-- This file is part of Intricacy -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. module Protocol where import Control.Monad import Data.Binary import Crypto.Types.PubKey.RSA (PublicKey) import BinaryInstances import Lock import Metagame type ProtocolVersion = Int protocolVersion = 1 :: ProtocolVersion data ClientRequest = ClientRequest ProtocolVersion (Maybe Auth) Action deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) type VersionedUInfo = (Int, UserInfo) data Action = Authenticate | Register | ResetPassword Password | SetEmail String | GetServerInfo | GetPublicKey | GetLock LockSpec | GetRetired Codename | GetUserInfo Codename (Maybe Int) | GetHint NoteInfo | GetSolution NoteInfo | DeclareSolution Solution LockSpec ActiveLock LockIndex | SetLock Lock LockIndex Solution | GetRandomNames Int | UndefinedAction deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Auth = Auth {authUser :: Codename, authPasswd :: Password} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) type Password = String needsAuth :: Action -> Bool needsAuth GetServerInfo = False needsAuth GetPublicKey = False needsAuth (GetLock _) = False needsAuth (GetUserInfo _ _) = False needsAuth (GetRetired _) = False needsAuth (GetRandomNames _) = False needsAuth _ = True data ServerResponse = ServerAck | ServerMessage String | ServerError String | ServedServerInfo ServerInfo | ServedPublicKey PublicKey | ServedLock Lock | ServedRetired [LockSpec] | ServedUserInfo VersionedUInfo | ServedUserInfoDeltas [UserInfoDelta] | ServedSolution Solution | ServedHint Hint | ServedRandomNames [Codename] | ServerCodenameFree | ServerFresh | ServerUndefinedResponse deriving (Eq, Show, Read) data ServerInfo = ServerInfo {serverLockSize :: Int, serverInfoString::String} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) defaultServerInfo locksize = ServerInfo locksize "" instance Binary ClientRequest where put (ClientRequest pv mauth act) = putPackedInt pv >> put mauth >> put act get = liftM3 ClientRequest getPackedInt get get instance Binary Action where put Authenticate = put (0::Word8) put Register = put (1::Word8) put GetServerInfo = put (2::Word8) put (GetLock lspec) = put (3::Word8) >> put lspec put (GetUserInfo name version) = put (4::Word8) >> put name >> put version put (GetHint lspec) = put (5::Word8) >> put lspec put (GetSolution lspec) = put (6::Word8) >> put lspec put (DeclareSolution soln lspec alock idx) = put (7::Word8) >> put soln >> put lspec >> put alock >> put idx put (SetLock lock li soln) = put (8::Word8) >> put lock >> put li >> put soln put (GetRandomNames n) = put (9::Word8) >> put n put (ResetPassword pw) = put (10::Word8) >> put pw put (GetRetired name) = put (11::Word8) >> put name put (SetEmail address) = put (12::Word8) >> put address put GetPublicKey = put (13::Word8) get = do tag <- get :: Get Word8 case tag of 0 -> return Authenticate 1 -> return Register 2 -> return GetServerInfo 3 -> GetLock <$> get 4 -> liftM2 GetUserInfo get get 5 -> GetHint <$> get 6 -> GetSolution <$> get 7 -> liftM4 DeclareSolution get get get get 8 -> liftM3 SetLock get get get 9 -> GetRandomNames <$> get 10 -> ResetPassword <$> get 11 -> GetRetired <$> get 12 -> SetEmail <$> get 13 -> return GetPublicKey _ -> return UndefinedAction instance Binary Auth where put (Auth name pw) = put name >> put pw get = liftM2 Auth get get instance Binary ServerResponse where put ServerAck = put (0::Word8) put (ServerMessage mesg) = put (1::Word8) >> put mesg put (ServerError err) = put (2::Word8) >> put err put (ServedServerInfo sinfo) = put (3::Word8) >> put sinfo put (ServedLock lock) = put (4::Word8) >> put lock put (ServedUserInfo info) = put (5::Word8) >> put info put (ServedUserInfoDeltas info) = put (6::Word8) >> put info put (ServedSolution soln) = put (7::Word8) >> put soln put (ServedHint hint) = put (8::Word8) >> put hint put (ServedRandomNames names) = put (9::Word8) >> put names put ServerCodenameFree = put (10::Word8) put ServerFresh = put (11::Word8) put (ServedRetired lss) = put (12::Word8) >> put lss put (ServedPublicKey publicKey) = put (13::Word8) >> put (show publicKey) get = do tag <- get :: Get Word8 case tag of 0 -> return ServerAck 1 -> ServerMessage <$> get 2 -> ServerError <$> get 3 -> ServedServerInfo <$> get 4 -> ServedLock <$> get 5 -> ServedUserInfo <$> get 6 -> ServedUserInfoDeltas <$> get 7 -> ServedSolution <$> get 8 -> ServedHint <$> get 9 -> ServedRandomNames <$> get 10 -> return ServerCodenameFree 11 -> return ServerFresh 12 -> ServedRetired <$> get 13 -> ServedPublicKey . read <$> get _ -> return ServerUndefinedResponse instance Binary ServerInfo where put (ServerInfo sz str) = put sz >> put str get = liftM2 ServerInfo get get