module Idris.Coverage(genClauses, validCoverageCase, recoverableCoverage,
mkPatTm) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Elab.Utils
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output (iWarn, iputStrLn)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
mkPatTm :: PTerm -> Idris Term
mkPatTm t = do i <- getIState
let timp = addImpl' True [] [] [] i t
evalStateT (toTT Nothing timp) 0
toTT :: Maybe Type -> PTerm -> StateT Int Idris Term
toTT ty (PRef _ _ n)
= do i <- lift getIState
case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt i) of
Just (TyDecl nt _) -> return $ P nt n Erased
_ -> return $ P Ref n Erased
toTT ty (PApp _ t@(PRef _ _ n) args)
= do i <- lift getIState
let aTys = case lookupTyExact n (tt_ctxt i) of
Just nty -> map (Just . snd) (getArgTys nty)
Nothing -> map (const Nothing) args
args' <- zipWithM toTT aTys (map getTm args)
t' <- toTT Nothing t
return $ mkApp t' args'
toTT ty (PApp _ t args)
= do t' <- toTT Nothing t
args' <- mapM (toTT Nothing . getTm) args
return $ mkApp t' args'
toTT ty (PDPair _ _ _ l _ r)
= do l' <- toTT Nothing l
r' <- toTT Nothing r
return $ mkApp (P Ref sigmaCon Erased) [Erased, Erased, l', r']
toTT ty (PPair _ _ _ l r)
= do l' <- toTT Nothing l
r' <- toTT Nothing r
return $ mkApp (P Ref pairCon Erased) [Erased, Erased, l', r']
toTT (Just ty) (PAlternative _ _ as)
| (hd, _) <- unApply ty
= do i <- lift getIState
case pruneByType True [] hd ty i as of
[a] -> toTT (Just ty) a
_ -> lift $ ierror $ CantResolveAlts (map getAltName as)
toTT Nothing (PAlternative _ _ as)
= lift $ ierror $ CantResolveAlts (map getAltName as)
toTT ty _
= do v <- get
put (v + 1)
return (P Bound (sMN v "imp") Erased)
getAltName (PApp _ (PRef _ _ (UN l)) [_, _, arg])
| l == txt "Delay" = getAltName (getTm arg)
getAltName (PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) _) = n
getAltName (PRef _ _ n) = n
getAltName (PApp _ h _) = getAltName h
getAltName (PHidden h) = getAltName h
getAltName x = sUN "_"
genClauses :: FC -> Name -> [([Name], Term)] ->
[PTerm] -> Idris [PTerm]
genClauses fc n lhs_tms [] = return []
genClauses fc n lhs_tms given
= do i <- getIState
let lhs_given = zipWith removePlaceholders lhs_tms
(map (stripUnmatchable i) (map flattenArgs given))
logCoverage 5 $ "Building coverage tree for:\n" ++ showSep "\n" (map showTmImpls given)
logCoverage 10 $ "Building coverage tree for:\n" ++ showSep "\n" (map show lhs_given)
logCoverage 10 $ "From terms:\n" ++ showSep "\n" (map show lhs_tms)
let givenpos = mergePos (map getGivenPos given)
(cns, ctree_in) <-
case simpleCase False (UnmatchedCase "Undefined") False
(CoverageCheck givenpos) emptyFC [] []
(const []) of
OK (CaseDef cns ctree_in _) ->
return (cns, ctree_in)
Error e -> tclift $ tfail $ At fc e
let ctree = trimOverlapping (addMissingCons i ctree_in)
let (coveredas, missingas) = mkNewClauses (tt_ctxt i) n cns ctree
let covered = map (\t -> delab' i t True True) coveredas
let missing = filter (\x -> x `notElem` covered) $
map (\t -> delab' i t True True) missingas
logCoverage 5 $ "Coverage from case tree for " ++ show n ++ ": " ++ show ctree
logCoverage 2 $ show (length missing) ++ " missing clauses for " ++ show n
logCoverage 3 $ "Missing clauses:\n" ++ showSep "\n"
(map showTmImpls missing)
logCoverage 10 $ "Covered clauses:\n" ++ showSep "\n"
(map showTmImpls covered)
