0.9.1 ----- * Fix for tests broken due to [different aeson key ordering](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stackage/issues/5878). 0.9.0 ----- * Support for EdDSA signing algorithms as defined in [RFC 8037](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8037). 0.8.0 ----- * The result of the `Jose.Jwt.decodeClaims` function is now polymorphic so it can be used with any `FromJSON` type. * Only ghc 8 upwards are now supported. * the RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm is now supported. 0.7.8 ----- * Switch from EitherT to ExceptT to allow compiling with latest version of 'either' package. 0.7.7 ----- * User ByteArray and ScrubbedBytes from memory package in preference to ByteString in internal crypto code. 0.7.6 ----- * Fixed exception when JWT contained invalid Base64 (issue #15). * Add generateSymmetricKey utility function to Jwk module. 0.7.5 ----- * A JWT parser is now used to separate parsing and decoding into separate stages (internal change). 0.7.4 ----- * Stricter checking of AES key lengths when looking for a valid JWK to encode/decode an AES-KW JWT. 0.7.3 ----- * Add JSON test data to extra-source-files. 0.7.2 ----- * Remove test dependency on aeson-qq 0.7.1 ----- * Update cryptonite version to 0.19 to avoid security issues * Fix broken benchmark code * Better error message for invalid key length when using AES keywrap 0.7 --- * Add support for AES key wrap in JWEs. * Support A192GCM and A192CBC-HS384 algorithms. * Switch to cryptonite library. 0.6.2 ----- * Remove dependency on `errors` package. 0.6.1 ----- * Minor internal changes to fix build on GHC 7.10. 0.6 --- * Change KeyId type to allow use of a UTCTime string for the identifier. * Internal crypto fixes to prevent exceptions from external libraries. 0.5 --- * Add JwtEncoding type. Changes API of `Jwt.encode` and `Jwt.decode`. 0.4.2 ----- * Fix in the code for finding suitable JWKs for encoding/decoding. ------- * Added `doctest` flag to cabal file to allow doctests to be disabled. 0.4.1 ----- * Add cprng-aes dependency to doctests to stop test failure on travis and nixos hydra builds. 0.4 --- * Changed use of `Jwt` type to represent an encoded JWT. * Introduced `Payload` type to allow setting the `cty` header value correctly for nested JWTs. * Added an explicit `Unsecured` type for a decoded JWT, to make it obvious when the content is not signed or encrypted. * Fixed some bugs in JSON encoding and decoding of EC JWKs. 0.3.1 ----- Changed the signature of `Jwt.encode` to take a list of `Jwk` rather than a single key. The key will be selected from the list based on the specified algorithms. 0.3 --- * New support for JWS validation using elliptic curve algorithms. * Added `Jwt.encode` function which takes a JWK argument, allowing key data (currently the key ID) to be encoded in the token header.