module Idris.DSL where
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (transform)
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Debug.Trace
debindApp :: SyntaxInfo -> PTerm -> PTerm
debindApp syn t = debind (dsl_bind (dsl_info syn)) t
dslify :: SyntaxInfo -> IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
dslify syn i = transform dslifyApp
dslifyApp (PApp fc (PRef _ _ f) [a])
| [d] <- lookupCtxt f (idris_dsls i)
= desugar (syn { dsl_info = d }) i (getTm a)
dslifyApp t = t
desugar :: SyntaxInfo -> IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
desugar syn i t = let t' = expandSugar (dsl_info syn) t
in dslify syn i t'
mkTTName :: FC -> Name -> PTerm
mkTTName fc n =
let mkList fc [] = PRef fc [] (sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"])
mkList fc (x:xs) = PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sNS (sUN "::") ["List", "Prelude"]))
[ pexp (stringC x)
, pexp (mkList fc xs)]
stringC = PConstant fc . Str . str
intC = PConstant fc . I
reflm n = sNS (sUN n) ["Reflection", "Language"]
in case n of
UN nm -> PApp fc (PRef fc [] (reflm "UN")) [ pexp (stringC nm)]
NS nm ns -> PApp fc (PRef fc [] (reflm "NS")) [ pexp (mkTTName fc nm)
, pexp (mkList fc ns)]
MN i nm -> PApp fc (PRef fc [] (reflm "MN")) [ pexp (intC i)
, pexp (stringC nm)]
_ -> error "Invalid name from user syntax for DSL name"
expandSugar :: DSL -> PTerm -> PTerm
expandSugar dsl (PLam fc n nfc ty tm)
| Just lam <- dsl_lambda dsl
= let sc = PApp fc lam [ pexp (mkTTName fc n)
, pexp (var dsl n tm 0)]
in expandSugar dsl sc
expandSugar dsl (PLam fc n nfc ty tm) = PLam fc n nfc (expandSugar dsl ty) (expandSugar dsl tm)
expandSugar dsl (PLet fc n nfc ty v tm)
| Just letb <- dsl_let dsl
= let sc = PApp (fileFC "(dsl)") letb [ pexp (mkTTName fc n)
, pexp v
, pexp (var dsl n tm 0)]
in expandSugar dsl sc
expandSugar dsl (PLet fc n nfc ty v tm) = PLet fc n nfc (expandSugar dsl ty) (expandSugar dsl v) (expandSugar dsl tm)
expandSugar dsl (PPi p n fc ty tm)
| Just pi <- dsl_pi dsl
= let sc = PApp (fileFC "(dsl)") pi [ pexp (mkTTName (fileFC "(dsl)") n)
, pexp ty
, pexp (var dsl n tm 0)]
in expandSugar dsl sc
expandSugar dsl (PPi p n fc ty tm) = PPi p n fc (expandSugar dsl ty) (expandSugar dsl tm)
expandSugar dsl (PApp fc t args) = PApp fc (expandSugar dsl t)
(map (fmap (expandSugar dsl)) args)
expandSugar dsl (PAppBind fc t args) = PAppBind fc (expandSugar dsl t)
(map (fmap (expandSugar dsl)) args)
expandSugar dsl (PCase fc s opts) = PCase fc (expandSugar dsl s)
(map (pmap (expandSugar dsl)) opts)
expandSugar dsl (PIfThenElse fc c t f) =
PApp fc (PRef NoFC [] (sUN "ifThenElse"))
[ PExp 0 [] (sMN 0 "condition") $ expandSugar dsl c
, PExp 0 [] (sMN 0 "whenTrue") $ expandSugar dsl t
, PExp 0 [] (sMN 0 "whenFalse") $ expandSugar dsl f
expandSugar dsl (PPair fc hls p l r) = PPair fc hls p (expandSugar dsl l) (expandSugar dsl r)
expandSugar dsl (PDPair fc hls p l t r) = PDPair fc hls p (expandSugar dsl l) (expandSugar dsl t)
(expandSugar dsl r)
expandSugar dsl (PAlternative ms a as) = PAlternative ms a (map (expandSugar dsl) as)
expandSugar dsl (PHidden t) = PHidden (expandSugar dsl t)
expandSugar dsl (PNoImplicits t) = PNoImplicits (expandSugar dsl t)
expandSugar dsl (PUnifyLog t) = PUnifyLog (expandSugar dsl t)
expandSugar dsl (PDisamb ns t) = PDisamb ns (expandSugar dsl t)
expandSugar dsl (PReturn fc) = dsl_return dsl
expandSugar dsl (PRewrite fc r t ty)
= PRewrite fc r (expandSugar dsl t) ty
expandSugar dsl (PGoal fc r n sc)
= PGoal fc (expandSugar dsl r) n (expandSugar dsl sc)
expandSugar dsl (PDoBlock ds)
= expandSugar dsl $ debind (dsl_bind dsl) (block (dsl_bind dsl) ds)
block b [DoExp fc tm] = tm
block b [a] = PElabError (Msg "Last statement in do block must be an expression")
block b (DoBind fc n nfc tm : rest)
= PApp fc b [pexp tm, pexp (PLam fc n nfc Placeholder (block b rest))]
block b (DoBindP fc p tm alts : rest)
= PApp fc b [pexp tm, pexp (PLam fc (sMN 0 "bpat") NoFC Placeholder
