> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} > module Ivor.Typecheck(typecheck, tcClaim, > check, checkAndBind, checkAndBindWith, checkAndBindPair, > convert, > checkConv, checkConvEnv, pToV, pToV2, > verify, Gamma) where > import Ivor.TTCore > import Ivor.Gadgets > import Ivor.Nobby > import Ivor.Unify > import Ivor.Constant > import Ivor.Errors > import Ivor.Evaluator > import Ivor.Values > import Ivor.Overloading > import Control.Monad.State > import Data.List > import Debug.Trace Conversion in the presence of staging is a bit more than simply syntactic equality on values, since it is possible values contain quoted code which code be run later. So we say {'x} =~ {'y] iff x =~ y. Otherwise it's syntactic. > convert :: Gamma Name -> Indexed Name -> Indexed Name -> Bool > convert g x y = convertEnv [] g x y > convertEnv env g x y > = (convNormaliseEnv env g x) == (convNormaliseEnv env g y) > -- conv (Stage (Quote x)) (Stage (Quote y)) = convertEnv env g x y > -- need to actually reduce inside quotes to do conversion check convert g x y = trace ((show (normalise g x)) ++ " & " ++ (show (normalise g y))) $ (normalise g x)==(normalise g y) > checkConv :: Gamma Name -> Indexed Name -> Indexed Name -> IError -> IvorM () > checkConv g x y err = if convert g x y then return () > else ifail err > checkConvEnv :: Env Name -> Gamma Name -> Indexed Name -> Indexed Name -> > IError -> IvorM () > checkConvEnv env g x y err = if convertEnv env g x y then return () > else ifail err ***** SORT OUT TOP LEVEL TYPECHECKING FUNCTIONS DEFINE THE INTERFACE CLEARLY These are: check, checkAndBind, checkAndBindPair. All should work by generating constraints and solving them, differing only in when the constraints get solved. so.... 1. Generate constraints 2. Unify, checking for conversion and creating a substitution 3. Substitute into term and type ***** Top level typechecking function - takes a context and a raw term, returning a pair of a term and its type > typecheck :: Gamma Name -> Raw -> IvorM (Indexed Name,Indexed Name) > typecheck gamma term = do t <- check gamma [] term Nothing > return t > typecheckAndBind :: Gamma Name -> Raw -> > IvorM (Indexed Name,Indexed Name, Env Name) > typecheckAndBind gamma term = checkAndBind gamma [] term Nothing Check a term, and return well typed terms with explicit names (i.e. no de Bruijn indices) > tcClaim :: Gamma Name -> Raw -> IvorM (Indexed Name,Indexed Name) > tcClaim gamma term = do (Ind t, Ind v) <- check gamma [] term Nothing > {-trace (show t) $-} > return (Ind (makePs t), Ind (makePs v)) Check takes a global context, a local context, the term to check and its expected type, if known, and returns a pair of a term and its type. > type CheckState = > (Level, -- Level number > Bool, -- Inferring types of names (if true) > Env Name, -- Extra bindings, if above is true > -- conversion constraints; remember the environment at the time we tried > -- also the context of where the constraint came from > [(Env Name, Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Maybe FileContext)], > -- Metavariables we've introduce to define later > [Name], > Maybe FileContext) > type Level = Int > data FileContext = FC FilePath Int > deriving (Show, Eq) > errCtxt :: Maybe FileContext -> IError -> IError > errCtxt (Just (FC f l)) err = IContext (f ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":") err > errCtxt _ err = err > errCtxtCS :: CheckState -> IError -> IError > errCtxtCS (_,_,_,_,_,fc) err = errCtxt fc err Finishes up type checking by making a substitution from all the conversion constraints and applying it to the term and type. > doConversion :: Raw -> Gamma Name -> > [(Env Name, Indexed Name, Indexed Name,Maybe FileContext)] -> > Indexed Name -> Indexed Name -> > IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name) > doConversion raw gam constraints (Ind tm) (Ind ty) = > -- trace ("Finishing checking " ++ show tm ++ " with " ++ show (length constraints) ++ " equations\n" ++ showeqn (map (\x -> (True,x)) constraints)) $ > -- Unify twice; first time collect the substitutions, second > -- time do them. Because we don't know what order we can solve > -- constraints in and they might depend on each other... > do let cs = nub constraints > (subst, nms) <- mkSubst $ (map (\x -> (True,x)) cs) ++ > (map (\x -> (False,x)) cs) > let tm' = papp subst tm > let ty' = papp subst ty > return (Ind tm',Ind ty') Handy to pass through all the variables, for tracing purposes when debugging. > where mkSubst xs = mkSubst' (P,[]) xs xs > mkSubst' acc [] all = return acc > mkSubst' acc (q:xs) all > = do acc' <- mkSubstQ acc q all > mkSubst' acc' xs all > > eqn (ok, (env, x, y, fc)) = if ok then (x,y,fc) else (x,y,Nothing) > showeqn all = concat $ map ((++"\n").show.eqn) all > mkSubstQ (s',nms) (ok, (env,Ind x,Ind y,fc)) all > = do -- (s',nms) <- mkSubst xs > let x' = papp s' x > let y' = papp s' y > let (Ind y'') = -- trace ("Unifying with " ++ show x' ++ " and " ++ show (papp s' y) ++ "[" ++ show (x,y) ++ "]") $ > eval_nf gam (Ind (papp s' y)) > uns <- case unifyenvErr ok gam env (Ind y') (Ind x') of > Right uns -> return uns > Left err -> -- trace (showeqn all) $ > case unifyenvErr ok gam env (Ind y'') (Ind x') of > Right uns -> return uns > Left err -> ifail (errCtxt fc (ICantUnify (Ind y') (Ind x'))) Failure err -> fail $ err ++"\n" ++ show nms ++"\n" ++ show constraints -- $ -} ++ " Can't convert "++show x'++" and "++show y' ++ "\n" ++ show constraints ++ "\n" ++ show nms > extend s' nms uns > extend phi nms [] = return (phi, nms) > extend phi nms ((n,tm):uns) > = extend ((scomp $! (delta n tm)) $! phi) ((n,tm):nms) uns > scomp :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst > scomp s2 s1 tn = papp s2 (s1 tn) > delta n ty n' | n == n' = ty > | otherwise = P n' > convertAllEnv :: Gamma Name -> > [(Env Name, Indexed Name, Indexed Name,Maybe FileContext)] -> > Env Name -> IvorM (Env Name) > convertAllEnv gam constraints [] = return [] > convertAllEnv gam constraints ((n,B b t):xs) > = do (Ind t', _) <- doConversion RStar gam constraints (Ind t) (Ind Star) > xs' <- convertAllEnv gam constraints xs > return ((n,B b t'):xs') > check :: Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Raw -> Maybe (Indexed Name) -> > IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name) > check gam env tm mty = do > ((tm', ty'), (_,_,_,convs,_,_)) <- lvlcheck 0 False 0 gam env tm mty > tm'' <- doConversion tm gam convs tm' ty' > return tm'' > checkAndBind :: Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Raw -> > Maybe (Indexed Name) -> > IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Env Name) > checkAndBind gam env tm mty = do > ((v,t), (next,inf,e,convs,_,_)) <- lvlcheck 0 True 0 gam env tm mty > e <- convertAllEnv gam convs e > (v'@(Ind vtm),t') <- doConversion tm gam convs v t -- (normalise gam t1') > return (v',t',e) Check a pattern and an intermediate computation together > checkAndBindWith :: Gamma Name -> Raw -> Raw -> Name -> > IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Env Name) > checkAndBindWith gam tm1 tm2 root = do > ((v1,t1), (next, inf, e, bs,_,_)) <- lvlcheck 0 True 0 gam [] tm1 Nothing > -- rename all the 'inferred' things to another generated name, > -- so that they actually get properly checked on the rhs > let realNames = mkNames next > -- The environment will need the conversions applying, to fill in any implicit > -- variables in the pattern > e <- convertAllEnv gam bs e > e' <- renameB gam realNames (renameBinders e) > (v1, t1) <- doConversion