module Data.Geo.Jord.KinematicsSpec ( spec ) where import Data.Geo.Jord import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = describe "kinematics" $ do describe "position" $ do it "computes position at t from p0, bearing and speed" $ do let p0 = latLongHeight (readLatLong "531914N0014347W") (metres 15000) let p1 = decimalLatLongHeight 53.1882691 0.1332741 (metres 15000) let t = Track p0 (decimalDegrees 96.0217) (kilometresPerHour 124.8) position84 t (hours 1) `shouldBe` p1 it "handles poles" $ -- distance between poles assuming a spherical earth (WGS84) = 20015.114352200002km -- track at north pole travelling at 20015.114352200002km/h and true north reaches the -- south pole after 1 hour. do let t = Track (decimalLatLong 90 0) zero (kilometresPerHour 20015.114352200002) position84 t (hours 1) `shouldBe` decimalLatLong (-90) 180.0 it "return p0 if speed is 0" $ do let p0 = latLongHeight (readLatLong "531914N0014347W") (metres 15000) let t = Track p0 (decimalDegrees 96.0217) zero position84 t (hours 1) `shouldBe` p0 it "return p0 if duration is 0" $ do let p0 = latLongHeight (readLatLong "531914N0014347W") (metres 15000) let t = Track p0 (decimalDegrees 96.0217) (kilometresPerHour 124.8) position84 t zero `shouldBe` p0 describe "cpa" $ do it "handles trailing tracks" $ do let p1 = decimalLatLong 20 30 let px = destination84 p1 (decimalDegrees 20) (kilometres 1) let p2 = interpolate p1 px 0.25 let b1 = fromJust (initialBearing p1 px) let b2 = fromJust (initialBearing p2 px) let t1 = Track p1 b1 (knots 400) let t2 = Track p2 b2 (knots 400) let c = cpa84 t1 t2 -- any time is correct but it should be close to zero since that's -- our initial value fmap (\r -> toMilliseconds (cpaTime r) < 5000) c `shouldBe` Just True fmap cpaDistance c `shouldBe` Just (metres 250.0036) it "handles heading tracks" $ do let p1 = decimalLatLong 20 30 let p2 = decimalLatLong 21 31 let b1 = fromJust (initialBearing p1 p2) let b2 = fromJust (initialBearing p2 p1) let t1 = Track p1 b1 (knots 400) let t2 = Track p2 b2 (knots 400) let c = cpa84 t1 t2 -- distance between p1 and p2 = 152.354309 km -- speed = 740.8 km/h -- time = 152.354309 / 740.8 / 2 fmap cpaTime c `shouldBe` Just (milliseconds 370191) fmap cpaDistance c `shouldBe` Just zero it "handles tracks at the same position" $ do let p = decimalLatLong 20 30 let t1 = Track p (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 300) let t2 = Track p (decimalDegrees 135) (knots 500) let c = cpa84 t1 t2 fmap cpaTime c `shouldBe` Just zero fmap cpaDistance c `shouldBe` Just zero it "computes time to CPA, positions and distance at CPA" $ do let p1 = decimalLatLong 20 (-60) let b1 = decimalDegrees 10 let s1 = knots 15 let p2 = decimalLatLong 34 (-50) let b2 = decimalDegrees 220 let s2 = knots 300 let t1 = Track p1 b1 s1 let t2 = Track p2 b2 s2 let c = cpa84 t1 t2 fmap cpaTime c `shouldBe` Just (milliseconds 11396155) fmap cpaDistance c `shouldBe` Just (kilometres 124.2317453) it "returns Nothing if time to CPA is in the past" $ do let t1 = Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400) let t2 = Track (decimalLatLong 30.01 30) (decimalDegrees 315) (knots 400) cpa84 t1 t2 `shouldBe` Nothing describe "intercept" $ do it "returns Nothing if target and interceptor are at the same position" $ intercept84 (Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400)) (decimalLatLong 30 30) `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Nothing if interceptor is on the great circle of target and behind" $ do -- minimum speed would be ideally target speed + epsillon. let ip = decimalLatLong 20 30 let px = destination84 ip (decimalDegrees 20) (kilometres 1) let tp = interpolate ip px 0.25 let b = fromJust (initialBearing tp px) let t = Track tp b (knots 400) intercept84 t ip `shouldBe` Nothing it "handles interceptor on the great circle of target and in front" $ do let tp = decimalLatLong 20 30 let px = destination84 tp (decimalDegrees 20) (kilometres 1) let ip = interpolate tp px 0.25 let b = fromJust (initialBearing tp px) let t = Track tp b (knots 400) let i = intercept84 t ip fmap interceptorSpeed i `shouldBe` Just zero fmap interceptPosition