module Idris.Elab.Transform where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..))
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Idris.Elab.Utils
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output (sendHighlighting)
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
elabTransform :: ElabInfo -> FC -> Bool -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Idris (Term, Term)
elabTransform info fc safe lhs_in@(PApp _ (PRef _ _ tf) _) rhs_in
= do ctxt <- getContext
i <- getIState
let lhs = addImplPat i lhs_in
logElab 5 ("Transform LHS input: " ++ showTmImpls lhs)
(ElabResult lhs' dlhs [] ctxt' newDecls highlights newGName, _) <-
tclift $ elaborate (constraintNS info) ctxt (idris_datatypes i) (idris_name i) (sMN 0 "transLHS") infP initEState
(erun fc (buildTC i info ETransLHS [] (sUN "transform")
(allNamesIn lhs_in) (infTerm lhs)))
setContext ctxt'
processTacticDecls info newDecls
sendHighlighting highlights
updateIState $ \i -> i { idris_name = newGName }
let lhs_tm = orderPats (getInferTerm lhs')
let newargs = pvars i lhs_tm
(clhs_tm_in, clhs_ty) <- recheckC_borrowing False False [] (constraintNS info) fc id [] lhs_tm
let clhs_tm = renamepats pnames clhs_tm_in
logElab 3 ("Transform LHS " ++ show clhs_tm)
logElab 3 ("Transform type " ++ show clhs_ty)
let rhs = addImplBound i (map fst newargs) rhs_in
logElab 5 ("Transform RHS input: " ++ showTmImpls rhs)
((rhs', defer, ctxt', newDecls, newGName), _) <-
tclift $ elaborate (constraintNS info) ctxt (idris_datatypes i) (idris_name i) (sMN 0 "transRHS") clhs_ty initEState
(do pbinds i lhs_tm
(ElabResult _ _ _ ctxt' newDecls highlights newGName) <- erun fc (build i info ERHS [] (sUN "transform") rhs)
set_global_nextname newGName
erun fc $ psolve lhs_tm
tt <- get_term
let (rhs', defer) = runState (collectDeferred Nothing [] ctxt tt) []
newGName <- get_global_nextname
return (rhs', defer, ctxt', newDecls, newGName))
setContext ctxt'
processTacticDecls info newDecls
sendHighlighting highlights
updateIState $ \i -> i { idris_name = newGName }
(crhs_tm_in, crhs_ty) <- recheckC_borrowing False False [] (constraintNS info) fc id [] rhs'
let crhs_tm = renamepats pnames crhs_tm_in
logElab 3 ("Transform RHS " ++ show crhs_tm)
case converts ctxt [] clhs_ty crhs_ty of
OK _ -> return ()
Error e -> ierror (At fc (CantUnify False (clhs_tm, Nothing) (crhs_tm, Nothing) e [] 0))
when safe $ case converts ctxt [] clhs_tm crhs_tm of
OK _ -> return ()
Error e -> ierror (At fc (CantUnify False (clhs_tm, Nothing) (crhs_tm, Nothing) e [] 0))
case unApply (depat clhs_tm) of
(P _ tfname _, _) -> do addTrans tfname (clhs_tm, crhs_tm)
addIBC (IBCTrans tf (clhs_tm, crhs_tm))
_ -> ierror (At fc (Msg "Invalid transformation rule (must be function application)"))
return (clhs_tm, crhs_tm)
depat (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) = depat (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
depat x = x
renamepats (n' : ns) (Bind n (PVar rig t) sc)
= Bind n' (PVar rig t) (renamepats ns sc)
renamepats _ sc = sc
pnames = map (\i -> sMN i ("tvar" ++ show i)) [0..]
elabTransform info fc safe lhs_in rhs_in
= ierror (At fc (Msg "Invalid transformation rule (must be function application)"))