-- | -- Copyright: (C) 2013 Amgen, Inc. -- -- Provides a /shallow/ view of a 'SEXP' R value as an algebraic datatype. This -- is useful to define functions over R values in Haskell with pattern matching. -- For example: -- -- @ -- toPair :: SEXP a -> (SomeSEXP, SomeSEXP) -- toPair (hexp -> List _ (Just car) (Just cdr)) = (SomeSEXP car, SomeSEXP cdr) -- toPair (hexp -> Lang car (Just cdr)) = (SomeSEXP car, SomeSEXP cdr) -- toPair s = error $ "Cannot extract pair from object of type " ++ typeOf s -- @ -- -- (See 'Foreign.R.SomeSEXP' for why we need to use it here.) -- -- The view is said to be 'shallow' because it only unfolds the head of the -- R value into an algebraic datatype. In this way, functions producing views -- can be written non-recursively, hence inlined at all call sites and -- simplified away. When produced by a view function in a pattern match, -- allocation of the view can be compiled away and hence producing a view can be -- done at no runtime cost. In fact, pattern matching on a view in this way is -- more efficient than using the accessor functions defined in "Foreign.R", -- because we avoid the overhead of calling one or more FFI functions entirely. -- -- 'HExp' is the /view/ and 'hexp' is the /view function/ that projects 'SEXP's -- into 'HExp' views. {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} #endif {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 -- XXX necessary for c2hs. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} #else {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} #endif module Language.R.HExp ( HExp(..) , (===) , hexp , unhexp , vector , selfSymbol ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.R.Class import qualified Foreign.R as R import qualified Foreign.R.Type as R import Foreign.R (SEXP, SEXPREC, SomeSEXP(..), SEXPTYPE, withProtected) import Foreign.R.Constraints import Internal.Error import qualified Language.R.Globals as H import Language.R.Instance import qualified Data.Vector.SEXP as Vector import Control.Monad ((<=<), guard, void) import Control.Monad.Primitive ( unsafeInlineIO ) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Complex import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(..), (:~:)(Refl)) import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..)) import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.C import Foreign ( castPtr, nullPtr ) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) -- Fixes redundant import warning >= 7.10 without CPP import Prelude #define USE_RINTERNALS #include "Hcompat.h" #include #include {#pointer *SEXPREC as SEXP0 -> SEXPREC #} -- Use explicit UNPACK pragmas rather than -funbox-strict-fields in order to get -- warnings if a field is not unpacked when we expect it to. -- | A view of R's internal 'SEXP' structure as an algebraic datatype. Because -- this is in fact a GADT, the use of named record fields is not possible here. -- Named record fields give rise to functions for whom it is not possible to -- assign a reasonable type (existentially quantified type variables would -- escape). -- -- Note further that Haddock does not currently support constructor comments -- when using the GADT syntax. #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 type role HExp phantom nominal #endif data HExp :: * -> SEXPTYPE -> * where -- Primitive types. The field names match those of . Nil :: HExp s R.Nil -- Fields: pname, value, internal. Symbol :: SEXP s R.Char -> SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> HExp s R.Symbol -- Fields: carval, cdrval, tagval. List :: (R.IsPairList b, c :∈ [R.Symbol, R.Nil]) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s c -> HExp s R.List -- Fields: frame, enclos, hashtab. Env :: (R.IsPairList a, b :∈ [R.Env, R.Nil], c :∈ [R.Vector, R.Nil]) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s c -> HExp s R.Env -- Fields: formals, body, env. Closure :: (R.IsPairList a) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s R.Env -> HExp s R.Closure -- Fields: value, expr, env. -- Once an promise has been evaluated, the environment is set to NULL. Promise :: (R.IsPairList a, c :∈ [R.Env, R.Nil]) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s c -> HExp s R.Promise -- Derived types. These types don't have their own 'struct' declaration in -- . -- Fields: function, args. Lang :: (a :∈ [R.Symbol, R.Lang], R.IsPairList b) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> HExp s R.Lang -- Fields: offset. Special :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 -> HExp s R.Special -- Fields: offset. Builtin :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 -> HExp s R.Builtin Char :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Char Word8) -> HExp s R.Char Logical :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s 'R.Logical R.Logical) -> HExp s 'R.Logical Int :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Int Int32) -> HExp s R.Int Real :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Real Double) -> HExp s R.Real