Name: jobqueue Version: 0.1.2 Synopsis: A job queue library License: MIT License-File: LICENSE Author: Kiyoshi Ikehara Maintainer: kiyoshi.ikehara at Copyright: GREE, Inc. Build-Type: Simple Category: Network, Client Cabal-Version: >=1.8 Description: Haskell JobQueue is a library used for building a job scheduler with priority queues. The state of jobs is stored in a backend database such as Apache Zookeeper or other highly reliable message queue systems. Source-Repository head type: git location: Library Ghc-Options: -Wall Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , mtl > 2.2 , network >= 2.3.2 , hslogger , text , bytestring , containers , split , time , data-default , stm >= 2.4 , hzk >= 2.0.0 , attoparsec , data-default , HDBC , HDBC-sqlite3 , fast-logger , monad-logger , template-haskell , text-format , monad-control , transformers-base , lifted-base Hs-source-dirs: src Exposed-modules: Network.JobQueue , Network.JobQueue.Class , Network.JobQueue.Types , Network.JobQueue.Action , Network.JobQueue.AuxClass , Network.JobQueue.Job , Network.JobQueue.Job.Internal , Network.JobQueue.JobQueue , Network.JobQueue.JobQueue.Internal , Network.JobQueue.Backend , Network.JobQueue.Backend.Class , Network.JobQueue.Backend.Types , Network.JobQueue.Backend.Zookeeper , Network.JobQueue.Backend.Sqlite3 , Network.JobQueue.Logger Other-modules: Network.JobQueue.Backend.Zookeeper.ZookeeperQueue Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable Test-Suite test Ghc-Options: -threaded -O2 Build-depends: base , bytestring , network >= 2.3.2 , directory , QuickCheck == , hspec , async , jobqueue , data-default , stm Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-source-dirs: test Main-is: Main.hs