{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-}

{- Implements a proof state, some primitive tactics for manipulating
   proofs, and some high level commands for introducing new theorems,
   evaluation/checking inside the proof system, etc. --}

module Idris.Core.ProofState(ProofState(..), newProof, envAtFocus, goalAtFocus,
                  Tactic(..), Goal(..), processTactic, nowElaboratingPS, doneElaboratingAppPS,
                  doneElaboratingArgPS, dropGiven, keepGiven, getProvenance) where

import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Unify
import Idris.Core.ProofTerm

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace

import Util.Pretty hiding (fill)

data ProofState = PS { thname   :: Name,
                       holes    :: [Name], -- ^ holes still to be solved
                       usedns   :: [Name], -- ^ used names, don't use again
                       nextname :: Int,    -- ^ name supply
                       pterm    :: ProofTerm,   -- ^ current proof term
                       ptype    :: Type,   -- ^ original goal
                       dontunify :: [Name], -- ^ explicitly given by programmer, leave it
                       unified  :: (Name, [(Name, Term)]),
                       notunified :: [(Name, Term)],
                       dotted   :: [(Name, [Name])], -- ^ dot pattern holes + environment
                                                     -- either hole or something in env must turn up in the 'notunified' list during elaboration
                       solved   :: Maybe (Name, Term),
                       problems :: Fails,
                       injective :: [Name],
                       deferred :: [Name], -- ^ names we'll need to define
                       instances :: [Name], -- ^ instance arguments (for type classes)
                       autos    :: [(Name, [Name])], -- ^ unsolved 'auto' implicits with their holes
                       psnames  :: [Name], -- ^ Local names okay to use in proof search
                       previous :: Maybe ProofState, -- ^ for undo
                       context  :: Context,
                       datatypes :: Ctxt TypeInfo,
                       plog     :: String,
                       unifylog :: Bool,
                       done     :: Bool,
                       recents  :: [Name],
                       while_elaborating :: [FailContext]

data Tactic = Attack
            | Claim Name Raw
            | ClaimFn Name Name Raw
            | Reorder Name
            | Exact Raw
            | Fill Raw
            | MatchFill Raw
            | PrepFill Name [Name]
            | CompleteFill
            | Regret
            | Solve
            | StartUnify Name
            | EndUnify
            | UnifyAll
            | Compute
            | ComputeLet Name
            | Simplify
            | HNF_Compute
            | EvalIn Raw
            | CheckIn Raw
            | Intro (Maybe Name)
            | IntroTy Raw (Maybe Name)
            | Forall Name (Maybe ImplicitInfo) Raw
            | LetBind Name Raw Raw
            | ExpandLet Name Term
            | Rewrite Raw
            | Induction Raw
            | CaseTac Raw
            | Equiv Raw
            | PatVar Name
            | PatBind Name
            | Focus Name
            | Defer [Name] Name
            | DeferType Name Raw [Name]
            | Instance Name
            | AutoArg Name
            | SetInjective Name
            | MoveLast Name
            | MatchProblems Bool
            | UnifyProblems
            | UnifyGoal Raw
            | ProofState
            | Undo
            | QED
    deriving Show

-- Some utilites on proof and tactic states

instance Show ProofState where
    show ps | [] <- holes ps
          = show (thname ps) ++ ": no more goals"
    show ps | (h : hs) <- holes ps
          = let tm = pterm ps
                nm = thname ps
                OK g = goal (Just h) tm
                wkenv = premises g in
                "Other goals: " ++ show hs ++ "\n" ++
                showPs wkenv (reverse wkenv) ++ "\n" ++
                "-------------------------------- (" ++ show nm ++
                ") -------\n  " ++
                show h ++ " : " ++ showG wkenv (goalType g) ++ "\n"
         where showPs env [] = ""
               showPs env ((n, Let t v):bs)
                   = "  " ++ show n ++ " : " ++
                     showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} t) ++ "   =   " ++
                     showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} v) ++
                     "\n" ++ showPs env bs
               showPs env ((n, b):bs)
                   = "  " ++ show n ++ " : " ++
                     showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} (binderTy b)) ++
                     "\n" ++ showPs env bs
               showG ps (Guess t v) = showEnv ps ({- normalise ctxt ps -} t) ++
                                         " =?= " ++ showEnv ps v
               showG ps b = showEnv ps (binderTy b)

instance Pretty ProofState OutputAnnotation where
  pretty ps | [] <- holes ps =
    pretty (thname ps) <+> colon <+> text " no more goals."
  pretty ps | (h : hs) <- holes ps =
    let tm = pterm ps
        OK g = goal (Just h) tm 
        nm = thname ps in
    let wkEnv = premises g in
      text "Other goals" <+> colon <+> pretty hs <+>
      prettyPs wkEnv (reverse wkEnv) <+>
      text "---------- " <+> text "Focussing on" <> colon <+> pretty nm <+> text " ----------" <+>
      pretty h <+> colon <+> prettyGoal wkEnv (goalType g)
      prettyGoal ps (Guess t v) =
        prettyEnv ps t <+> text "=?=" <+> prettyEnv ps v
      prettyGoal ps b = prettyEnv ps $ binderTy b

      prettyPs env [] = empty
      prettyPs env ((n, Let t v):bs) =
        nest nestingSize (pretty n <+> colon <+>
        prettyEnv env t <+> text "=" <+> prettyEnv env v <+>
        nest nestingSize (prettyPs env bs))
      prettyPs env ((n, b):bs) =
        nest nestingSize (pretty n <+> colon <+> prettyEnv env (binderTy b) <+>
        nest nestingSize (prettyPs env bs))

holeName i = sMN i "hole"

qshow :: Fails -> String
qshow fs = show (map (\ (x, y, hs, _, _, _, t) -> (t, x, y, hs)) fs)