Complex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Complex (Complex Double)) -> HExp s R.Complex String :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.String (SEXP s R.Char)) -> HExp s R.String -- Fields: pairlist of promises. DotDotDot :: (R.IsPairList a) => SEXP s a -> HExp s R.List -- Fields: truelength, content. Vector :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 -> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Vector (SomeSEXP s)) -> HExp s R.Vector -- Fields: truelength, content. Expr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 -> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Expr (SomeSEXP s)) -> HExp s R.Expr Bytecode :: HExp s R.Bytecode -- TODO -- Fields: pointer, protectionValue, tagval ExtPtr :: Ptr () -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s R.Symbol -> HExp s R.ExtPtr -- Fields: key, value, finalizer, next. WeakRef :: ( a :∈ [R.Env, R.ExtPtr, R.Nil] , c :∈ [R.Closure, R.Builtin, R.Special, R.Nil] , d :∈ [R.WeakRef, R.Nil] ) => SEXP s a -> SEXP s b -> SEXP s c -> SEXP s d -> HExp s R.WeakRef Raw :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector.Vector s R.Raw Word8) -> HExp s R.Raw -- Fields: tagval. S4 :: SEXP s a -> HExp s R.S4 instance Eq (HExp s a) where (==) = (===) -- | Heterogeneous equality. (===) :: TestEquality f => f a -> f b -> Bool x === y = isJust $ testEquality x y -- | Wrapper for partially applying a type synonym. newtype E s a = E (SEXP s a) instance TestEquality (E s) where testEquality (E x@(hexp -> t1)) (E y@(hexp -> t2)) = (guard (R.unsexp x == R.unsexp y) >> return (unsafeCoerce Refl)) <|> testEquality t1 t2 instance TestEquality (HExp s) where testEquality Nil Nil = return Refl testEquality (Symbol pname1 value1 internal1) (Symbol pname2 value2 internal2) = do void $ testEquality (E pname1) (E pname2) void $ testEquality (E value1) (E value2) void $ testEquality (E internal1) (E internal2) return Refl testEquality (List carval1 cdrval1 tagval1) (List carval2 cdrval2 tagval2) = do void $ testEquality (E carval1) (E carval2) void $ testEquality (E cdrval1) (E cdrval2) void $ testEquality (E tagval1) (E tagval2) return Refl testEquality (Env frame1 enclos1 hashtab1) (Env frame2 enclos2 hashtab2) = do void $ testEquality (E frame1) (E frame2) void $ testEquality (E enclos1) (E enclos2) void $ testEquality (E hashtab1) (E hashtab2) return Refl testEquality (Closure formals1 body1 env1) (Closure formals2 body2 env2) = do void $ testEquality (E formals1) (E formals2) void $ testEquality (E body1) (E body2) void $ testEquality (E env1) (E env2) return Refl testEquality (Promise value1 expr1 env1) (Promise value2 expr2 env2) = do void $ testEquality (E value1) (E value2) void $ testEquality (E expr1) (E expr2) void $ testEquality (E env1) (E env2) return Refl testEquality (Lang carval1 cdrval1) (Lang carval2 cdrval2) = do void $ testEquality (E carval1) (E carval2) void $ testEquality (E cdrval1) (E cdrval2) return Refl testEquality (Special offset1) (Special offset2) = do guard $ offset1 == offset2 return Refl testEquality (Builtin offset1) (Builtin offset2) = do guard $ offset1 == offset2 return Refl testEquality (Char vec1) (Char vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (Int vec1) (Int vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (Real vec1) (Real vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (String vec1) (String vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (Complex vec1) (Complex vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (DotDotDot pairlist1) (DotDotDot pairlist2) = do void $ testEquality (E pairlist1) (E pairlist2) return Refl testEquality (Vector truelength1 vec1) (Vector truelength2 vec2) = do let eq (SomeSEXP s1) (SomeSEXP s2) = isJust $ testEquality (E s1) (E s2) guard $ truelength1 == truelength2 guard $ and $ zipWith eq (Vector.toList vec1) (Vector.toList vec2) return Refl testEquality (Expr truelength1 vec1) (Expr truelength2 vec2) = do let eq (SomeSEXP s1) (SomeSEXP s2) = isJust $ testEquality (E s1) (E s2) guard $ truelength1 == truelength2 guard $ and $ zipWith eq (Vector.toList vec1) (Vector.toList vec2) return Refl testEquality Bytecode Bytecode = return Refl testEquality (ExtPtr pointer1 protectionValue1 tagval1) (ExtPtr pointer2 protectionValue2 tagval2) = do guard $ castPtr pointer1 == castPtr pointer2 void $ testEquality (E protectionValue1) (E protectionValue2) void $ testEquality (E tagval1) (E tagval2) return Refl testEquality (WeakRef key1 value1 finalizer1 next1) (WeakRef key2 value2 finalizer2 next2) = do void $ testEquality (E key1) (E key2) void $ testEquality (E value1) (E value2) void $ testEquality (E finalizer1) (E finalizer2) void $ testEquality (E next1) (E next2) return Refl testEquality (Raw vec1) (Raw vec2) = do guard $ vec1 == vec2 return Refl testEquality (S4 tagval1) (S4 tagval2) = do void $ testEquality (E tagval1) (E tagval2) return Refl testEquality _ _ = Nothing -- XXX Orphan instance. Could find a better place to put it. -- this #ifdef is not correct as it should be MIN_VERSION_base, -- so