# jenkinsPlugins2nix ``` Usage: jenkinsPlugins2nix [-r|--dependency-resolution [as-given|latest]] (-p|--plugin PLUGIN_NAME{:PLUGIN_VERSION}) Generate nix expressions for requested Jenkins plugins. Available options: -r,--dependency-resolution [as-given|latest] Dependency resolution (default: latest) -p,--plugin PLUGIN_NAME{:PLUGIN_VERSION} Plugins we should generate nix for. Latest version is used if not specified. -h,--help Show this help text ``` Along with recent nixpkgs, you can then do the following. ``` jenkinsPlugins2nix -p github-api > plugins.nix ``` and in your `configuration.nix`: ``` services.jenkins.plugins = import plugins.nix { inherit (pkgs) fetchurl stdenv; }; ``` ## Version specification Care is taken to preserve versions of plugins explicitly specified by the user, even with the `as-given` resolution strategy. For example, if plugin `A` has a dependency `B:0.2` in its manifest file and we specify: ``` jenkinsPlugins2nix -r latest -p A:0.7 -p B:0.1 ``` We will end up with `A:0.7` and `B:0.1`. This also applies when no explicit version is provided which is equivalent to asking for the latest one. In case we only ask for `A`, the version of `B` will depend on `--resolution-strategy`.