-- | Simple forward automatic differentiation. The main reason for supplying this
-- module rather than using one of several similar alternatives available on Hackage 
-- is that they all seem to use the following implementation of differentiation of 
-- products (in our notation):
-- x * y = mkDif (val x * val y) (df 1 x * y + x * df 1 y)
-- This is elegant but exponential in the order of differentiation, and hence
-- unsuitable for much of validated numerics, which often uses moderately high
-- order derivatives. 
-- In our implementation, high order derivatives are still slow, but not as bad.
-- Derivatives of order several hundred can be handled, but in type 'Double' this is often
-- useless; rounding errors dominate the result. In type 'IReal', results are reliable, but the
-- deep nesting of the resulting expressions may lead to excessive precision requirements. Often
-- 'Data.Number.IReal.Rounded' is preferrable from an efficiency point of view.
-- No attempt is made to handle functions of several variables

module Data.Number.IReal.FAD where

import Data.Number.IReal.Scalable
import Data.Number.IReal.Powers

-- | A 'Dif' value is an infinite list consisting of the values of an infinitely differentiable
-- function and all its derivatives, all evaluated at a common point. Polynomials are represented
-- by finite lists, omitting zero derivatives.

newtype Dif a = D [a] deriving Show

-- constructing Dif values -----------------------------------------------------

con, var :: Num a => a -> Dif a
con c = D [c] 
var x = D [x,1]

mkDif :: a -> Dif a -> Dif a
mkDif x (D xs) = D (x:xs)

-- selectors ------------------------------------------------------------------

val :: Num a => Dif a -> a
val (D []) = 0
val (D (x:_)) = x

fromDif :: Num a => Dif a -> [a]
fromDif (D xs) = xs

unDif :: (Num a, Num b) => (Dif a -> Dif b) -> a -> b
unDif f = val . f . var

-- differentiation ------------------------------------------------------------

df :: Int -> Dif a -> Dif a
df n (D xs) = D (drop n xs)

-- | deriv n f is the n'th derivative of f (with derivative information omitted)
deriv :: (Num a, Num b) => Int -> (Dif a -> Dif b) -> a -> b
deriv n f = unDif (df n . f)

-- | derivs f a is the list of allderivatives of f, evaluated at a.
derivs :: (Num a, Num b) => (Dif a -> Dif b) -> a -> [b]
derivs f = fromDif . f . var

chain, rchain :: Num a => (a -> a) -> (Dif a -> Dif a) -> Dif a -> Dif a
chain f f' g = mkDif (f (val g)) (df 1 g * f' g)

rchain f f' g = r where r = mkDif (f (val g)) (df 1 g * f' r)

r2chain :: Num a => (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> (Dif a -> Dif a) ->
                    (Dif a -> Dif a) -> Dif a -> Dif a
r2chain f1 f2 f1' f2' g = x 
  where g' = df 1 g
        x = mkDif (f1 (val g)) (g' * f1' y)
        y = mkDif (f2 (val g)) (g' * f2' x)

-- instances -------------------------------------------------------------------

instance VarPrec a => VarPrec (Dif a) where
  precB b (D xs) = D (map (precB b) xs)

instance (Num a, Eq a) => Eq (Dif a) where
  x==y          = val x == val y

instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (Dif a) where
  compare x y   = compare (val x) (val y)

instance  Num a => Num (Dif a) where
   x + y        = mkDif (val x + val y) (df 1 x + df 1 y)
   x * y        = D (convs (fromDif x) (fromDif y)) 
   abs          = chain abs signum       -- wrong for argument 0
   negate       = chain negate (const (-1))
   signum       = chain signum (const 0) -- wrong for argument 0
   fromInteger  = con . fromInteger

instance (Fractional a, Powers a) => Fractional (Dif a) where
   recip g      = r where r = mkDif (recip (val g)) (-df 1 g * sq r)
   fromRational = con . fromRational

instance (Floating a, Powers a) => Floating (Dif a) where 
   pi       = con pi
   exp      = rchain exp id
   log      = chain log recip
   sqrt     = rchain sqrt (recip . (*2))
   sin      = r2chain sin cos id negate
   cos      = r2chain cos sin negate id
   tan      = rchain tan ((1+) . sq)
   asin     = chain asin (recip . sqrt . (1-) . sq)
   acos     = chain acos (negate . recip . sqrt . (1-) . sq)
   atan     = chain atan (recip . (1+) . sq)
   sinh     = r2chain sinh cosh id id
   cosh     = r2chain cosh sinh id id
   asinh    = chain asinh (recip . sqrt . (1+) . sq)
   acosh    = chain acosh (recip . sqrt . (\x -> x-1) . sq)
   atanh    = chain atanh (recip . (1-) . sq) 

instance (Num a, Powers a) => Powers (Dif a) where
   sq       = chain sq (2*)
   pow x 0  = con 1
   pow x n  = chain (flip pow n) ((fromIntegral n *) . flip pow (n-1)) x 
   -- Note: This is linear in n, but behaves correctly on intervals

instance Real a => Real (Dif a) where
  toRational = toRational . val

instance (Powers a, RealFrac a) => RealFrac (Dif a) where
    -- discontinuities ignored
    properFraction x = (i, x - fromIntegral i) where (i, _) = properFraction (val x)
    truncate = truncate . val
    round    = round    . val
    ceiling  = ceiling  . val
    floor    = floor    . val

instance ( Powers a, RealFloat a) => RealFloat (Dif a) where
    floatRadix = floatRadix . val
    floatDigits = floatDigits . val
    floatRange = floatRange . val
    exponent = exponent . val
    scaleFloat n (D xs) = D (map (scaleFloat n) xs)
    isNaN = isNaN . val
    isInfinite = isInfinite . val
    isDenormalized = isDenormalized . val
    isNegativeZero = isNegativeZero . val
    isIEEE = isIEEE . val
    decodeFloat = decodeFloat . val
    encodeFloat m e = con (encodeFloat m e)

-- convs xs ys = [ sum [xs!!j * ys!!(k-j)*bin k j | j <- [0..k]] | k <- [0..]]
-- adapted for efficiency and to to handle finite lists xs, ys 
convs [] _ = []
convs (a:as) bs = convs' [1] [a] as bs
  where convs' _ _ _ [] = []
        convs' ps ars [] bs = sumProd3 ps ars bs : convs'' (next' ps) ars bs
        convs' ps ars (a:as) bs = sumProd3 ps ars bs : convs' (next ps) (a:ars) as bs
        convs'' ps ars [_] = []
        convs'' ps ars (_:bs) = sumProd3 ps ars bs : convs'' (next' ps) ars bs
        next xs = 1 : zipWith (+) xs (tail xs) ++ [1] -- next row in Pascal's triangle
        next' xs = zipWith (+) xs (tail xs) ++ [1] -- end part of next row in Pascal's triangle 
        sumProd3 as bs cs = sum (zipWith3 (\x y z -> x*y*z) as bs cs)