-- This file is part of Intricacy -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Network.Fancy import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay,forkIO) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Random import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Time.Clock import System.IO import System.FilePath import System.Directory (renameFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CS import qualified Data.Binary as B import qualified Data.Text as TS import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Array import Control.Exception import System.IO.Error import Data.List import Data.Function (on) import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import Text.Feed.Import (parseFeedFromFile) import Text.Feed.Export (xmlFeed) import Text.Feed.Constructor import qualified Text.XML as XML import Data.Time.Format import Data.Time.LocalTime import Crypto.Types.PubKey.RSA (PublicKey, PrivateKey) import Codec.Crypto.RSA (decrypt, generateKeyPair, RSAError) import Crypto.Random (newGenIO, SystemRandom) import qualified Text.Email.Validate import qualified Network.Mail.SMTP as SMTP import System.Environment import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Exit import Protocol import Metagame import Lock import Frame import Database import AsciiLock import Mundanities import Maxlocksize import Version defaultPort = 27001 -- 27001 == ('i'<<8) + 'y' data Opt = RequestDelay Int | Daemon | LogFile FilePath | Port Int | DBDir FilePath | ServerLockSize Int | FeedPath FilePath | Help | Version deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) options = [ Option ['p'] ["port"] (ReqArg (Port . read) "PORT") $ "TCP port to listen on (default: " ++ show defaultPort ++ ")" , Option ['P'] ["delay"] (ReqArg (RequestDelay . read) "MICROSECS") "delay before sending response (for testing) (default: 0)" -- , Option ['d'] ["daemon"] (NoArg Daemon) "Run as daemon" , Option ['l'] ["logfile"] (ReqArg LogFile "PATH") "Log to file" , Option ['d'] ["dir"] (ReqArg DBDir "PATH") "directory for server database [default: intricacydb]" , Option ['s'] ["locksize"] (ReqArg (ServerLockSize . read) "SIZE") "size of locks (only takes effect when creating a new database) [default: 8]" , Option ['f'] ["feed"] (ReqArg FeedPath "PATH") "write news feed to this path" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show usage information" , Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version information" ] usage :: String usage = usageInfo header options where header = "Usage: intricacy-server [OPTION...]" parseArgs :: [String] -> IO ([Opt],[String]) parseArgs argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of (o,n,[]) -> return (o,n) (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options)) where header = "Usage: intricacy-server [OPTION...]" main = do argv <- getArgs (opts,_) <- parseArgs argv {- FIXME: doesn't work if Daemon `elem` opts then void $ forkIO $ main' opts else main' opts -} when (Help `elem` opts) $ putStr usage >> exitSuccess when (Version `elem` opts) $ putStrLn version >> exitSuccess let delay = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe [ d | RequestDelay d <- opts ] port = fromMaybe defaultPort $ listToMaybe [ p | Port p <- opts ] dbpath = fromMaybe "intricacydb" $ listToMaybe [ p | DBDir p <- opts ] mfeedPath = listToMaybe [ p | FeedPath p <- opts ] locksize = min maxlocksize $ fromMaybe 8 $ listToMaybe [ s | ServerLockSize s <- opts ] withDB dbpath $ setDefaultServerInfo locksize >> setKeyPair writeFile (lockFilePath dbpath) "" logh <- case listToMaybe [ f | LogFile f <- opts ] of Nothing -> return stdout Just path -> openFile path AppendMode streamServer serverSpec{address = IPv4 "" port, threading=Threaded} $ handler dbpath delay logh mfeedPath sleepForever setDefaultServerInfo locksize = do alreadySet <- recordExists RecServerInfo unless alreadySet $ putRecord RecServerInfo (RCServerInfo $ defaultServerInfo locksize) rsaKeyLength = 2048 setKeyPair :: DBM () setKeyPair = do alreadySet <- recordExists RecPublicKey unless alreadySet $ do g <- liftIO newGenIO :: DBM SystemRandom