match_unify' :: Context -> Env -> 
                (TT Name, Maybe Provenance) -> 
                (TT Name, Maybe Provenance) ->
                StateT TState TC [(Name, TT Name)]
match_unify' ctxt env (topx, xfrom) (topy, yfrom) =
   do ps <- get
      let while = while_elaborating ps
      let dont = dontunify ps
      let inj = injective ps
      traceWhen (unifylog ps)
                ("Matching " ++ show (topx, topy) ++
                 " in " ++ show env ++
                 "\nHoles: " ++ show (holes ps)
                  ++ "\n"
                  ++ "\n" ++ show (getProofTerm (pterm ps)) ++ "\n\n"
                 ) $
       case match_unify ctxt env (topx, xfrom) (topy, yfrom) inj (holes ps) while of
            OK u -> traceWhen (unifylog ps)
                        ("Matched " ++ show u) $
                     do let (h, ns) = unified ps
                        put (ps { unified = (h, u ++ ns) })
                        return u
            Error e -> traceWhen (unifylog ps)
                         ("No match " ++ show e) $
                        do put (ps { problems = (topx, topy, True, 
                                                 env, e, while, Match) :
                                                 problems ps })
                           return []
--       traceWhen (unifylog ps)
--             ("Matched " ++ show (topx, topy) ++ " without " ++ show dont ++
--              "\nSolved: " ++ show u
--              ++ "\nCurrent problems:\n" ++ qshow (problems ps)
-- --              ++ show (pterm ps)
--              ++ "\n----------") $

mergeSolutions :: Env -> [(Name, TT Name)] -> StateT TState TC [(Name, TT Name)]
mergeSolutions env ns = merge [] ns
    merge acc [] = return (reverse acc)
    merge acc ((n, t) : ns)
          | Just t' <- lookup n ns
              = do ps <- get
                   let probs = problems ps
                   put (ps { problems = probs ++ [(t,t',True,env,
                                                    CantUnify True (t, Nothing) (t', Nothing) (Msg "") (errEnv env) 0,
                                                     [], Unify)] })
                   merge acc ns
          | otherwise = merge ((n, t): acc) ns

unify' :: Context -> Env -> 
          (TT Name, Maybe Provenance) -> 
          (TT Name, Maybe Provenance) ->
          StateT TState TC [(Name, TT Name)]
unify' ctxt env (topx, xfrom) (topy, yfrom) =
   do ps <- get
      let while = while_elaborating ps
      let dont = dontunify ps
      let inj = injective ps
      (u, fails) <- traceWhen (unifylog ps)
                        ("Trying " ++ show (topx, topy) ++
                         "\nNormalised " ++ show (normalise ctxt env topx,
                                                  normalise ctxt env topy) ++
                         " in " ++ show env ++
                         "\nHoles: " ++ show (holes ps)
                         ++ "\nInjective: " ++ show (injective ps)
                         ++ "\n") $
                     lift $ unify ctxt env (topx, xfrom) (topy, yfrom) inj (holes ps)
                                  (map fst (notunified ps)) while
      let notu = filter (\ (n, t) -> case t of
--                                         P _ _ _ -> False
                                        _ -> n `elem` dont) u
      traceWhen (unifylog ps)
            ("Unified " ++ show (topx, topy) ++ " without " ++ show dont ++
             "\nSolved: " ++ show u ++ "\nNew problems: " ++ qshow fails
             ++ "\nNot unified:\n" ++ show (notunified ps)
             ++ "\nCurrent problems:\n" ++ qshow (problems ps)
--              ++ show (pterm ps)
             ++ "\n----------") $
        do let (h, ns) = unified ps
           -- solve in results (maybe unify should do this itself...)
           let u' = map (\(n, sol) -> (n, updateSolvedTerm u sol)) u
           -- if a metavar has multiple solutions, make a new unification
           -- problem for each.
           uns <- mergeSolutions env (u' ++ ns)
           ps <- get
           let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps uns (fails ++ problems ps)
           let (notu', probs_notu) = mergeNotunified env (holes ps) (notu ++ notunified ps)
           traceWhen (unifylog ps)
            ("Now solved: " ++ show ns' ++
             "\nNow problems: " ++ qshow (probs' ++ probs_notu) ++
             "\nNow injective: " ++ show (updateInj u (injective ps))) $
             put (ps { problems = probs' ++ probs_notu,
                       unified = (h, ns'),
                       injective = updateInj u (injective ps),
                       notunified = notu' })
           return u
  where updateInj ((n, a) : us) inj
              | (P _ n' _, _) <- unApply a,
                n `elem` inj = updateInj us (n':inj)
              | (P _ n' _, _) <- unApply a,
                n' `elem` inj = updateInj us (n:inj)
        updateInj (_ : us) inj = updateInj us inj
        updateInj [] inj = inj

nowElaboratingPS :: FC -> Name -> Name -> ProofState -> ProofState
nowElaboratingPS fc f arg ps = ps { while_elaborating = FailContext fc f arg : while_elaborating ps }

dropUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropUntil p [] = []
dropUntil p (x:xs) | p x       = xs
                   | otherwise = dropUntil p xs

doneElaboratingAppPS :: Name -> ProofState -> ProofState
doneElaboratingAppPS f ps = let while = while_elaborating ps
                                while' = dropUntil (\ (FailContext _ f' _) -> f == f') while
                            in ps { while_elaborating = while' }

doneElaboratingArgPS :: Name -> Name -> ProofState -> ProofState
doneElaboratingArgPS f x ps = let while = while_elaborating ps
                                  while' = dropUntil (\ (FailContext _ f' x') -> f == f' && x == x') while
                              in ps { while_elaborating = while' }

getName :: Monad m => String -> StateT TState m Name
getName tag = do ps <- get
                 let n = nextname ps
                 put (ps { nextname = n+1 })
                 return $ sMN n tag

action :: Monad m => (ProofState -> ProofState) -> StateT TState m ()
action a = do ps <- get
              put (a ps)

query :: Monad m => (ProofState -> r) -> StateT TState m r
query q = do ps <- get
             return $ q ps

addLog :: Monad m => String -> StateT TState m ()
addLog str = action (\ps -> ps { plog = plog ps ++ str ++ "\n" })

