{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ConstraintKinds, PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
module Idris.Parser(module Idris.Parser,
                    module Idris.ParseExpr,
                    module Idris.ParseData,
                    module Idris.ParseHelpers,
                    module Idris.ParseOps) where

import Prelude hiding (pi)

import qualified System.Directory as Dir (makeAbsolute)

import Text.Trifecta.Delta
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span, stringLiteral, charLiteral, natural, symbol, char, string, whiteSpace, Err)
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Text.Parser.Expression
import qualified Text.Parser.Token as Tok
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as Chr
import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Highlight as Hi

import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (Doc, plain)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as ANSI

import Idris.AbsSyntax hiding (namespace, params)
import Idris.DSL
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Elab.Value
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Idris.ElabDecls
import Idris.Coverage
import Idris.IBC
import Idris.Unlit
import Idris.Providers
import Idris.Output

import Idris.ParseHelpers
import Idris.ParseOps
import Idris.ParseExpr
import Idris.ParseData

import Idris.Docstrings hiding (Unchecked)

import Paths_idris

import Util.DynamicLinker
import Util.System (readSource, writeSource)
import qualified Util.Pretty as P

import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate

import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict

import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List.Split as Spl
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Data.Ord
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (descendM)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Debug.Trace

import System.FilePath
import System.IO

 grammar shortcut notation:
    ~CHARSEQ = complement of char sequence (i.e. any character except CHARSEQ)
    RULE? = optional rule (i.e. RULE or nothing)
    RULE* = repeated rule (i.e. RULE zero or more times)
    RULE+ = repeated rule with at least one match (i.e. RULE one or more times)
    RULE! = invalid rule (i.e. rule that is not valid in context, report meaningful error in case)
    RULE{n} = rule repeated n times

{- * Main grammar -}

{- | Parses module definition

      ModuleHeader ::= DocComment_t? 'module' Identifier_t ';'?;
moduleHeader :: IdrisParser (Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [(FC, OutputAnnotation)])
moduleHeader =     try (do docs <- optional docComment
                           noArgs docs
                           reserved "module"
                           (i, ifc) <- identifier
                           option ';' (lchar ';')
                           let modName = moduleName i
                           return (fmap fst docs,
                                   [(ifc, AnnNamespace (map T.pack modName) Nothing)]))
               <|> try (do lchar '%'; reserved "unqualified"
                           return (Nothing, [], []))
               <|> return (Nothing, moduleName "Main", [])
  where moduleName x = case span (/='.') x of
                           (x, "")    -> [x]
                           (x, '.':y) -> x : moduleName y
        noArgs (Just (_, args)) | not (null args) = fail "Modules do not take arguments"
        noArgs _ = return ()

data ImportInfo = ImportInfo { import_reexport :: Bool
                             , import_path :: FilePath
                             , import_rename :: Maybe (String, FC)
                             , import_namespace :: [T.Text]
                             , import_location :: FC
                             , import_modname_location :: FC

{- | Parses an import statement

  Import ::= 'import' Identifier_t ';'?;
import_ :: IdrisParser ImportInfo
import_ = do fc <- getFC
             reserved "import"
             reexport <- option False (do reserved "public"; return True)
             (id, idfc) <- identifier
             newName <- optional (reserved "as" *> identifier)
             option ';' (lchar ';')
             return $ ImportInfo reexport (toPath id)
                        (fmap (\(n, fc) -> (toPath n, fc)) newName)
                        (map T.pack $ ns id) fc idfc
          <?> "import statement"
  where ns = Spl.splitOn "."
        toPath = foldl1' (</>) . ns

{- | Parses program source

     Prog ::= Decl* EOF;
prog :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
prog syn = do whiteSpace
              decls <- many (decl syn)
              let c = (concat decls)
              case maxline syn of
                   Nothing -> do notOpenBraces; eof
                   _ -> return ()
              ist <- get
              fc <- getFC
              put ist { idris_parsedSpan = Just (FC (fc_fname fc) (0,0) (fc_end fc)),
                        ibc_write = IBCParsedRegion fc : ibc_write ist }
              return c