return missing
flattenArgs (PApp fc (PApp _ f as) as')
= flattenArgs (PApp fc f (as ++ as'))
flattenArgs t = t
getGivenPos :: PTerm -> [Int]
getGivenPos (PApp _ _ pargs) = getGiven 0 (map getTm pargs)
getGiven i (Placeholder : tms) = getGiven (i + 1) tms
getGiven i (_ : tms) = i : getGiven (i + 1) tms
getGiven i [] = []
getGivenPos _ = []
mergePos :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
mergePos [] = []
mergePos [x] = x
mergePos (x : xs) = intersect x (mergePos xs)
removePlaceholders :: ([Name], Term) -> PTerm -> ([Name], Term, Term)
removePlaceholders (ns, tm) ptm = (ns, rp tm ptm, Erased)
rp Erased Placeholder = Erased
rp tm Placeholder = Inferred tm
rp tm (PApp _ pf pargs)
| (tf, targs) <- unApply tm
= let tf' = rp tf pf
targs' = zipWith rp targs (map getTm pargs) in
mkApp tf' targs'
rp tm (PPair _ _ _ pl pr)
| (tf, [tyl, tyr, tl, tr]) <- unApply tm
= let tl' = rp tl pl
tr' = rp tr pr in
mkApp tf [Erased, Erased, tl', tr']
rp tm (PDPair _ _ _ pl pt pr)
| (tf, [tyl, tyr, tl, tr]) <- unApply tm
= let tl' = rp tl pl
tr' = rp tr pr in
mkApp tf [Erased, Erased, tl', tr']
rp tm _ = tm
mkNewClauses :: Context -> Name -> [Name] -> SC -> ([Term], [Term])
mkNewClauses ctxt fn ns sc
= (map (mkPlApp (P Ref fn Erased)) $
mkFromSC True (map (\n -> P Ref n Erased) ns) sc,
map (mkPlApp (P Ref fn Erased)) $
mkFromSC False (map (\n -> P Ref n Erased) ns) sc)
mkPlApp f args = mkApp f (map erasePs args)
erasePs ap@(App t f a)
| (f, args) <- unApply ap = mkApp f (map erasePs args)
erasePs (P _ n _) | not (isConName n ctxt) = Erased
erasePs tm = tm
mkFromSC cov args sc = evalState (mkFromSC' cov args sc) []
mkFromSC' :: Bool -> [Term] -> SC -> State [[Term]] [[Term]]
mkFromSC' cov args (STerm _)
= if cov then return [args] else return []
mkFromSC' cov args (UnmatchedCase _)
= if cov then return [] else return [args]
mkFromSC' cov args ImpossibleCase = return []
mkFromSC' cov args (Case _ x alts)
= do done <- get
if (args `elem` done)
then return []
else do alts' <- mapM (mkFromAlt cov args x) alts
put (args : done)
return (concat alts')
mkFromSC' cov args _ = return []
mkFromAlt :: Bool -> [Term] -> Name -> CaseAlt -> State [[Term]] [[Term]]
mkFromAlt cov args x (ConCase c t conargs sc)
= let argrep = mkApp (P (DCon t (length args) False) c Erased)
(map (\n -> P Ref n Erased) conargs)
args' = map (subst x argrep) args in
mkFromSC' cov args' sc
mkFromAlt cov args x (ConstCase c sc)
= let argrep = Constant c
args' = map (subst x argrep) args in
mkFromSC' cov args' sc
mkFromAlt cov args x (DefaultCase sc)
= mkFromSC' cov args sc
mkFromAlt cov _ _ _ = return []
addMissingCons :: IState -> SC -> SC
addMissingCons ist sc = evalState (addMissingConsSt ist sc) 0
addMissingConsSt :: IState -> SC -> State Int SC
addMissingConsSt ist (Case t n alts) = liftM (Case t n) (addMissingAlts n alts)
addMissingAlt :: CaseAlt -> State Int CaseAlt
addMissingAlt (ConCase n i ns sc)
= liftM (ConCase n i ns) (addMissingConsSt ist sc)
addMissingAlt (FnCase n ns sc)
= liftM (FnCase n ns) (addMissingConsSt ist sc)
addMissingAlt (ConstCase c sc)
= liftM (ConstCase c) (addMissingConsSt ist sc)
addMissingAlt (SucCase n sc)
= liftM (SucCase n) (addMissingConsSt ist sc)
addMissingAlt (DefaultCase sc)
= liftM DefaultCase (addMissingConsSt ist sc)
addMissingAlts argn as
| cons@(n:_) <- mapMaybe collectCons as,
