{-| Module : Interval Algebra Description : Implementation of Allen's interval algebra Copyright : (c) NoviSci, Inc 2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : bsaul@novisci.com The @IntervalAlgebra@ module provides data types and related classes for the interval-based temporal logic described in [Allen (1983)](https://doi.org/10.1145/182.358434) and axiomatized in [Allen and Hayes (1987)](https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8640.1989.tb00329.x). A good primer on Allen's algebra can be [found here](https://thomasalspaugh.org/pub/fnd/allen.html). = Design The module is built around three typeclasses designed to separate concerns of constructing, relating, and combining types that contain @'Interval'@s: 1. @'Intervallic'@ provides an interface to the data structures which contain an @'Interval'@. 2. @'IntervalCombinable'@ provides an interface to methods of combining two @'Interval's@. 3. @'IntervalSizeable'@ provides methods for measuring and modifying the size of an interval. -} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} module IntervalAlgebra( -- * Intervals Interval , Intervallic(..) -- ** Create new intervals , parseInterval , beginerval , enderval -- ** Modify intervals , expand , expandl , expandr -- * Interval Algebra -- ** Interval Relations and Predicates , IntervalRelation(..) {- | === Meets, Metby > x `meets` y > y `metBy` x @ x: |-----| y: |-----| @ -} , meets , metBy {- | === Before, After > x `before` y > y `after` x @ x: |-----| y: |-----| @ -} , before , after {- | === Overlaps, OverlappedBy > x `overlaps` y > y `overlappedBy` x @ x: |-----| y: |-----| @ -} , overlaps , overlappedBy {- | === Finishes, FinishedBy > x `finishes` y > y `finishedBy` x @ x: |---| y: |-----| @ -} , finishedBy , finishes {- | === During, Contains > x `during` y > y `contains` x @ x: |-| y: |-----| @ -} , contains , during {- | === Starts, StartedBy > x `starts` y > y `startedBy` x @ x: |---| y: |-----| @ -} , starts , startedBy {- | === Equal > x `equal` y > y `equal` x @ x: |-----| y: |-----| @ -} , equals -- ** Additional predicates and utilities , disjoint , notDisjoint, concur , within, enclose, enclosedBy , (<|>) , unionPredicates , ComparativePredicateOf1 , ComparativePredicateOf2 -- ** Algebraic operations , intervalRelations , relate , compose , complement , union , intersection , converse -- * Combine two intervals , IntervalCombinable(..) , extenterval -- * Measure an interval , IntervalSizeable(..) ) where import Prelude ( Eq, Show, Read, Enum(..), Bounded(..) , Maybe(..), Either(..), String, Bool(..) , Integer, Int, Num , map, otherwise, show , any, negate, not , replicate , (++), (==), (&&), (+), (-), (!!)) import Data.Function ( ($), id, (.), flip ) import Data.Functor ( Functor(fmap) ) import Data.Ord ( Ord(..), Ordering(..), min, max ) import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup((<>)) ) import qualified Data.Set ( Set , fromList , difference , intersection , union , map , toList ) import Data.Tuple ( fst, snd ) import Data.Time as DT ( Day , addDays , diffDays ) import Control.Applicative ( Applicative(pure) ) {- | An @'Interval' a@ is a pair \( (x, y) \text{ such that } x < y\). To create intervals use the @'parseInterval'@, @'beginerval'@, or @'enderval'@ functions. -} newtype Interval a = Interval (a, a) deriving (Eq) -- | Safely parse a pair of @a@s to create an @'Interval' a@. -- -- >>> parseInterval 0 1 -- Right (0, 1) -- -- >>> parseInterval 1 0 -- Left "0<1" -- parseInterval :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Either String (Interval a) parseInterval x y -- TODO: create more general framework for error handling | y < x = Left $ show y ++ "<" ++ show x | otherwise = Right $ Interval (x, y) intervalBegin :: (Ord a) => Interval a -> a intervalBegin (Interval x) = fst