-- This file is part of Intricacy -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. module Interact (interactUI) where import Control.Monad.State import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.Trans.Error import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.List import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Data.Array import Data.Function (on) import Hex import Command import Physics import Mundanities import AsciiLock import GameState import GameStateTypes import EditGameState import Frame import Lock import Cache import Database import Protocol import Metagame import ServerAddr import MainState import InputMode import Maxlocksize import InteractUtil interactUI :: UIMonad uiM => StateT MainState uiM InteractSuccess interactUI = do lift $ drawMessage "" (IMMeta==) . ms2im <$> get >>= flip when (void $ do flag <- gets newAsync unblock <- lift unblockInput _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ do atomically $ readTVar flag >>= check >> writeTVar flag False unblock -- draw before testing auth, lest a timeout mean a blank screen drawMainState testAuth refreshUInfoUI (isNothing <$> gets curAuth >>=) $ flip when $ lift $ drawMessage "Welcome. To play the tutorial levels, press 'T'." ) setMark '0' loop where loop = do mainSt <- get let im = ms2im mainSt when (im == IMPlay && not (psSolved mainSt)) checkWon when (im == IMMeta) $ (checkAsyncErrors >>) $ void.runMaybeT $ mourNameSelected >>= flip when (lift purgeInvalidUndecls) drawMainState cmds <- lift $ getSomeInput im runErrorT (mapM_ (processCommand im) cmds) >>= \x -> case x of Left ret -> do lift $ drawMessage "" return ret Right _ -> loop -- | TODO: neater would be to use a stream (see package 'pipes') for -- input? getSomeInput im = do cmds <- getInput im if null cmds then getSomeInput im else return cmds newtype InteractSuccess = InteractSuccess Bool instance Error InteractSuccess where noMsg = InteractSuccess False processCommand :: UIMonad uiM => InputMode -> Command -> ErrorT InteractSuccess (StateT MainState uiM) () processCommand im CmdQuit = do case im of IMReplay -> throwError $ InteractSuccess False IMPlay -> lift (gets psIsSub) >>= flip when (throwError $ InteractSuccess False) IMEdit -> lift editStateUnsaved >>= flip unless (throwError $ InteractSuccess True) _ -> return () title <- lift $ getTitle really <- lift $ lift $ confirm $ "Really quit" ++ maybe "" (" from "++) title ++ "?" when really $ throwError $ InteractSuccess False processCommand im CmdForceQuit = throwError $ InteractSuccess False processCommand IMPlay CmdOpen = do st <- gets psCurrentState frame <- gets psFrame if checkSolved (frame,st) then throwError $ InteractSuccess True else lift.lift $ drawError "Locked!" processCommand im cmd = lift $ processCommand' im cmd processCommand' :: UIMonad uiM => InputMode -> Command -> StateT MainState uiM () processCommand' im CmdHelp = lift $ do showHelp im void $ textInput "[press a key]" 1 False True Nothing Nothing processCommand' im CmdBind = lift $ flip (>>) (drawMessage "") $ void $ runMaybeT $ do lift $ drawMessage "Command to bind: " cmd <- msum $ repeat $ do cmd <- MaybeT $ listToMaybe <$> getInput im guard $ not.null $ describeCommand cmd return cmd lift $ drawMessage ("key to bind to \"" ++ describeCommand cmd ++ "\" (repeat binding to delete): ") ch <- MaybeT getChRaw guard $ ch /= '\ESC' lift $ setUIBinding im cmd ch processCommand' _ CmdSuspend = lift $ suspend processCommand' _ CmdRedraw = lift $ redraw processCommand' im CmdMark = void.runMaybeT $ do guard $ im `elem` [IMEdit, IMPlay, IMReplay] str <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Mark: " 1 False True Nothing Nothing ch <- MaybeT $ return $ listToMaybe str guard $ ch `notElem` ['0', '\''] lift $ setMark ch processCommand' im CmdJumpMark = void.runMaybeT $ do guard $ im `elem` [IMEdit, IMPlay, IMReplay] str <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Jump to mark ('0' for starting state): " 1 False True Nothing Nothing ch <- MaybeT $ return $ listToMaybe str lift $ jumpMark ch processCommand' IMMeta (CmdSelCodename mname) = void.runMaybeT $ do name <- msum [ MaybeT $ return $ mname , do newCodename <- (map toUpper <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Codename:" 3 False True Nothing Nothing guard $ length newCodename == 3 return newCodename ] guard $ validCodeName name lift $ do modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = (name:codenameStack ms) } invalidateUInfo name refreshUInfoUI processCommand' IMMeta CmdHome = void.runMaybeT $ do ourName <- mgetOurName lift $ do modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = (ourName:codenameStack ms) } refreshUInfoUI processCommand' IMMeta CmdBackCodename = do stack <- gets codenameStack when (length stack > 1) $ do modify $ \ms -> ms { codenameStack = tail stack } refreshUInfoUI processCommand' IMMeta CmdSetServer = void.runMaybeT $ do saddr <- gets curServer saddrs <- liftIO $ knownServers newSaddrstr <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Set server:" 256 False False (Just $ map saddrStr saddrs) (Just $ saddrStr saddr) newSaddr <- MaybeT $ return $ strToSaddr newSaddrstr modify $ \ms -> ms { curServer = newSaddr } unless (nullSaddr newSaddr) $ msum [ void $ MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking RecServerInfo , modify $ \ms -> ms { curServer = saddr } ] processCommand' IMMeta CmdToggleCacheOnly = not <$> gets cacheOnly >>= \c -> modify $ \ms -> ms {cacheOnly = c} processCommand' IMMeta CmdRegister = void.runMaybeT $ do newName <- mgetCurName mauth <- gets curAuth let isUs = maybe False ((==newName).authUser) mauth confirmOrBail $ if isUs then "Really reset password?" else "Register codename "++newName++"?" passwd <- (hashPassword newName <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Enter new password:" 64 True False Nothing Nothing lift $ if isUs then do resp <- curServerAction $ ResetPassword passwd case resp of ServerAck -> do lift $ drawMessage "New password set." modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth newName passwd} ServerError err -> lift $ drawError err _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp else do modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth newName passwd} resp <- curServerAction Register case resp of ServerAck -> do invalidateUInfo newName refreshUInfoUI lift $ drawMessage "Registered!" ServerError err -> do lift $ drawError err modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing} _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp processCommand' IMMeta CmdAuth = void.runMaybeT $ do auth <- lift $ gets curAuth if isJust auth then do confirmOrBail "Log out?" modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Nothing} else do name <- mgetCurName passwd <- (hashPassword name <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $ textInput ("Enter password for "++name++":") 64 True False Nothing Nothing lift $ do modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = Just $ Auth name passwd} resp <- curServerAction $ Authenticate case resp of ServerAck -> (lift $ drawMessage "Authenticated.") ServerMessage msg -> (lift $ drawMessage $ "Server: " ++ msg) ServerError err -> do lift $ drawError err modify $ \ms -> ms {curAuth = auth} _ -> lift $ drawMessage $ "Bad server response: " ++ show resp processCommand' IMMeta (CmdSolve midx) = void.runMaybeT $ do name <- mgetCurName uinfo <- mgetUInfo name idx <- msum [ MaybeT $ return midx , askLockIndex "Solve which lock?" "No lock to solve!" (\i -> isJust $ userLocks uinfo ! i) ] ls <- MaybeT $ return $ lockSpec <$> userLocks uinfo ! idx undecls <- lift (gets undeclareds) msum [ do undecl <- MaybeT $ return $ find (\(Undeclared _ ls' _) -> ls == ls') undecls _ <- MaybeT $ gets