newProof :: Name -> Context -> Ctxt TypeInfo -> Type -> ProofState
newProof n ctxt datatypes ty =
  let h = holeName 0
      ty' = vToP ty
  in PS n [h] [] 1 (mkProofTerm (Bind h (Hole ty')
        (P Bound h ty'))) ty [] (h, []) [] []
        Nothing [] []
        [] [] [] []
        Nothing ctxt datatypes "" False False [] []

type TState = ProofState -- [TacticAction])
type RunTactic = RunTactic' TState

envAtFocus :: ProofState -> TC Env
envAtFocus ps
    | not $ null (holes ps) = do g <- goal (Just (head (holes ps))) (pterm ps)
                                 return (premises g)
    | otherwise = fail "No holes"

goalAtFocus :: ProofState -> TC (Binder Type)
goalAtFocus ps
    | not $ null (holes ps) = do g <- goal (Just (head (holes ps))) (pterm ps)
                                 return (goalType g)
    | otherwise = Error . Msg $ "No goal in " ++ show (holes ps) ++ show (getProofTerm (pterm ps))

tactic :: Hole -> RunTactic -> StateT TState TC ()
tactic h f = do ps <- get
                (tm', _) <- atHole h f (context ps) [] (pterm ps)
                ps <- get -- might have changed while processing
                put (ps { pterm = tm' })

computeLet :: Context -> Name -> Term -> Term
computeLet ctxt n tm = cl [] tm where
   cl env (Bind n' (Let t v) sc)
       | n' == n = let v' = normalise ctxt env v in
                       Bind n' (Let t v') sc
   cl env (Bind n' b sc) = Bind n' (fmap (cl env) b) (cl ((n, b):env) sc)
   cl env (App s f a) = App s (cl env f) (cl env a)
   cl env t = t

attack :: RunTactic
attack ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc)
    = do h <- getName "hole"
         action (\ps -> ps { holes = h : holes ps })
         return $ Bind x (Guess t (newtm h)) sc
    newtm h = Bind h (Hole t) (P Bound h t)
attack ctxt env _ = fail "Not an attackable hole"

claim :: Name -> Raw -> RunTactic
claim n ty ctxt env t =
    do (tyv, tyt) <- lift $ check ctxt env ty
       lift $ isType ctxt env tyt
       action (\ps -> let (g:gs) = holes ps in
                          ps { holes = g : n : gs } )
       return $ Bind n (Hole tyv) t

-- If the current goal is 'retty', make a claim which is a function that
-- can compute a retty from argty (i.e a claim 'argty -> retty')
claimFn :: Name -> Name -> Raw -> RunTactic
claimFn n bn argty ctxt env t@(Bind x (Hole retty) sc) =
    do (tyv, tyt) <- lift $ check ctxt env argty
       lift $ isType ctxt env tyt
       action (\ps -> let (g:gs) = holes ps in
                          ps { holes = g : n : gs } )
       return $ Bind n (Hole (Bind bn (Pi Nothing tyv tyt) retty)) t
claimFn _ _ _ ctxt env _ = fail "Can't make function type here"

reorder_claims :: RunTactic
reorder_claims ctxt env t
    = -- trace (showSep "\n" (map show (scvs t))) $
      let (bs, sc) = scvs t []
          newbs = reverse (sortB (reverse bs)) in
          traceWhen (bs /= newbs) (show bs ++ "\n ==> \n" ++ show newbs) $
            return (bindAll newbs sc)
  where scvs (Bind n b@(Hole _) sc) acc = scvs sc ((n, b):acc)
        scvs sc acc = (reverse acc, sc)

        sortB :: [(Name, Binder (TT Name))] -> [(Name, Binder (TT Name))]
        sortB [] = []
        sortB (x:xs) | all (noOcc x) xs = x : sortB xs
                     | otherwise = sortB (insertB x xs)

        insertB x [] = [x]
        insertB x (y:ys) | all (noOcc x) (y:ys) = x : y : ys
                         | otherwise = y : insertB x ys

        noOcc (n, _) (_, Let t v) = noOccurrence n t && noOccurrence n v
        noOcc (n, _) (_, Guess t v) = noOccurrence n t && noOccurrence n v
        noOcc (n, _) (_, b) = noOccurrence n (binderTy b)

focus :: Name -> RunTactic
focus n ctxt env t = do action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps in
                                            if n `elem` hs
                                               then ps { holes = n : (hs \\ [n]) }
                                               else ps)
                        ps <- get
                        return t

movelast :: Name -> RunTactic
movelast n ctxt env t = do action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps in
                                              if n `elem` hs
                                                  then ps { holes = (hs \\ [n]) ++ [n] }
                                                  else ps)
                           return t

instanceArg :: Name -> RunTactic
instanceArg n ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc)
    = do action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps
                            is = instances ps in
                            ps { holes = (hs \\ [x]) ++ [x],
                                 instances = x:is })
         return (Bind x (Hole t) sc)

autoArg :: Name -> RunTactic
autoArg n ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc)
    = do action (\ps -> case lookup x (autos ps) of
                             Nothing ->
                               let hs = holes ps in
                               ps { holes = (hs \\ [x]) ++ [x],
                                    autos = (x, refsIn t) : autos ps }
                             Just _ -> ps)
         return (Bind x (Hole t) sc)

setinj :: Name -> RunTactic
setinj n ctxt env (Bind x b sc)
    = do action (\ps -> let is = injective ps in
                            ps { injective = n : is })
         return (Bind x b sc)

defer :: [Name] -> Name -> RunTactic
defer dropped n ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P nt x' ty)) | x == x' =
    do let env' = filter (\(n, t) -> n `notElem` dropped) env
       action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps in
                          ps { holes = hs \\ [x] })
       ps <- get
       return (Bind n (GHole (length env') (psnames ps) (mkTy (reverse env') t))
                      (mkApp (P Ref n ty) (map getP (reverse env'))))
    mkTy []           t = t
    mkTy ((n,b) : bs) t = Bind n (Pi Nothing (binderTy b) (TType (UVar 0))) (mkTy bs t)

    getP (n, b) = P Bound n (binderTy b)

