{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import A (Mode (..)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import qualified Data.Version as V import File import Options.Applicative (HasCompleter, Mod, Parser, argument, bashCompleter, command, completer, execParser, fullDesc, header, help, helper, hsubparser, info, infoOption, long, many, metavar, option, optional, progDesc, short, str, strOption, switch) import Parser (Value) import qualified Paths_jacinda as P import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) import System.IO (stdout) data Cmd = TC !FilePath ![FilePath] | Run !FilePath !(Maybe T.Text) !(Maybe T.Text) !(Maybe FilePath) ![FilePath] ![(T.Text, Value)] Bool | Expr !T.Text !(Maybe FilePath) !(Maybe T.Text) !Bool !Bool !Bool !(Maybe T.Text) ![FilePath] Bool | Eval !T.Text | Install kv :: T.Text -> (T.Text, Value) kv inp = case T.splitOn "=" inp of [k,v] -> (k, v) _ -> error "Values specified on the command-line must be of the form -Dvar=value" defVar :: Parser [(T.Text, Value)] defVar = many $ fmap kv (option str (short 'D' <> metavar "VALUE" <> help "Pass a value on the command-line")) j'File :: Parser FilePath j'File = argument str (metavar "JACFILE" <> help "Source code" <> jacCompletions) begin, csv, asv, usv :: Parser Bool csv = switch (long "csv" <> help "Process as CSV") asv = switch (long "asv" <> help "Process as ASV") usv = switch (long "usv" <> short 'u' <> help "Process as USV") begin = switch (long "header" <> short 'b' <> help "Include match in record") jacRs, jacFs :: Parser (Maybe T.Text) jacRs = optional $ option str (short 'R' <> metavar "REGEXP" <> help "Record separator") jacFs = optional $ option str (short 'F' <> metavar "REGEXP" <> help "Field separator") jacExpr :: Parser T.Text jacExpr = argument str (metavar "EXPR" <> help "Jacinda expression") inpFile :: Parser (Maybe FilePath) inpFile = optional $ option str (short 'i' <> metavar "DATAFILE" <> help "Data file") jacCompletions, dirCompletions :: HasCompleter f => Mod f a jacCompletions = completer . bashCompleter $ "file -X '!*.jac' -o plusdirs" dirCompletions = completer . bashCompleter $ "directory" commandP :: Parser Cmd commandP = hsubparser (command "tc" (info tcP (progDesc "Type-check file")) <> command "e" (info eP (progDesc "Evaluate an expression (no file context)")) <> command "run" (info runP (progDesc "Run from file")) <> command "install-dir" (info (pure Install) (progDesc "Show directory for bundled libraries"))) <|> exprP where tcP = TC <$> j'File <*> incls; eP = Eval <$> jacExpr runP = Run <$> j'File <*> jacFs <*> jacRs <*> inpFile <*> incls <*> defVar <*> begin exprP = Expr <$> jacExpr <*> inpFile <*> jacFs <*> asv <*> usv <*> csv <*> jacRs <*> incls <*> begin incls :: Parser [FilePath] incls = many $ strOption (metavar "DIR" <> long "include" <> short 'I' <> dirCompletions) wrapper = info (helper <*> versionMod <*> commandP) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Jacinda language for functional stream processing, filtering, and reports" <> header "Jacinda - a functional complement to AWK") versionMod :: Parser (a -> a) versionMod = infoOption (V.showVersion P.version) (short 'V' <> long "version" <> help "Show version") main :: IO () main = run =<< execParser wrapper ap :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Bool -> Mode ap True True _ _ _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--asv and --usv both specified." ap True _ True _ _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--asv and --csv both specified." ap _ True True _ _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--usv and --csv both specified." ap _ True _ Just{} _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--usv and field separator both speficied." ap _ True _ _ Just{} = errorWithoutStackTrace "--usv and record separator both speficied." ap True _ _ Just{} _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--asv and field separator both speficied." ap True _ _ _ Just{} = errorWithoutStackTrace "--asv and record separator both speficied." ap _ _ True Just{} _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "--csv and field separator both speficied." ap _ _ True _ Just{} = errorWithoutStackTrace "--csv and record separator both speficied." ap _ _ True Nothing Nothing = const CSV ap True _ _ Nothing Nothing = AWK (Just "\\x1f") (Just "\\x1e") ap _ True _ Nothing Nothing = AWK (Just "␟") (Just "␞") ap _ _ _ fs rs = AWK fs rs run :: Cmd -> IO () run (TC fp is) = tcIO is fp =<< TIO.readFile fp run (Run fp fs rs Nothing is vs h) = do { contents <- TIO.readFile fp ; runStdin is (Just fp) contents vs (AWK fs rs h) } run (Run fp fs rs (Just dat) is vs h) = do { contents <- TIO.readFile fp ; runOnFile is (Just fp) contents vs (AWK fs rs h) dat stdout } run (Expr eb f fs a u c rs is h) = case f of Nothing -> runStdin is Nothing eb [] (m h) Just fp -> runOnFile is Nothing eb [] (m h) fp stdout where m = ap a u c fs rs run (Eval e) = print (exprEval e) run Install = putStrLn =<< getDataDir getDataDir = do cabal <- P.getDataDir b <- doesDirectoryExist cabal pure $ if b then cabal else "/usr/local/share/jac"