Name: ireal Version: 0.2.1 cabal-version: >= 1.6 Synopsis: Real numbers and intervals with relatively efficient exact arithmetic. Description: This library provides a type IReal of real numbers and intervals with arbitrary precision arithmetic, instance declarations for the standard numeric classes, Eq and Ord (the two latter non-total for computability reasons). Significantly more efficient than other Haskell modules for exact real arithmetic that we are aware of. Does not depend on non-Haskell libraries. A QuickCheck test suite, documentation, and a number of small example applications in validated numerics are available at . Category: Data, Math Build-type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: changelog.txt Author: Björn von Sydow ( Maintainer: Björn von Sydow ( License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Library Build-depends: base >=3 && < 5, QuickCheck >= 2.4 ghc-options: -O2 Exposed-modules: Data.Number.IReal, Data.Number.IReal.IReal, Data.Number.IReal.Powers, Data.Number.IReal.IntegerInterval, Data.Number.IReal.Scalable, Data.Number.IReal.UnsafeMemo, Data.Number.IReal.IRealOperations, Data.Number.IReal.Generators, Data.Number.IReal.Auxiliary, Data.Number.IReal.FoldB, Data.Number.IReal.FAD, Data.Number.IReal.Rounded source-repository head type: git location: