module Idris.Elab.Utils where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..))
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Core.WHNF
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Docstrings
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output
import Util.Pretty
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
recheckC = recheckC_borrowing False True []
recheckC_borrowing uniq_check addConstrs bs tcns fc mkerr env t
= do
ctxt <- getContext
t' <- case safeForget t of
Just ft -> return ft
Nothing -> tclift $ tfail $ mkerr (At fc (IncompleteTerm t))
(tm, ty, cs) <- tclift $ case recheck_borrowing uniq_check bs tcns ctxt env t' t of
Error e -> tfail (At fc (mkerr e))
OK x -> return x
logElab 6 $ "CONSTRAINTS ADDED: " ++ show (tm, ty, cs)
tit <- typeInType
when (not tit && addConstrs) $
do addConstraints fc cs
mapM_ (\c -> addIBC (IBCConstraint fc c)) (snd cs)
mapM_ (checkDeprecated fc) (allTTNames tm)
mapM_ (checkDeprecated fc) (allTTNames ty)
mapM_ (checkFragile fc) (allTTNames tm)
mapM_ (checkFragile fc) (allTTNames ty)
return (tm, ty)
checkDeprecated :: FC -> Name -> Idris ()
checkDeprecated fc n
= do r <- getDeprecated n
case r of
Nothing -> return ()
Just r -> do iWarn fc $ text "Use of deprecated name " <> annName n
<> case r of
"" -> Util.Pretty.empty
_ -> line <> text r
checkFragile :: FC -> Name -> Idris ()
checkFragile fc n = do
r <- getFragile n
case r of
Nothing -> return ()
Just r -> do
iWarn fc $ text "Use of a fragile construct "
<> annName n
<> case r of
"" -> Util.Pretty.empty
_ -> line <> text r
iderr :: Name -> Err -> Err
iderr _ e = e
checkDef :: ElabInfo -> FC -> (Name -> Err -> Err) -> Bool ->
[(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))] ->
Idris [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))]
checkDef info fc mkerr definable ns
= checkAddDef False True info fc mkerr definable ns
checkAddDef :: Bool -> Bool -> ElabInfo -> FC -> (Name -> Err -> Err) -> Bool
-> [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))]
-> Idris [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))]
checkAddDef add toplvl info fc mkerr def [] = return []
checkAddDef add toplvl info fc mkerr definable ((n, (i, top, t, psns)) : ns)
= do ctxt <- getContext
logElab 5 $ "Rechecking deferred name " ++ show (n, t, definable)
(t', _) <- recheckC (constraintNS info) fc (mkerr n) [] t
when add $ do addDeferred [(n, (i, top, t, psns, toplvl, definable))]
addIBC (IBCDef n)
ns' <- checkAddDef add toplvl info fc mkerr definable ns
return ((n, (i, top, t', psns)) : ns')
inaccessibleImps :: Int -> Type -> [Bool] -> [(Int, Name)]
inaccessibleImps i (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc) (inacc : ins)
| inacc = (i, n) : inaccessibleImps (i + 1) sc ins
| otherwise = inaccessibleImps (i + 1) sc ins
inaccessibleImps _ _ _ = []
inaccessibleArgs :: Int -> PTerm -> [(Int, Name)]
inaccessibleArgs i (PPi plicity n _ ty t)
| InaccessibleArg `elem` pargopts plicity
= (i,n) : inaccessibleArgs (i+1) t
| otherwise
= inaccessibleArgs (i+1) t
inaccessibleArgs _ _ = []
elabCaseBlock :: ElabInfo -> FnOpts -> PDecl -> Idris ()
elabCaseBlock info opts d@(PClauses f o n ps)
= do addIBC (IBCDef n)
logElab 5 $ "CASE BLOCK: " ++ show (n, d)
let opts' = filter propagatable opts
setFlags n opts'
rec_elabDecl info EAll info (PClauses f opts' n ps )
propagatable AssertTotal = True
propagatable Inlinable = True
propagatable _ = False
checkInferred :: FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Idris ()
checkInferred fc inf user =