Just tyn <- getConType n,
Just ti <- lookupCtxtExact tyn (idris_datatypes ist)
= let missing = con_names ti \\ cons in
do as' <- addCases missing as
mapM addMissingAlt as'
| consts@(n:_) <- mapMaybe collectConsts as
= let missing = nub (map nextConst consts) \\ consts in
mapM addMissingAlt (addCons missing as)
addMissingAlts n as = mapM addMissingAlt as
addCases missing [] = return []
addCases missing (DefaultCase rhs : rest)
= do missing' <- mapM (genMissingAlt rhs) missing
return (mapMaybe id missing' ++ rest)
addCases missing (c : rest)
= liftM (c :) $ addCases missing rest
addCons missing [] = []
addCons missing (DefaultCase rhs : rest)
= map (genMissingConAlt rhs) missing ++ rest
addCons missing (c : rest) = c : addCons missing rest
genMissingAlt rhs n
| Just (TyDecl (DCon tag arity _) ty) <- lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist)
= do name <- get
put (name + arity)
let args = map (name +) [0..arity1]
return $ Just $ ConCase n tag (map (\i -> sMN i "m") args) rhs
| otherwise = return Nothing
genMissingConAlt rhs n = ConstCase n rhs
collectCons (ConCase n i args sc) = Just n
collectCons _ = Nothing
collectConsts (ConstCase c sc) = Just c
collectConsts _ = Nothing
hasDefault (DefaultCase (UnmatchedCase _)) = False
hasDefault (DefaultCase _) = True
hasDefault _ = False
getConType n = do ty <- lookupTyExact n (tt_ctxt ist)
case unApply (getRetTy (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty)) of
(P _ tyn _, _) -> Just tyn
_ -> Nothing
nextConst (I c) = I (c + 1)
nextConst (BI c) = BI (c + 1)
nextConst (Fl c) = Fl (c + 1)
nextConst (B8 c) = B8 (c + 1)
nextConst (B16 c) = B16 (c + 1)
nextConst (B32 c) = B32 (c + 1)
nextConst (B64 c) = B64 (c + 1)
nextConst (Ch c) = Ch (chr $ ord c + 1)
nextConst (Str c) = Str (c ++ "'")
nextConst o = o
addMissingConsSt ist sc = return sc
trimOverlapping :: SC -> SC
trimOverlapping sc = trim [] [] sc
trim :: [(Name, (Name, [Name]))] ->
[(Name, [Name])] ->
SC -> SC
trim mustbes nots (Case t vn alts)
| Just (c, args) <- lookup vn mustbes
= Case t vn (trimAlts mustbes nots vn (substMatch (c, args) alts))
| Just cantbe <- lookup vn nots
= let alts' = filter (notConMatch cantbe) alts in
Case t vn (trimAlts mustbes nots vn alts')
| otherwise = Case t vn (trimAlts mustbes nots vn alts)
trim cs nots sc = sc
trimAlts cs nots vn [] = []
trimAlts cs nots vn (ConCase cn t args sc : rest)
= ConCase cn t args (trim (addMatch vn (cn, args) cs) nots sc) :
trimAlts cs (addCantBe vn cn nots) vn rest
trimAlts cs nots vn (FnCase n ns sc : rest)
= FnCase n ns (trim cs nots sc) : trimAlts cs nots vn rest
trimAlts cs nots vn (ConstCase c sc : rest)
= ConstCase c (trim cs nots sc) : trimAlts cs nots vn rest
trimAlts cs nots vn (SucCase n sc : rest)
= SucCase n (trim cs nots sc) : trimAlts cs nots vn rest
trimAlts cs nots vn (DefaultCase sc : rest)
= DefaultCase (trim cs nots sc) : trimAlts cs nots vn rest
isConMatch c (ConCase cn t args sc) = c == cn
isConMatch _ _ = False
substMatch :: (Name, [Name]) -> [CaseAlt] -> [CaseAlt]
substMatch ca [] = []
substMatch (c,args) (ConCase cn t args' sc : _)
| c == cn = [ConCase c t args (substNames (zip args' args) sc)]
substMatch ca (_:cs) = substMatch ca cs
substNames [] sc = sc
substNames ((n, n') : ns) sc
= substNames ns (substSC n n' sc)
notConMatch cs (ConCase cn t args sc) = cn `notElem` cs
