[![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/ip.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ip) # Instructions Look at the [haddocks](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ip) for this package to learn how to use it. # Contributing Most contributions are welcome, especially performance improvements in encoding and decoding of Text/ByteString. Please make sure to follow naming conventions followed in the modules. ## Doctest Doctest used to be provided as a test suite, but `doctest-0.20` and higher do not require this to be run. To run the doctests, make sure you have `doctest` on your path (i.e. run `cabal install doctest`), and then run: cabal build cabal repl --build-depends=QuickCheck --with-ghc=doctest --repl-options='-fno-warn-orphans' This runs incredibly slowly, but it works for now. Doctest is not run by CI, so if you make a change that adds more doctests, it needs to be run by hand by someone. (The maintainer is happy to do this if you're on a platform where doctest is finicky.)