do logElab 6 $ "Checked to\n" ++ showTmImpls inf ++ "\n\nFROM\n\n" ++
showTmImpls user
logElab 10 $ "Checking match"
i <- getIState
tclift $ case matchClause' True i user inf of
_ -> return ()
logElab 10 $ "Checked match"
inferredDiff :: FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Idris Bool
inferredDiff fc inf user =
do i <- getIState
logElab 6 $ "Checked to\n" ++ showTmImpls inf ++ "\n" ++
showTmImpls user
tclift $ case matchClause' True i user inf of
Right vs -> return False
Left (x, y) -> return True
checkDocs :: FC -> [(Name, Docstring a)] -> PTerm -> Idris ()
checkDocs fc args tm = cd (Map.fromList args) tm
where cd as (PPi _ n _ _ sc) = cd (Map.delete n as) sc
cd as _ | Map.null as = return ()
| otherwise = ierror . At fc . Msg $
"There is documentation for argument(s) "
++ (concat . intersperse ", " . map show . Map.keys) as
++ " but they were not found."
decorateid decorate (PTy doc argdocs s f o n nfc t) = PTy doc argdocs s f o (decorate n) nfc t
decorateid decorate (PClauses f o n cs)
= PClauses f o (decorate n) (map dc cs)
where dc (PClause fc n t as w ds) = PClause fc (decorate n) (dappname t) as w ds
dc (PWith fc n t as w pn ds)
= PWith fc (decorate n) (dappname t) as w pn
(map (decorateid decorate) ds)
dappname (PApp fc (PRef fc' hl n) as) = PApp fc (PRef fc' hl (decorate n)) as
dappname t = t
pbinds :: IState -> Term -> ElabD ()
pbinds i (Bind n (PVar rig t) sc)
= do attack; patbind n rig
env <- get_env
case unApply (normalise (tt_ctxt i) env t) of
(P _ c _, args) -> case lookupCtxt c (idris_interfaces i) of
[] -> return ()
_ ->
mapM_ setinjArg args
_ -> return ()
pbinds i sc
where setinjArg (P _ n _) = setinj n
setinjArg _ = return ()
pbinds i tm = return ()
pbty (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) tm = Bind n (PVTy t) (pbty sc tm)
pbty _ tm = tm
getPBtys (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) = (n, t) : getPBtys sc
getPBtys (Bind n (PVTy t) sc) = (n, t) : getPBtys sc
getPBtys _ = []
psolve (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) = do solve; psolve sc
psolve tm = return ()
pvars ist tm = pv' [] tm
pv' env (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc)
= (n, delabWithEnv ist env t) : pv' ((n, t) : env) sc
pv' env _ = []
getFixedInType i env (PExp _ _ _ _ : is) (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc)
= nub $ getFixedInType i env [] t ++
getFixedInType i (n : env) is (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
++ case unApply t of
(P _ n _, _) -> if n `elem` env then [n] else []
_ -> []
getFixedInType i env (_ : is) (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc)
= getFixedInType i (n : env) is (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
getFixedInType i env is tm@(App _ f a)
| (P _ tn _, args) <- unApply tm
= case lookupCtxtExact tn (idris_datatypes i) of
Just t -> nub $ paramNames args env (param_pos t) ++
getFixedInType i env is f ++
getFixedInType i env is a
Nothing -> nub $ getFixedInType i env is f ++
getFixedInType i env is a
| otherwise = nub $ getFixedInType i env is f ++
getFixedInType i env is a
getFixedInType i _ _ _ = []
getFlexInType i env ps (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc)
= nub $ (if (not (n `elem` ps)) then getFlexInType i env ps t else []) ++
getFlexInType i (n : env) ps (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
getFlexInType i env ps tm@(App _ f a)
| (P nt tn _, args) <- unApply tm, nt /= Bound
= case lookupCtxtExact tn (idris_datatypes i) of
Just t -> nub $ paramNames args env [x | x <- [0..length args],
