber parents fmap (concat rest ++) $ ret "plain" [fun "inference" [ text name, list [fun "status" [text status]], list [text (clause n) | n <- nums]]] pPrintAnnotProof :: [(Input Form, (String, [Doc]))] -> Doc pPrintAnnotProof annots0 = vcat $ [ vcat (pPrintDecls inps) | not (isReallyFof inps) ] ++ [ pPrintClause (family x) (tag inp) k (pp x:rest) | (inp, (k, rest)) <- annots, let x = what inp ] where inps0 = map fst annots0 inps = prettyNames inps0 annots = zip inps (map snd annots0) family x | isReallyFof x && isJust (toClause x) = "cnf" | isReallyFof x = "fof" | otherwise = "tff" pp x | isReallyFof x = case toClause x of Nothing -> pPrintFof 0 x Just cl -> pPrint cl | otherwise = pPrintTff 0 x showProblem :: Problem Form -> String showProblem = show . pPrintProblem isReallyFof :: Symbolic a => a -> Bool isReallyFof = all p . types where p O = True p (Type ty _ _) | ty == i = True p _ = False i = name "$i" pPrintDecls :: Problem Form -> [Doc] pPrintDecls prob = map typeDecl (usort (types prob)) ++ map funcDecl (usort (functions prob)) where typeDecl O = empty typeDecl (Type ty _ _) | ty == i = empty typeDecl ty = typeClause ty (text "$tType") i = name "$i" funcDecl (f ::: ty) = typeClause f (pPrint ty) typeClause name ty = pPrintClause "tff" "type" "type" [text (escapeAtom (show name)) <> colon <+> ty] instance Pretty a => Pretty (Input a) where pPrint = pPrintInput "tff" pPrint instance Pretty a => Show (Input a) where show = prettyShow pPrintInput :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> Input a -> Doc pPrintInput family pp i = pPrintClause family (tag i) (show (kind i)) [pp (what i)] pPrintClause :: String -> String -> String -> [Doc] -> Doc pPrintClause family name kind rest = text family <> parens (sep (punctuate comma ([text (escapeAtom name), text kind] ++ rest))) <> text "." instance Pretty Clause where pPrint (Clause (Bind _ ts)) = pPrintConnective undefined 0 "$false" "|" (map Literal ts) instance Show Clause where show = prettyShow instance Pretty Type where pPrint O = text "$o" pPrint ty = text . escapeAtom . show . tname $ ty instance Show Type where show = prettyShow instance Pretty FunType where pPrint FunType{args = args, res = res} = case args of [] -> pPrint res args -> pPrintTypes args <+> text ">" <+> pPrint res where pPrintTypes [arg] = pPrint arg pPrintTypes args = parens . hsep . punctuate (text " *") . map pPrint $ args instance Show FunType where show = prettyShow instance Pretty Name where pPrint = text . show instance Show L.Token where show L.Atom{L.tokenName = x} = escapeAtom x show L.Defined{L.defined = x} = show x show L.Var{L.tokenName = x} = x show L.DistinctObject{L.tokenName = x} = quote '"' x show L.Number{L.value = x} = show x show L.Punct{L.kind = x} = show x show L.Eof = "end of file" show L.Error = "lexical error" escapeAtom :: String -> String escapeAtom s | not (null s') && isLower (head s') && all isNormal s' = s | otherwise = quote '\'' s where isNormal c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' s' = dropWhile (== '$') s quote :: Char -> String -> String quote c s = [c] ++ concatMap escape s ++ [c] where escape c' | c == c' = ['\\', c] escape '\\' = "\\\\" escape c = [c] instance Pretty Term where pPrint (Var (v ::: _)) = pPrint v pPrint ((f ::: _) :@: []) = case f of Fixed Integer{} -> text (show f) Fixed Rational{} -> text (show f) Fixed Real{} -> text (show f) _ -> text (escapeAtom (show f)) pPrint ((f ::: _) :@: ts) = text (escapeAtom (show f)) <> parens (sep (punctuate comma (map pPrint ts))) instance Show Term where show = prettyShow instance Pretty Atomic where pPrint (t :=: u) = pPrint t <> text "=" <> pPrint u pPrint (Tru t) = pPrint t instance Show Atomic where show = prettyShow instance Pretty Form where pPrintPrec _ = pPrintTff instance Show Form where show = prettyShow pPrintFof, pPrintTff :: Rational -> Form -> Doc pPrintFof = pPrintForm (\(x ::: _) -> pPrint x) pPrintTff = pPrintForm (\(x ::: ty) -> pPrint x <> colon <+> pPrint ty) pPrintForm :: (Variable -> Doc) -> Rational -> Form -> Doc -- We use two precedences, the lowest for binary connectives -- and the highest for everything else. pPrintForm _bind _p (Literal (Pos (t :=: u))) = pPrint t <> text "=" <> pPrint u pPrintForm _bind _p (Literal (Neg (t :=: u))) = pPrint t <> text "!=" <> pPrint u pPrintForm _bind p (Literal (Pos t)) = pPrintPrec prettyNormal p t pPrintForm bind p (Literal (Neg t)) = pPrintForm bind p (Not (Literal (Pos t))) pPrintForm bind _p (Not f) = text "~" <> pPrintForm bind 1 f pPrintForm bind p (And ts) = pPrintConnective bind p "$true" "&" ts pPrintForm bind p (Or ts) = pPrintConnective bind p "$false" "|" ts pPrintForm bind p (Equiv t u) = pPrintConnective bind p undefined "<=>" [t, u] pPrintForm bind _p (ForAll (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant bind "!" vs f pPrintForm bind _p (Exists (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant bind "?" vs f pPrintForm bind p (Connective c t u) = pPrintConnective bind p (error "pPrint: Connective") (show c) [t, u] instance Show Connective where show Implies = "=>" show Follows = "<=" show Xor = "<~>" show Nor = "~|" show Nand = "~&" pPrintConnective _bind _p ident _op [] = text ident pPrintConnective bind p _ident _op [x] = pPrintForm bind p x pPrintConnective bind p _ident op (x:xs) = maybeParens (p > 0) $ sep (ppr x:[ nest 2 (text op <+> ppr x) | x <- xs ]) where ppr = pPrintForm bind 1 pPrintQuant :: (Variable -> Doc) -> String -> Set.Set Variable -> Form -> Doc pPrintQuant bind q vs f | Set.null vs = pPrintForm bind 1 f | otherwise = sep [ text q <> brackets (sep (punctuate comma (map bind (Set.toList vs)))) <> colon, nest 2 (pPrintForm bind 1 f)] instance Show Kind where show (Axiom kind) = kind show Conjecture = "conjecture" show Question = "question" prettyNames :: Symbolic a => a -> a prettyNames x0 = mapName replace x where replace name@Fixed{} = name replace x@Unique{} = Map.findWithDefault (name (base x)) x sub sub = globalsScope `Map.union` pretty globalsUsed x pretty :: Symbolic a => Set String -> a -> Map Name Name pretty used x = case typeOf x of Bind_ -> bind used x _ -> collect (pretty used) x bind :: Symbolic a => Set String -> Bind a -> Map Name Name bind used (Bind vs x) = scope `Map.union` pretty used' x where (scope, used') = add used (map name (Set.toList vs)) add used names = foldr add1 (Map.empty, used) names add1 (Fixed xs) (scope, used) = (scope, Set.insert (show xs) used) add1 x@(Unique _ base f) (scope, used) = (Map.insert x (name winner) scope, Set.insert winner (Set.fromList taken `Set.union` used)) where cands = [f base n | n <- [0..]] Renaming taken winner = head [c | c@(Renaming xs x) <- cands, not (or [Set.member y used | y <- x:xs ])] globals = usort $ [ f | f ::: _ <- functions x ] ++ [ ty | Type ty _ _ <- types x ] (globalsScope, globalsUsed) = add fixed globals fixed = Set.fromList [ show xs | Fixed xs <- names x ] x = run x0 uniqueNames