curAuth confirmOrBail "Declare existing solution?" void.lift.runMaybeT $ -- ignores MaybeT failures declare undecl , do RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls soln <- solveLock lock $ Just $ "solving " ++ name ++ ":" ++ [lockIndexChar idx] ++ " (#" ++ show ls ++")" mourName <- lift $ (authUser <$>) <$> gets curAuth guard $ mourName /= Just name let undecl = Undeclared soln ls (ActiveLock name idx) msum [ do _ <- MaybeT $ gets curAuth confirmOrBail "Declare solution?" declare undecl , unless (any (\(Undeclared _ ls' _) -> ls == ls') undecls) $ modify $ \ms -> ms { undeclareds = (undecl : undeclareds ms) } ] ] processCommand' IMMeta (CmdPlayLockSpec mls) = void.runMaybeT $ do ls <- msum [ MaybeT $ return mls , do tls <- MaybeT . lift $ textInput "Lock number:" 16 False False Nothing Nothing MaybeT . return $ fst <$> (listToMaybe $ (reads :: ReadS Int) tls) ] RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls solveLock lock $ Just $ "solving " ++ show ls processCommand' IMMeta (CmdDeclare mundecl) = void.runMaybeT $ do mourNameSelected >>= guard name <- mgetCurName undecls <- lift $ gets undeclareds guard $ not $ null undecls declare =<< msum [ MaybeT $ return mundecl , if length undecls == 1 then return $ head undecls else do which <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput ("Declare which solution?") 5 False True Nothing Nothing MaybeT $ return $ msum [ do i <- fst <$> (listToMaybe $ (reads :: ReadS Int) which) guard $ 0 < i && i <= length undecls return $ undecls !! (i-1) , listToMaybe $ [ undecl | undecl@(Undeclared _ _ (ActiveLock name' i)) <- undecls , or [ take (length which) (name' ++ ":" ++ [lockIndexChar i]) == map toUpper which , name'==name && [lockIndexChar i] == which ] ] ] ] processCommand' IMMeta (CmdViewSolution mnote) = void.runMaybeT $ do note <- msum [ MaybeT $ return mnote, do ourName <- mgetOurName name <- mgetCurName uinfo <- mgetUInfo name noteses <- lift $ sequence [ case mlockinfo of Nothing -> return [] Just lockinfo -> (++lockSolutions lockinfo) <$> do ns <- getNotesReadOn lockinfo return $ if length ns < 3 then [] else ns | mlockinfo <- elems $ userLocks uinfo ] idx <- askLockIndex "View solution to which lock?" "No solutions to view" $ not.null.(noteses!!) let notes = noteses!!idx authors = map noteAuthor notes author <- if length notes == 1 then return $ noteAuthor $ head notes else (map toUpper <$>) $ MaybeT $ lift $ textInput ("View solution by which player? [" ++ intercalate "," (take 3 authors) ++ if length authors > 3 then ",...]" else "]") 3 False True (Just $ authors) Nothing MaybeT $ return $ find ((==author).noteAuthor) notes ] let ActiveLock name idx = noteOn note uinfo <- mgetUInfo name ls <- lockSpec <$> MaybeT (return $ userLocks uinfo ! idx) RCLock lock <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecLock ls RCSolution soln <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecNote note lift.lift $ execStateT interactUI $ newReplayState (snd.reframe$lock) soln $ Just $ "viewing solution by " ++ noteAuthor note ++ " to " ++ name ++ [':',lockIndexChar idx] processCommand' IMMeta (CmdPlaceLock midx) = void.runMaybeT $ do mourNameSelected >>= guard ourName <- mgetOurName (lock,msoln) <- MaybeT $ gets curLock lockpath <- lift $ gets curLockPath ourUInfo <- mgetUInfo ourName idx <- msum [ MaybeT $ return midx , askLockIndex ("Place " ++ show lockpath ++ " in which slot?") "bug" $ const True ] when (isJust $ userLocks ourUInfo ! idx) $ confirmOrBail "Really retire existing lock?" soln <- msum [ MaybeT $ return msoln, solveLock lock $ Just $ "testing lock" ] lift $ do curServerActionAsync $ SetLock lock idx soln invalidateUInfo ourName refreshUInfoUI processCommand' IMMeta CmdSelectLock = void.runMaybeT $ do lockdir <- liftIO $ confFilePath "locks" paths <- liftIO $ map (drop (length lockdir + 1)) <$> getDirContentsRec lockdir path <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Select lock:" 1024 False False (Just paths) Nothing lift $ setLockPath path processCommand' IMMeta CmdNextLock = gets curLockPath >>= liftIO . nextLock True >>= setLockPath processCommand' IMMeta CmdPrevLock = gets curLockPath >>= liftIO . nextLock False >>= setLockPath processCommand' IMMeta CmdNextPage = modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffset = listOffset ms + 1 } processCommand' IMMeta CmdPrevPage = modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffset = max 0 $ listOffset ms - 1 } processCommand' IMMeta CmdEdit = void.runMaybeT $ do (lock, msoln) <- msum [ MaybeT $ gets curLock , do frame <- BasicFrame <$> msum [ do _ <- gets curServer RCServerInfo (ServerInfo size _) <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking RecServerInfo return size , do sizet <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput ("Lock size: [3-" ++ show maxlocksize ++ "]") 2 False False Nothing Nothing size <- MaybeT $ return $ fst <$> (listToMaybe $ (reads :: ReadS Int) sizet) guard $ 3 <= size && size <= maxlocksize return size ] return ((frame, baseState frame), Nothing) ] path <- lift $ gets curLockPath newPath <- MaybeT $ lift $ (esPath <$>) $ execStateT interactUI $ newEditState (reframe lock) msoln (if null path then Nothing else Just path) lift $ setLockPath newPath processCommand' IMMeta CmdTutorials = void.runMaybeT $ do tutdir <- liftIO $ getDataPath "tutorial" tuts <- liftIO $ (sort . map (takeWhile (/='.')) . filter (isSuffixOf ".lock")) <$> getDirectoryContents tutdir `catchIO` (const $ return []) when (null tuts) $ do lift.lift $ drawError "No tutorial levels found" mzero s <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput ("Play which tutorial level [1-"++show (length tuts)++"]") (length (show (length tuts))) False True Nothing Nothing i <- MaybeT $ return $ fst <$> (listToMaybe $ (reads :: ReadS Int) s) guard $ 1 <= i && i <= length tuts let dotut i = do let name = tuts !! (i-1) let pref = tutdir ++ [pathSeparator] ++ name (lock,_) <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ readLock (pref ++ ".lock") text <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ listToMaybe <$> readStrings (pref ++ ".text") _ <- solveLock lock $ Just $ "Tutorial " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ text if i+1 <= length tuts then do confirmOrBail $ "Tutorial level completed! Play next tutorial level (" ++ show (i+1) ++ ")?" dotut $ i+1 else lift $ do mauth <- gets curAuth lift $ drawMessage $ if isNothing mauth then "Tutorial completed! To play on the server, pick a codename ('C') and register it ('R')." else "Tutorial completed!" dotut i processCommand' IMMeta CmdShowRetired = void.runMaybeT $ do name <- mgetCurName newRL <- lift (gets retiredLocks) >>= \rl -> case rl of Nothing -> do RCLockSpecs lss <- MaybeT $ getFreshRecBlocking $ RecRetiredLocks name return $ Just lss Just _ -> return Nothing lift $ modify $ \ms -> ms {retiredLocks = newRL} processCommand' IMPlay CmdUndo = do st <- gets psCurrentState stack <- gets psGameStateMoveStack ustms <- gets psUndoneStack unless (null stack) $ do let (st',pm) = head stack modify $ \ps -> ps {psCurrentState=st', psGameStateMoveStack = tail stack, psLastAlerts = [], psUndoneStack = (st,pm):ustms} processCommand' IMPlay CmdRedo = do ustms <- gets psUndoneStack case ustms of [] -> return () ustm:ustms' -> do pushPState ustm modify $ \ps -> ps {psUndoneStack = ustms'} processCommand' IMPlay (CmdManipulateToolAt pos) = do board <- stateBoard <$> gets psCurrentState wsel <- gets wrenchSelected void.runMaybeT $ msum $ [ do tile <- MaybeT $ return $ snd <$> Map.lookup pos board guard $ case tile of {WrenchTile _ -> True; HookTile -> True; _ -> False} lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdTile tile ] ++ [ do tile <- MaybeT $ return $ snd <$> Map.lookup (d<+>pos) board