# Changelog for `in-other-words` ## (2021-01-30) ### Breaking Changes * `-Fast` interpretations of every continuation-related effect have been removed due to lack of usefulness. * The `ThreadsEff (ContT r) (ReaderPrim i)` instance has been removed due to unlawfulness. * `Control.Monad.Trans.List.Church` and `Control.Monad.Trans.Free.Church.Alternate` have received a minor revamp. Notably, the representations of `ListT` and `FreeT` have been changed to become lawful monad transformers. * `bracketToIO` now executes the cleanup action of any `generalBracket` _uninterruptibly masked_. ### Non-breaking Changes * Fixed a bug where `listen` when using `listenToIO` would be lifted incorrectly by carriers based on `FreeT` and `ListT`, which arose due to these not having been lawful monad transformers. * All uses of `CompositionC` in the library has been changed to proper newtypes. This should improve the quality of error messages as well as compilation times. * Added `bracketToIOUnsafe`, which has the previous semantics of `bracketToIO` -- that is, the cleanup action of each `generalBracket` is only executed _interruptibly masked_. * `Control.Efffect.Newtype` now exports the constructors of `WrapperOf`, thus addressing an issue where users wouldn't be allowed to derive via `WrapperOf`. * `Control.Efffect.Carrier` now exports the constructors of `IdentityT`, thus addressing an issue where users wouldn't be allowed to derive via `IdentityT`. * Fixed an issue where `FailC` lacked a `MonadFail` instance. * Added `errorToIOAsExc` and `errorToErrorIOAsExc` (thanks @poscat0x04!) ## (2020-10-30) ### Non-breaking Changes * Added `runTellAction` and `ignoreTell` interpreters. * Added `runEmbed` interpreter * Fixed an issue with `runShift` where HO-actions applied on a `shift` could affect the continuation provided to the argument of `shift`. ## (2020-10-10) Initial release.