this one will not work in non GHC compilers. #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710 instance (Fractional a, Real a, Storable a) => Storable (Complex a) where sizeOf _ = {#sizeof Rcomplex #} alignment _ = {#alignof Rcomplex #} poke cptr (r :+ i) = do {#set Rcomplex->r #} cptr (realToFrac r) {#set Rcomplex->i #} cptr (realToFrac i) peek cptr = (:+) <$> (realToFrac <$> {#get Rcomplex->r #} cptr) <*> (realToFrac <$> {#get Rcomplex->i #} cptr) #endif instance Storable (HExp s a) where sizeOf _ = {#sizeof SEXPREC #} alignment _ = {#alignof SEXPREC #} poke = pokeHExp peek = peekHExp . R.SEXP {-# INLINE peek #-} {-# INLINE peekHExp #-} peekHExp :: SEXP s a -> IO (HExp s a) peekHExp s = do let coerce :: IO (HExp s a) -> IO (HExp s b) coerce = unsafeCoerce -- (:∈) constraints are impossible to respect in 'peekHExp', because -- R doesn't tell us statically the form of the SEXPREC referred to by -- a pointer. So in this function only, we pretend all constrained -- fields actually always contain fields of form ANYSXP. This has no -- operational significance - it's only a way to bypass what's -- impossible to prove. coerceAny :: SEXP s a -> SEXP s R.Any coerceAny = R.unsafeCoerce sptr = R.unsexp s case R.typeOf s of R.Nil -> coerce $ return Nil R.Symbol -> coerce $ Symbol <$> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.symsxp.pname #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.symsxp.value #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.symsxp.internal #} sptr) R.List -> coerce $ List <$> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.carval #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.cdrval #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.tagval #} sptr) R.Env -> coerce $ Env <$> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.envsxp.frame #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.envsxp.enclos #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.envsxp.hashtab #} sptr) R.Closure -> coerce $ Closure <$> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.closxp.formals #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.closxp.body #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.closxp.env #} sptr) R.Promise -> coerce $ Promise <$> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.promsxp.value #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.promsxp.expr #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.promsxp.env #} sptr) R.Lang -> coerce $ Lang <$> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.carval #} sptr) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.cdrval #} sptr) R.Special -> coerce $ Special <$> (fromIntegral <$> {#get SEXP->u.primsxp.offset #} sptr) R.Builtin -> coerce $ Builtin <$> (fromIntegral <$> {#get SEXP->u.primsxp.offset #} sptr) R.Char -> unsafeCoerce $ Char (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Logical -> unsafeCoerce $ Logical (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Int -> unsafeCoerce $ Int (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Real -> unsafeCoerce $ Real (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Complex -> unsafeCoerce $ Complex (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.String -> unsafeCoerce $ String (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.DotDotDot -> unimplemented $ "peekHExp: " ++ show (R.typeOf s) R.Vector -> coerce $ Vector <$> (fromIntegral <$> {#get VECSEXP->vecsxp.truelength #} sptr) <*> pure (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Expr -> coerce $ Expr <$> (fromIntegral <$> {#get VECSEXP->vecsxp.truelength #} sptr) <*> pure (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.Bytecode -> coerce $ return Bytecode R.ExtPtr -> coerce $ ExtPtr <$> (castPtr <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.carval #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.cdrval #} sptr) <*> (R.sexp <$> {#get SEXP->u.listsxp.tagval #} sptr) R.WeakRef -> coerce $ WeakRef <$> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> peekElemOff (castPtr $ R.unsafeSEXPToVectorPtr s) 0) <*> (R.sexp <$> peekElemOff (castPtr $ R.unsafeSEXPToVectorPtr s) 1) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> peekElemOff (castPtr $ R.unsafeSEXPToVectorPtr s) 2) <*> (coerceAny <$> R.sexp <$> peekElemOff (castPtr $ R.unsafeSEXPToVectorPtr s) 3) R.Raw -> unsafeCoerce $ Raw (Vector.unsafeFromSEXP (unsafeCoerce s)) R.S4 -> coerce $ S4 <$> (R.sexp <$> {# get SEXP->u.listsxp.tagval #} sptr) _ -> unimplemented $ "peekHExp: " ++ show (R.typeOf s) pokeHExp :: Ptr (HExp s a) -> HExp s a -> IO () pokeHExp s h = do case h of Nil -> return () Symbol pname value internal -> do {#set SEXP->u.symsxp.pname #} s (R.unsexp pname) {#set SEXP->u.symsxp.value #} s (R.unsexp value) {#set SEXP->u.symsxp.internal#} s (R.unsexp internal) List carval cdrval tagval -> do {#set SEXP->u.listsxp.carval #} s (R.unsexp carval) {#set SEXP->u.listsxp.cdrval #} s (R.unsexp cdrval) {#set SEXP->u.listsxp.tagval #} s (R.unsexp tagval) Env frame enclos hashtab -> do {#set SEXP->u.envsxp.frame #} s (R.unsexp frame) {#set SEXP->u.envsxp.enclos #} s (R.unsexp enclos) {#set SEXP->u.envsxp.hashtab #} s (R.unsexp hashtab) Closure formals body env -> do {#set SEXP->u.closxp.formals #} s (R.unsexp formals) {#set SEXP->u.closxp.body #} s (R.unsexp body) {#set SEXP->u.closxp.env #} s (R.unsexp env) Promise value expr env -> do {#set SEXP->u.promsxp.value #} s (R.unsexp value) {#set SEXP->u.promsxp.expr #} s (R.unsexp expr) {#set SEXP->u.promsxp.env #} s (R.unsexp env) Lang carval cdrval -> do {#set SEXP->u.listsxp.carval #} s (R.unsexp carval) {#set SEXP->u.listsxp.cdrval #} s (R.unsexp cdrval) Special offset -> do {#set SEXP->u.primsxp.offset #} s (fromIntegral offset) Builtin offset -> do {#set SEXP->u.primsxp.offset #} s (fromIntegral offset) Char _vc -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Logical _vt -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Int _vt -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Real _vt -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" String _vt -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Complex _vt -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Vector _v _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Bytecode -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" ExtPtr _ _ _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" WeakRef _ _ _ _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Raw _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" S4 _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" DotDotDot _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" Expr _ _ -> unimplemented "pokeHExp" -- | A view function projecting a view of 'SEXP' as an algebraic datatype, that -- can be analyzed through pattern matching. hexp :: SEXP s a -> HExp s a hexp = unsafeInlineIO . peek . R.unSEXP {-# INLINE hexp #-} -- | Inverse hexp view to the real structure, note that for scalar types -- hexp will allocate new SEXP, and @unhexp . hexp@ is not an identity function. -- however for vector types it will return original SEXP. unhexp :: MonadR m => HExp (Region m) a -> m (SEXP (Region m) a) unhexp Nil = return $ R.release H.nilValue unhexp s@(Symbol{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SSymbol) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp (List carval cdrval tagval) = acquire <=< io $ do rc <- R.protect carval rd <- R.protect cdrval rt <- R.protect tagval z <- R.cons rc rd {# set SEXP-> u.listsxp.tagval #} (R.unsexp z) (R.unsexp rt) R.unprotect 3 return z unhexp (Lang carval cdrval) = acquire <=< io $ do carval' <- R.protect carval cdrval' <- R.protect cdrval x <- R.allocSEXP R.SLang R.setCar x (R.release carval') R.setCdr x (R.release cdrval') R.unprotect 2 return x unhexp s@(Env{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SEnv) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp s@(Closure{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SClosure) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp s@(Special{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SSpecial) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp s@(Builtin{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SBuiltin) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp s@(Promise{}) = io $ withProtected (R.allocSEXP R.SPromise) (\x -> poke (R.unSEXP x) s >> return x) unhexp (Bytecode{}) = unimplemented "unhexp" unhexp (Real vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Logical vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Int vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Complex vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Vector _ vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Char vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (String vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp (Raw vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp S4{} = unimplemented "unhexp" unhexp (Expr _ vt) = io $ Vector.unsafeToSEXP vt unhexp WeakRef{} = io $ error "unhexp does not support WeakRef, use Foreign.R.mkWeakRef instead." unhexp DotDotDot{} = unimplemented "unhexp" unhexp ExtPtr{} = unimplemented "unhexp" -- | Project the vector out of 'SEXP's. vector :: R.IsVector a => SEXP s a -> Vector.Vector s a (Vector.ElemRep s a) vector (hexp -> Char vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Logical vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Int vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Real vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Complex vec) = vec vector (hexp -> String vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Vector _ vec) = vec vector (hexp -> Expr _ vec) = vec vector s = violation "vector" $ show (R.typeOf s) ++ " unexpected vector type." -- | Symbols can have values attached to them. This function creates a symbol -- whose value is itself. selfSymbol :: SEXP s R.Char -> IO (SEXP s R.Symbol) selfSymbol pname = unsafeRToIO $ do s <- unhexp =<< Symbol pname (R.sexp nullPtr) <$> unhexp Nil io $ R.setCdr s s return s