{-| Parses a top-level declaration

Decl ::=
  | Using
  | Params
  | Mutual
  | Namespace
  | Class
  | Instance
  | DSL
  | Directive
  | Provider
  | Transform
  | Import!
decl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
decl syn = do fc <- getFC
              -- if we're after maxline, stop here
              let continue = case maxline syn of
                                Nothing -> True
                                Just l -> if fst (fc_end fc) > l
                                             then mut_nesting syn /= 0
                                             else True
              if continue then do notEndBlock
                          else fail "End of readable input"
  where declBody :: IdrisParser [PDecl]
        declBody =     declBody'
                   <|> using_ syn
                   <|> params syn
                   <|> mutual syn
                   <|> namespace syn
                   <|> class_ syn
                   <|> instance_ syn
                   <|> do d <- dsl syn; return [d]
                   <|> directive syn
                   <|> provider syn
                   <|> transform syn
                   <|> do import_; fail "imports must be at top of file"
                   <?> "declaration"
        declBody' :: IdrisParser [PDecl]
        declBody' = do d <- decl' syn
                       i <- get
                       let d' = fmap (debindApp syn . (desugar syn i)) d
                       return [d']

{- | Parses a top-level declaration with possible syntax sugar

Decl' ::=
  | FunDecl'
  | Data
  | Record
  | SyntaxDecl
decl' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
decl' syn =    fixity
           <|> syntaxDecl syn
           <|> fnDecl' syn
           <|> data_ syn
           <|> record syn
           <?> "declaration"

{- | Parses a syntax extension declaration (and adds the rule to parser state)

  SyntaxDecl ::= SyntaxRule;
syntaxDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
syntaxDecl syn = do s <- syntaxRule syn
                    i <- get
                    put (i `addSyntax` s)
                    fc <- getFC
                    return (PSyntax fc s)

-- | Extend an 'IState' with a new syntax extension. See also 'addReplSyntax'.
addSyntax :: IState -> Syntax -> IState
addSyntax i s = i { syntax_rules = updateSyntaxRules [s] rs,
                    syntax_keywords = ks ++ ns,
                    ibc_write = IBCSyntax s : map IBCKeyword ks ++ ibc }
  where rs = syntax_rules i
        ns = syntax_keywords i
        ibc = ibc_write i
        ks = map show (syntaxNames s)

-- | Like 'addSyntax', but no effect on the IBC.
addReplSyntax :: IState -> Syntax -> IState
addReplSyntax i s = i { syntax_rules = updateSyntaxRules [s] rs,
                        syntax_keywords = ks ++ ns }
  where rs = syntax_rules i
        ns = syntax_keywords i
        ks = map show (syntaxNames s)

{- | Parses a syntax extension declaration

SyntaxRuleOpts ::= 'term' | 'pattern';

SyntaxRule ::=
  SyntaxRuleOpts? 'syntax' SyntaxSym+ '=' TypeExpr Terminator;

SyntaxSym ::=   '[' Name_t ']'
             |  '{' Name_t '}'
             |  Name_t
             |  StringLiteral_t
syntaxRule :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser Syntax
syntaxRule syn
    = do sty <- try (do
            sty <- option AnySyntax (do reserved "term"; return TermSyntax
                                  <|> do reserved "pattern"; return PatternSyntax)
            reserved "syntax"
            return sty)
         syms <- some syntaxSym
         when (all isExpr syms) $ unexpected "missing keywords in syntax rule"
         let ns = mapMaybe getName syms
         when (length ns /= length (nub ns))
            $ unexpected "repeated variable in syntax rule"
         lchar '='
         tm <- typeExpr (allowImp syn) >>= uniquifyBinders [n | Binding n <- syms]
         return (Rule (mkSimple syms) tm sty)
    isExpr (Expr _) = True
    isExpr _ = False
    getName (Expr n) = Just n
    getName _ = Nothing
    -- Can't parse two full expressions (i.e. expressions with application) in a row
    -- so change them both to a simple expression
    mkSimple (Expr e : es) = SimpleExpr e : mkSimple' es
    mkSimple xs = mkSimple' xs

