# Revsion history of io-classes ## next version ## ### Breaking changes * `MonadMonotonicTime` morphed into `MonadMonotonicTimeNSec` which supports `getMonotonicTimeNSec` from "base". `MonadMonotonicTime` can be found in new package `si-timers`. * A simplified `MonadTimer` which is using time in microseconds encoded as `Int` rather than `DiffTime`. The previous interface can be found in the package `si-timers`. * The non standard timer API is moved from `MonadTimer` to a `MonadTimerFancy` type class which can be imported from `Control.Monad.Class.MonadTimer.NonStandard` module. ### Non breaking changes * Added `registerDelayCancellable` to `Control.Monad.Class.MonadTimer` module. ## ## * fixed `tryTakeMVarDefault`, `takeMVarDefault`, `putMVarDefault` and `isEmptyMVarDefault`. * Implemented the proper `readMVar` semantics. * Added `tryReadMVar` to `MonadMVar` type class. * Moved `MVarDefault` to `io-sim` package. ## * support `ghc-9.4` (except on Windows input-output-hk/io-sim#51) ## * added missing `MArray` instance for `WrappedSTM` * added monoid instances for `WrappedSTM` * added `threadStatus` method of `MonadFork` class * removed `linktTo` and `linkToOnly` * added `labelTChan` * added `flushTQueue` * split `MonadSTM` into submodules in a similar way that the `stm` package is. * added `TChan`, `TSem` and `TArray` * added `interruptible` and `allowInterrupt` to `MonadMaskingState` type class. * added `unGetTQueue` & `unGetTBQueue` * support `ghc-9.2` & `ghc-9.4` * added `MonadMVar` ## * First version published on Hackage. * added `lengthTBQueue` to `MonadSTM`; `io-classes` now depends on `stm-`. ## * Initial version, not released on Hackage.