{- |
ImProve is an imperative programming language for high assurance applications.

ImProve uses infinite state, unbounded model checking to verify programs
adhere to specifications, which are written in the form of assertion statements.
If it is unable to verify an assertion, ImProve will emit a counter example
that shows a precise program trace that exercises the assertion violation.

The following compares the syntax of C and ImProve:

/Variable Declarations/

float a = 0.0;            a <- 'float' \"a\" 0
bool b = true;            b <- 'bool' \"b\" True
int c = d + e + 3;        c <- 'int'' \"c\" (d + e + 3)

/Variable Assignments/

a = 1;                    a '<==' 1

/Conditional Statements/

if (condition) {          'if_' condition $ do 
    a();                      a
    b();                      b
    c();                      c

if (condition {           'ifelse' condition
    a();                      (do a
    b();                          b
    c();                          c)
}                             (do d
else {                            e 
    d();                          f)

switch (a) {              'case_' $ do
    case 1:                   a ==. 1 ==> do1
        do1();                a ==. 2 ==> do2
        break;                true    ==> do3
    case 2:

/Assertion Statements/

assert(condition);        'theorem' name k lemmas condition

/Statement Labels/

label: {                  \"label\" '-|' do
    a();                      a
    b();                      b


/Constant Literals/

true                      'true'
false                     'false'
0                         0
100                       100
1.0                       1
3.14                      3.14

/Variable Reference/

a                         'ref' a

/Logical Expressions/

! a                       'not_' a
a && b                    a '&&.' b
a || b                    a '||.' b

/Comparison Expressions/

a == b                    a '==.' b
a != b                    a '/=.' b
a < b                     a '<.' b
a > b                     a '>.' b
a <= b                    a '<=.' b
a >= b                    a '>=.' b

/Arithmetic Expressions/

a + b                     a '+' b
a * b                     a '*.' b
a \/ b                     a '/.' b     -- float
a \/ b                     'div_' a b   -- int
a % b                     'mod_' a b
abs(a)                    'abs' a
min(a, b)                 'min_' a b
max(a, b)                 'max_' a b

/Conditional Expression/

a ? b : c                 'mux' a b c

/Function Definitions and Function Calls/
(All ImProve functions are Haskell functions, which are inlined at code generation.)

int add(int a, int b) {                             add :: E Int -> E Int -> E Int
  return a + b;                                     add a b = a + b

three = add(1, 2);                                  three <== add 1 2

void incrCounter(int *counter, int amount) {        incrCounter :: V Int -> E Int -> Stmt ()
  *counter = *counter + amount;                     incrCounter counter amount = counter <== ref counter + amount

incrCounter(&counter, 22);                          incrCounter counter 22


-- hello: \{                  hello '+++' do
--     a();                      a
--     b();                      b

module Language.ImProve
  -- * Types
  , V
  , AllE
  , NumE
  , Name
  , Theorem
  -- * Expressions
  -- ** Constants
  , true
  , false
  , constant
  -- ** Variable Reference
  , ref
  -- ** Logical Operations
  , not_
  , (&&.)
  , (||.)
  , and_
  , or_
  , any_
  , all_
  , (-->)
  -- ** Equality and Comparison
  , (==.)
  , (/=.)
  , (<.)
  , (<=.)
  , (>.)
  , (>=.)
  -- ** Min, Max, and Limiting
  , min_
  , minimum_
  , max_
  , maximum_
  , limit
  -- ** Arithmetic Operations
  , (*.)
  , (/.)
  , div_
  , mod_
  -- ** Conditional Operator
  , mux
  -- ** Lookups
  , linear
  -- * Statements
  , Stmt
  -- ** Variable Hierarchical Scope and Statement Labeling 
  , (-|)
  -- ** Variable Declarations
  , bool
  , bool'
  , int
  , int'
  , float
  , float'
  , input
  , global
  -- ** Variable Assignment
  , Assign (..)
  -- ** Conditional Execution
  , ifelse
  , if_
  , case_
  , (==>)
  -- ** Incrementing and decrementing.
  , incr
  , decr
  -- ** Assumptions and theorems.
  , assume
  , theorem
  -- * Verification
  , verify
  -- * Code Generation
  , C.Target (..)
  , code
  -- * General Analysis
  , analyze
  ) where

import Control.Monad

import Language.ImProve.Core
import qualified Language.ImProve.Verify as V
import qualified Language.ImProve.Code   as C