i `shouldBe` Just ip fmap interceptTime i `shouldBe` Just (seconds 1.215) it "returns the minimum speed required for intercept to take place" $ do let t = Track (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) (decimalDegrees 220) (knots 600) let ip = decimalLatLong 20 (-60) let i = intercept84 t ip fmap interceptorSpeed i `shouldBe` Just (knots 52.837096) fmap interceptTime i `shouldBe` Just (seconds 5947.698) let interceptor = Track ip (fromJust (fmap interceptorBearing i)) (fromJust (fmap interceptorSpeed i)) fmap interceptPosition i `shouldBe` Just (position84 interceptor (fromJust (fmap interceptTime i))) describe "interceptBySpeed" $ do it "returns Nothing if target and interceptor are at the same position" $ interceptBySpeed84 (Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400)) (decimalLatLong 30 30) (knots 400) `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Nothing if interceptor speed is below minimum speed" $ do let t = Track (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) (decimalDegrees 220) (knots 600) let ip = decimalLatLong 20 (-60) interceptBySpeed84 t ip (knots 50) `shouldBe` Nothing it "handles interceptor on the great circle of target and behind" $ do let ip = decimalLatLong 20 30 let px = destination84 ip (decimalDegrees 20) (kilometres 1) let tp = interpolate ip px 0.25 let b = fromJust (initialBearing tp px) let t = Track tp b (metresPerSecond 400) let i = interceptBySpeed84 t ip (metresPerSecond 500) fmap interceptTime i `shouldBe` Just (seconds 2.5) it "returns the time needed for intercept to take place" $ do let t = Track (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) (decimalDegrees 220) (knots 600) let ip = decimalLatLong 20 (-60) let i = interceptBySpeed84 t ip (knots 700) fmap interceptTime i `shouldBe` Just (seconds 2764.692) fmap interceptorBearing i `shouldBe` Just (decimalDegrees 25.93541277) fmap interceptDistance i `shouldBe` Just (kilometres 995.5960805999999) describe "interceptByTime" $ do it "returns Nothing if duration is zero" $ interceptByTime84 (Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400)) (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) zero `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Nothing if duration is negative" $ interceptByTime84 (Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400)) (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) (seconds (-1)) `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Nothing if target and interceptor are at the same position" $ interceptByTime84 (Track (decimalLatLong 30 30) (decimalDegrees 45) (knots 400)) (decimalLatLong 30 30) (seconds 10) `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns the speed needed for intercept to take place" $ do let t = Track (decimalLatLong 34 (-50)) (decimalDegrees 220) (knots 600) let ip = decimalLatLong 20 (-60) let d = seconds 2700 let i = interceptByTime84 t ip d fmap interceptorSpeed i `shouldBe` Just (knots 730.959238) fmap interceptorBearing i `shouldBe` Just (decimalDegrees 26.1199030) fmap interceptPosition i `shouldBe` Just (decimalLatLong 28.1366797 (-55.4559475)) fmap interceptDistance i `shouldBe` Just (metres 1015302.3815) fmap interceptTime i `shouldBe` Just (seconds 2700) it "handles the poles" $ do -- distance between poles assuming a spherical earth (WGS84) = 20015.114352200002km -- target at north pole travelling at 500km/h and true north can be intercepted from -- the south pole by an interceptor travelling at ~ 19515.114352200002km/h and 180 degrees. let t = Track (decimalLatLong 90 0) zero (kilometresPerHour 500) let ip = decimalLatLong (-90) 0 let i = interceptByTime84 t ip (seconds 3600) fmap interceptorSpeed i `shouldBe` Just (kilometresPerHour 19515.11434) fmap interceptorBearing i `shouldBe` Just (decimalDegrees 180) it "handles the interceptor being at the intercept position at t" $ do let tp = decimalLatLong 34 (-50) let t = Track tp (decimalDegrees 220) (knots 600) let d = seconds 3600 let ip = position84 t d let i = interceptByTime84 t ip d fmap interceptorSpeed i `shouldBe` Just zero fmap interceptorBearing i `shouldBe` initialBearing ip tp