This is a (nearly) drop-in replacement of data-has. The differences with the original package are that this one misses hasLens
and uses Generic
for its default implementation. Your initial reaction may be to start mourning the loss of hasLens
, but first take a look at the cool things you can do without it!
Reduce boilerplate! You can trim down this:
data Config =
{ configLogEnv :: !LogEnv
, configJwtSettings :: !JWTSettings
, configMetrics :: !Metrics
, configEkgStore :: !EKG.Store }
-- Heavy manual instances, data-has only has default implementation for tuples
instance Has LogEnv Config where
getter = configLogEnv
modifier f v = v { configLogEnv = f (configLogEnv v) }
instance Has JWTSettings Config where
getter = configJwtSettings
modifier f v = v { configJwtSettings = f (configJwtSettings v) }
instance Has Metrics Config where
getter = configMetrics
modifier f v = v { configMetrics = f (configMetrics v) }
instance Has EKG.Store Config where
getter = configEkgStore
modifier f v = v { configEkgStore = f (configEkgStore v) }
To this:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
data Config =
{ configLogEnv :: !LogEnv
, configJwtSettings :: !JWTSettings
, configMetrics :: !Metrics
, configEkgStore :: !EKG.Store
} deriving (Generic, Has LogEnv, Has JWTSettings, Has Metrics, Has EKG.Store)
Another trick is that you can "force" a sum type to have a specific field defined.
E.g. you may want to define an Error
type and enforce that it always has an ErrorText
attached to it.
newtype ErrorText =
ErrorText Text
data Error =
ValidationError |
NotFound |
Critical |
You can do that by deriving Has ErrorText
. The compiler will error until you have added an ErrorText
field to each representation.
data Error =
ValidationError ErrorText |
NotFound ErrorText |
Critical ErrorText |
Unauthorized ErrorText
deriving (Generic, Has ErrorText)
For more documentation and examples, please refer to the original package.