    mkSimple' (Expr e : Expr e1 : es) = SimpleExpr e : SimpleExpr e1 :
                                           mkSimple es
    -- Can't parse a full expression followed by operator like characters due to ambiguity
    mkSimple' (Expr e : Symbol s : es)
      | takeWhile (`elem` opChars) ts /= "" && ts `notElem` invalidOperators  = SimpleExpr e : Symbol s : mkSimple' es
       where ts = dropWhile isSpace . dropWhileEnd isSpace $ s
    mkSimple' (e : es) = e : mkSimple' es
    mkSimple' [] = []
    -- Prevent syntax variable capture by making all binders under syntax unique
    -- (the ol' Common Lisp GENSYM approach)
    uniquifyBinders :: [Name] -> PTerm -> IdrisParser PTerm
    uniquifyBinders userNames = fixBind []
        fixBind :: [(Name, Name)] -> PTerm -> IdrisParser PTerm
        fixBind rens (PRef fc n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens =
          return $ PRef fc n'
        fixBind rens (PPatvar fc n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens =
          return $ PPatvar fc n'
        fixBind rens (PLam fc n nfc ty body)
          | n `elem` userNames = liftM2 (PLam fc n nfc) (fixBind rens ty) (fixBind rens body)
          | otherwise =
            do ty' <- fixBind rens ty
               n' <- gensym n
               body' <- fixBind ((n,n'):rens) body
               return $ PLam fc n' nfc ty' body'
        fixBind rens (PPi plic n nfc argTy body)
          | n `elem` userNames = liftM2 (PPi plic n nfc) (fixBind rens argTy) (fixBind rens body)
          | otherwise =
            do ty' <- fixBind rens argTy
               n' <- gensym n
               body' <- fixBind ((n,n'):rens) body
               return $ (PPi plic n' nfc ty' body')
        fixBind rens (PLet fc n nfc ty val body)
          | n `elem` userNames = liftM3 (PLet fc n nfc)
                                        (fixBind rens ty)
                                        (fixBind rens val)
                                        (fixBind rens body)
          | otherwise =
            do ty' <- fixBind rens ty
               val' <- fixBind rens val
               n' <- gensym n
               body' <- fixBind ((n,n'):rens) body
               return $ PLet fc n' nfc ty' val' body'
        fixBind rens (PMatchApp fc n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens =
          return $ PMatchApp fc n'
        fixBind rens x = descendM (fixBind rens) x

        gensym :: Name -> IdrisParser Name
        gensym n = do ist <- get
                      let idx = idris_name ist
                      put ist { idris_name = idx + 1 }
                      return $ sMN idx (show n)

{- | Parses a syntax symbol (either binding variable, keyword or expression)

SyntaxSym ::=   '[' Name_t ']'
             |  '{' Name_t '}'
             |  Name_t
             |  StringLiteral_t
syntaxSym :: IdrisParser SSymbol
syntaxSym =    try (do lchar '['; n <- fst <$> name; lchar ']'
                       return (Expr n))
            <|> try (do lchar '{'; n <- fst <$> name; lchar '}'
                        return (Binding n))
            <|> do n <- fst <$> iName []
                   return (Keyword n)
            <|> do sym <- fmap fst stringLiteral
                   return (Symbol sym)
            <?> "syntax symbol"

{- | Parses a function declaration with possible syntax sugar

  FunDecl ::= FunDecl';
fnDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
fnDecl syn = try (do notEndBlock
                     d <- fnDecl' syn
                     i <- get
                     let d' = fmap (desugar syn i) d
                     return [d']) <?> "function declaration"

