{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.Attoparsec.Text import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Hie.Cabal.Parser import Hie.Yaml import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Attoparsec main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses executable section" $ exeSection ~> parseExe 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Exe "gen-hie" "app/Main.hs"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses test section" $ testSection ~> parseTestSuite 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Test "implicit-hie-test" "test"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses library section" $ libSection ~> parseLib 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses library section with 2 hs-source-dirs" $ libSection2 ~> parseLib 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src", Comp Lib "" "src2"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses library section with 2 paths under hs-source-dirs" $ libSection3 ~> parseLib 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src", Comp Lib "" "src2"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses bench section" $ do bs <- T.readFile "test/benchSection" bs ~> parseBench 0 `shouldParse` [Comp Bench "folds" "benchmarks/folds.hs"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses package" $ do cf <- T.readFile "implicit-hie.cabal" cf ~> parsePackage `shouldParse` Package "implicit-hie" [ Comp Lib "" "src", Comp Exe "gen-hie" "app/Main.hs", Comp Test "implicit-hie-test" "test" ] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "skips to end of block section" $ let r = "test\n" in (libSection <> r) ~?> parseLib 0 `leavesUnconsumed` r describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully generates stack hie.yaml" $ do sf <- readFile "test/stackHie.yaml" cf <- T.readFile "implicit-hie.cabal" (hieYaml "stack" . fmtPkgs "stack" . (: []) <$> parseOnly parsePackage cf) `shouldBe` Right sf describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully generates cabal hie.yaml for haskell-language-server" $ do f <- T.readFile "test/haskell-language-server-cabal" o <- readFile "test/hie.yaml.cbl" (hieYaml "cabal" . fmtPkgs "cabal" . (: []) <$> parseOnly parsePackage f) `shouldBe` Right o describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses comma list" $ ("one, two" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses newline list" $ ("one\n two \n three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "successfully parses newline comma list" $ ("one\n two, three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "quoted list" $ ("\"one\"\n two\n three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with leading commas" $ ("one\n , two\n , three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with a comment" $ ("foo\n -- need to include this too\n bar\n" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["foo", "bar"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with a comment" $ ("foo -- need to include this too\n bar\n" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["foo", "bar"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with a comment" $ ("foo -- need to include this too\n bar" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["foo", "bar"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with a comment" $ ("foo\n bar\n -- need to include this too" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["foo", "bar"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "list with a comment" $ ("foo\n bar -- need to include this too" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["foo", "bar"] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "succesfully parses exe component with other-modules containing dots" $ exeSection2 ~> parseExe 0 `shouldParse` [ Comp Exe "gen-hie" "app/Main.hs", Comp Exe "gen-hie" "app/Hie/Executable/Helper.hs", Comp Exe "gen-hie" "app/Hie/Executable/Utils.hs" ] describe "Should Succeed" $ it "succesfully parses single other-modules" $ ("other-modules: test\ndefault-language: Haskell2011" :: Text) ~?> field 0 "other-modules" parseList `leavesUnconsumed` "default-language: Haskell2011" describe "Should Succeed" $ it "succesfully parses empty other-modules" $ ("other-modules: test\ndefault-language: Haskell2011" :: Text) ~?> field 0 "other-modules" parseList `leavesUnconsumed` "default-language: Haskell2011" exeSection :: Text exeSection = "executable gen-hie\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ autogen-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ app\n\ \ ghc-options: -O2\n\ \ main-is: Main.hs \n" testSection :: Text testSection = "test-suite implicit-hie-test\n\ \ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ test\n\ \ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N\n\ \ main-is: Spec.hs\n\ \ build-depends:\n\ \ attoparsec\n\ \ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\ \ , hspec\n\ \ , hspec-attoparsec\n\ \ , implicit-hie\n\ \ , text\n\ \ default-language: Haskell2010\n" libSection :: Text libSection = "library\n\ \ exposed-modules:\n\ \ Lib\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ src\n\ \ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints\n\ \ build-depends:\n\ \ attoparsec\n\ \ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\ \ , text\n\ \ default-language: Haskell2010\n\ \" libSection2 :: Text libSection2 = "library\n\ \ exposed-modules:\n\ \ Lib\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ src\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ src2\n\ \ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints\n\ \ build-depends:\n\ \ attoparsec\n\ \ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\ \ , text\n\ \ default-language: Haskell2010\n\ \" libSection3 :: Text libSection3 = "library\n\ \ exposed-modules:\n\ \ Lib\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Paths_implicit_hie\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ src,\n\ \ src2\n\ \ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints\n\ \ build-depends:\n\ \ attoparsec\n\ \ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\ \ , text\n\ \ default-language: Haskell2010\n\ \" exeSection2 :: Text exeSection2 = "executable gen-hie\n\ \ other-modules:\n\ \ Hie.Executable.Helper\n\ \ Hie.Executable.Utils\n\ \ hs-source-dirs:\n\ \ app\n\ \ main-is: Main.hs \n"