tm1 gam bs v1 t1 > (v1', t1') <- fixupGam gam realNames (v1, t1) > (v1''@(Ind vtm),t1'') <- doConversion tm1 gam bs v1' t1' -- (normalise gam t1') > -- Drop names out of e' that don't appear in v1'' as a result of the > -- unification. > let namesbound = getNames (Sc vtm) > let ein = orderEnv (filter (\ (n, ty) -> n `elem` namesbound) e') > ((v2,t2), (_, _, e'', bs',metas,_)) <- lvlcheck 0 inf next gam ein tm2 Nothing > (v2',t2') <- doConversion tm2 gam bs' v2 t2 -- (normalise gam t2) > let retEnv = reverse (ein ++ e'') > if (null metas) > then return (v1',t1',v2',t2',retEnv) > else fail "Can't have metavariables here" > where mkNames 0 = [] > mkNames n > = ([],Ind (P (MN ("INFER",n-1))), > Ind (P (MN ("T",n-1))), "renaming"):(mkNames (n-1)) > renameBinders [] = [] > renameBinders (((MN ("INFER",n)),b):bs) > = ((MN ("T",n),b):(renameBinders bs)) > renameBinders (b:bs) = b:renameBinders bs Check two things together, with the same environment and variable inference, and with the same expected type. We need this for checking pattern clauses... Return a list of the functions we need to define to complete the definition. > checkAndBindPair :: Gamma Name -> Raw -> Raw -> > IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name, > Indexed Name, Indexed Name, Env Name, > [(Name, Indexed Name)]) > checkAndBindPair gam tm1 tm2 = do > ((v1,t1), (next, inf, e, bs,_,_)) <- lvlcheck 0 True 0 gam [] tm1 Nothing > -- rename all the 'inferred' things to another generated name, > -- so that they actually get properly checked on the rhs > let realNames = mkNames next > -- The environment will need the conversions applying, to fill in any implicit > -- variables in the pattern > e <- convertAllEnv gam bs e > e' <- renameB gam realNames (renameBinders e) > (v1, t1) <- doConversion tm1 gam bs v1 t1 > (v1'@(Ind lhsret), t1') <- fixupGam gam realNames (v1, t1) > (v1''@(Ind vtm),t1'') <- doConversion tm1 gam bs v1' t1' -- (normalise gam t1') > -- Drop names out of e' that don't appear in v1'' as a result of the > -- unification. > let namesbound = getNames (Sc vtm) > let ein = orderEnv (filter (\ (n, ty) -> n `elem` namesbound) e') > ((v2,t2), (_, _, e'', bs',metas,_)) <- {- trace ("Checking " ++ show tm2 ++ " has type " ++ show t1') $ -} lvlcheck 0 inf next gam ein tm2 (Just t1') > (v2'@(Ind rhsret),t2') <- doConversion tm2 gam bs' v2 t2 -- (normalise gam t2) > let retEnv = reverse (ein ++ e'') > if (null metas) > then return (Ind (forced gam lhsret),t1',Ind (forced gam rhsret),t2',retEnv, []) > else do let (Ind v2tt) = v2' > let (v2'', newdefs) = updateMetas v2tt > return (Ind (forced gam lhsret),t1',Ind (forced gam v2''),t2',retEnv, map (\ (x,y) -> (x, (normalise gam (Ind y)))) newdefs) if (null newdefs) then else trace (traceConstraints bs') $ return (v1',t1',Ind v2'',t2',e'', map (\ (x,y) -> (x, Ind y)) newdefs) > where mkNames 0 = [] > mkNames n > = ([],Ind (P (MN ("INFER",n-1))), > Ind (P (MN ("T",n-1))), IMessage "renaming"):(mkNames (n-1)) > renameBinders [] = [] > renameBinders (((MN ("INFER",n)),b):bs) > = ((MN ("T",n),b):(renameBinders bs)) > renameBinders (b:bs) = b:renameBinders bs We need to order environments so that names used later are bound first. *sigh*. This is turning into an almighty hack... I'm not convinced an ordinary sort will do all the comparisons we need. Still, it's O(n^3) but n is unlikely ever to be very big. Let's rethink this if it proves a bottleneck. > orderEnv [] = [] > orderEnv (x:xs) = insertEnv x (orderEnv xs) > insertEnv x [] = [x] Insert here if the name at x does not appear later in any type. > insertEnv x (y:ys) = if (appearsIn x (y:ys)) > then y:(insertEnv x ys) > else x:y:ys if (all (\e -> envLT x e) (y:ys)) then y:(insertEnv x ys) else x:y:ys > where > appearsIn (n,_) env = any (n_in n) env > n_in n (n2, B _ t) = n `elem` (getNames (Sc t)) envLT (n1,B _ t1) (n2,B _ t2) | n2 `elem` (getNames (Sc t1)) = False | otherwise = True -- not (n1 `elem` (getNames (Sc t2))) > traceConstraints [] = "" > traceConstraints ((_,x,y,_):xs) = show (x,y) ++ "\n" ++ traceConstraints xs > inferName n = (MN ("INFER", n)) > lvlcheck :: Level -> Bool -> Int -> > Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Raw -> > Maybe (Indexed Name) -> > IvorM ((Indexed Name, Indexed Name), CheckState) > lvlcheck lvl infer next gamma env tm exp > = -- let tms = getTerms tm in > runStateT (tcfixupTop env lvl tm exp) (next, infer, [], [], [], Nothing) > where Do the typechecking, then unify all the inferred terms. > tcfixupTop env lvl t exp = do > tm@(Ind tmval,tmty) <- tc env lvl t exp > (next, infer, bindings, errs ,mvs, fc) <- get > -- First, insert inferred values into the term > tm'@(_, tmty') <- fixup errs tm > -- Then check the resulting type matches the expected type. > if infer then (case exp of > Nothing -> return () > Just expty -> checkConvSt env gamma tmty' expty ) > else return () > -- Then fill in any remained inferred values we got by knowing the > -- expected type > (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > tm@(Ind tmval, tmty) <- fixup errs tm > -- bindings <- fixupB gamma errs bindings > put (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) > -- return (Ind (forced gamma tmval), tmty) > return tm > tcfixup env lvl t exp = do > tm@(_,tmty) <- tc env lvl t exp > -- case exp of > -- Nothing -> return () > -- Just expt -> checkConvSt env gamma expt tmty "Type error" > (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > tm' <- fixup errs tm > bindings <- (fixupB gamma errs) $! bindings > put (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) > return tm' tc has state threaded through -- state is a tuple of the next name to generate, the stage we're at, and a list of conversion errors (which will later be unified). Needs an explicit type to help out ghc's typechecker... > tc :: Env Name -> Level -> Raw -> Maybe (Indexed Name) -> > StateT CheckState IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name) > tc env lvl (Var n) exp = do > (rv, rt) <- mkTT (lookupi n env 0) (glookup n gamma) > case exp of > Nothing -> return (rv,rt) > Just expt -> do checkConvSt env gamma rt expt > return (rv,rt) > where mkTT (Just (i, B _ t)) _ = return (Ind (P n), Ind t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((Fun _ _),t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((Partial _ _),t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((PatternDef _ _ _ _),t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just (Unreducible,t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just (Undefined,t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((ElimRule _),t)) = return (Ind (Elim n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((PrimOp _ _),t)) = return (Ind (P n), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((DCon tag i _),t)) = return (Ind (Con tag n i), t) > mkTT Nothing (Just ((TCon i _),t)) = return (Ind (TyCon n i), t) > mkTT Nothing Nothing = defaultResult > lookupi x [] _ = Nothing > lookupi x ((n,t):xs) i | x == n = Just (i,t) > lookupi x (_:xs) i = lookupi x xs (i+1) > defaultResult = do > (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > case lookup n bindings of > Nothing -> > if infer then case exp of > Nothing -> lift $ ifail (errCtxt fc (INoSuchVar n)) > Just (Ind t) -> do put (next, infer, (n, B Pi t):bindings, errs, mvs, fc) > return (Ind (P n), Ind t) > else lift $ ifail (errCtxt fc (INoSuchVar n)) > Just (B Pi t) -> return (Ind (P n), Ind t) > tc env lvl (ROpts ns) Nothing = fail $ "Need a type for overloaded names" > tc