--infixl 9 !, !.
infixl 7 *., /., `div_`, `mod_`
infix  4 ==., /=., <., <=., >., >=.
infixl 3 &&.
infixl 2 ||.
infixr 1 -->
infixr 0 <==, ==>, -|

-- | True term.
true :: E Bool
true = Const True

-- | False term.
false :: E Bool
false = Const False

-- | Arbitrary constants.
constant :: AllE a => a -> E a
constant = Const

-- | Logical negation.
not_ :: E Bool -> E Bool
not_ = Not

-- | Logical AND.
(&&.) :: E Bool -> E Bool -> E Bool
(&&.) = And

-- | Logical OR.
(||.) :: E Bool -> E Bool -> E Bool
(||.) = Or

-- | The conjunction of a E Bool list.
and_ :: [E Bool] -> E Bool
and_ = foldl (&&.) true

-- | The disjunction of a E Bool list.
or_ :: [E Bool] -> E Bool
or_ = foldl (||.) false

-- | True iff the predicate is true for all elements.
all_ :: (a -> E Bool) -> [a] -> E Bool
all_ f a = and_ $ map f a

-- | True iff the predicate is true for any element.
any_ :: (a -> E Bool) -> [a] -> E Bool
any_ f a = or_ $ map f a

-- | Logical implication.
(-->) :: E Bool -> E Bool -> E Bool 
a --> b = not_ a ||. b

-- | Equal.
(==.) :: AllE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
(==.) = Eq

-- | Not equal.
(/=.) :: AllE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
a /=. b = not_ (a ==. b)

-- | Less than.
(<.) :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
(<.) = Lt

-- | Greater than.
(>.) :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
(>.) = Gt

-- | Less than or equal.
(<=.) :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
(<=.) = Le

-- | Greater than or equal.
(>=.) :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E Bool
(>=.) = Ge

-- | Returns the minimum of two numbers.
min_ :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E a
min_ a b = mux (a <=. b) a b

-- | Returns the minimum of a list of numbers.
minimum_ :: NumE a => [E a] -> E a
minimum_ = foldl1 min_

-- | Returns the maximum of two numbers.
max_ :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E a
max_ a b = mux (a >=. b) a b

-- | Returns the maximum of a list of numbers.
maximum_ :: NumE a => [E a] -> E a
maximum_ = foldl1 max_

-- | Limits between min and max.
limit :: NumE a => E a -> E a -> E a -> E a
limit a b i = max_ min $ min_ max i
  min = min_ a b
  max = max_ a b

-- | Multiplication.
(*.) :: NumE a => E a -> a -> E a
(*.) = Mul

-- | Floating point division.
(/.) :: E Float -> Float -> E Float
_ /. 0 = error "divide by zero (/.)"
a /. b = Div a b

-- | Integer division.
div_ :: E Int -> Int -> E Int
div_ _ 0 = error "divide by zero (div_)"
div_ a b = Div a b

-- | Modulo.
mod_ :: E Int -> Int -> E Int
mod_ _ 0 = error "divide by zero (mod_)"
mod_ a b = Mod a b

-- | Linear interpolation and extrapolation of two points.
linear :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> E Float -> E Float
linear (x1, y1) (x2, y2) a = a *. slope + constant inter
  slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
  inter = y1 - slope * x1

-- | References a variable to be used in an expression ('E').
ref :: AllE a => V a -> E a
ref = Ref

-- | Conditional expression.
-- > mux test onTrue onFalse
mux :: AllE a => E Bool -> E a -> E a -> E a
mux = Mux

-- | Labels a statement and creates a new variable scope.
--   Labels are used in counter examples to help trace the program execution.
(-|) :: Name -> Stmt a -> Stmt a
name -| stmt = do
  (id, path0, stmt0) <- get
  put (id, path0 ++ [name], Null)
  a <- stmt
  (id, _, stmt1) <- get
  put (id, path0, stmt0)
  statement $ Label name stmt1
  return a

get :: Stmt (Int, [Name], Statement)
get = Stmt $ \ a -> (a, a)

put :: (Int, [Name], Statement) -> Stmt ()
put s = Stmt $ \ _ -> ((), s)

getPath :: Stmt [Name]
getPath = do
  (_, path, _) <- get
  return path

var :: AllE a => Name -> a -> Stmt (V a)
var name init = do
  path <- getPath
  return $ V False (path ++ [name]) init

-- | Input variable declaration.  Input variables are initialized to 0.
input  :: AllE a => (Name -> a -> Stmt (V a)) -> Path -> E a
input f path = ref $ V True path $ zero f