(PCase fc (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "bpat"))
((p, block b rest) : alts)))]
block b (DoLet fc n nfc ty tm : rest)
= PLet fc n nfc ty tm (block b rest)
block b (DoLetP fc p tm : rest)
= PCase fc tm [(p, block b rest)]
block b (DoExp fc tm : rest)
= PApp fc b
[pexp tm,
pexp (PLam fc (sMN 0 "bindx") NoFC Placeholder (block b rest))]
block b _ = PElabError (Msg "Invalid statement in do block")
expandSugar dsl (PIdiom fc e) = expandSugar dsl $ unIdiom (dsl_apply dsl) (dsl_pure dsl) fc e
expandSugar dsl (PRunElab fc tm ns) = PRunElab fc (expandSugar dsl tm) ns
expandSugar dsl (PConstSugar fc tm) = PConstSugar fc (expandSugar dsl tm)
expandSugar dsl t = t
var :: DSL -> Name -> PTerm -> Int -> PTerm
var dsl n t i = v' i t where
v' i (PRef fc hl x) | x == n =
case dsl_var dsl of
Nothing -> PElabError (Msg "No 'variable' defined in dsl")
Just v -> PApp fc v [pexp (mkVar fc i)]
v' i (PLam fc n nfc ty sc)
| Nothing <- dsl_lambda dsl
= PLam fc n nfc ty (v' i sc)
| otherwise = PLam fc n nfc (v' i ty) (v' (i + 1) sc)
v' i (PLet fc n nfc ty val sc)
| Nothing <- dsl_let dsl
= PLet fc n nfc (v' i ty) (v' i val) (v' i sc)
| otherwise = PLet fc n nfc (v' i ty) (v' i val) (v' (i + 1) sc)
v' i (PPi p n fc ty sc)
| Nothing <- dsl_pi dsl
= PPi p n fc (v' i ty) (v' i sc)
| otherwise = PPi p n fc (v' i ty) (v' (i+1) sc)
v' i (PTyped l r) = PTyped (v' i l) (v' i r)
v' i (PApp f x as) = PApp f (v' i x) (fmap (fmap (v' i)) as)
v' i (PCase f t as) = PCase f (v' i t) (fmap (pmap (v' i)) as)
v' i (PPair f hls p l r) = PPair f hls p (v' i l) (v' i r)
v' i (PDPair f hls p l t r) = PDPair f hls p (v' i l) (v' i t) (v' i r)
v' i (PAlternative ms a as) = PAlternative ms a $ map (v' i) as
v' i (PHidden t) = PHidden (v' i t)
v' i (PIdiom f t) = PIdiom f (v' i t)
v' i (PDoBlock ds) = PDoBlock (map (fmap (v' i)) ds)
v' i (PNoImplicits t) = PNoImplicits (v' i t)
v' i t = t
mkVar fc 0 = case index_first dsl of
Nothing -> PElabError (Msg "No index_first defined")
Just f -> setFC fc f
mkVar fc n = case index_next dsl of
Nothing -> PElabError (Msg "No index_next defined")
Just f -> PApp fc f [pexp (mkVar fc (n1))]
setFC fc (PRef _ _ n) = PRef fc [] n
setFC fc (PApp _ f xs) = PApp fc (setFC fc f) (map (fmap (setFC fc)) xs)
setFC fc t = t
unIdiom :: PTerm -> PTerm -> FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
unIdiom ap pure fc e@(PApp _ _ _) = let f = getFn e in
mkap (getFn e)
getFn (PApp fc f args) = (PApp fc pure [pexp f], args)
getFn f = (f, [])
mkap (f, []) = f
mkap (f, a:as) = mkap (PApp fc ap [pexp f, a], as)
unIdiom ap pure fc e = PApp fc pure [pexp e]
debind :: PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
debind b tm = let (tm', (bs, _)) = runState (db' tm) ([], 0) in
bindAll (reverse bs) tm'
db' :: PTerm -> State ([(Name, FC, PTerm)], Int) PTerm
db' (PAppBind _ (PApp fc t args) [])
= db' (PAppBind fc t args)
db' (PAppBind fc t args)
= do args' <- dbs args
(bs, n) <- get
let nm = sUN ("_bindApp" ++ show n)
put ((nm, fc, PApp fc t args') : bs, n+1)
return (PRef fc [] nm)
db' (PApp fc t args)
= do t' <- db' t
args' <- mapM dbArg args
return (PApp fc t' args')
db' (PLam fc n nfc ty sc) = return (PLam fc n nfc ty (debind b sc))
db' (PLet fc n nfc ty v sc) = do v' <- db' v
return (PLet fc n nfc ty v' (debind b sc))
db' (PCase fc s opts) = do s' <- db' s
return (PCase fc s' (map (pmap (debind b)) opts))
db' (PPair fc hls p l r) = do l' <- db' l
r' <- db' r
return (PPair fc hls p l' r')
db' (PDPair fc hls p l t r) = do l' <- db' l
r' <- db' r
return (PDPair fc hls p l' t r')
db' (PRunElab fc t ns) = fmap (\tm -> PRunElab fc tm ns) (db' t)
db' (PConstSugar fc tm) = liftM (PConstSugar fc) (db' tm)
db' t = return t
dbArg a = do t' <- db' (getTm a)
return (a { getTm = t' })
dbs [] = return []
dbs (a : as) = do let t = getTm a
t' <- db' t
as' <- dbs as
return (a { getTm = t' } : as')
bindAll [] tm = tm
bindAll ((n, fc, t) : bs) tm
= PApp fc b [pexp t, pexp (PLam fc n NoFC Placeholder (bindAll bs tm))]