env lvl (ROpts ns) (Just exp) = fail $ "Overloading not implemented (" ++ show ns ++ " : " ++ show exp ++ ")" > tc env lvl (RApp f a) exp = do > (Ind fv, Ind ft) <- tcfixup env lvl f Nothing > let fnfng = normaliseEnv env emptyGam (Ind ft) > let fnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind ft) > (rv, rt) <- > case (fnfng,fnf) of > ((Ind (Bind _ (B Pi s) (Sc t))),_) -> do > (Ind av,Ind at) <- tcfixup env lvl a (Just (Ind s)) > let sty = (normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind s)) > let tt = (Bind (MN ("x",0)) (B (Let av) at) (Sc t)) > let tmty = (normaliseEnv env emptyGam (Ind tt)) > checkConvSt env gamma (Ind at) sty > return (Ind (App fv av), tmty) > (_, (Ind (Bind _ (B Pi s) (Sc t)))) -> do > (Ind av,Ind at) <- tcfixup env lvl a (Just (Ind s)) > checkConvSt env gamma (Ind at) (Ind s) > let tt = (Bind (MN ("x",0)) (B (Let av) at) (Sc t)) > let tt' = (normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt)) > return (Ind (App fv av), (normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt))) > _ -> fail $ "Cannot apply a non function type " ++ show ft ++ " to " ++ show a > -- return (rv,rt) > case exp of > Nothing -> return (rv,rt) > Just expt -> -- trace ("Checking " ++ show (rv, rt, expt)) $ > do checkConvSt env gamma rt expt > return (rv,rt) > tc env lvl (RConst x) _ = lift $ tcConst x > tc env lvl RStar _ = return (Ind Star, Ind Star) > tc env lvl (RFileLoc f l t) exp = > do (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, Just (FC f l)) > tc env lvl t exp Pattern bindings are a special case since they may bind several names, and we don't convert names to de Bruijn indices > tc env lvl (RBind n (B (Pattern p) ty) sc) exp = do > (gb, env) <- checkpatt gamma env lvl n p ty > let scexp = case exp of > Nothing -> Nothing > (Just (Ind (Bind sn sb (Sc st)))) -> Just $ > normaliseEnv ((sn,sb):env) gamma (Ind st) > (Ind scv, Ind sct) <- tcfixup ((n,gb):env) lvl sc scexp > discharge gamma n gb (Sc scv) (Sc sct) > tc env lvl (RBind n b sc) exp = do > gb <- checkbinder gamma env lvl n b > let scexp = case exp of > Nothing -> Nothing > (Just (Ind (Bind sn sb (Sc st)))) -> Just $ > normaliseEnv ((sn,sb):env) gamma (Ind st) > _ -> fail (show exp) > (Ind scv, Ind sct) <- tcfixup ((n,gb):env) lvl sc Nothing -- scexp > --discharge gamma n gb (Sc scv) (Sc sct) > discharge gamma n gb (pToV n scv) (pToV n sct) > tc env lvl l@(RLabel t comp) _ = do > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> do compv <- checkComp env lvl comp > return (Ind (Label tv compv), Ind Star) > _ -> fail $ "Type of label " ++ show l ++ " must be *" > tc env lvl (RCall comp t) _ = do > compv <- checkComp env lvl comp > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind (Label t comp)) -> return (Ind (Call compv tv), Ind t) > _ -> fail $ "Type of call must be a label" > tc env lvl (RReturn t) (Just exp) = do > let expnf = normaliseEnv env gamma exp > case expnf of > (Ind (Label lt comp)) -> do > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t (Just (Ind lt)) > checkConvSt env gamma (Ind lt) (Ind tt) > return (Ind (Return tv), Ind (Label tt comp)) > _ -> fail $ "return " ++ show t++ " should give a label, got " ++ show expnf > tc env lvl (RReturn t) Nothing = fail $ "Need to know the type to return for "++show t > tc env lvl (RStage s) exp = do > (Ind sv, Ind st) <- tcStage env lvl s exp > return (Ind sv, Ind st) > tc env lvl RInfer (Just (Ind exp)) = do > (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > let bindings' = if infer > then (inferName next, B Pi exp):bindings > else bindings > put (next+1, infer, bindings', errs, mvs, fc) > return (Ind (P (inferName next)), Ind exp) > tc env lvl RInfer Nothing = lift $ tacfail "Can't infer a term for placeholder" If we have a