guard $ tileType tile == if wsel then WrenchTile zero else HookTile lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdDir WHSSelected $ neg d | d <- hexDirs ] processCommand' IMPlay (CmdDrag pos dir) = do board <- stateBoard <$> gets psCurrentState wsel <- gets wrenchSelected void.runMaybeT $ do tile <- MaybeT $ return $ snd <$> Map.lookup pos board guard $ case tile of {WrenchTile _ -> True; HookTile -> True; _ -> False} lift $ processCommand' IMPlay $ CmdDir WHSSelected $ dir board' <- stateBoard <$> gets psCurrentState msum [ do tile' <- MaybeT $ return $ snd <$> Map.lookup pos' board' guard $ tileType tile' == if wsel then WrenchTile zero else HookTile lift.lift $ warpPointer $ pos' | pos' <- [dir<+>pos, pos] ] processCommand' IMPlay cmd = do wsel <- gets wrenchSelected st <- gets psCurrentState let push whs dir | whs == WHSWrench || (whs == WHSSelected && wsel) = Just $ WrenchPush dir | otherwise = Just $ HookPush dir torque dir = Just $ HookTorque dir (wsel', pm) = case cmd of CmdTile (WrenchTile _) -> (True, Nothing) CmdTile HookTile -> (False, Nothing) CmdTile (ArmTile _ _) -> (False, Nothing) CmdToggle -> (not wsel, Nothing) CmdDir whs dir -> (wsel, push whs dir) CmdRotate dir -> (wsel, torque dir) CmdWait -> (wsel, Just NullPM) CmdSelect -> (wsel, Just NullPM) _ -> (wsel, Nothing) modify $ \ps -> ps {wrenchSelected = wsel'} case pm of Nothing -> return () Just pm' -> do (st',alerts) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick pm' st modify $ \ps -> ps {psLastAlerts = alerts} pushPState (st',pm') processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1) = void.runMaybeT $ do (st',pm) <- MaybeT $ listToMaybe <$> gets rsGameStateMoveStack lift $ modify $ \rs -> rs {rsCurrentState=st' , rsGameStateMoveStack = tail $ rsGameStateMoveStack rs , rsMoveStack = pm:rsMoveStack rs} processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack n) = replicateM_ n $ processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1) processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1) = void.runMaybeT $ do pm <- MaybeT $ listToMaybe <$> gets rsMoveStack lift $ do st <- gets rsCurrentState (st',_) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick pm st modify $ \rs -> rs {rsCurrentState = st' , rsGameStateMoveStack = (st,pm):rsGameStateMoveStack rs , rsMoveStack = tail $ rsMoveStack rs} processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward n) = replicateM_ n $ processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1) processCommand' IMReplay CmdUndo = processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayBack 1) processCommand' IMReplay CmdRedo = processCommand' IMReplay (CmdReplayForward 1) processCommand' IMEdit CmdPlay = do st <- gets $ head.esGameStateStack frame <- gets esFrame modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing} subPlay (frame,st) processCommand' IMEdit CmdTest = do frame <- gets esFrame modifyEState (\st -> snd $ canonify (frame, st)) modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing} mpath <- gets esPath st <- gets $ head.esGameStateStack void.runMaybeT $ do soln <- solveLock (frame,st) $ Just $ "testing " ++ fromMaybe "[unnamed lock]" mpath lift $ modify $ \es -> es { esTested = Just (st, soln) } processCommand' IMEdit CmdUndo = do st:sts <- gets esGameStateStack usts <- gets esUndoneStack unless (null sts) $ modify $ \es -> es {esGameStateStack = sts, esUndoneStack = st:usts} processCommand' IMEdit CmdRedo = do usts <- gets esUndoneStack case usts of [] -> return () ust:usts' -> do pushEState ust modify $ \es -> es {esUndoneStack = usts'} processCommand' IMEdit CmdUnselect = modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing} processCommand' IMEdit CmdSelect = do selPiece <- gets selectedPiece selPos <- gets selectedPos st:_ <- gets esGameStateStack let selPiece' = if isJust selPiece then Nothing else liftM