-- | Global variable declaration.
global  :: AllE a => (Name -> a -> Stmt (V a)) -> Path -> a -> V a
global _ path init = V False path init

-- | Boolean variable declaration.
bool :: Name -> Bool -> Stmt (V Bool)
bool = var

-- | Boolean variable declaration and immediate assignment.
bool' :: Name -> E Bool -> Stmt (E Bool)
bool' name value = do
  a <- bool name False
  a <== value
  return $ ref a

-- | Int variable declaration.
int :: Name -> Int -> Stmt (V Int)
int = var

-- | Int variable declaration and immediate assignment.
int' :: Name -> E Int -> Stmt (E Int)
int' name value = do
  a <- int name 0
  a <== value
  return $ ref a

-- | Float variable declaration.
float :: Name -> Float -> Stmt (V Float)
float = var

-- | Float variable declaration and immediate assignment.
float' :: Name -> E Float -> Stmt (E Float)
float' name value = do
  a <- float name 0
  a <== value
  return $ ref a

-- | Increments an E Int.
incr :: V Int -> Stmt ()
incr a = a <== ref a + 1

-- | Decrements an E Int.
decr :: V Int -> Stmt ()
decr a = a <== ref a - 1

-- | The Stmt monad holds variable declarations and statements.
data Stmt a = Stmt ((Int, [Name], Statement) -> (a, (Int, [Name], Statement)))

instance Monad Stmt where
  return a = Stmt $ \ s -> (a, s)
  (Stmt f1) >>= f2 = Stmt f3
    f3 s1 = f4 s2
      (a, s2) = f1 s1
      Stmt f4 = f2 a

statement :: Statement -> Stmt ()
statement a = Stmt $ \ (id, path, statement) -> ((), (id, path, Sequence statement a))

evalStmt :: Int -> [Name] -> Stmt () -> (Int, [Name], Statement)
evalStmt id path (Stmt f) = snd $ f (id, path, Null)

class Assign a where
  (<==) :: V a -> E a -> Stmt ()
instance Assign Bool  where a <== b = statement $ Assign a b
instance Assign Int   where a <== b = statement $ Assign a b
instance Assign Float where a <== b = statement $ Assign a b

-- | Theorem to be proven or used as lemmas to assist proofs of other theorems.
data Theorem = Theorem' Int

-- | Assume a condition is true.
--   Assumptions are used as lemmas to other theorems.
assume :: Name -> E Bool -> Stmt Theorem
assume name a = do
  (id, path, stmt) <- get
  put (id + 1, path, Sequence stmt $ Label name $ Assume id a)
  return $ Theorem' id

-- | Defines a new theorem.
-- > theorem name k lemmas proposition
theorem :: Name -> Int -> [Theorem] -> E Bool -> Stmt Theorem
theorem name k lemmas proposition
  | k < 1 = error $ "k-induction search depth must be > 0: " ++ name ++ " k = " ++ show k
  | otherwise = do
    (id, path, stmt) <- get
    put (id + 1, path, Sequence stmt $ Label name $ Theorem id k [ i | Theorem' i <- lemmas ] proposition)
    return $ Theorem' id

-- | Conditional if-else.
ifelse :: E Bool -> Stmt () -> Stmt () -> Stmt ()
ifelse cond onTrue onFalse = do
  (id0, path, stmt) <- get
  let (id1, _, stmt1) = evalStmt id0 path onTrue
      (id2, _, stmt2) = evalStmt id1 path onFalse
  put (id2, path, stmt)
  statement $ Branch cond stmt1 stmt2

-- | Conditional if without the else.
if_ :: E Bool -> Stmt () -> Stmt()
if_ cond stmt = ifelse cond stmt $ return ()

-- | Condition case statement.
case_ :: Case () -> Stmt ()
case_ (Case f) = f $ return ()

data Case a = Case (Stmt () -> Stmt ())
instance Monad Case where
  return _ = Case id
  (>>=) = undefined
  (Case f1) >> (Case f2) = Case $ f1 . f2

(==>) :: E Bool -> Stmt () -> Case ()
a ==> s = Case $ ifelse a s

-- | Verify a program.
-- > verify pathToYices program
verify :: FilePath -> Stmt () -> IO ()
verify yices program = analyze (V.verify yices) program

-- | Generate code.
code :: C.Target -> Name -> Stmt () -> IO ()
code target name program = analyze (C.code target name) program

-- | Generic program analysis.
analyze :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Stmt () -> IO a
analyze f program = f stmt
  (_, _, stmt) = evalStmt 0 [] program