-- This file is part of Intricacy -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module CursesUIMInstance () where import qualified UI.HSCurses.Curses as Curses import qualified UI.HSCurses.CursesHelper as CursesH import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Applicative import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Array import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Function (on) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Hex import GameStateTypes import Physics import Frame import Command import KeyBindings import ServerAddr import Cache import Database import Metagame import Protocol import Util import InputMode import MainState import CursesUI import CursesRender import CVec drawName :: Bool -> CVec -> Codename -> StateT MainState UIM () drawName showScore pos name = do ourName <- (authUser <$>) <$> gets curAuth relScore <- getRelScore name let (attr,col) = case relScore of Just 0 -> (a0,yellow) Just 1 -> (bold,cyan) Just 2 -> (a0,green) Just 3 -> (bold,green) Just (-1) -> (bold,magenta) Just (-2) -> (a0,red) Just (-3) -> (bold,red) _ -> if ourName == Just name then (bold,white) else (a0,white) lift $ drawStrCentred attr col pos (name ++ if showScore then " " ++ maybe "" show relScore else "") drawActiveLock :: CVec -> ActiveLock -> StateT MainState UIM () drawActiveLock pos (ActiveLock name i) = do drawName False (pos <+> CVec 0 (-1)) name lift $ drawStr bold white (pos <+> CVec 0 1) [':',lockIndexChar i] data Gravity = GravUp | GravLeft | GravRight | GravDown | GravCentre deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum) fillBox :: CVec -> CVec -> Int -> Gravity -> [CVec -> StateT MainState UIM ()] -> StateT MainState UIM Int fillBox (CVec t l) (CVec b r) width grav draws = do let half = width`div`2 starty = (if grav == GravDown then b else t) cv = (b+t)`div`2 ch = (l+r)`div`2 gravCentre = case grav of GravDown -> CVec b ch GravUp -> CVec t ch GravLeft -> CVec cv l GravRight -> CVec cv r GravCentre -> CVec cv ch locs = sortBy (compare `on` dist) $ concat [ map (CVec j) [ l+margin + (width+1)*i | i <- [0..(r-l-(2*margin))`div`(width+1)] ] | j <- [t..b] , let margin = if (j-starty)`mod`2 == 0 then half else width ] dist v = sqlen $ v <-> gravCentre sqlen (CVec y x) = (y*(width+1))^2+x^2 selDraws <- do offset <- gets listOffset let na = length locs nd = length draws return $ drop (max 0 $ min (nd - na) (na*offset)) $ draws let zipped = zip locs selDraws sequence_ $ map (uncurry ($)) $ zip selDraws locs return $ (if grav==GravDown then (minimum.(b:)) else (maximum.(t:))) [ y | (CVec y x,_) <- zipped ] drawLockInfo al@(ActiveLock name i) lockinfo = do (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize let [left,vcentre,right] = [ (k+2*i)*w`div`6 + (1-k) | k <- [0,1,2] ] let [top,bottom] = [6, h-1] let hcentre = (top+bottom)`div`2 - 1 ourName <- (authUser <$>) <$> gets curAuth (lockTop, lockBottom) <- (fromJust<$>)$ runMaybeT $ msum [ do lock <- mgetLock $ lockSpec lockinfo let size = frameSize $ fst lock guard $ bottom - top >= 5 + 2*size+1 + 1 + 5 && right-left >= 4*size+1 lift.lift $ drawStateWithGeom [] False Map.empty (snd lock) (CVec hcentre vcentre,origin) return (hcentre - size - 1, hcentre + size + 1) , lift $ do drawActiveLock (CVec hcentre vcentre) al return (hcentre - 1, hcentre + 1) ] startOn <- if (public lockinfo) then lift $ drawStrCentred bold white (CVec (lockTop-1) vcentre) "Everyone!" >> return (lockTop-1) else if null $ accessedBy lockinfo then lift $ drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec (lockTop-1) vcentre) "No-one" >> return (lockTop-1) else fillBox (CVec (top+1) (left+1)) (CVec (lockTop-1) (right-1)) 3 GravDown $ [ \pos -> drawName False pos name | name <- accessedBy lockinfo ] lift $ drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec (startOn-1) vcentre) "Accessed by:" undecls <- gets undeclareds if isJust $ guard . (|| public lockinfo) . (`elem` accessedBy lockinfo) =<< ourName then lift $ drawStrCentred a0 green (CVec (lockBottom+1) vcentre) "Accessed!" else if any (\(Undeclared _ ls _) -> ls == lockSpec lockinfo) undecls then lift $ drawStrCentred a0 yellow (CVec (lockBottom+1) vcentre) "Undeclared solution!" else do read <- take 3 <$> getNotesReadOn lockinfo unless (null read || ourName == Just name) $ do let rntext = if right-left > 30 then "Read notes by:" else "Notes:" s = vcentre - (length rntext+(3+1)*3)`div`2 lift $ drawStr a0 white (CVec (lockBottom+1) s) rntext void $ fillBox (CVec (lockBottom+1) (s+length rntext+1)) (CVec (lockBottom+1) right) 3 GravLeft [ \pos -> drawName False pos name | name <- map noteAuthor read ] lift $ drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec (lockBottom+2) vcentre) "Notes held:" if null $ notesSecured lockinfo then lift $ drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec (lockBottom+3) vcentre) "None" else void $ fillBox (CVec (lockBottom+3) (left+1)) (CVec bottom (right-1)) 5 GravUp [ (`drawActiveLock` al) | al <- map noteOn $ notesSecured lockinfo ] charify :: Curses.Key -> Maybe Char charify key = case key of Curses.KeyChar ch -> Just ch Curses.KeyBackspace -> Just '\b' Curses.KeyLeft -> Just '4' Curses.KeyRight -> Just '6' Curses.KeyDown -> Just '2' Curses.KeyUp -> Just '8' Curses.KeyHome -> Just '7' Curses.KeyNPage -> Just '3' Curses.KeyPPage -> Just '9' Curses.KeyEnd -> Just '1' _ -> Nothing instance UIMonad (StateT UIState IO) where runUI m = evalStateT m nullUIState drawMainState = do lift erase s <- get lift . drawTitle =<< getTitle lift drawMsgLine drawMainState' s lift refresh where drawMainState' (PlayState { psCurrentState=st, psLastAlerts=alerts, wrenchSelected=wsel }) = lift $ do drawState [] False alerts st drawCursorAt $ listToMaybe [ pos | (_, PlacedPiece pos p) <- enumVec $ placedPieces st , or [wsel && isWrench p, not wsel && isHook p] ] drawMainState' (ReplayState {}) = do lift . drawState [] False [] =<< gets rsCurrentState lift $ drawCursorAt Nothing drawMainState' (EditState { esGameStateStack=(st:_), selectedPiece=selPiece, selectedPos=selPos }) = lift $ do drawState (maybeToList selPiece) True [] st drawCursorAt $ if isNothing selPiece then Just selPos else Nothing drawMainState' (MetaState saddr undecls cOnly auth names _ _ rnamestvar _ _ mretired path lock _) = do let ourName = liftM authUser auth let selName = listToMaybe names (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize when (h<20 || w<40) $ liftIO CursesH.end >> error "Terminal too small!" lift $ do drawCursorAt Nothing sstr <- (++" Server: ") <$> bindingsStr IMMeta [CmdSetServer, CmdToggleCacheOnly] hstr <- (\[ks,ts] -> ts++" tut "++ks++" keys") <$> bindingsStr IMMeta `mapM` [[CmdHelp],[CmdTutorials]] drawStrGrey (CVec 0 0) $ sstr ++ take (w - length sstr - length hstr) (saddrStr saddr ++ (if cOnly then " (cache only) " else "") ++ repeat ' ') ++ hstr drawStrGrey (CVec 1 0) =<< (\[es,ls] -> take 5 (es ++ repeat ' ') ++ " Lock: " ++ path ++ " " ++ ls) <$> bindingsStr IMMeta `mapM` [ [CmdEdit] ++ if path == "" then [] else [CmdPlaceLock Nothing] , [CmdSelectLock] ++ if path == "" then [] else [CmdNextLock, CmdPrevLock] ] lift $ drawStrGrey (CVec 2 (maximum [w`div`3+1, w`div`2 - 13])) =<< bindingsStr IMMeta [CmdSelCodename Nothing] maybe (return ()) (drawName True (CVec 2 (w`div`2))) selName void.runMaybeT $ MaybeT (return selName) >>= lift . getUInfoFetched 300 >>= \(FetchedRecord fresh err muirc) -> lift $ do lift $ do unless fresh $ drawAtCVec (Glyph '*' red bold) $ CVec 2 (w`div`2+7) maybe (return ()) sayError err when (fresh && isNothing ourName) $ drawStrGrey (CVec 2 (w`div`2+1+9)) =<< (bindingsStr IMMeta $ if isNothing muirc then [CmdRegister] else [CmdAuth]) for_ muirc $ \(RCUserInfo (_,uinfo)) -> case mretired of Just retired -> do (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize void $ fillBox (CVec 6 2) (CVec (h-1) (w-2)) 5 GravCentre [ \pos -> lift $ drawStrGrey pos $ show ls | ls <- retired ] lift $ drawStrGrey (CVec 5 (w`div`3)) =<< bindingsStr IMMeta ([CmdShowRetired] ++ if null retired