-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright : (c) Michel Boucey 2015 -- License : BSD-Style -- Maintainer : michel.boucey@gmail.com -- -- commandline tool to generate IPv6 address text representations -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable,OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (replicateM_) import Data.Text as T (append,pack) import Data.Text.IO as TIO (putStrLn,hPutStrLn) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Exit import System.IO (stderr) import Text.IPv6Addr data Input =Input { output :: String , address :: String , quantity :: Int } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) ip6addrInput :: Input ip6addrInput = Input { address = "" &= typ " " , output = "canonical" &= typ " [pure|canonical|full|arpa|random]" &= help "(default=canonical)" , quantity = 1 &= help "Amount of random addresses to generate" &= typ " " } &= summary "ip6addr version 0.4 (C) Michel Boucey 2015" &= program "ip6addr" &= helpArg [name "h"] &= details ["Examples:"," ip6addr -a 0:0::FFFF:"," ip6addr -o full -a ::1"," ip6addr -o random -q 10",""] main :: IO () main = do a <- cmdArgs ip6addrInput if output a == "random" then replicateM_ (quantity a) putRandAddr >> exitSuccess else do let m = address a case output a of "canonical" -> out maybeIPv6Addr m fromIPv6Addr "full" -> out maybeFullIPv6Addr m fromIPv6Addr "arpa" -> out maybePureIPv6Addr m toIP6ARPA "pure" -> out maybePureIPv6Addr m fromIPv6Addr _ -> hPutStrLn stderr "See help" >> exitFailure where putRandAddr = fromIPv6Addr <$> randIPv6Addr >>= TIO.putStrLn out t i o = if i /= "" then do let p = T.pack i case t p of Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr ("'" `T.append` p `T.append` "' is not an IPv6 address") >> exitFailure Just a -> TIO.putStrLn (o a) >> exitSuccess else Prelude.putStrLn "See help" >> exitFailure