0.3.1: Misc minor UI improvements; Help screens in SDL mode. 0.3: Minor fixes; first version uploaded to hackage 0.2.8: Implemented click-and-drag movement in play and edit modes. 0.2.7: Improvements to curses UI - handle resizing; show keys; allow rebinding. Fixed some bugs with viewing notes. Update default server address Fix silly crash bug introduced by Add mouse control of tools 0.2.6: Minor UI tweaks. 0.2.5: Shortened tutorial drastically. Other levels now in 'tutorial-extra/'. Improved video setup handling. Fixed bug with text disappearing on resize. 0.2.4: Improve handling inaccessible servers. Added background. Fixed bug with prompts being quickly dismissed when using the mouse. 0.2.3: Minor graphical improvements. 0.2.2: Visible changes: scoring tweak: empty slots are accessed iff all non-empty slots are; 'q'uit confirmation now reminds you what you're quitting from; we now consider testedness when deciding if a lock is modified; added detailed game info to the README; added hover text for UI buttons. Bugs fixed: editor, lockfile reader, and validity checker were not in accordance on what is allowed as the root of a spring; SDL UI was redrawing the screen on every mouse movement; curses UI wasn't refreshing properly on async flag. 0.2.1: New features: The "reset tools" command has become a "test lock" command. Successful tests are saved along with the lock, meaning you can then place the lock without having to test it again. You can now use marks in 'play' mode, and there's a default mark for the initial state, effectively giving a "reset" command. Bugs fixed: stale notes weren't getting refreshed retired display got stuck on changing codename you couldn't move into the bolthole with keyboard commands 0.2: First public release