-- Pretty-printing of formulae. WARNING: icky code inside!
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, CPP, GADTs #-}
module Jukebox.TPTP.Print(prettyShow, prettyNames, showClauses, pPrintClauses, showProblem, pPrintProblem)

#include "errors.h"
import Data.Char
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import qualified Jukebox.TPTP.Lexer as L
import Jukebox.Form
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import Jukebox.Name
import Jukebox.Utils
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass

pPrintClauses :: Problem Clause -> Doc
pPrintClauses prob0
  | isFof prob = vcat (map (pPrintInput "cnf" pPrint) prob)
  | otherwise  = pPrintProblem (map (fmap toForm) prob0)
    prob = prettyNames prob0

showClauses :: Problem Clause -> String
showClauses = show . pPrintClauses

pPrintProblem :: Problem Form -> Doc
pPrintProblem prob0
  | isReallyFof prob = vcat (map (pPrintInput "fof" (pPrintFof 0)) prob)
  | otherwise = vcat (pPrintDecls prob ++ map (pPrintInput "tff" (pPrintTff 0)) prob)
    prob = prettyNames prob0

showProblem :: Problem Form -> String
showProblem = show . pPrintProblem

isReallyFof :: Symbolic a => a -> Bool
isReallyFof = all p . types
    p O = True
    p (Type ty _ _) | ty == i = True
    p _ = False
    i = name "$i"

pPrintDecls :: Problem Form -> [Doc]
pPrintDecls prob =
  map typeDecl (usort (types prob)) ++
  map funcDecl (usort (functions prob))
    typeDecl O = empty
    typeDecl (Type ty _ _) | ty == i = empty
    typeDecl ty = typeClause ty (text "$tType")
    i = name "$i"

    funcDecl (f ::: ty) = typeClause f (pPrint ty)
    typeClause name ty =
      pPrintClause "tff" "type" "type"
        (text (escapeAtom (show name)) <> colon <+> ty)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Input a) where
  pPrint = pPrintInput "tff" pPrint
instance Pretty a => Show (Input a) where
  show = prettyShow

pPrintInput :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> Input a -> Doc
pPrintInput family pp i =
  pPrintClause family (tag i) (show (kind i)) (pp (what i))

pPrintClause :: String -> String -> String -> Doc -> Doc
pPrintClause family name kind rest =
  text family <> parens (sep [text (escapeAtom name) <> comma <+> text kind <> comma, rest]) <> text "."

instance Pretty Clause where
  pPrint (Clause (Bind _ ts)) =
    pPrintConnective undefined 0 "$false" "|" (map Literal ts)

instance Show Clause where
  show = prettyShow

instance Pretty Type where
  pPrint O = text "$o"
  pPrint ty = text . escapeAtom . show . tname $ ty

instance Show Type where
  show = prettyShow

instance Pretty FunType where
  pPrint FunType{args = args, res = res} =
    case args of
      [] -> pPrint res
      args -> pPrintTypes args <+> text ">" <+>
              pPrint res
      pPrintTypes [arg] = pPrint arg
      pPrintTypes args =
        parens . hsep . punctuate (text " *") . map pPrint $ args

instance Show FunType where
  show = prettyShow

instance Pretty Name where
  pPrint = text . show

instance Show L.Token where
  show L.Atom{L.tokenName = x} = escapeAtom x
  show L.Defined{L.defined = x} = show x
  show L.Var{L.tokenName = x} = x
  show L.DistinctObject{L.tokenName = x} = quote '"' x
  show L.Number{L.value = x} = show x
  show L.Punct{L.kind = x} = show x
  show L.Eof = "end of file"
  show L.Error = "lexical error"

escapeAtom :: String -> String
escapeAtom s | not (null s') && isLower (head s') && all isNormal s' = s
             | otherwise = quote '\'' s
  where isNormal c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
        s' = dropWhile (== '$') s

quote :: Char -> String -> String
quote c s = [c] ++ concatMap escape s ++ [c]
  where escape c' | c == c' = ['\\', c]
        escape '\\' = "\\\\"
        escape c = [c]

instance Pretty Term where
  pPrint (Var (v ::: _)) =
    pPrint v
  pPrint ((f ::: _) :@: []) =
    case f of
      Fixed Integer{} -> text (show f)
      Fixed Rational{} -> text (show f)
      Fixed Real{} -> text (show f)
      _ -> text (escapeAtom (show f))
  pPrint ((f ::: _) :@: ts) =
    text (escapeAtom (show f)) <>
    parens (sep (punctuate comma (map pPrint ts)))