then [] else [CmdPlayLockSpec Nothing]) Nothing -> do sequence_ [ drawLockInfo (ActiveLock (codename uinfo) i) lockinfo | (i,Just lockinfo) <- assocs $ userLocks uinfo ] unless (null $ elems $ userLocks uinfo) $ lift $ drawStrGrey (CVec 5 (w`div`3)) =<< bindingsStr IMMeta [CmdSolve Nothing, CmdViewSolution Nothing] when (isJust ourName && ourName == selName) $ do unless (null undecls) $ do str <- lift $ (++" Undeclared solutions:") <$> bindingsStr IMMeta [CmdDeclare Nothing] let s = max 1 $ (w-(length str + 6*length undecls))`div`2 let y = 4 lift $ drawStr bold white (CVec y s) str void $ fillBox (CVec y (s+length str+1)) (CVec y (w-1)) 5 GravLeft [ (`drawActiveLock` al) | Undeclared _ _ al <- undecls ] rnames <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar rnamestvar unless (null rnames) $ void $ fillBox (CVec 2 5) (CVec 5 (w`div`3)) 3 GravCentre [ \pos -> drawName False pos name | name <- rnames ] when (ourName /= selName) $ void $ runMaybeT $ do sel <- MaybeT $ return selName us <- MaybeT $ return ourName ourUInfo <- mgetUInfo us let accessed = [ ActiveLock us i | i<-[0..2] , Just lock <- [ userLocks ourUInfo ! i ] , public lock || selName `elem` map Just (accessedBy lock) ] guard $ not $ null accessed let str = "has accessed:" let s = (w-(4 + length str + 6*(length accessed)))`div`2 let y = 4 lift $ do drawName False (CVec y (s+1)) sel lift $ drawStrGrey (CVec y $ s+4) str void $ fillBox (CVec y (s+4+length str+1)) (CVec y (w-1)) 5 GravLeft $ [ (`drawActiveLock` al) | al <- accessed] drawAlerts alerts = do mapM_ drawAlert alerts unless (null alerts) $ do refresh liftIO $ threadDelay $ 5*10^4 where drawAlert (AlertCollision pos) = drawAt cGlyph pos drawAlert _ = return () cGlyph = Glyph '!' 0 a0 drawMessage = say drawError = sayError showHelp mode = do bdgs <- nub <$> getBindings mode erase (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize let bdgWidth = 35 showKeys chs = intercalate "/" (map showKey chs) maxkeyslen = maximum $ map (length.showKeys.map fst) $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) bdgs drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec 0 (w`div`2)) "Bindings:" sequence_ [ drawStr a0 white (CVec (y+2) (x*bdgWidth) ) $ keysStr ++ replicate pad ' ' ++ ": " ++ desc | ((keysStr,pad,desc),(x,y)) <- zip [(keysStr,pad,desc) | group <- groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) bdgs , let cmd = snd $ head group , let desc = describeCommand cmd , not $ null desc , let chs = map fst group , let keysStr = showKeys chs , let pad = max 0 $ minimum [maxkeyslen + 1 - length keysStr, bdgWidth - length desc - length keysStr - 1] ] (map (`divMod` (h-3)) [0..]) , (x+1)*bdgWidth < w] refresh void $ getInput mode getChRaw = (charify<$>) $ liftIO $ CursesH.getKey (return ()) setUIBinding mode cmd ch = modify $ \s -> s { uiKeyBindings = Map.insertWith (\[bdg] -> \bdgs -> if bdg `elem` bdgs then delete bdg bdgs else bdgs ++ [bdg]) mode [(ch,cmd)] $ uiKeyBindings s } initUI = do liftIO CursesH.start cpairs <- liftIO $ colorsToPairs [ (f, CursesH.black) | f <- [ CursesH.white, CursesH.red, CursesH.green, CursesH.yellow, CursesH.blue, CursesH.magenta, CursesH.cyan] ] modify $ \s -> s {dispCPairs = cpairs} readBindings return True endUI = do writeBindings liftIO CursesH.end unblockInput = return $ Curses.ungetCh 0 suspend = do liftIO $ do CursesH.suspend Curses.resetParams redraw redraw = liftIO $ do Curses.endWin Curses.refresh warpPointer _ = return () getDrawImpatience = return $ \_ -> return () getInput mode = do let userResizeCode = 1337 -- XXX: chosen not to conflict with HSCurses codes key <- liftIO $ CursesH.getKey (Curses.ungetCh userResizeCode) if key == Curses.KeyUnknown userResizeCode then do liftIO Curses.scrSize return [CmdRedraw] else do let mch = charify key unblockBinding = (toEnum 0, CmdRefresh) -- c.f. unblockInput above flip (maybe $ return []) mch $ \ch -> if mode == IMTextInput then return [CmdInputChar ch] else (maybeToList . lookup ch . (unblockBinding:)) <$> getBindings mode