not (x `elem` param_pos t)]
++ getFlexInType i env ps f ++
getFlexInType i env ps a
Nothing -> let ppos = case lookupCtxtExact tn (idris_fninfo i) of
Just fi -> fn_params fi
Nothing -> []
in nub $ paramNames args env [x | x <- [0..length args],
not (x `elem` ppos)]
++ getFlexInType i env ps f ++
getFlexInType i env ps a
| otherwise = nub $ getFlexInType i env ps f ++
getFlexInType i env ps a
getFlexInType i _ _ _ = []
getParamsInType :: IState -> [Name] -> [PArg] -> Type -> [Name]
getParamsInType i env ps t = let fix = getFixedInType i env ps t
flex = getFlexInType i env fix t in
[x | x <- fix, not (x `elem` flex)]
getTCinj i (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc)
= getTCinj i t ++ getTCinj i (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
getTCinj i ap@(App _ f a)
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap,
isTCName n = mapMaybe getInjName args
| otherwise = []
isTCName n = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just _ -> True
_ -> False
getInjName t | (P _ x _, _) <- unApply t = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing
getTCinj _ _ = []
getTCParamsInType :: IState -> [Name] -> [PArg] -> Type -> [Name]
getTCParamsInType i env ps t = let params = getParamsInType i env ps t
tcs = nub $ getTCinj i t in
filter (flip elem tcs) params
paramNames args env [] = []
paramNames args env (p : ps)
| length args > p = case args!!p of
P _ n _ -> if n `elem` env
then n : paramNames args env ps
else paramNames args env ps
_ -> paramNames args env ps
| otherwise = paramNames args env ps
getLinearUsed :: Context -> Term -> [Name]
getLinearUsed ctxt tm = execState (getLin [] [] tm) []
getLin :: Env -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Term -> State [Name] ()
getLin env us (Bind n b sc)
= do getLinB env us b
let r = getRig b
let lin = case r of
Rig1 -> True
_ -> False
getLin ((n, getRig b, b) : env) ((n, lin) : us) sc
getLin env us (App _ f a) = do getLin env us f; getLin env us a
getLin env us (V i)
| i < length us = if snd (us!!i) then use (fst (us!!1)) else return ()
getLin env us (P _ n _)
| Just u <- lookup n us = if u then use n else return ()
getLin env us _ = return ()
getLinB env us (Let Rig0 t v) = return ()
getLinB env us (Let rig t v) = getLin env us v
getLinB env us (Guess t v) = getLin env us v
getLinB env us (NLet t v) = getLin env us v
getLinB env us b = return ()
use n = do ns <- get; put (n : ns)
getRig :: Binder Term -> RigCount
getRig (Pi rig _ _ _) = rig
getRig (PVar rig _) = rig
getRig (Lam rig _) = rig
getRig (Let rig _ _) = rig
getRig _ = RigW
getUniqueUsed :: Context -> Term -> [Name]
getUniqueUsed ctxt tm = execState (getUniq [] [] tm) []
getUniq :: Env -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Term -> State [Name] ()
getUniq env us (Bind n b sc)
= let uniq = case check ctxt env (forgetEnv (map fstEnv env) (binderTy b)) of
OK (_, UType UniqueType) -> True
OK (_, UType NullType) -> True
OK (_, UType AllTypes) -> True
_ -> False in
do getUniqB env us b
getUniq ((n, RigW, b):env) ((n, uniq):us) sc
getUniq env us (App _ f a) = do getUniq env us f; getUniq env us a
getUniq env us (V i)
| i < length us = if snd (us!!i) then use (fst (us!!i)) else return ()
getUniq env us (P _ n _)
| Just u <- lookup n us = if u then use n else return ()
getUniq env us _ = return ()
use n = do ns <- get; put (n : ns)
getUniqB env us (Let rig t v) = getUniq env us v
getUniqB env us (Guess t v) = getUniq env us v
getUniqB env us (NLet t v) = getUniq env us v
getUniqB env us b = return ()