fst $ Map.lookup selPos $ stateBoard st modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = selPiece'} processCommand' IMEdit (CmdDir _ dir) = do selPos <- gets selectedPos selPiece <- gets selectedPiece frame <- gets esFrame case selPiece of Nothing -> modify $ \es -> es {selectedPos = checkEditable frame selPos $ dir <+> selPos} Just p -> doForce $ Push p dir processCommand' IMEdit (CmdMoveTo newPos) = do frame <- gets esFrame modify $ \es -> es {selectedPos = truncateToEditable frame newPos} processCommand' IMEdit (CmdDrag pos dir) = do board <- stateBoard.head <$> gets esGameStateStack void.runMaybeT $ do selIdx <- MaybeT $ gets selectedPiece idx <- MaybeT $ return $ fst <$> Map.lookup pos board guard $ idx == selIdx lift $ processCommand' IMEdit $ CmdDir WHSSelected $ dir board' <- stateBoard.head <$> gets esGameStateStack msum [ do idx' <- MaybeT $ return $ fst <$> Map.lookup pos' board' guard $ idx' == selIdx lift.lift $ warpPointer $ pos' | pos' <- [dir<+>pos, pos] ] processCommand' IMEdit (CmdRotate dir) = do selPiece <- gets selectedPiece case selPiece of Nothing -> return () Just p -> doForce $ Torque p dir processCommand' IMEdit (CmdTile tile) = do selPos <- gets selectedPos drawTile selPos (Just tile) False processCommand' IMEdit (CmdPaint tile) = do selPos <- gets selectedPos drawTile selPos tile True processCommand' IMEdit (CmdPaintFromTo tile from to) = do frame <- gets esFrame paintTilePath tile (truncateToEditable frame from) (truncateToEditable frame to) processCommand' IMEdit CmdMerge = do selPos <- gets selectedPos st:_ <- gets esGameStateStack lift $ drawMessage "Merge in which direction?" let getDir = do cmd <- lift $ head <$> getSomeInput IMEdit case cmd of CmdDir _ mergeDir -> return $ Just mergeDir CmdDrag _ mergeDir -> return $ Just mergeDir CmdMoveTo _ -> getDir _ -> return $ Nothing mergeDir <- getDir case mergeDir of Just mergeDir -> modifyEState $ mergeTiles selPos mergeDir True _ -> return () -- XXX: merging might invalidate selectedPiece modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing} lift $ drawMessage "" processCommand' IMEdit CmdWait = do st:_ <- gets esGameStateStack (st',_) <- lift $ doPhysicsTick NullPM st pushEState st' processCommand' IMEdit CmdDelete = do selPos <- gets selectedPos selPiece <- gets selectedPiece st:_ <- gets esGameStateStack case selPiece of Nothing -> drawTile selPos Nothing False Just p -> do modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing} modifyEState $ delPiece p processCommand' IMEdit CmdWriteState = void.runMaybeT $ do path <- lift $ gets esPath newPath <- MaybeT $ lift $ textInput "Save lock as:" 1024 False False Nothing path guard $ not $ null newPath fullPath <- liftIO $ fullLockPath newPath (liftIO (doesFileExist fullPath `catchIO` const (return True)) >>=) $ flip when $ confirmOrBail $ "Really overwrite '"++fullPath++"'?" lift $ do st <- gets $ head.esGameStateStack frame <- gets esFrame msoln <- getCurTestSoln merr <- liftIO $ ((writeAsciiLockFile fullPath msoln $ canonify (frame, st)) >> return Nothing) `catchIO` (return . Just . show) modify $ \es -> es {lastSavedState = Just (st,isJust msoln)} case merr of Nothing -> modify $ \es -> es {esPath = Just newPath} Just err -> lift $ drawError $ "Write failed: "++err processCommand' _ _ = return () hashPassword :: String -> String -> String -- ^ salt password hashPassword name password = hash $ "IY" ++ name ++ password subPlay :: UIMonad uiM => Lock -> StateT MainState uiM () subPlay lock = pushEState =<< psCurrentState <$> (lift $ execStateT interactUI $ newPlayState lock Nothing True) solveLock :: UIMonad uiM => Lock -> Maybe String -> MaybeT (StateT MainState uiM) Solution solveLock lock title = do (InteractSuccess solved, ps) <- lift.lift $ runStateT interactUI $ newPlayState (reframe lock) title False guard $ solved return $ reverse $ (map snd) $ psGameStateMoveStack ps