x intervalEnd :: (Ord a) => Interval a -> a intervalEnd (Interval x) = snd x instance Functor Interval where fmap f (Interval (x, y)) = Interval (f x, f y) instance (Show a, Ord a) => Show (Interval a) where show x = "(" ++ show (begin x) ++ ", " ++ show (end x) ++ ")" {- | The @'Intervallic'@ typeclass defines how to get and set the 'Interval' content of a data structure. It also includes functions for getting the endpoints of the 'Interval' via @'begin'@ and @'end'@. >>> getInterval (Interval (0, 10)) (0, 10) >>> begin (Interval (0, 10)) 0 >>> end (Interval (0, 10)) 10 -} class (Ord a) => Intervallic i a where -- | Get the interval from an @i a@. getInterval :: i a -> Interval a -- | Set the interval in an @i a@. setInterval :: i a -> Interval a -> i a -- | Access the endpoints of an @i a@ . begin, end :: i a -> a begin = intervalBegin . getInterval end = intervalEnd . getInterval {- | The 'IntervalRelation' type and the associated predicate functions enumerate the thirteen possible ways that two @'Interval'@ objects may 'relate' according to Allen's interval algebra. Constructors are shown with their corresponding predicate function. -} data IntervalRelation = Meets -- ^ `meets` | MetBy -- ^ `metBy` | Before -- ^ `before` | After -- ^ `after` | Overlaps -- ^ `overlaps` | OverlappedBy -- ^ `overlappedBy` | Starts -- ^ `starts` | StartedBy -- ^ `startedBy` | Finishes -- ^ `finishes` | FinishedBy -- ^ `finishedBy` | During -- ^ `during` | Contains -- ^ `contains` | Equals -- ^ `equals` deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance Bounded IntervalRelation where minBound = Before maxBound = After instance Enum IntervalRelation where fromEnum r = case r of Before -> 0 Meets -> 1 Overlaps -> 2 FinishedBy -> 3 Contains -> 4 Starts -> 5 Equals -> 6 StartedBy -> 7 During -> 8 Finishes -> 9 OverlappedBy -> 10 MetBy -> 11 After -> 12 toEnum i = case i of 0 -> Before 1 -> Meets 2 -> Overlaps 3 -> FinishedBy 4 -> Contains 5 -> Starts 6 -> Equals 7 -> StartedBy 8 -> During 9 -> Finishes 10 -> OverlappedBy 11 -> MetBy 12 -> After instance Ord IntervalRelation where compare x y = compare (fromEnum x) (fromEnum y) -- | Does x `meets` y? Is x metBy y? meets, metBy :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) meets x y = end x == begin y metBy = flip meets -- | Is x before y? Is x after y? before, after :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) before x y = end x < begin y after = flip before -- | Does x overlap y? Is x overlapped by y? overlaps, overlappedBy :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) overlaps x y = begin x < begin y && end x < end y && end x > begin y overlappedBy = flip overlaps -- | Does x start y? Is x started by y? starts, startedBy, precedes, precededBy :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) starts x y = begin x == begin y && end x < end y startedBy = flip starts precedes = starts precededBy = startedBy -- | Does x finish y? Is x finished by y? finishes, finishedBy :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) finishes x y = begin x > begin y && end x == end y finishedBy = flip finishes -- | Is x during y? Does x contain y? during, contains :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) during x y = begin x > begin y && end x < end y contains = flip during -- | Does x equal y? equals :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) equals x y = begin x == begin y && end x == end y -- | Operator for composing the union of two predicates (<|>) :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) -> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) -> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) (<|>) f g = unionPredicates [f, g] disjointRelations :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation disjointRelations = toSet [Before, After, Meets, MetBy] withinRelations :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation withinRelations = toSet [Starts, During, Finishes, Equals] -- | Are x and y disjoint ('before', 'after', 'meets', or 'metBy')? disjoint :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) disjoint = predicate disjointRelations -- | Are x and y not disjoint (concur); i.e. do they share any support? This is -- the 'complement' of 'disjoint'. notDisjoint, concur :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) notDisjoint = predicate (complement disjointRelations) concur = notDisjoint -- | Is x entirely *within* (enclosed by) the endpoints of y? That is, 'during', -- 'starts', 'finishes', or 'equals'? within, enclosedBy:: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) within = predicate withinRelations enclosedBy = within -- | Does x enclose y? That is, is y 'within' x? enclose :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) enclose = flip enclosedBy -- | The 'Data.Set.Set' of all 'IntervalRelation's. intervalRelations :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation intervalRelations = Data.Set.fromList (Prelude.map toEnum [0..12] ::[IntervalRelation]) -- | Find the converse of a single 'IntervalRelation' converseRelation :: IntervalRelation -> IntervalRelation converseRelation x = toEnum (12 - fromEnum x) -- | Shortcut to creating a 'Set IntervalRelation' from a list. toSet :: [IntervalRelation ] -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation toSet = Data.Set.fromList -- | Compose a list of interval relations with _or_ to create a new -- @'ComparativePredicateOf1' i a@. For example, -- @unionPredicates [before, meets]@ creates a predicate function determining -- if one interval is either before or meets another interval. unionPredicates :: [ComparativePredicateOf2 a b] -> ComparativePredicateOf2 a b unionPredicates fs x y = any (\ f -> f x y) fs -- | Maps an 'IntervalRelation' to its corresponding predicate function. toPredicate :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a) => IntervalRelation -> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) toPredicate r = case r of Before -> before Meets -> meets Overlaps -> overlaps FinishedBy -> finishedBy Contains -> contains Starts -> starts Equals -> equals StartedBy -> startedBy During -> during Finishes -> finishes OverlappedBy -> overlappedBy MetBy -> metBy After -> after -- | Given a set of 'IntervalRelation's return a list of 'predicate' functions -- corresponding to each relation. predicates :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> [ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a)] predicates x = Prelude.map toPredicate (Data.Set.toList x) -- | Forms a predicate function from the union of a set of 'IntervalRelation's. predicate :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a)=> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> ComparativePredicateOf2 (i0 a) (i1 a) predicate = unionPredicates.predicates -- | The lookup table for the compositions of interval relations. composeRelationLookup :: [[[IntervalRelation]]] composeRelationLookup = [ [p , p , p , p , p , p , p , p , pmosd, pmosd, pmosd, pmosd, full ] , [p , p , p , p , p , m , m , m , osd , osd , osd , fef , dsomp] , [p , p , pmo , pmo , pmofd, o , o , ofd , osd , osd , cncr , dso , dsomp] , [p , m , o , f' , d' , o , f', d' , osd , fef , dso , dso , dsomp] , [pmofd, ofd , ofd , d' , d' , ofd , d', d' , cncr , dso , dso , dso , dsomp] , [p , p , pmo , pmo , pmofd, s , s , ses , d , d , dfo , m' , p' ] , [p , m , o , f' , d' , s , e , s' , d , f , o' , m' , p' ] , [pmofd, ofd , ofd , d' , d' , ses , s', s' , dfo , o' , o' , m' , p' ] , [p , p , pmosd, pmosd, full , d , d , dfomp, d , d , dfomp, p' , p' ] , [p , m , osd , fef , dsomp, d , f , omp , d , f , omp , p' , p' ] , [pmofd, ofd , cncr , dso , dsomp, dfo , o', omp , dfo , o' , omp , p' , p' ] , [pmofd, ses , dfo , m' , p' , dfo , m', p' , dfo , m' , p' , p' , p' ] , [full , dfomp, dfomp, p' , p' , dfomp, p', p' , dfomp, p' , p' , p' , p' ] ] where p = [Before] m = [Meets] o = [Overlaps] f' = [FinishedBy] d' = [Contains] s = [Starts] e = [Equals] s' = [StartedBy] d = [During] f = [Finishes] o' = [OverlappedBy] m' = [MetBy] p' = [After] ses = s ++ e ++ s' fef = f' ++ e ++ f pmo = p ++ m ++ o pmofd = pmo ++ f' ++ d' osd = o ++ s ++ d ofd = o ++ f' ++ d' omp = o' ++ m' ++ p' dfo = d ++ f ++ o' dfomp = dfo ++ m' ++ p' dso = d' ++ s' ++ o' dsomp = dso ++ m' ++ p' pmosd = p ++ m ++ osd cncr = o ++ f' ++ d' ++ s ++ e ++ s' ++ d ++ f ++ o' full = p ++ m ++ cncr ++ m' ++ p' -- | Compare two @i a@ to determine their 'IntervalRelation'. -- -- >>> relate (Interval (0::Int, 1)) (Interval (1, 2)) -- Meets -- -- >>> relate (Interval (1::Int, 2)) (Interval (0, 1)) -- MetBy -- relate :: (Intervallic i0 a, Intervallic i1 a) => i0 a -> i1 a -> IntervalRelation relate x y | x `before` y = Before | x `after` y = After | x `meets` y = Meets | x `metBy` y = MetBy | x `overlaps` y = Overlaps | x `overlappedBy` y = OverlappedBy | x `starts` y = Starts | x `startedBy` y = StartedBy | x `finishes` y = Finishes | x `finishedBy` y = FinishedBy | x `during` y = During | x `contains` y = Contains | otherwise = Equals -- | Compose two interval relations according to the rules of the algebra. -- The rules are enumerated according to . compose :: IntervalRelation -> IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation compose x y = toSet (composeRelationLookup !! fromEnum x !! fromEnum y) -- | Finds the complement of a @'Data.Set.Set' 'IntervalRelation'@. complement :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation complement = Data.Set.difference intervalRelations -- | Find the intersection of two 'Data.Set.Set's of 'IntervalRelation's. intersection :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation intersection = Data.Set.intersection -- | Find the union of two 'Data.Set.Set's of 'IntervalRelation's. union :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation union = Data.Set.union -- | Find the converse of a @'Data.Set.Set' 'IntervalRelation'@. converse :: Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation converse = Data.Set.map converseRelation {- | The 'IntervalSizeable' typeclass provides functions to determine the size of an 'Intervallic' type and to resize an 'Interval a'. -} class (Ord a, Num b, Ord b) => IntervalSizeable a b| a -> b where -- | The smallest duration for an 'Interval a'. moment :: b moment = 1 -- | Gives back a 'moment' based on the input's type. moment' :: Intervallic i a => i a -> b moment' x = moment @a -- | Determine the duration of an @'i a'@. duration :: Intervallic i a => i a -> b duration x = diff (end x) (begin x) -- | Shifts an @a@. Most often, the @b@ will be the same type as @a@. -- But for example, if @a@ is 'Day' then @b@ could be 'Int'. add :: b -> a -> a -- | Takes the difference between two @a@ to return a @b@. diff :: a -> a -> b -- | Resize an @i a@ to by expanding to "left" by @l@ and to the -- "right" by @r@. In the case that @l@ or @r@ are less than a 'moment' -- the respective endpoints are unchanged. -- -- >>> expand 0 0 (Interval (0::Int, 2::Int)) -- (0, 2) -- -- >>> expand 1 1 (Interval (0::Int, 2::Int)) -- (-1, 3) -- expand :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i a) => b -- ^ duration to subtract from the 'begin' -> b -- ^ duration to add to the 'end' -> i a -> i a expand l r p = setInterval p i where s = if l < moment' p then 0 else negate l e = if r < moment' p then 0 else r i = Interval (add s $ begin p, add e $ end p) -- | Expands an @i a@ to "left". -- -- >>> expandl 2 (Interval (0::Int, 2::Int)) -- (-2, 2) -- expandl :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i a) => b -> i a -> i a expandl i = expand i 0 -- | Expands an @i a@ to "right". -- -- >>> expandr 2 (Interval (0::Int, 2::Int)) -- (0, 4) -- expandr :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i a) => b -> i a -> i a expandr = expand 0 -- | Safely creates an 'Interval a' using @x@ as the 'begin' and adding -- @max 'moment' dur@ to @x@ as the 'end'. -- -- >>> beginerval (0::Int) (0::Int) -- (0, 1) -- -- >>> beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int) -- (0, 1) -- -- >>> beginerval (2::Int) (0::Int) -- (0, 2) -- beginerval :: (IntervalSizeable a b) => b -- ^ @dur@ation to add to the 'begin' -> a -- ^ the 'begin' point of the 'Interval' -> Interval a beginerval dur x = Interval (x, y) where i = Interval (x, x) d = max (moment' i) dur y = add d x -- | Safely creates an 'Interval a' using @x@ as the 'end' and adding -- @negate max 'moment' dur@ to @x@ as the 'begin'. -- -- >>> enderval (0::Int) (0::Int) -- (-1, 0) -- -- >>> enderval (1::Int) (0::Int) -- (-1, 0) -- -- >>> enderval (2::Int) (0::Int) -- (-2, 0) -- enderval :: (IntervalSizeable a b) => b -- ^ @dur@ation to subtract from the 'end' -> a -- ^ the 'end' point of the 'Interval' -> Interval a enderval dur x = Interval (add (negate $ max (moment' i) dur) x, x) where i = Interval (x, x) -- | Creates a new @Interval@ spanning the extent x and y. -- -- >>> extenterval (Interval (0, 1)) (Interval (9, 10)) -- (0, 10) -- extenterval :: Intervallic i a => i a -> i a -> Interval a extenterval x y = Interval (s, e) where s = min (begin x) (begin y) e = max (end x) (end y) {- | The @'IntervalCombinable'@ typeclass provides methods for (possibly) combining two @i a@s to form a @'Maybe' 'i' a@, or in case of @><@, a possibly different @Intervallic@ type. -} class (Intervallic i a) => IntervalCombinable i a where -- | Maybe form a new @i a@ by the union of two @i a@s that 'meets'. (.+.) :: i a -> i a -> Maybe (i a) (.+.) x y | x `meets` y = Just $ setInterval y $ Interval (b, e) | otherwise = Nothing where b = begin x e = end y -- | If @x@ is 'before' @y@, then form a new @Just Interval a@ from the -- interval in the "gap" between @x@ and @y@ from the 'end' of @x@ to the -- 'begin' of @y@. Otherwise, 'Nothing'. (><) :: i a -> i a -> Maybe (i a) -- | If @x@ is 'before' @y@, return @f x@ appended to @f y@. Otherwise, -- return 'extenterval' of @x@ and @y@ (wrapped in @f@). This is useful for -- (left) folding over an *ordered* container of @Interval@s and combining -- intervals when @x@ is *not* 'before' @y@. (<+>):: ( Semigroup (f (i a)), Applicative f) => i a -> i a -> f (i a) {- Misc -} -- | Defines a predicate of two objects of type @a@. type ComparativePredicateOf1 a = (a -> a -> Bool) -- | Defines a predicate of two object of different types. type ComparativePredicateOf2 a b = (a -> b -> Bool) -- {- -- Instances -- -} -- | Imposes a total ordering on @'Interval' a@ based on first ordering the -- 'begin's then the 'end's. instance (Ord a) => Ord (Interval a) where (<=) x y | begin x < begin y = True | begin x == begin y = end x <= end y | otherwise = False (<) x y | begin x < begin y = True | begin x == begin y = end x < end y | otherwise = False instance (Ord a) => Intervallic Interval a where getInterval = id setInterval _ x = x instance (Ord a) => IntervalCombinable Interval a where (><) x y | x `before` y = Just $ Interval (end x, begin y) | otherwise = Nothing (<+>) x y | x `before` y = pure ( getInterval x ) <> pure ( getInterval y ) | otherwise = pure ( extenterval x y ) instance IntervalSizeable Int Int where moment = 1 add = (+) diff = (-) instance IntervalSizeable Integer Integer where moment = 1 add = (+) diff = (-) instance IntervalSizeable DT.Day Integer where moment = 1 add = addDays diff = diffDays