getStaticNames :: IState -> Term -> [Name]
getStaticNames ist (Bind n (PVar _ _) sc)
= getStaticNames ist (instantiate (P Bound n Erased) sc)
getStaticNames ist tm
| (P _ fn _, args) <- unApply tm
= case lookupCtxtExact fn (idris_statics ist) of
Just stpos -> getStatics args stpos
_ -> []
getStatics (P _ n _ : as) (True : ss) = n : getStatics as ss
getStatics (_ : as) (_ : ss) = getStatics as ss
getStatics _ _ = []
getStaticNames _ _ = []
getStatics :: [Name] -> Term -> [Bool]
getStatics ns (Bind n (Pi _ _ _ _) t)
| n `elem` ns = True : getStatics ns t
| otherwise = False : getStatics ns t
getStatics _ _ = []
mkStatic :: [Name] -> PDecl -> PDecl
mkStatic ns (PTy doc argdocs syn fc o n nfc ty)
= PTy doc argdocs syn fc o n nfc (mkStaticTy ns ty)
mkStatic ns t = t
mkStaticTy :: [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
mkStaticTy ns (PPi p n fc ty sc)
| n `elem` ns = PPi (p { pstatic = Static }) n fc ty (mkStaticTy ns sc)
| otherwise = PPi p n fc ty (mkStaticTy ns sc)
mkStaticTy ns t = t
checkVisibility :: FC -> Name -> Accessibility -> Accessibility -> Name -> Idris ()
checkVisibility fc n minAcc acc ref
= do nvis <- getFromHideList ref
case nvis of
Nothing -> return ()
Just acc' -> if acc' > minAcc
then tclift $ tfail (At fc
(Msg $ show acc ++ " " ++ show n ++
" can't refer to " ++
show acc' ++ " " ++ show ref))
else return ()
findParams :: Name
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> [Int]
findParams tyn famty ts =
let allapps = map getDataApp ts
conParams = map paramPos allapps
in inAll conParams
inAll :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
inAll [] = []
inAll (x : xs) = filter (\p -> all (\ps -> p `elem` ps) xs) x
paramPos [] = []
paramPos (args : rest)
= dropNothing $ keepSame (zip [0..] args) rest
dropNothing [] = []
dropNothing ((x, Nothing) : ts) = dropNothing ts
dropNothing ((x, _) : ts) = x : dropNothing ts
keepSame :: [(Int, Maybe Name)] -> [[Maybe Name]] ->
[(Int, Maybe Name)]
keepSame as [] = as
keepSame as (args : rest) = keepSame (update as args) rest
update [] _ = []
update _ [] = []
update ((n, Just x) : as) (Just x' : args)
| x == x' = (n, Just x) : update as args
update ((n, _) : as) (_ : args) = (n, Nothing) : update as args
getDataApp :: Type -> [[Maybe Name]]
getDataApp f@(App _ _ _)
| (P _ d _, args) <- unApply f
= if (d == tyn) then [mParam args args] else []
getDataApp (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc)
= getDataApp t ++ getDataApp (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
getDataApp _ = []
mParam args [] = []
mParam args (P Bound n _ : rest)
| paramIn False n args = Just n : mParam (filter (noN n) args) rest
where paramIn ok n [] = ok
paramIn ok n (P _ t _ : ts)
= paramIn (ok || n == t) n ts
paramIn ok n (t : ts)
| n `elem` freeNames t = False
| otherwise = paramIn ok n ts
noN n (P _ t _) = n /= t
noN n _ = False
mParam args (_ : rest) = Nothing : mParam args rest
setDetaggable :: Name -> Idris ()
setDetaggable n = do
ist <- getIState
let opt = idris_optimisation ist
case lookupCtxt n opt of
[oi] -> putIState ist { idris_optimisation = addDef n oi { detaggable = True } opt }
_ -> putIState ist { idris_optimisation = addDef n (Optimise [] True []) opt }
displayWarnings :: EState -> Idris ()
displayWarnings est
= mapM_ displayImpWarning (implicit_warnings est)
displayImpWarning :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
displayImpWarning (fc, n) = do
ist <- getIState
let msg = show (nsroot n)
++ " is bound as an implicit\n"
++ "\tDid you mean to refer to " ++ show n ++ "?"