-- as defer, but build the type and application explicitly
deferType :: Name -> Raw -> [Name] -> RunTactic
deferType n fty_in args ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P nt x' ty)) | x == x' =
    do (fty, _) <- lift $ check ctxt env fty_in
       action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps
                          ds = deferred ps in
                          ps { holes = hs \\ [x],
                               deferred = n : ds })
       return (Bind n (GHole 0 [] fty)
                      (mkApp (P Ref n ty) (map getP args)))
    getP n = case lookup n env of
                  Just b -> P Bound n (binderTy b)
                  Nothing -> error ("deferType can't find " ++ show n)

regret :: RunTactic
regret ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc) | noOccurrence x sc =
    do action (\ps -> let hs = holes ps in
                          ps { holes = hs \\ [x] })
       return sc
regret ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) _)
    = fail $ show x ++ " : " ++ show t ++ " is not solved..."

unifyGoal :: Raw -> RunTactic
unifyGoal tm ctxt env h@(Bind x b sc) =
    do (tmv, _) <- lift $ check ctxt env tm
       ns' <- unify' ctxt env (binderTy b, Nothing) (tmv, Nothing)
       return h

exact :: Raw -> RunTactic
exact guess ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do (val, valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env guess
       lift $ converts ctxt env valty ty
       return $ Bind x (Guess ty val) sc
exact _ _ _ _ = fail "Can't fill here."

-- As exact, but attempts to solve other goals by unification

fill :: Raw -> RunTactic
fill guess ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do (val, valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env guess
--        let valtyn = normalise ctxt env valty
--        let tyn = normalise ctxt env ty
       ns <- unify' ctxt env (valty, Just $ SourceTerm val)
                             (ty, Just (chkPurpose val ty))
       ps <- get
       let (uh, uns) = unified ps
--        put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
--        addLog (show (uh, uns ++ ns))
       return $ Bind x (Guess ty val) sc
    -- some expected types show up commonly in errors and indicate a
    -- specific problem.
    --   argTy -> retTy suggests a function applied to too many arguments
    chkPurpose val (Bind _ (Pi _ (P _ (MN _ _) _) _) (P _ (MN _ _) _))
                   = TooManyArgs val
    chkPurpose _ _ = ExpectedType
fill _ _ _ _ = fail "Can't fill here."

-- As fill, but attempts to solve other goals by matching

match_fill :: Raw -> RunTactic
match_fill guess ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do (val, valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env guess
--        let valtyn = normalise ctxt env valty
--        let tyn = normalise ctxt env ty
       ns <- match_unify' ctxt env (valty, Just $ SourceTerm val) 
                                   (ty, Just ExpectedType)
       ps <- get
       let (uh, uns) = unified ps
--        put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
--        addLog (show (uh, uns ++ ns))
       return $ Bind x (Guess ty val) sc
match_fill _ _ _ _ = fail "Can't fill here."

prep_fill :: Name -> [Name] -> RunTactic
prep_fill f as ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do let val = mkApp (P Ref f Erased) (map (\n -> P Ref n Erased) as)
       return $ Bind x (Guess ty val) sc
prep_fill f as ctxt env t = fail $ "Can't prepare fill at " ++ show t

complete_fill :: RunTactic
complete_fill ctxt env (Bind x (Guess ty val) sc) =
    do let guess = forget val
       (val', valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env guess
       ns <- unify' ctxt env (valty, Just $ SourceTerm val') 
                             (ty, Just ExpectedType)
       ps <- get
       let (uh, uns) = unified ps
--        put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
       return $ Bind x (Guess ty val) sc
complete_fill ctxt env t = fail $ "Can't complete fill at " ++ show t

-- When solving something in the 'dont unify' set, we should check
-- that the guess we are solving it with unifies with the thing unification
-- found for it, if anything.

solve :: RunTactic
solve ctxt env (Bind x (Guess ty val) sc)
   = do ps <- get
        let (uh, uns) = unified ps
        dropdots <-
             case lookup x (notunified ps) of
                Just tm -> -- trace ("NEED MATCH: " ++ show (x, tm, val) ++ "\nIN " ++ show (pterm ps)) $
                            do match_unify' ctxt env (tm, Just InferredVal) 
                                                     (val, Just GivenVal)
                               return [x]
                _ -> return []
        action (\ps -> ps { holes = traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping hole " ++ show x) $
                                       holes ps \\ [x],
                            solved = Just (x, val),
                            dontunify = filter (/= x) (dontunify ps),
                            notunified = updateNotunified [(x,val)]
                                           (notunified ps),
                            recents = x : recents ps,
                            instances = instances ps \\ [x],
                            dotted = dropUnified dropdots (dotted ps) })
        let (locked, did) = tryLock (holes ps \\ [x]) (updsubst x val sc) in
            return locked
  where dropUnified ddots [] = []
        dropUnified ddots ((x, es) : ds)
             | x `elem` ddots || any (\e -> e `elem` ddots) es
                  = dropUnified ddots ds
             | otherwise = (x, es) : dropUnified ddots ds

        tryLock :: [Name] -> Term -> (Term, Bool)
        tryLock hs tm@(App Complete _ _) = (tm, True)
        tryLock hs tm@(App s f a) =
             let (f', fl) = tryLock hs f
                 (a', al) = tryLock hs a in
                 if fl && al then (App Complete f' a', True)
                             else (App s f' a', False)
        tryLock hs t@(P _ n _) = (t, not $ n `elem` hs)
        tryLock hs t@(Bind n (Hole _) sc) = (t, False)
        tryLock hs t@(Bind n (Guess _ _) sc) = (t, False)
        tryLock hs t@(Bind n (Let ty val) sc) 
            = let (ty', tyl) = tryLock hs ty
                  (val', vall) = tryLock hs val
                  (sc', scl) = tryLock hs sc in
                  (Bind n (Let ty' val') sc', tyl && vall && scl)
        tryLock hs t@(Bind n b sc) 
            = let (bt', btl) = tryLock hs (binderTy b)
                  (val', vall) = tryLock hs val
                  (sc', scl) = tryLock hs sc in
                  (Bind n (b { binderTy = bt' }) sc', btl && scl)
        tryLock hs t = (t, True)