{-| Parses a function declaration

 FunDecl' ::=
  DocComment_t? FnOpts* Accessibility? FnOpts* FnName TypeSig Terminator
  | Postulate
  | Pattern
  | CAF
fnDecl' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
fnDecl' syn = checkFixity $
              do (doc, argDocs, fc, opts', n, nfc, acc) <- try (do
                        (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn
                        ist <- get
                        let initOpts = if default_total ist
                                          then [TotalFn]
                                          else []
                        opts <- fnOpts initOpts
                        acc <- optional accessibility
                        opts' <- fnOpts opts
                        (n_in, nfc) <- fnName
                        let n = expandNS syn n_in
                        fc <- getFC
                        lchar ':'
                        return (doc, argDocs, fc, opts', n, nfc, acc))
                 ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
                 addAcc n acc
                 return (PTy doc argDocs syn fc opts' n nfc ty)
            <|> postulate syn
            <|> caf syn
            <|> pattern syn
            <?> "function declaration"
    where checkFixity :: IdrisParser PDecl -> IdrisParser PDecl
          checkFixity p = do decl <- p
                             case getName decl of
                               Nothing -> return decl
                               Just n -> do fOk <- fixityOK n
                                            unless fOk . fail $
                                              "Missing fixity declaration for " ++ show n
                                            return decl
          getName (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ _) = Just n
          getName _ = Nothing
          fixityOK (NS n _) = fixityOK n
          fixityOK (UN n)  | all (flip elem opChars) (str n) =
                               do fixities <- fmap idris_infixes get
                                  return . elem (str n) . map (\ (Fix _ op) -> op) $ fixities
                           | otherwise                 = return True
          fixityOK _        = return True

{-| Parses function options given initial options

FnOpts ::= 'total'
  | 'partial'
  | 'covering'
  | 'implicit'
  | '%' 'no_implicit'
  | '%' 'assert_total'
  | '%' 'error_handler'
  | '%' 'reflection'
  | '%' 'specialise' '[' NameTimesList? ']'

NameTimes ::= FnName Natural?;

NameTimesList ::=
  | NameTimes ',' NameTimesList
-- FIXME: Check compatability for function options (i.e. partal/total)
-- Issue #1574 on the issue tracker.
--     https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/issues/1574
fnOpts :: [FnOpt] -> IdrisParser [FnOpt]
fnOpts opts
        = do reserved "total"; fnOpts (TotalFn : opts)
      <|> do reserved "partial"; fnOpts (PartialFn : (opts \\ [TotalFn]))
      <|> do reserved "covering"; fnOpts (CoveringFn : (opts \\ [TotalFn]))
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "export"); c <- fmap fst stringLiteral;
                  fnOpts (CExport c : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "no_implicit");
                  fnOpts (NoImplicit : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "inline");
                  fnOpts (Inlinable : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "assert_total");
                  fnOpts (AssertTotal : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_handler");
                 fnOpts (ErrorHandler : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_reverse");
                 fnOpts (ErrorReverse : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "reflection");
                  fnOpts (Reflection : opts)
      <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "hint");
                  fnOpts (AutoHint : opts)
      <|> do lchar '%'; reserved "specialise";
             lchar '['; ns <- sepBy nameTimes (lchar ','); lchar ']'
             fnOpts (Specialise ns : opts)
      <|> do reserved "implicit"; fnOpts (Implicit : opts)
      <|> return opts
      <?> "function modifier"
  where nameTimes :: IdrisParser (Name, Maybe Int)
        nameTimes = do n <- fst <$> fnName
                       t <- option Nothing (do reds <- fmap fst natural
                                               return (Just (fromInteger reds)))
                       return (n, t)

