> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} > module Ivor.State where > import Ivor.TTCore > import Ivor.Nobby > import Ivor.Gadgets > import Ivor.Typecheck > import Ivor.Datatype > import Ivor.MakeData > import Ivor.ICompile > import Ivor.Grouper > import Ivor.SC > import Ivor.Bytecode > import Ivor.CodegenC > import Ivor.Tactics as Tactics > import Ivor.Display > import Ivor.Unify > import System.Environment > import Data.List > import Debug.Trace State of the system, include all definitions, pattern matching rules, compiled terms, etc. > data IState = ISt { > -- All definitions > defs :: !(Gamma Name), > -- All datatype definitions > datadefs :: [(Name,Datatype Name)], > -- All elimination rules in their pattern matching form > -- (with type) > eliminators :: [(Name, (Indexed Name, > ([RawScheme], PMFun Name)))], > -- List of holes to be solved in proof state > holequeue :: ![Name], > -- Premises we're not interested in, so don't show > hidden :: [Name], > -- Current proof term (FIXME: Combine with holequeue, and make it efficient) > proofstate :: !(Maybe (Indexed Name)), > -- Actions required of last tactic > actions :: ![TacticAction], > -- List of fresh names for tactics to use > namesupply :: [Name], > -- Output from last operation > response :: String, > -- Previous state > undoState :: !(Maybe IState) > } > initstate = ISt (emptyGam) [] [] [] [] Nothing [] mknames "" Nothing > where mknames = [MN ("myName",x) | x <- [1..]] > respond :: IState -> String -> IState > respond st str = st { response = (response st) ++ str } > gensym :: IState -> (Name, IState) > gensym st = (head (namesupply st), > st { namesupply = tail (namesupply st) }) > jumpqueue hole q = nub (hole: (q \\ [hole])) > stail (x:xs) = xs > stail [] = [] > prf st = case (proofstate st) of > Nothing -> error "Can't happen" > (Just x) -> x > saveState st = let st' = st in > st { undoState = Just st' } Take a data type definition and add constructors and elim rule to the context. > doData :: Monad m => Bool -> IState -> Name -> RawDatatype -> m IState > doData elim st n r = do > let ctxt = defs st > dt <- if elim then checkType (defs st) r -- Make iota schemes > else checkTypeNoElim (defs st) r > ctxt <- gInsert (fst (tycon dt)) (snd (tycon dt)) ctxt > -- let ctxt' = (tycon dt):ctxt > ctxt <- addCons (datacons dt) ctxt > case e_ischemes dt of > Just eischemes -> > -- We've done elim rules > do let (Just cischemes) = c_ischemes dt > ctxt <- > addElim ctxt (erule dt) eischemes > newdefs <- > addElim ctxt (crule dt) cischemes > let newelims = (fst (erule dt), (snd (erule dt), > (e_rawschemes dt, eischemes))): > (fst (crule dt), (snd (crule dt), > (c_rawschemes dt, cischemes))): > eliminators st > let newdatadefs = (n,dt):(datadefs st) > return $ st { defs = newdefs, datadefs = newdatadefs, > eliminators = newelims > } > Nothing -> -- no elim rules > return $ st { defs = ctxt, > datadefs = (n,dt):(datadefs st) } > where addCons [] ctxt = return ctxt > addCons ((n,gl):xs) ctxt = do > ctxt <- addCons xs ctxt > gInsert n gl ctxt > addElim ctxt erule schemes = do > newdefs <- gInsert (fst erule) > (G (PatternDef schemes True) (snd erule) defplicit) > ctxt > return newdefs > doMkData :: Monad m => Bool -> IState -> Datadecl -> m IState > doMkData elim st (Datadecl n ps rawty cs) > = do (gty,_) <- checkIndices (defs st) ps [] rawty > let ty = forget (normalise (defs st) gty) > -- TMP HACK: Do it twice, to fill in _ placeholders. > rd1 <- mkRawData n ps ty cs > dt1 <- checkTypeNoElim (defs st) rd1 > let csfilled = map (forgetcon (length ps)) (datacons dt1) > rd <- mkRawData n ps ty csfilled > doData elim st n rd > where checkIndices gam [] env rawty = check gam env rawty Nothing > checkIndices gam ((n,nrawty):xs) env rawty = do > (Ind nty,_) <- check gam env nrawty Nothing > checkIndices gam xs (env++[(n,B Pi nty)]) rawty > -- also need to strip parameters > forgetcon numps (n, (G _ (Ind t) _)) = (n, (stripps numps (forget t))) > stripps 0 t = t > stripps n (RBind _ _ sc) = stripps (n-1) sc > suspendProof :: Monad m => IState -> m IState > suspendProof st = do case proofstate st of > (Just prf) -> do > let olddefs = defs st > newdef <- suspendFrom (defs st) prf (holequeue st) > return $ st { proofstate = Nothing, > defs = extend olddefs newdef, > holequeue = [] > } > _ -> fail "No proof in progress" > suspendFrom gam (Ind (Bind x (B (Guess v) ty) (Sc (P n)))) q | n == x = > return $ (x, G (Partial (Ind v) q) (finalise (Ind ty)) defplicit) > suspendFrom _ _ _ = fail "Not a suspendable proof" > resumeProof :: Monad m => IState -> Name -> m IState > resumeProof st n = case (proofstate st) of > Nothing -> > case glookup n (defs st) of > Just ((Partial (Ind v) q),(Ind ty)) -> do > -- recheck in case any of the names have changed 'status' > -- (e.g., from undefined to defined type constructors) > let vraw = forget v > let traw = forget ty > (Ind vrecheck, _) <- typecheck (defs st) vraw > (Ind trecheck, _) <- typecheck (defs st) traw > return $ st > { proofstate = Just > (Ind (Bind n (B (Guess (makePs vrecheck)) > (makePs trecheck)) > (Sc (P n)))), > defs = remove n (defs st), > holequeue = q > } > _ -> fail "Not a suspended proof" > (Just _) -> fail "Already a proof in progress" And an argument to the current proof (after any dependencies) e.g. adding z:C x to foo : (x:A)(y:B)Z = [x:A][y:B]H becomes foo : (x:A)(z:C x)(y:B) = [x:A][z:C x][y:B]H. > addArg :: Monad m => IState -> Name -> TT Name -> m IState > addArg st n ty = > case proofstate st of > Just (Ind (Bind n (B (Guess v) t) sc)) -> do > (v',t') <- addArgTy v t (getDeps ty) > return $ st { proofstate = Just (Ind (Bind n (B (Guess v') t') sc)) } > _ -> fail "Can't add argument now" > where > getDeps ty = filter (nonfree (defs st)) (getNames (Sc ty)) > nonfree gam n | Nothing <- lookupval n gam = True > | otherwise = False > addArgTy v t [] = return (Bind n (B Lambda ty) (Sc v), > Bind n (B Pi ty) (Sc t)) > addArgTy (Bind n (B Lambda nty) (Sc v)) > (Bind n' (B Pi nty') (Sc t)) ds > | n == n' = do (v',t') <- addArgTy v t (ds \\ [n]) > return (Bind n (B Lambda nty) (Sc v'), > Bind n (B Pi nty) (Sc t')) > addArgTy _ _ _ = fail "Can't add argument here" > dumpState :: IState -> String > dumpState st = dumpProofstate (proofstate st) > where dumpProofstate Nothing = "" > dumpProofstate (Just p) = dhole p (holequeue st) > > dhole p [] = show p > dhole p (n:ns) = displayHoleContext (defs st) (hidden st) n p ++ > "Next holes: " ++ show ns++"\n"