solve _ _ h@(Bind x t sc)
   = do ps <- get
        case findType x sc of
             Just t -> lift $ tfail (CantInferType (show t))
             _ -> lift $ tfail (IncompleteTerm h)
   where findType x (Bind n (Let t v) sc)
              = findType x v `mplus` findType x sc
         findType x (Bind n t sc)
              | P _ x' _ <- binderTy t, x == x' = Just n
              | otherwise = findType x sc
         findType x _ = Nothing

introTy :: Raw -> Maybe Name -> RunTactic
introTy ty mn ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do let n = case mn of
                  Just name -> name
                  Nothing -> x
       let t' = case t of
                    x@(Bind y (Pi _ s _) _) -> x
                    _ -> hnf ctxt env t
       (tyv, tyt) <- lift $ check ctxt env ty
--        ns <- lift $ unify ctxt env tyv t'
       case t' of
           Bind y (Pi _ s _) t -> let t' = updsubst y (P Bound n s) t in
                                      do ns <- unify' ctxt env (s, Nothing) (tyv, Nothing)
                                         ps <- get
                                         let (uh, uns) = unified ps
--                                          put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
                                         return $ Bind n (Lam tyv) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
           _ -> lift $ tfail $ CantIntroduce t'
introTy ty n ctxt env _ = fail "Can't introduce here."

intro :: Maybe Name -> RunTactic
intro mn ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do let n = case mn of
                  Just name -> name
                  Nothing -> x
       let t' = case t of
                    x@(Bind y (Pi _ s _) _) -> x
                    _ -> hnf ctxt env t
       case t' of
           Bind y (Pi _ s _) t ->
               -- It's important that this be subst and not updsubst,
               -- because we want to substitute even in portions of
               -- terms that we know do not contain holes.
               let t' = subst y (P Bound n s) t in
                   return $ Bind n (Lam s) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
           _ -> lift $ tfail $ CantIntroduce t'
intro n ctxt env _ = fail "Can't introduce here."

forall :: Name -> Maybe ImplicitInfo -> Raw -> RunTactic
forall n impl ty ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do (tyv, tyt) <- lift $ check ctxt env ty
       unify' ctxt env (tyt, Nothing) (TType (UVar 0), Nothing)
       unify' ctxt env (t, Nothing) (TType (UVar 0), Nothing)
       return $ Bind n (Pi impl tyv (TType (UVar 0))) (Bind x (Hole t) (P Bound x t))
forall n impl ty ctxt env _ = fail "Can't pi bind here"

patvar :: Name -> RunTactic
patvar n ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc) =
    do action (\ps -> ps { holes = traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping pattern hole " ++ show x) $
                                     holes ps \\ [x],
                           solved = Just (x, P Bound n t),
                           dontunify = filter (/=x) (dontunify ps),
                           notunified = updateNotunified [(x,P Bound n t)]
                                          (notunified ps),
                           injective = addInj n x (injective ps)
       return $ Bind n (PVar t) (updsubst x (P Bound n t) sc)
  where addInj n x ps | x `elem` ps = n : ps
                      | otherwise = ps
patvar n ctxt env tm = fail $ "Can't add pattern var at " ++ show tm

letbind :: Name -> Raw -> Raw -> RunTactic
letbind n ty val ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do (tyv,  tyt)  <- lift $ check ctxt env ty
       (valv, valt) <- lift $ check ctxt env val
       lift $ isType ctxt env tyt
       return $ Bind n (Let tyv valv) (Bind x (Hole t) (P Bound x t))
letbind n ty val ctxt env _ = fail "Can't let bind here"

expandLet :: Name -> Term -> RunTactic
expandLet n v ctxt env tm =
       return $ updsubst n v tm

rewrite :: Raw -> RunTactic
rewrite tm ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) xp@(P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do (tmv, tmt) <- lift $ check ctxt env tm
       let tmt' = normalise ctxt env tmt
       case unApply tmt' of
         (P _ (UN q) _, [lt,rt,l,r]) | q == txt "=" ->
            do let p = Bind rname (Lam lt) (mkP (P Bound rname lt) r l t)
               let newt = mkP l r l t
               let sc = forget $ (Bind x (Hole newt)
                                       (mkApp (P Ref (sUN "replace") (TType (UVal 0)))
                                              [lt, l, r, p, tmv, xp]))
               (scv, sct) <- lift $ check ctxt env sc
               return scv
         _ -> lift $ tfail (NotEquality tmv tmt')
  where rname = sMN 0 "replaced"
rewrite _ _ _ _ = fail "Can't rewrite here"

-- To make the P for rewrite, replace syntactic occurrences of l in ty with
-- an x, and put \x : lt in front
mkP :: TT Name -> TT Name -> TT Name -> TT Name -> TT Name
mkP lt l r ty | l == ty = lt
mkP lt l r (App s f a) = let f' = if (r /= f) then mkP lt l r f else f
                             a' = if (r /= a) then mkP lt l r a else a in
                             App s f' a'
mkP lt l r (Bind n b sc)
                     = let b' = mkPB b
                           sc' = if (r /= sc) then mkP lt l r sc else sc in
                           Bind n b' sc'
    where mkPB (Let t v) = let t' = if (r /= t) then mkP lt l r t else t
                               v' = if (r /= v) then mkP lt l r v else v in
                               Let t' v'
          mkPB b = let ty = binderTy b
                       ty' = if (r /= ty) then mkP lt l r ty else ty in
                             b { binderTy = ty' }
mkP lt l r x = x