iWarn fc (pprintErr ist (Msg msg))
propagateParams :: IState -> [Name] -> Type -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
propagateParams i ps t bound tm@(PApp _ (PRef fc hls n) args)
= PApp fc (PRef fc hls n) (addP t args)
where addP (Bind n _ sc) (t : ts)
| Placeholder <- getTm t,
n `elem` ps,
not (n `elem` bound)
= t { getTm = PPatvar NoFC n } : addP sc ts
addP (Bind n _ sc) (t : ts) = t : addP sc ts
addP _ ts = ts
propagateParams i ps t bound (PApp fc ap args)
= PApp fc (propagateParams i ps t bound ap) args
propagateParams i ps t bound (PRef fc hls n)
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
[is] -> let ps' = filter (isImplicit is) ps in
PApp fc (PRef fc hls n) (map (\x -> pimp x (PRef fc [] x) True) ps')
_ -> PRef fc hls n
where isImplicit [] n = False
isImplicit (PImp _ _ _ x _ : is) n | x == n = True
isImplicit (_ : is) n = isImplicit is n
propagateParams i ps t bound x = x
orderPats :: Term -> Term
orderPats tm = op [] tm
op [] (App s f a) = App s f (op [] a)
op ps (Bind n (PVar r t) sc) = op ((n, PVar r t) : ps) sc
op ps (Bind n (Hole t) sc) = op ((n, Hole t) : ps) sc
op ps (Bind n (Pi rig i t k) sc) = op ((n, Pi rig i t k) : ps) sc
op ps sc = bindAll (sortP ps) sc
sortP ps = let (exps, imps) = partition isExp ps in
pick (reverse exps) imps
isExp (_, Pi rig Nothing _ _) = True
isExp (_, Pi rig (Just i) _ _) = toplevel_imp i && not (machine_gen i)
isExp _ = False
pick acc [] = acc
pick acc ((n, t) : ps) = pick (insert n t acc) ps
insert n t [] = [(n, t)]
insert n t rest@((n', t') : ps)
| any (\x -> x `elem` refsIn (binderTy t)) (n' : map fst ps)
= (n', t') : insert n t ps
| otherwise = (n, t) : rest
liftPats :: Term -> Term
liftPats tm = let (tm', ps) = runState (getPats tm) [] in
orderPats $ bindPats (reverse ps) tm'
bindPats [] tm = tm
bindPats ((n, t):ps) tm
| n `notElem` map fst ps = Bind n (PVar RigW t) (bindPats ps tm)
| otherwise = bindPats ps tm
getPats :: Term -> State [(Name, Type)] Term
getPats (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) = do ps <- get
put ((n, t) : ps)
getPats sc
getPats (Bind n (Guess t v) sc) = do t' <- getPats t
v' <- getPats v
sc' <- getPats sc
return (Bind n (Guess t' v') sc')
getPats (Bind n (Let rig t v) sc) = do t' <- getPats t
v' <- getPats v
sc' <- getPats sc
return (Bind n (Let rig t' v') sc')
getPats (Bind n (Pi rig i t k) sc) = do t' <- getPats t
k' <- getPats k
sc' <- getPats sc
return (Bind n (Pi rig i t' k') sc')
getPats (Bind n (Lam r t) sc) = do t' <- getPats t
sc' <- getPats sc
return (Bind n (Lam r t') sc')
getPats (Bind n (Hole t) sc) = do t' <- getPats t
sc' <- getPats sc
return (Bind n (Hole t') sc')
getPats (App s f a) = do f' <- getPats f
a' <- getPats a
return (App s f' a')
getPats t = return t
isEmpty :: Context -> Ctxt TypeInfo -> Type -> Bool
isEmpty ctxt tyctxt ty
| (P _ tyname _, args) <- unApply ty,
Just tyinfo <- lookupCtxtExact tyname tyctxt
= let neededty = getRetTy ty
contys = mapMaybe getConType (con_names tyinfo) in