metavariable, we need to record the type of the expression which will solve it. It needs to take the environment as arguments, and return the expected type. > tc env lvl (RMeta n) (Just (Ind exp)) > = do (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next, infer, bindings, errs, n:mvs, fc) > -- Abstract it over the environment so that we have everything > -- in scope we need. > tm <- abstractOver (orderEnv env) n exp [] > -- trace (show tm ++ " : " ++ show exp) $ > return (tm,Ind exp) > -- fail $ show (n, exp, bindings, env) ++ " -- Not implemented" > where abstractOver [] mv exp args = > return (Ind (appArgs (Meta mv exp) args)) > abstractOver ((n,B _ t):ns) mv exp args = > abstractOver ns mv (Bind n (B Pi t) (pToV n exp)) ((P n):args) mkn (UN n) = MN (n,0) mkn (MN (n,x)) = MN (n,x+1) > tc env lvl (RMeta n) Nothing > -- just invent a name for it and see what inference gives us > = do (next, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next+1, infer, bindings, errs, mvs, fc) > -- let guessty = Bind (MN ("X", 0)) (B Pi (P (inferName next))) > -- (Sc (P (inferName (next+1)))) > let guessty = (P (inferName next)) > tc env lvl (RMeta n) (Just (Ind guessty)) fail $ "Don't know the expected type of " ++ show n > tcStage env lvl (RQuote t) _ = do > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tc env (lvl+1) t Nothing > return (Ind (Stage (Quote tv)), Ind (Stage (Code tt))) > tcStage env lvl (RCode t) _ = do > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tc env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return (Ind (Stage (Code tv)), Ind Star) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "Type of code " ++ show t ++ " must be *" > tcStage env lvl (REval t) _ = do > -- when (lvl/=0) $ fail $ "Can't eval at level " ++ show lvl > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tc env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind (Stage (Code tcode))) -> > return (Ind (Stage (Eval tv tt)), Ind tcode) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "Can't eval a non-quoted term (type " ++ show ttnf ++ ")" > tcStage env lvl (REscape t) _ = do > -- when (lvl==0) $ fail $ "Can't escape at level " ++ show lvl > (Ind tv, Ind tt) <- tc env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind (Stage (Code tcode))) -> > return (Ind (Stage (Escape tv tt)), Ind tcode) > _ -> lift $ tacfail "Can't escape a non-quoted term" > checkComp env lvl (RComp n ts) = do > tsc <- mapM (\ t -> tcfixup env lvl t Nothing) ts > return (Comp n (map ( \ (Ind v, Ind t) -> v) tsc)) Insert inferred values into the term > fixup e tm = fixupGam gamma e tm > tcConst :: (Constant c) => c -> IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name) > tcConst c = return (Ind (Const c), Ind (constType c)) tcConst Star = return (Ind (Const Star), Ind (Const Star)) --- *:* is a bit dodgy... checkbinder :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Level -> Name -> Binder Raw -> m (Binder (TT Name)) -- FIXME: Should convert here rather than assert it must be * > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B Lambda t) = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t (Just (Ind Star)) > let ttnf = eval_nf_env env gamma (Ind tt) > let (Ind tvnf) = eval_nf_env env gamma (Ind tv) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return (B Lambda tvnf) > (Ind (P (MN ("INFER",_)))) -> return (B Lambda tvnf) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B Pi t) = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t (Just (Ind Star)) > let (Ind tvnf) = eval_nf_env env gamma (Ind tv) > let ttnf = -- trace ("PI: " ++ show (tv, tvnf, debugTT tv)) $ > eval_nf_env env gamma (Ind tt) > checkConvSt env gamma ttnf (Ind Star) > return (B Pi tvnf) case ttnf of (Ind Star) -> return (B Pi tv) (Ind (P (MN ("INFER",_)))) -> return (B Pi tv) _ -> fail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B (Let v) RInfer) = do > (Ind vv,Ind vt) <- tcfixup env lvl v Nothing > return (B (Let vv) vt) > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B (Let v) t) = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t (Just (Ind Star)) > (Ind vv,Ind vt) <- tcfixup env lvl v (Just (Ind tv)) > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > lift $ checkConvEnv env gamma (Ind vt) (Ind tv) (INotConvertible (Ind vt) (Ind tv)) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return (B (Let vv) tv) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" > where dbg (Ind t) = debugTT t > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B Hole t) = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return (B Hole tv) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" > checkbinder gamma env lvl n (B (Guess v) t) = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > (Ind vv,Ind vt) <- tcfixup env lvl v Nothing > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > lift $ checkConvEnv env gamma (Ind vt) (Ind tv) (INotConvertible (Ind vt) (Ind tv)) > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return (B (Guess vv) tv) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" > checkpatt gamma env lvl n RInfer t = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > return ((B MatchAny tv), env) > checkpatt gamma env lvl n pat t = do > (Ind tv,Ind tt) <- tcfixup env lvl t Nothing > (next, infer, bindings, err, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next, True, bindings, err, mvs, fc) > (Ind patv,Ind patt) <- tcfixup (bindings++env) lvl pat Nothing > (next, _ ,bindings, err, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next, infer, bindings, err, mvs, fc) > let ttnf = normaliseEnv env gamma (Ind tt) > --checkConvEnv env gamma (Ind patt) (Ind tv) $ > -- show patt ++ " and " ++ show tv ++ " are not convertible" > case ttnf of > (Ind Star) -> return ((B (Pattern patv) tv), bindings++env) > _ -> lift $ tacfail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *" Check a raw term representing a pattern. Return the pattern, and the extended environment. -- > checkPatt :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Maybe (Pattern Name) -> -- > Raw -> Raw -> -- > m (Pattern Name, Env Name) -- > checkPatt gam env acc (Var n) ty = trace (show n ++ ": "++ show env) $ do -- > (Ind tyc, _) <- check gam env ty (Just (Ind Star)) -- > (pat, t) <- mkVarPatt (lookupi n env 0) (glookup n gam) (Ind tyc) -- > --checkConvEnv env gam (Ind tyc) (Ind t) $ -- > -- show ty ++ " and " ++ show t ++ " are not convertible" -- > return (combinepats acc pat, (n, (B Pi tyc)):env) -- > where -- > mkVarPatt (Just (i, B _ t)) _ _ = return (PVar n, t) -- > mkVarPatt Nothing (Just ((DCon tag i), (Ind t))) _ -- > = do tyname <- getTyName gam n -- > return (PCon tag n tyname [], t) -- > mkVarPatt Nothing Nothing (Ind defty) = return (PVar n, defty) -- > lookupi x [] _ = Nothing -- > lookupi x ((n,t):xs) i | x == n = Just (i,t) -- > lookupi x (_:xs) i = lookupi x xs (i+1) -- > checkPatt gam env acc (RApp f a) ty = do -- > (Ind tyc, _) <- trace (show ty) $ check gam env ty (Just (Ind Star)) -- > let (RBind _ _ fscope) = ty -- > let (Bind nm (B _ nmt) _) = tyc -- > (fpat, fbindingsin) <- checkPatt gam env Nothing f ty -- > let fbindings = ((nm,(B Pi nmt)):fbindingsin) -- > (apat, abindings) <- checkPatt gam (fbindings++env) -- > (Just fpat) a fscope -- > return (combinepats (Just fpat) apat, fbindings++abindings) -- where -- mkEnv = map (\ (n,Ind t) -> (n, B Pi t)) -- > checkPatt gam env acc RInfer ty = return (combinepats acc PTerm, env) -- > checkPatt gam env _ _ _ = fail "Invalid pattern" > checkConvSt