casetac :: Raw -> Bool -> RunTactic
casetac tm induction ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) |x == x' = do
  (tmv, tmt) <- lift $ check ctxt env tm
  let tmt' = normalise ctxt env tmt
  let (tacn, tacstr, tactt) = if induction
              then (ElimN, "eliminator", "Induction")
              else (CaseN, "case analysis", "Case analysis")
  case unApply tmt' of
    (P _ tnm _, tyargs) -> do
        case lookupTy (SN (tacn tnm)) ctxt of
          [elimTy] -> do
             param_pos <- case lookupMetaInformation tnm ctxt of
                               [DataMI param_pos] -> return param_pos
                               m | length tyargs > 0 -> fail $ "Invalid meta information for " ++ show tnm ++ " where the metainformation is " ++ show m ++ " and definition is" ++ show (lookupDef tnm ctxt)
                               _ -> return []
             let (params, indicies) = splitTyArgs param_pos tyargs
             let args     = getArgTys elimTy
             let pmargs   = take (length params) args
             let args'    = drop (length params) args
             let propTy   = head args'
             let restargs = init $ tail args'
             let consargs = take (length restargs - length indicies) $ restargs
             let indxargs = drop (length restargs - length indicies) $ restargs
             let scr      = last $ tail args'
             let indxnames = makeIndexNames indicies
             currentNames <- query $ allTTNames . getProofTerm . pterm
             let tmnm = case tm of
                         Var nm -> uniqueNameCtxt ctxt nm currentNames
                         _ -> uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (sMN 0 "iv") currentNames
             let tmvar = P Bound tmnm tmt'
             prop <- replaceIndicies indxnames indicies $ Bind tmnm (Lam tmt') (mkP tmvar tmv tmvar t)
             consargs' <- query (\ps -> map (flip (uniqueNameCtxt (context ps)) (holes ps ++ allTTNames (getProofTerm (pterm ps))) *** uniqueBindersCtxt (context ps) (holes ps ++ allTTNames (getProofTerm (pterm ps)))) consargs)
             let res = flip (foldr substV) params $ (substV prop $ bindConsArgs consargs' (mkApp (P Ref (SN (tacn tnm)) (TType (UVal 0)))
                                                        (params ++ [prop] ++ map makeConsArg consargs' ++ indicies ++ [tmv])))
             action (\ps -> ps {holes = holes ps \\ [x],
                                recents = x : recents ps })
             mapM_ addConsHole (reverse consargs')
             let res' = forget $ res
             (scv, sct) <- lift $ check ctxt env res'
             let (scv', _) = specialise ctxt env [] scv
             return scv'
          [] -> lift $ tfail $ NoEliminator tacstr tmt'
          xs -> lift $ tfail $ Msg $ "Multiple definitions found when searching for " ++ tacstr ++ "of " ++ show tnm
    _ -> lift $ tfail $ NoEliminator (if induction then "induction" else "case analysis")
    where scname = sMN 0 "scarg"
          makeConsArg (nm, ty) = P Bound nm ty
          bindConsArgs ((nm, ty):args) v = Bind nm (Hole ty) $ bindConsArgs args v
          bindConsArgs [] v = v
          addConsHole (nm, ty) =
            action (\ps -> ps { holes = nm : holes ps })
          splitTyArgs param_pos tyargs =
            let (params, indicies) = partition (flip elem param_pos . fst) . zip [0..] $ tyargs
            in (map snd params, map snd indicies)
          makeIndexNames = foldr (\_ nms -> (uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (sMN 0 "idx") nms):nms) []
          replaceIndicies idnms idxs prop = foldM (\t (idnm, idx) -> do (idxv, idxt) <- lift $ check ctxt env (forget idx)
                                                                        let var = P Bound idnm idxt
                                                                        return $ Bind idnm (Lam idxt) (mkP var idxv var t)) prop $ zip idnms idxs
casetac tm induction ctxt env _ = fail $ "Can't do " ++ (if induction then "induction" else "case analysis") ++ " here"

equiv :: Raw -> RunTactic
equiv tm ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) sc) =
    do (tmv, tmt) <- lift $ check ctxt env tm
       lift $ converts ctxt env tmv t
       return $ Bind x (Hole tmv) sc
equiv tm ctxt env _ = fail "Can't equiv here"

patbind :: Name -> RunTactic
patbind n ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
    do let t' = case t of
                    x@(Bind y (PVTy s) t) -> x
                    _ -> hnf ctxt env t
       case t' of
           Bind y (PVTy s) t -> let t' = updsubst y (P Bound n s) t in
                                    return $ Bind n (PVar s) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
           _ -> fail "Nothing to pattern bind"
patbind n ctxt env _ = fail "Can't pattern bind here"

compute :: RunTactic
compute ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do return $ Bind x (Hole (normalise ctxt env ty)) sc
compute ctxt env t = return t

hnf_compute :: RunTactic
hnf_compute ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do let ty' = hnf ctxt env ty in
--          trace ("HNF " ++ show (ty, ty')) $
           return $ Bind x (Hole ty') sc
hnf_compute ctxt env t = return t

-- reduce let bindings only
simplify :: RunTactic
simplify ctxt env (Bind x (Hole ty) sc) =
    do return $ Bind x (Hole (fst (specialise ctxt env [] ty))) sc
simplify ctxt env t = return t

check_in :: Raw -> RunTactic
check_in t ctxt env tm =
    do (val, valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env t
       addLog (showEnv env val ++ " : " ++ showEnv env valty)
       return tm

eval_in :: Raw -> RunTactic
eval_in t ctxt env tm =
    do (val, valty) <- lift $ check ctxt env t
       let val' = normalise ctxt env val
       let valty' = normalise ctxt env valty
       addLog (showEnv env val ++ " : " ++
               showEnv env valty ++
--                     " in " ++ show env ++
               " ==>\n " ++
               showEnv env val' ++ " : " ++
               showEnv env valty')
       return tm

start_unify :: Name -> RunTactic
start_unify n ctxt env tm = do -- action (\ps -> ps { unified = (n, []) })
                               return tm

tmap f (a, b, c) = (f a, b, c)

solve_unified :: RunTactic
solve_unified ctxt env tm =
    do ps <- get
       let (_, ns) = unified ps
       let unify = dropGiven (dontunify ps) ns (holes ps)
       action (\ps -> ps { holes = traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes " ++ show (map fst unify)) $
                                     holes ps \\ map fst unify,
                           recents = recents ps ++ map fst unify })
       action (\ps -> ps { pterm = updateSolved unify (pterm ps) })
       return (updateSolvedTerm unify tm)