all (findClash neededty) contys
getConType n = do t <- lookupTyExact n ctxt
return (getRetTy (normalise ctxt [] t))
findClash l r
| (P _ n _, _) <- unApply l,
(P _ n' _, _) <- unApply r,
isConName n ctxt && isConName n' ctxt, n /= n'
= True
findClash (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = findClash f f' || findClash a a'
findClash l r = False
isEmpty ctxt tyinfo ty = False
hasEmptyPat :: Context -> Ctxt TypeInfo -> Term -> Bool
hasEmptyPat ctxt tyctxt (Bind n (PVar _ ty) sc)
= isEmpty ctxt tyctxt ty || hasEmptyPat ctxt tyctxt sc
hasEmptyPat ctxt tyctxt _ = False
findLinear :: RigCount -> IState -> [Name] -> Term -> [(Name, RigCount)]
findLinear rig ist env tm
| (P _ f _, args) <- unApply tm,
f `notElem` env,
Just ty_in <- lookupTyExact f (tt_ctxt ist)
= let ty = whnfArgs (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty_in in
combineRig $ findLinArg ty args
findLinArg (Bind n (Pi c _ _ _) sc) (P _ a _ : as)
= (a, rigMult rig c) : findLinArg sc as
findLinArg (Bind n (Pi c _ _ _) sc) (a : as)
= findLinear (rigMult c rig) ist env a ++
findLinArg (whnf (tt_ctxt ist) [] (substV a sc)) as
findLinArg ty (a : as)
= findLinear rig ist env a ++ findLinArg ty as
findLinArg _ [] = []
combineRig [] = []
combineRig ((n, r) : rs)
= let (rs', rig) = findRestrictive n r [] rs in
(n, rig) : combineRig rs'
findRestrictive n r acc [] = (acc, r)
findRestrictive n r acc ((n', r') : rs)
| n == n' = findRestrictive n (max r r') acc rs
| otherwise = findRestrictive n r ((n', r') : acc) rs
findLinear rig ist env (App _ f a)
= nub $ findLinear rig ist env f ++ findLinear rig ist env a
findLinear rig ist env (Bind n b sc) = findLinear rig ist (n : env) sc
findLinear rig ist _ _ = []
setLinear :: [(Name, RigCount)] -> Term -> Term
setLinear ns (Bind n b@(PVar r t) sc)
| Just r <- lookup n ns = Bind n (PVar r t) (setLinear ns sc)
| otherwise = Bind n b (setLinear ns sc)
setLinear ns tm = tm
linearArg :: Type -> Bool
linearArg (Bind n (Pi Rig1 _ _ _) sc) = True
linearArg (Bind n (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) = linearArg sc
linearArg _ = False
pruneByType :: Bool ->
Env -> Term ->
Type ->
IState -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
pruneByType imp env t goalty c as
| Just a <- locallyBound as = [a]
locallyBound [] = Nothing
locallyBound (t:ts)
| Just n <- getName t,
n `elem` map fstEnv env = Just t
| otherwise = locallyBound ts
getName (PRef _ _ n) = Just n
getName (PApp _ (PRef _ _ (UN l)) [_, _, arg])
| l == txt "Delay" = getName (getTm arg)
getName (PApp _ f _) = getName f
getName (PHidden t) = getName t
getName _ = Nothing
pruneByType imp env (P _ n _) goalty ist as
| Nothing <- lookupTyExact n ctxt = as
| Just _ <- lookup n (idris_metavars ist) = as
| otherwise
= let asV = filter (headIs True n) as
as' = filter (headIs False n) as in
case as' of
[] -> asV
_ -> as'
ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
headIs var f (PRef _ _ f') = typeHead var f f'