instance Show Term where
  show = prettyShow

instance Pretty Atomic where
  pPrint (t :=: u) = pPrint t <> text "=" <> pPrint u
  pPrint (Tru t) = pPrint t

instance Show Atomic where
  show = prettyShow

instance Pretty Form where
  pPrintPrec _ = pPrintTff

instance Show Form where
  show = prettyShow

pPrintFof, pPrintTff :: Rational -> Form -> Doc
pPrintFof = pPrintForm (\(x ::: _) -> pPrint x)
pPrintTff = pPrintForm (\(x ::: ty) -> pPrint x <> colon <+> pPrint ty)

pPrintForm :: (Variable -> Doc) -> Rational -> Form -> Doc
-- We use two precedences, the lowest for binary connectives
-- and the highest for everything else.
pPrintForm _bind _p (Literal (Pos (t :=: u))) =
  pPrint t <> text "=" <> pPrint u
pPrintForm _bind _p (Literal (Neg (t :=: u))) =
  pPrint t <> text "!=" <> pPrint u
pPrintForm _bind p (Literal (Pos t)) = pPrintPrec prettyNormal p t
pPrintForm bind p (Literal (Neg t)) = pPrintForm bind p (Not (Literal (Pos t)))
pPrintForm bind _p (Not f) = text "~" <> pPrintForm bind 1 f
pPrintForm bind p (And ts) = pPrintConnective bind p "$true" "&" ts
pPrintForm bind p (Or ts) = pPrintConnective bind p "$false" "|" ts
pPrintForm bind p (Equiv t u) = pPrintConnective bind p undefined "<=>" [t, u]
pPrintForm bind _p (ForAll (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant bind "!" vs f
pPrintForm bind _p (Exists (Bind vs f)) = pPrintQuant bind "?" vs f
pPrintForm bind p (Connective c t u) = pPrintConnective bind p (error "pPrint: Connective") (show c) [t, u]

instance Show Connective where
  show Implies = "=>"
  show Follows = "<="
  show Xor = "<~>"
  show Nor = "~|"
  show Nand = "~&"

pPrintConnective _bind _p ident _op [] = text ident
pPrintConnective bind p _ident _op [x] = pPrintForm bind p x
pPrintConnective bind p _ident op (x:xs) =
  maybeParens (p > 0) $
    sep (ppr x:[ nest 2 (text op <+> ppr x) | x <- xs ])
      where ppr = pPrintForm bind 1
pPrintQuant :: (Variable -> Doc) -> String -> Set.Set Variable -> Form -> Doc
pPrintQuant bind q vs f
  | Set.null vs = pPrintForm bind 1 f
  | otherwise =
    sep [
      text q <> brackets (sep (punctuate comma (map bind (Set.toList vs)))) <> colon,
      nest 2 (pPrintForm bind 1 f)]

instance Show Kind where
  show Axiom = "axiom"
  show Conjecture = "conjecture"
  show Question = "question"

prettyNames :: Symbolic a => a -> a
prettyNames x0 = mapName replace x
    replace name@Fixed{}  = name
    replace x@Unique{} = Map.findWithDefault (name (base x)) x sub

    sub = globalsScope `Map.union` pretty globalsUsed x

    pretty :: Symbolic a => Set String -> a -> Map Name Name
    pretty used x =
      case typeOf x of
        Bind_ -> bind used x
        _ -> collect (pretty used) x

    bind :: Symbolic a => Set String -> Bind a -> Map Name Name
    bind used (Bind vs x) =
      scope `Map.union` pretty used' x
        (scope, used') = add used (map name (Set.toList vs))

    add used names =
      foldr add1 (Map.empty, used) names

    add1 (Fixed xs) (scope, used) =
      (scope, Set.insert (show xs) used)
    add1 x@(Unique _ base f) (scope, used) =
      (Map.insert x (name winner) scope,
       Set.insert winner (Set.fromList taken `Set.union` used))
        cands = [f base n | n <- [0..]]
        Renaming taken winner =
          head [c | c@(Renaming xs x) <- cands,
                not (or [Set.member y used | y <- x:xs ])]

    globals =
      usort $
        [ f | f ::: _ <- functions x ] ++
        [ ty | Type ty _ _ <- types x ]
    (globalsScope, globalsUsed) = add fixed globals

    fixed = Set.fromList [ show xs | Fixed xs <- names x ]

    x = run x0 uniqueNames