dropGiven du [] hs = []
dropGiven du ((n, P Bound t ty) : us) hs
   | n `elem` du && not (t `elem` du)
     && n `elem` hs && t `elem` hs
            = (t, P Bound n ty) : dropGiven du us hs
dropGiven du (u@(n, _) : us) hs
   | n `elem` du = dropGiven du us hs
-- dropGiven du (u@(_, P a n ty) : us) | n `elem` du = dropGiven du us
dropGiven du (u : us) hs = u : dropGiven du us hs

keepGiven du [] hs = []
keepGiven du ((n, P Bound t ty) : us) hs
   | n `elem` du && not (t `elem` du)
     && n `elem` hs && t `elem` hs
            = keepGiven du us hs
keepGiven du (u@(n, _) : us) hs
   | n `elem` du = u : keepGiven du us hs
keepGiven du (u : us) hs = keepGiven du us hs

updateEnv [] e = e
updateEnv ns [] = []
updateEnv ns ((n, b) : env) 
   = (n, fmap (updateSolvedTerm ns) b) : updateEnv ns env

updateProv ns (SourceTerm t) = SourceTerm $ updateSolvedTerm ns t
updateProv ns p = p

updateError [] err = err
updateError ns (At f e) = At f (updateError ns e)
updateError ns (Elaborating s n e) = Elaborating s n (updateError ns e)
updateError ns (ElaboratingArg f a env e)
 = ElaboratingArg f a env (updateError ns e)
updateError ns (CantUnify b (l,lp) (r,rp) e xs sc)
 = CantUnify b (updateSolvedTerm ns l, fmap (updateProv ns) lp) 
               (updateSolvedTerm ns r, fmap (updateProv ns) rp) (updateError ns e) xs sc
updateError ns e = e

updateRes ns [] = []
updateRes ns ((x, t) : ts) = (x, updateSolvedTerm ns t) : updateRes ns ts

solveInProblems x val [] = []
solveInProblems x val ((l, r, env, err) : ps)
   = ((psubst x val l, psubst x val r,
       updateEnv [(x, val)] env, err) : solveInProblems x val ps)

mergeNotunified :: Env -> [Name] -> [(Name, Term)] -> ([(Name, Term)], Fails)
mergeNotunified env holes ns = mnu ns [] [] where
  mnu [] ns_acc ps_acc = (reverse ns_acc, reverse ps_acc)
  mnu ((n, t):ns) ns_acc ps_acc
      | Just t' <- lookup n ns, t /= t'
             = mnu ns ((n,t') : ns_acc)
                      ((t,t',True, env,CantUnify True (t, Nothing) (t', Nothing) (Msg "") [] 0, [],Match) : ps_acc)
      | otherwise = mnu ns ((n,t) : ns_acc) ps_acc

updateNotunified [] nu = nu
updateNotunified ns nu = up nu where
  up [] = []
  up ((n, t) : nus) = let t' = updateSolvedTerm ns t in
                          ((n, t') : up nus)

getProvenance :: Err -> (Maybe Provenance, Maybe Provenance)
getProvenance (CantUnify _ (_, lp) (_, rp) _ _ _) = (lp, rp)
getProvenance _ = (Nothing, Nothing)

updateProblems :: ProofState -> [(Name, TT Name)] -> Fails 
                    -> ([(Name, TT Name)], Fails)
-- updateProblems ctxt [] ps inj holes = ([], ps)
updateProblems ps updates probs = rec 10 updates probs
  -- keep trying if we make progress, but not too many times...
  rec 0 us fs = (us, fs)
  rec n us fs = case up us [] fs of
                     res@(_, []) -> res
                     res@(us', _) | length us' == length us -> res
                     (us', fs') -> rec (n - 1) us' fs'

  hs = holes ps
  inj = injective ps
  ctxt = context ps
  ulog = unifylog ps
  usupp = map fst (notunified ps)
  dont = dontunify ps

  up ns acc [] = (ns, map (updateNs ns) (reverse acc))
  up ns acc (prob@(x, y, ready, env, err, while, um) : ps) =
    let (x', newx) = updateSolvedTerm' ns x
        (y', newy) = updateSolvedTerm' ns y
        (lp, rp) = getProvenance err
        err' = updateError ns err
        env' = updateEnv ns env in
          if newx || newy || ready || 
             any (\n -> n `elem` inj) (refsIn x ++ refsIn y) then 
            case unify ctxt env' (x', lp) (y', rp) inj hs usupp while of
                 OK (v, []) -> traceWhen ulog ("DID " ++ show (x',y',ready,v,dont)) $
                                let v' = filter (\(n, _) -> n `notElem` dont) v in
                                    up (ns ++ v') acc ps
                 e -> -- trace ("FAILED " ++ show (x',y',ready,e)) $
                      up ns ((x',y',False,env',err',while,um) : acc) ps
            else -- trace ("SKIPPING " ++ show (x,y,ready)) $
                 up ns ((x',y', False, env',err', while, um) : acc) ps

  updateNs ns (x, y, t, env, err, fc, fa)
       = let (x', newx) = updateSolvedTerm' ns x
             (y', newy) = updateSolvedTerm' ns y in
             (x', y', newx || newy, 
                  updateEnv ns env, updateError ns err, fc, fa)