headIs var f (PApp _ (PRef _ _ (UN l)) [_, _, arg])
| l == txt "Delay" = headIs var f (getTm arg)
headIs var f (PApp _ (PRef _ _ f') _) = typeHead var f f'
headIs var f (PApp _ f' _) = headIs var f f'
headIs var f (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) = headIs var f sc
headIs var f (PHidden t) = headIs var f t
headIs var f t = True
typeHead var f f'
case lookupTyExact f' ctxt of
Just ty -> case unApply (getRetTy ty) of
(P _ ctyn _, _) | isTConName ctyn ctxt && not (ctyn == f)
-> False
_ -> let ty' = normalise ctxt [] ty in
case unApply (getRetTy ty') of
(V _, _) ->
isPlausible ist var env n ty
_ -> matchingTypes imp (getRetTy ty') goalty
|| isCoercion (getRetTy ty') goalty
_ -> False
matchingTypes True = matchingHead
matchingTypes False = matching
matching (P _ ctyn _) (P _ n' _)
| isTConName n' ctxt && isTConName ctyn ctxt = ctyn == n'
| otherwise = True
matching (V _) _ = True
matching _ (V _) = True
matching _ (P _ n _) = not (isTConName n ctxt)
matching (P _ n _) _ = not (isTConName n ctxt)
matching (Bind n _ sc) _ = True
matching _ (Bind n _ sc) = True
matching apl@(App _ _ _) apr@(App _ _ _)
| (P _ fl _, argsl) <- unApply apl,
(P _ fr _, argsr) <- unApply apr
= fl == fr && and (zipWith matching argsl argsr)
|| (not (isConName fl ctxt && isConName fr ctxt))
matching (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = True
matching (TType _) (TType _) = True
matching (UType _) (UType _) = True
matching l r = l == r
matchingHead apl@(App _ _ _) apr@(App _ _ _)
| (P _ fl _, argsl) <- unApply apl,
(P _ fr _, argsr) <- unApply apr,
isConName fl ctxt && isConName fr ctxt
= fl == fr
matchingHead _ _ = True
isCoercion rty gty | (P _ r _, _) <- unApply rty
= not (null (getCoercionsBetween r gty))
isCoercion _ _ = False
getCoercionsBetween :: Name -> Type -> [Name]
getCoercionsBetween r goal
= let cs = getCoercionsTo ist goal in
findCoercions r cs
where findCoercions t [] = []
findCoercions t (n : ns) =
let ps = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[ty'] -> let as = map snd (getArgTys (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty')) in
[n | any useR as]
_ -> [] in
ps ++ findCoercions t ns
useR ty =
case unApply (getRetTy ty) of
(P _ t _, _) -> t == r
_ -> False
pruneByType _ _ t _ _ as = as
isPlausible :: IState -> Bool -> Env -> Name -> Type -> Bool
isPlausible ist var env n ty
= let (hvar, _) = collectConstraints [] [] ty in
case hvar of
Nothing -> True
Just rth -> var
collectConstraints :: [Name] -> [(Term, [Name])] -> Type ->
(Maybe Name, [(Term, [Name])])
collectConstraints env tcs (Bind n (Pi _ _ ty _) sc)
= let tcs' = case unApply ty of
(P _ c _, _) ->
case lookupCtxtExact c (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just tc -> ((ty, map fst (interface_implementations tc))
: tcs)
Nothing -> tcs
_ -> tcs
collectConstraints (n : env) tcs' sc
collectConstraints env tcs t
| (V i, _) <- unApply t = (Just (env !! i), tcs)
| otherwise = (Nothing, tcs)