env g x y > = do (next, infer, bindings, err, mvs, fc) <- get > put (next, infer, bindings, (env,x,y,fc):err, mvs, fc) > return () > fixupGam gamma [] tm = return tm > fixupGam gamma ((env,x,y,_):xs) (Ind tm, Ind ty) = do > uns <- case unifyenv gamma env y x of > Right x' -> return x' > Left err -> return [] -- fail err -- $ "Can't convert "++show x++" and "++show y ++ " ("++show err++")" > let tm' = fixupNames gamma uns tm > let ty' = fixupNames gamma uns ty > fixupGam gamma xs (Ind tm', Ind ty') > fixupNames gam [] tm = tm > fixupNames gam ((x,ty):xs) tm = fixupNames gam xs $ substName x ty (Sc tm) > fixupB gam xs bs = fixupB' gam xs bs [] > fixupB' gam xs [] acc = return acc > fixupB' gam xs ((n, (B b t)):bs) acc = > -- if t is already fully explicit, don't bother > if (allExplicit (getNames (Sc t))) then fixupB' gam xs bs ((n,(B b t)):acc) > else do (Ind t', _) <- fixupGam gam xs (Ind t, Ind Star) > fixupB' gam xs bs ((n,(B b t')):acc) > where allExplicit [] = True > allExplicit ((MN ("INFER",_)):_) = False > allExplicit (_:xs) = allExplicit xs > renameB gam xs [] = return [] > renameB gam xs ((n, (B b t)):bs) = do > bs' <- renameB gam xs bs > let t' = renameGam xs t > return ((n,(B b t')):bs') > where renameGam [] tm = tm > renameGam ((env,Ind (P x),Ind (P y),_):xs) tm = > let tm' = fixupNames gam [(x, P y)] tm in > renameGam xs tm' > combinepats Nothing x = x > combinepats (Just (PVar n)) x = error "can't apply things to a variable" > combinepats (Just (PCon tag n ty args)) x = PCon tag n ty (args++[x]) > discharge :: Gamma Name -> Name -> Binder (TT Name) -> > (Scope (TT Name)) -> (Scope (TT Name)) -> > StateT CheckState IvorM (Indexed Name, Indexed Name) > discharge gamma n (B Lambda t) scv sct = do > let lt = Bind n (B Pi t) sct > let lv = Bind n (B Lambda t) scv > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B Pi t) scv (Sc sct) = do > checkConvSt [] gamma (Ind Star) (Ind sct) > let lt = Star > let lv = Bind n (B Pi t) scv > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B (Let v) t) scv sct = do > let lt = Bind n (B (Let v) t) sct > let lv = Bind n (B (Let v) t) scv > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B Hole t) scv (Sc sct) = do > let lt = sct -- already checked sct and t are convertible > let lv = Bind n (B Hole t) scv > -- A hole can't appear in the type of its scope, however. > lift $ checkNotHoley 0 sct > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B (Guess v) t) scv (Sc sct) = do > let lt = sct -- already checked sct and t are convertible > let lv = Bind n (B (Guess v) t) scv > -- A hole can't appear in the type of its scope, however. > lift $ checkNotHoley 0 sct > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B (Pattern v) t) scv (Sc sct) = do > let lt = sct -- already checked sct and t are convertible > let lv = Bind n (B (Pattern v) t) scv > -- A hole can't appear in the type of its scope, however. > lift $ checkNotHoley 0 sct > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > discharge gamma n (B MatchAny t) scv (Sc sct) = do > let lt = sct > let lv = Bind n (B MatchAny t) scv > return (Ind lv,Ind lt) > checkNotHoley :: Int -> TT n -> IvorM () > checkNotHoley i (V v) | v == i = fail "You can't put a hole where a hole don't belong." > checkNotHoley i (App f a) = do checkNotHoley i f > checkNotHoley i a > checkNotHoley i (Bind _ _ (Sc s)) = checkNotHoley (i+1) s > checkNotHoley i (Proj _ _ t) = checkNotHoley i t > checkNotHoley _ _ = return () checkR g t = (typecheck g t):: (Result (Indexed Name, Indexed Name)) If we're paranoid - recheck a supposedly well-typed term. Might want to do this after finishing a proof. > verify :: Gamma Name -> Indexed Name -> IvorM () > verify gam tm = do (_,_) <- typecheck gam (forget tm) > return ()