-- attempt to solve remaining problems with match_unify
matchProblems :: Bool -> ProofState -> [(Name, TT Name)] -> Fails 
                    -> ([(Name, TT Name)], Fails)
matchProblems all ps updates probs = up updates probs where
  hs = holes ps
  inj = injective ps
  ctxt = context ps

  up ns [] = (ns, [])
  up ns ((x, y, ready, env, err, while, um) : ps)
       | all || um == Match =
    let x' = updateSolvedTerm ns x
        y' = updateSolvedTerm ns y
        (lp, rp) = getProvenance err
        err' = updateError ns err
        env' = updateEnv ns env in
        case match_unify ctxt env' (x', lp) (y', rp) inj hs while of
            OK v -> -- trace ("Added " ++ show v ++ " from " ++ show (x', y')) $
                               up (ns ++ v) ps
            _ -> let (ns', ps') = up ns ps in
                     (ns', (x', y', True, env', err', while, um) : ps')
  up ns (p : ps) = let (ns', ps') = up ns ps in
                       (ns', p : ps')

processTactic :: Tactic -> ProofState -> TC (ProofState, String)
processTactic QED ps = case holes ps of
                           [] -> do let tm = {- normalise (context ps) [] -} getProofTerm (pterm ps)
                                    (tm', ty', _) <- recheck (context ps) [] (forget tm) tm
                                    return (ps { done = True, pterm = mkProofTerm tm' },
                                            "Proof complete: " ++ showEnv [] tm')
                           _  -> fail "Still holes to fill."
processTactic ProofState ps = return (ps, showEnv [] (getProofTerm (pterm ps)))
processTactic Undo ps = case previous ps of
                            Nothing -> Error . Msg $ "Nothing to undo."
                            Just pold -> return (pold, "")
processTactic EndUnify ps
    = let (h, ns_in) = unified ps
          ns = dropGiven (dontunify ps) ns_in (holes ps)
          ns' = map (\ (n, t) -> (n, updateSolvedTerm ns t)) ns
          (ns'', probs') = updateProblems ps ns' (problems ps)
          tm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps) in
             traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(EndUnify) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
              return (ps { pterm = tm',
                           unified = (h, []),
                           problems = probs',
                           notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
                           recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
                           holes = holes ps \\ map fst ns'' }, "")
processTactic UnifyAll ps
    = let tm' = updateSolved (notunified ps) (pterm ps) in
          return (ps { pterm = tm',
                       notunified = [],
                       recents = recents ps ++ map fst (notunified ps),
                       holes = holes ps \\ map fst (notunified ps) }, "")
processTactic (Reorder n) ps
    = do ps' <- execStateT (tactic (Just n) reorder_claims) ps
         return (ps' { previous = Just ps, plog = "" }, plog ps')
processTactic (ComputeLet n) ps
    = return (ps { pterm = mkProofTerm $
                              computeLet (context ps) n
                                         (getProofTerm (pterm ps)) }, "")
processTactic UnifyProblems ps
    = do let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps [] (problems ps)
             pterm' = updateSolved ns' (pterm ps)
         traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(UnifyProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns')) $
          return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs',
                       previous = Just ps, plog = "",
                       notunified = updateNotunified ns' (notunified ps),
                       recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns',
                       dotted = filter (notIn ns') (dotted ps),
                       holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns') }, plog ps)
   where notIn ns (h, _) = h `notElem` map fst ns
processTactic (MatchProblems all) ps
    = do let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (problems ps)
             (ns'', probs'') = matchProblems all ps ns' probs'
             pterm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps)
         traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(MatchProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
          return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs'',
                       previous = Just ps, plog = "",
                       notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
                       recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
                       holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns'') }, plog ps)
processTactic t ps
    = case holes ps of
        [] -> case t of
                   Focus _ -> return (ps, "") -- harmless to refocus when done, since
                                              -- 'focus' doesn't fail
                   _ -> fail $ "Nothing to fill in."
        (h:_)  -> do ps' <- execStateT (process t h) ps
                     let (ns_in, probs')
                                = case solved ps' of
                                    Just s -> traceWhen (unifylog ps)
                                                ("SOLVED " ++ show s ++ " " ++ show (dontunify ps')) $
                                                updateProblems ps' [s] (problems ps')
                                    _ -> ([], problems ps')
                     -- rechecking problems may find more solutions, so
                     -- apply them here
                     let ns' = dropGiven (dontunify ps') ns_in (holes ps')
                     let pterm'' = updateSolved ns' (pterm ps')
                     traceWhen (unifylog ps) 
                                 ("Updated problems after solve " ++ qshow probs' ++ "\n" ++
                                  "(Toplevel) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns') ++ "\n" ++
                                  "Holes were: " ++ show (holes ps')) $
                       return (ps' { pterm = pterm'',
                                     solved = Nothing,
                                     problems = probs',
                                     notunified = updateNotunified ns' (notunified ps'),
                                     previous = Just ps, plog = "",
                                     recents = recents ps' ++ map fst ns',
                                     holes = holes ps' \\ (map fst ns')
                                   }, plog ps')

process :: Tactic -> Name -> StateT TState TC ()
process EndUnify _
   = do ps <- get
        let (h, _) = unified ps
        tactic (Just h) solve_unified
process t h = tactic (Just h) (mktac t)
   where mktac Attack            = attack
         mktac (Claim n r)       = claim n r
         mktac (ClaimFn n bn r)  = claimFn n bn r
         mktac (Exact r)         = exact r
         mktac (Fill r)          = fill r
         mktac (MatchFill r)     = match_fill r
         mktac (PrepFill n ns)   = prep_fill n ns
         mktac CompleteFill      = complete_fill
         mktac Solve             = solve
         mktac (StartUnify n)    = start_unify n
         mktac Compute           = compute
         mktac Simplify          = Idris.Core.ProofState.simplify
         mktac HNF_Compute       = hnf_compute
         mktac (Intro n)         = intro n
         mktac (IntroTy ty n)    = introTy ty n
         mktac (Forall n i t)    = forall n i t
         mktac (LetBind n t v)   = letbind n t v
         mktac (ExpandLet n b)   = expandLet n b
         mktac (Rewrite t)       = rewrite t
         mktac (Induction t)     = casetac t True
         mktac (CaseTac t)       = casetac t False
         mktac (Equiv t)         = equiv t
         mktac (PatVar n)        = patvar n
         mktac (PatBind n)       = patbind n
         mktac (CheckIn r)       = check_in r
         mktac (EvalIn r)        = eval_in r
         mktac (Focus n)         = focus n
         mktac (Defer ns n)      = defer ns n
         mktac (DeferType n t a) = deferType n t a
         mktac (Instance n)      = instanceArg n
         mktac (AutoArg n)       = autoArg n
         mktac (SetInjective n)  = setinj n
         mktac (MoveLast n)      = movelast n
         mktac (UnifyGoal r)     = unifyGoal r