let (publicKey, secretKey, _) = generateKeyPair g rsaKeyLength putRecord RecPublicKey $ RCPublicKey publicKey putRecord RecSecretKey $ RCSecretKey secretKey -- | We lock the whole database during each request, using haskell's native -- file locking, meaning that we have at any time one writer *xor* any number -- of readers. withDBLock :: MonadIO m => [Char] -> IOMode -> m b -> m b withDBLock dbpath lockMode m = do h <- liftIO $ getDBLock lockMode ret <- m liftIO $ hClose h return ret where getDBLock lockMode = catchIO (openFile (lockFilePath dbpath) lockMode) (\_ -> threadDelay (50*10^3) >> getDBLock lockMode) lockFilePath dbpath = dbpath ++ [pathSeparator] ++ "lockfile" logit h s = hPutStrLn h s >> hFlush h handler :: FilePath -> Int -> Handle -> Maybe FilePath -> Handle -> Address -> IO () handler dbpath delay logh mfeedPath hdl addr = handle ((\e -> return ()) :: SomeException -> IO ()) $ handler' hdl addr where handler' hdl addr = do response <- handle (\e -> return $ ServerError $ show (e::SomeException)) $ do request <- B.decode <$> BL.hGetContents hdl let hostname = case addr of IP n _ -> n IPv4 n _ -> n IPv6 n _ -> n Unix path -> path hashedHostname = take 8 $ hash hostname now <- liftIO getCurrentTime logit logh $ show now ++ ": " ++ hashedHostname ++ " >>> " ++ showRequest request response <- handleRequest dbpath mfeedPath request when (delay > 0) $ threadDelay delay now' <- liftIO getCurrentTime logit logh $ show now' ++ ": " ++ hashedHostname ++ " <<< " ++ showResponse response return response BL.hPut hdl $ B.encode response showRequest :: ClientRequest -> String showRequest (ClientRequest ver mauth act) = show ver ++ " " ++ maybe "" (\(Auth name _) -> "Auth:" ++ name) mauth ++ " " ++ showAction act showAction :: Action -> String showAction (SetLock lock idx soln) = "SetLock " ++ show idx ++ " lock:" ++ (if not $ validLock $ reframe lock then " [INVALID LOCK] " else "\n" ++ unlines (lockToAscii lock)) ++ "[SOLN]" showAction (DeclareSolution soln ls target idx) = "DeclareSolution [SOLN] " ++ (concat $ intersperse " " $ [show ls,show target,show idx]) showAction act = show act showResponse :: ServerResponse -> String showResponse (ServedLock lock) = "ServedLock lock:\n" ++ unlines (lockToAscii lock) showResponse (ServedSolution soln) = "ServedSolution [SOLN]" showResponse resp = show resp handleRequest :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> ClientRequest -> IO ServerResponse handleRequest dbpath mfeedPath req@(ClientRequest pv auth action) = do let lockMode = case action of Authenticate -> ReadMode GetServerInfo -> ReadMode GetPublicKey -> ReadMode GetLock _ -> ReadMode GetUserInfo _ _ -> ReadMode GetRetired _ -> ReadMode GetSolution _ -> ReadMode GetRandomNames _ -> ReadMode _ -> ReadWriteMode -- check solutions prior to write-locking database: (withDBLock dbpath ReadMode $ runExceptT checkRequest) >>= either (return . ServerError) (const $ withDBLock dbpath lockMode $ runExceptT handleRequest' >>= either (return . ServerError) return) where checkRequest = do when (pv /= protocolVersion) $ throwE "Bad protocol version" case action of DeclareSolution soln ls target idx -> do info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth lock <- getLock ls tinfo <- getALock target when (ls /= lockSpec tinfo) $ throwE "Lock no longer in use!" when (public tinfo) $ throwE "Lock solution already public knowledge!" let name = codename info let behind = ActiveLock name idx when (name `elem` map noteAuthor (lockSolutions tinfo)) $ throwE "Note already taken on that lock!" when (name == lockOwner target) $ throwE "That's your lock!" behindLock <- getALock behind when (public behindLock) $ throwE "Your lock is cracked!" unless (checkSolution lock soln) $ throwE "Bad solution" SetLock lock@(frame,_) idx soln -> do ServerInfo serverSize _ <- getServerInfo when (frame /= BasicFrame serverSize) $ throwE $ "Server only accepts size "++show serverSize++" locks." unless (validLock $ reframe lock) $ throwE "Invalid lock!" unless (not.checkSolved $ reframe lock) $ throwE "Lock not locked!" RCLockHashes hashes <- getRecordErrored RecLockHashes `catchE` const (return (RCLockHashes [])) let hashed = hash $ show lock when (hashed `elem` hashes) $ throwE "Lock has already been used" unless (checkSolution lock soln) $ throwE "Bad solution" _ -> return () handleRequest' = case action of UndefinedAction -> throwE "Request not recognised by this server" Authenticate -> do checkAuth auth return $ ServerMessage $ "Welcome, " ++ authUser (fromJust auth) Register -> do newUser auth doNews $ "New user " ++ authUser (fromJust auth) ++ " registered." return ServerAck ResetPassword passwd -> resetPassword auth passwd >> return ServerAck SetEmail address -> setEmail auth address >> return ServerAck GetServerInfo -> ServedServerInfo <$> getServerInfo GetPublicKey -> ServedPublicKey <$> getPublicKey GetLock ls -> ServedLock <$> getLock ls GetRetired name -> ServedRetired <$> getRetired name GetUserInfo name mversion -> (do RCUserInfo (curV,info) <- getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfo name (fromJust<$>)$ runMaybeT $ msum [ do v <- MaybeT $ return mversion msum [ guard (v >= curV) >> return ServerFresh , do guard (v >= curV - 10) RCUserInfoDeltas deltas <- lift $ getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfoLog name return $ ServedUserInfoDeltas $ take (curV-v) deltas ] , return $ ServedUserInfo (curV,info) ] ) `catchE` \_ -> return ServerCodenameFree GetSolution note -> do uinfo <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth let uname = codename uinfo onLinfo <- getALock $ noteOn note behindMLinfo <- maybe (return Nothing) ((Just<$>).getALock) $ noteBehind note if uname == lockOwner (noteOn note) || uname == noteAuthor note then ServedSolution <$> getSolution note else if case behindMLinfo of Nothing -> True Just behindInfo -> public behindInfo || uname `elem` accessedBy behindInfo || note `elem` notesRead uinfo then if public onLinfo || uname `elem` accessedBy onLinfo then ServedSolution <$> getSolution note else throwE "You can't wholly decipher this note - you would need more notes on the same lock." else throwE "This note is secured behind a lock you have not opened." DeclareSolution soln ls target idx -> do info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth let name = codename info let behind = ActiveLock name idx let note = NoteInfo name (Just behind) target erroredDB $ putRecord (RecNote note) (RCSolution soln) execStateT (declareNote note behind) [] >>= applyDeltasToRecords doNews $ name ++ " declares solution to " ++ alockStr target ++ ", securing their note behind " ++ alockStr behind ++ "." mailDeclaration target behind return ServerAck SetLock lock@(frame,_) idx soln -> do info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth let name = codename info let al = ActiveLock name idx RCLockHashes hashes <- getRecordErrored RecLockHashes `catchE` const (return (RCLockHashes [])) let hashed = hash $ show lock erroredDB $ putRecord RecLockHashes $ RCLockHashes $ hashed:hashes ls <- erroredDB $ newLockRecord lock let oldLockInfo = userLocks info ! idx execStateT (do when (isJust $ oldLockInfo) $ lift (getALock al) >>= retireLock addDelta name $ PutLock ls idx ) [] >>= applyDeltasToRecords for_ oldLockInfo $ \oldui -> do lss <- getRetired name erroredDB $ putRecord (RecRetiredLocks name) $ RCLockSpecs $ (lockSpec oldui):lss doNews $ "New lock " ++ alockStr al ++ "." return ServerAck GetRandomNames n -> do names <- erroredDB $ listUsers gen <- erroredIO $ getStdGen let l = length names namesArray = listArray (0,l-1) names negligible name = do uinfo <- getUserInfo name return $ all (maybe True public . (userLocks uinfo !)) [0..2] -- huzzah for pipes! shuffled <- P.toListM $ mapM_ Pipes.yield (nub $ randomRs (0,l-1) gen) >-> P.take l -- give up once we've permuted all of [0..l-1] >-> P.map (namesArray !) >-> P.filterM ((not <$>) . negligible) -- throw away negligibles >-> P.take n -- try to take as many as we were asked for liftIO newStdGen return $ ServedRandomNames shuffled _ -> throwE "BUG: bad request" erroredIO :: IO a -> ExceptT String IO a erroredIO c = do ret <- liftIO $ catchIO (Right <$> c) (return.Left) case ret of Left e -> throwE $ "Server IO error: " ++ show e Right x -> return x erroredDB :: DBM a -> ExceptT String IO a erroredDB = erroredIO . withDB dbpath getRecordErrored :: Record -> ExceptT String IO RecordContents getRecordErrored rec = do mrc <- lift $ withDB dbpath $ getRecord rec case mrc of Just rc -> return rc Nothing -> throwE $ "Bad record on server! Record was: " ++ show rec getLock ls = do RCLock lock <- getRecordErrored $ RecLock ls return lock getSolution note = do RCSolution soln <- getRecordErrored $ RecNote note return soln getServerInfo = do RCServerInfo sinfo <- getRecordErrored $ RecServerInfo return sinfo getPublicKey = do RCPublicKey publicKey <- getRecordErrored $ RecPublicKey return publicKey getRetired name = do RCLockSpecs lss <- fromMaybe (RCLockSpecs []) <$> (erroredDB $ getRecord $ RecRetiredLocks name) return lss getALock (ActiveLock name idx) = do info <- getUserInfo name checkValidLockIndex idx case ((!idx).userLocks) info of Nothing -> throwE "Lock not set" Just lockinfo -> return lockinfo checkValidLockIndex idx = unless (0<=idx && idx < maxLocks) $ throwE "Bad lock index" getUserInfo name = do RCUserInfo (version,info) <- getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfo name return info getUserInfoOfAuth auth = do checkAuth auth let Just (Auth name _) = auth getUserInfo name decryptPassword :: String -> ExceptT String IO String decryptPassword pw = do RCSecretKey secretKey <- getRecordErrored RecSecretKey liftIO $ evaluate (CS.unpack . BL.toStrict . decrypt secretKey . BL.fromStrict . CS.pack $ pw) -- <=intricacy-0.6.2 sends the hashed password unencrypted `catch` \(e :: RSAError) -> return pw checkAuth :: Maybe Auth -> ExceptT String IO () checkAuth Nothing = throwE "Authentication required" checkAuth (Just (Auth name pw)) = do exists <- checkCodeName name unless exists $ throwE "No such user" RCPassword correctPw <- getRecordErrored (RecPassword name) pw' <- decryptPassword pw when (pw' /= correctPw) $ throwE "Wrong password" newUser :: Maybe Auth -> ExceptT String IO () newUser Nothing = throwE "Require authentication" newUser (Just (Auth name pw)) = do exists <- checkCodeName name when exists $ throwE "Codename taken" pw' <- decryptPassword pw erroredDB $ putRecord (RecPassword name) (RCPassword pw') erroredDB $ putRecord (RecUserInfo name) (RCUserInfo $ (1,initUserInfo name)) erroredDB $ putRecord (RecUserInfoLog name) (RCUserInfoDeltas []) resetPassword Nothing _ = throwE "Authentication required" resetPassword auth@(Just (Auth name _)) newpw = do checkAuth auth newpw' <- decryptPassword newpw erroredDB $ putRecord (RecPassword name) (RCPassword newpw') setEmail Nothing _ = throwE "Authentication required" setEmail auth@(Just (Auth name _)) addressStr = do checkAuth auth serverAddr <- erroredDB $ getRecord RecServerEmail when (isNothing serverAddr) $ throwE "This server is not configured to support email notifications." let addr = CS.pack addressStr when (not $ CS.null addr || Text.Email.Validate.isValid addr) $ throwE "Invalid email address" erroredDB $ putRecord (RecEmail name) (RCEmail addr) checkCodeName :: Codename -> ExceptT String IO Bool checkCodeName name = do unless (validCodeName name) $ throwE "Invalid codename" liftIO $ withDB dbpath $ recordExists $ RecPassword name --- | TODO: journalling so we can survive death during database writes? applyDeltasToRecords :: [(Codename, UserInfoDelta)] -> ExceptT String IO () applyDeltasToRecords nds = sequence_ $ [applyDeltasToRecord name deltas | group <- groupBy ((==) `on` fst) nds , let name = fst $ head group , let deltas = map snd group ] applyDeltasToRecord name deltas = do erroredDB $ modifyRecord (RecUserInfoLog name) $ \(RCUserInfoDeltas deltas') -> RCUserInfoDeltas $ deltas ++ deltas' erroredDB $ modifyRecord (RecUserInfo name) $ \(RCUserInfo (v,info)) -> RCUserInfo $ (v+length deltas, applyDeltas info deltas) declareNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ target) behind@(ActiveLock name idx) = do accessLock name target =<< getCurrALock target addDelta (lockOwner target) $ LockDelta (lockIndex target) $ AddSolution note addDelta name $ LockDelta idx $ AddSecured note accessed <- accessedBy <$> getCurrALock behind mapM_ (addReadNote note) (name:accessed) addReadNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ target) name = do info <- getCurrUserInfo name tlock <- getCurrALock target unless (note `elem` notesRead info) $ do addDelta name $ AddRead note checkSuffReadNotes target name accessLock name target@(ActiveLock tname ti) tlock = do addDelta tname $ LockDelta ti $ AddAccessed name mapM_ (`addReadNote` name) $ notesSecured tlock publiciseLock al@(ActiveLock name idx) lock = do addDelta name $ LockDelta idx SetPublic retireLock lock retireLock lock = do mapM_ scrapNote $ lockSolutions lock mapM_ publiciseNote $ notesSecured lock scrapNote note@(NoteInfo _ (Just al@(ActiveLock name idx)) _) = do addDelta name $ LockDelta idx (DelSecured note) unreadNote note scrapNote _ = return () unreadNote note@(NoteInfo name (Just al) _) = do lock <- getCurrALock al mapM_ (\name' -> addDelta name' (DelRead note)) $ name:(accessedBy lock) publiciseNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ al@(ActiveLock name idx)) = do unreadNote note addDelta name $ LockDelta idx $ SetPubNote note publified <- checkSuffPubNotes al unless publified $ do lock <- getCurrALock al accessorsOfNotesOnLock <- ((++ map noteAuthor (lockSolutions lock)).concat) <$> (sequence [ accessedBy <$> getCurrALock behind | NoteInfo _ (Just behind) _ <- lockSolutions lock ] ) forM_ accessorsOfNotesOnLock $ checkSuffReadNotes al checkSuffReadNotes target name = do info <- getCurrUserInfo name tlock <- getCurrALock target unless (name `elem` accessedBy tlock || public tlock || name == lockOwner target) $ do when (countRead info tlock == notesNeeded) $ accessLock name target tlock checkSuffPubNotes al@(ActiveLock name idx) = do lock <- getCurrALock al let countPub = fromIntegral $ length $ filter (isNothing.noteBehind) $ lockSolutions lock if (countPub == notesNeeded) then publiciseLock al lock >> return True else return False -- | XXX we apply deltas right-to-left, so in the order of adding addDelta name delta = modify ((name,delta):) getCurrUserInfo name = do info <- lift $ getUserInfo name (applyDeltas info . map snd . filter ((==name).fst)) <$> get getCurrALock al@(ActiveLock name idx) = (fromJust.(!idx).userLocks) <$> getCurrUserInfo name doNews :: String -> ExceptT String IO () doNews news = case mfeedPath of Nothing -> return () Just feedPath -> lift $ void $ forkIO $ do let baseFeed = withFeedTitle (TS.pack "Intricacy updates") $ newFeed $ RSSKind Nothing feed <- (parseFeedFromFile feedPath) `catchAll` (const $ return baseFeed) time <- formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat <$> getZonedTime let newsText = TS.pack news timeText = TS.pack time item = withItemTitle newsText $ withItemDescription newsText $ withItemPubDate timeText $ newItem $ RSSKind Nothing -- TODO: purge old entries let Right element = XML.fromXMLElement $ xmlFeed $ withFeedLastUpdate timeText $ addItem item feed document = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) element [] writeFile feedPath $ TL.unpack $ XML.renderText XML.def document mailDeclaration target@(ActiveLock name _) behind@(ActiveLock solverName _) = runMaybeT $ do let makeAddr :: CS.ByteString -> SMTP.Address makeAddr bs = SMTP.Address Nothing $ TS.pack $ CS.unpack bs RCEmail serverAddr <- MaybeT $ erroredDB $ getRecord RecServerEmail RCEmail playerAddr <- MaybeT $ erroredDB $ getRecord $ RecEmail name guard $ not $ CS.null playerAddr lift.lift $ SMTP.sendMail "localhost" $ SMTP.simpleMail (makeAddr serverAddr) [makeAddr playerAddr] [] [] (TS.pack $ "[Intricacy] " ++ alockStr target ++" solved by " ++ solverName) [SMTP.plainTextPart $ TL.pack $ "A solution to your lock " ++ alockStr target ++ " has been declared by " ++ solverName ++ " and secured behind " ++ alockStr behind ++ "." ++ "\n\n-----\n\nYou received this email from the game Intricacy" ++ "\n\thttp://sdf.org/~mbays/intricacy ." ++ "\nYou can disable notifications in-game by pressing 'R' on your home" ++ "\nscreen and setting an empty address." ++ "\nAlternatively, just reply to this email with the phrase \"stop bugging me\"." ]