notConMatch cs _ = True
addMatch vn cn cs = (vn, cn) : cs
addCantBe :: Name -> Name -> [(Name, [Name])] -> [(Name, [Name])]
addCantBe vn cn [] = [(vn, [cn])]
addCantBe vn cn ((n, cbs) : nots)
| vn == n = ((n, nub (cn : cbs)) : nots)
| otherwise = ((n, cbs) : addCantBe vn cn nots)
validCoverageCase :: Context -> Err -> Bool
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantUnify _ (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
not (sameFam topx' topy' || not (validCoverageCase ctxt e))
where sameFam topx topy
= case (unApply topx, unApply topy) of
((P _ x _, _), (P _ y _, _)) -> x == y
_ -> False
validCoverageCase ctxt (InfiniteUnify _ _ _) = False
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantConvert topx topy _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
not (sameFam topx' topy')
where sameFam topx topy
= case (unApply topx, unApply topy) of
((P _ x _, _), (P _ y _, _)) -> x == y
_ -> False
validCoverageCase ctxt (At _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (Elaborating _ _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt _ = True
recoverableCoverage :: Context -> Err -> Bool
recoverableCoverage ctxt (CantUnify r (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
evalState (checkRec topx' topy') []
recoverableCoverage ctxt (CantConvert topx topy _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
evalState (checkRec topx' topy') []
recoverableCoverage ctxt (InfiniteUnify _ _ _) = False
recoverableCoverage ctxt (At _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (Elaborating _ _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage _ _ = False
checkRec :: Term -> Term -> State [(Name, Term)] Bool
checkRec (P Bound x _) tm
| isCon tm = do nmap <- get
case lookup x nmap of
Nothing -> do put ((x, tm) : nmap)
return True
Just y' -> checkRec tm y'
isCon tm
| (P yt _ _, _) <- unApply tm,
conType yt = True
isCon (Constant _) = True
isCon _ = False
conType (DCon _ _ _) = True
conType (TCon _ _) = True
conType _ = False
checkRec tm (P Bound y _)
| isCon tm = do nmap <- get
case lookup y nmap of
Nothing -> do put ((y, tm) : nmap)
return True
Just x' -> checkRec tm x'
isCon tm
| (P yt _ _, _) <- unApply tm,
conType yt = True
isCon (Constant _) = True
isCon _ = False
conType (DCon _ _ _) = True
conType (TCon _ _) = True
conType _ = False
checkRec (App _ f a) p@(P _ _ _) = checkRec f p
checkRec (App _ f a) p@(Constant _) = checkRec f p
checkRec p@(P _ _ _) (App _ f a) = checkRec p f
checkRec p@(Constant _) (App _ f a) = checkRec p f
checkRec fa@(App _ _ _) fa'@(App _ _ _)
| (f, as) <- unApply fa,
(f', as') <- unApply fa'
= if (length as /= length as')
then checkRec f f'
else do fok <- checkRec f f'
argok <- checkRecs (f : as) (f : as')
return (if conType f then fok && argok
else fok || argok)
checkRecs [] [] = return True
checkRecs (a : as) (b : bs) = do aok <- checkRec a b
asok <- checkRecs as bs
return (aok && asok)
conType (P (DCon _ _ _) _ _) = True
conType (P (TCon _ _) _ _) = True
conType (Constant _) = True
conType _ = False
checkRec (P xt x _) (P yt y _)
| x == y = return True
| ntRec xt yt = return True
ntRec x y | Ref <- x = True
| Ref <- y = True
| Bound <- x = True
| Bound <- y = True
| otherwise = False
checkRec (P Ref _ _) (Constant _) = return True
checkRec (Constant _) (P Ref _ _) = return True
checkRec _ _ = return False