{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, GADTs, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes,
             StandaloneDeriving #-}

{- |
   Module      : System.JBI.Commands
   Description : Running a specific build tool
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : MIT
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

module System.JBI.Commands
  ( WrappedTool (..)
  , Valid
  , toolName
  , toolInformation
  , checkValidity
  , alreadyUsed
  , infoProjectDir
    -- * Commands
  , prepare
  , targets
  , build
  , repl
  , clean
  , test
  , bench
  , exec
  , run
  , update
  ) where

import System.JBI.Commands.BuildTool
import System.JBI.Commands.Tool
import System.JBI.Environment
import System.JBI.Tagged

import Control.Monad    (forM)
import Data.Aeson       (ToJSON(toJSON))
import Data.Function    (on)
import Data.Proxy       (Proxy(..))
import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory)
import System.Exit      (ExitCode(ExitSuccess), die)


data WrappedTool proxy where
  Wrapped :: (NamedTool bt) => proxy bt -> WrappedTool proxy

-- | Not made polymorphic as there might be extra data contained
--   within.
instance Eq (WrappedTool Proxy) where
  (==) = (==) `on` toolName

-- | Not really a valid instance as it doesn't produce Haskell code.
instance Show (WrappedTool Proxy) where
  show = toolName

deriving instance Show (WrappedTool ToolInformation)
deriving instance Show (WrappedTool Valid)

instance ToJSON (WrappedTool ToolInformation) where
  toJSON = withWrapped toJSON

withWrapped :: (forall bt. (NamedTool bt) => proxy bt -> res)
               -> WrappedTool proxy -> res
withWrapped f (Wrapped bt) = f bt

toolName :: WrappedTool proxy -> String
toolName = withWrapped prettyName

toolInformation :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool proxy -> IO (WrappedTool ToolInformation)
toolInformation env (Wrapped pr) = Wrapped <$> commandToolInformation env pr


data Valid bt = Valid
  { command      :: !(Installed bt)
  , projectDir   :: !(Tagged bt ProjectRoot)
  , hasArtifacts :: !Bool
    -- ^ Only to be used with 'ensurePrepared', 'prepare', 'unprepared'.
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

alreadyUsed :: WrappedTool Valid -> Bool
alreadyUsed = withWrapped hasArtifacts

infoProjectDir :: WrappedTool Valid -> ProjectRoot
infoProjectDir = withWrapped (stripTag . projectDir)

-- This is pretty ugly; one way to clean it up would be to use MaybeT.
checkValidity :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool proxy -> IO (Maybe (WrappedTool Valid))
checkValidity env (Wrapped p) = fmap Wrapped <$> check p
    check :: (BuildTool bt) => proxy' bt -> IO (Maybe (Valid bt))
    check _ = do
      mInst <- commandInformation
      case mInst of
        Nothing   -> return Nothing
        Just inst -> do
          usbl <- canUseCommand env inst
          if not usbl
             then return Nothing
             else do mroot <- commandProjectRoot (path inst)
                     forM mroot $ \root ->
                       Valid inst root <$> hasBuildArtifacts root

runInProject :: (forall bt. (BuildTool bt) => Tagged bt CommandPath -> IO res)
                -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO res
runInProject f (Wrapped val) = withCurrentDirectory (stripTag (projectDir val))
                                                    (f (path (command val)))

prepareWrapped :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO (WrappedTool Valid)
prepareWrapped env wt@(Wrapped val) = do
  ec <- runInProject (commandPrepare env) wt
  case ec of
    ExitSuccess -> do
      hasArt <- canUseCommand env (command val)
      if hasArt
         then return (Wrapped (val { hasArtifacts = True }))
         else die "Preparation failed"
    _           -> die "Could not prepare"

runPrepared :: (forall bt. (BuildTool bt) => GlobalEnv -> Tagged bt CommandPath -> IO res)
               -> GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO res
runPrepared f env wv = do
  wv' <- if not (alreadyUsed wv)
            then prepareWrapped env wv
            else return wv
  runInProject (f env) wv'

-- This mimics the actual command-level portion of BuildTool

prepare :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
prepare env wv = prepareWrapped env wv >> return ExitSuccess
-- Explicitly prepare.

targets :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO [ProjectTarget]
targets = runPrepared (const (fmap stripTags . commandTargets))

build :: Maybe ProjectTarget -> GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
build targ = runPrepared (\env cp -> commandBuild env cp (tagInner (tag targ)))

repl :: Maybe ProjectTarget -> GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
repl targ = runPrepared (\env cp -> commandRepl env cp (tagInner (tag targ)))

clean :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
clean = runPrepared commandClean

test :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
test = runPrepared commandTest

bench :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
bench = runPrepared commandBench

exec :: String -> Args -> GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
exec cmd args = runPrepared (\env cp -> commandExec env cp cmd args)

run :: ProjectTarget -> Args -> GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
run targ args = runPrepared (\env cp -> commandRun env cp (tag targ) args)

update :: GlobalEnv -> WrappedTool Valid -> IO ExitCode
update = runPrepared commandUpdate