{- | Parses a postulate

Postulate ::=
  DocComment_t? 'postulate' FnOpts* Accesibility? FnOpts* FnName TypeSig Terminator
postulate :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
postulate syn = do (doc, ext)
                       <- try $ do (doc, _) <- docstring syn
                                   ext <- ppostDecl
                                   return (doc, ext)
                   ist <- get
                   let initOpts = if default_total ist
                                     then [TotalFn]
                                     else []
                   opts <- fnOpts initOpts
                   acc <- optional accessibility
                   opts' <- fnOpts opts
                   n_in <- fst <$> fnName
                   let n = expandNS syn n_in
                   lchar ':'
                   ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
                   fc <- getFC
                   addAcc n acc
                   return (PPostulate ext doc syn fc opts' n ty)
                 <?> "postulate"
   where ppostDecl = do reserved "postulate"; return False
                 <|> do lchar '%'; reserved "extern"; return True
{- | Parses a using declaration

Using ::=
  'using' '(' UsingDeclList ')' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock
using_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
using_ syn =
    do reserved "using"; lchar '('; ns <- usingDeclList syn; lchar ')'
       let uvars = using syn
       ds <- many (decl (syn { using = uvars ++ ns }))
       return (concat ds)
    <?> "using declaration"

{- | Parses a parameters declaration

Params ::=
  'parameters' '(' TypeDeclList ')' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock
params :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
params syn =
    do reserved "parameters"; lchar '('; ns <- typeDeclList syn; lchar ')'
       let ns' = [(n, ty) | (n, _, ty) <- ns]
       let pvars = syn_params syn
       ds <- many (decl syn { syn_params = pvars ++ ns' })
       fc <- getFC
       return [PParams fc ns' (concat ds)]
    <?> "parameters declaration"

{- | Parses a mutual declaration (for mutually recursive functions)

Mutual ::=
  'mutual' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock
mutual :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
mutual syn =
    do reserved "mutual"
       let pvars = syn_params syn
       ds <- many (decl (syn { mut_nesting = mut_nesting syn + 1 } ))
       fc <- getFC
       return [PMutual fc (concat ds)]
    <?> "mutual block"

{-| Parses a namespace declaration

Namespace ::=
  'namespace' identifier OpenBlock Decl+ CloseBlock
namespace :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
namespace syn =
    do reserved "namespace"
       (n, nfc) <- identifier
       ds <- some (decl syn { syn_namespace = n : syn_namespace syn })
       return [PNamespace n nfc (concat ds)]
     <?> "namespace declaration"

{- | Parses a methods block (for instances)

  InstanceBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock FnDecl* CloseBlock
instanceBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
instanceBlock syn = do reserved "where"
                       ds <- many (fnDecl syn)
                       return (concat ds)
                    <?> "instance block"

{- | Parses a methods and instances block (for type classes)

MethodOrInstance ::=
   | Instance

ClassBlock ::=
  'where' OpenBlock Constructor? MethodOrInstance* CloseBlock
classBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, FC), Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [PDecl])
classBlock syn = do reserved "where"
                    (cn, cd) <- option (Nothing, emptyDocstring) $
                                try (do (doc, _) <- option noDocs docComment
                                        n <- constructor
                                        return (Just n, doc))
                    ist <- get
                    let cd' = annotate syn ist cd

                    ds <- many (notEndBlock >> instance_ syn <|> fnDecl syn)
                    return (cn, cd', concat ds)
                 <?> "class block"

    constructor :: IdrisParser (Name, FC)
    constructor = reserved "constructor" *> fnName

    annotate :: SyntaxInfo -> IState -> Docstring () -> Docstring (Either Err PTerm)
    annotate syn ist = annotCode $ tryFullExpr syn ist

{-| Parses a type class declaration

ClassArgument ::=
   | '(' Name ':' Expr ')'

Class ::=
  DocComment_t? Accessibility? 'class' ConstraintList? Name ClassArgument* ClassBlock?
class_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
class_ syn = do (doc, argDocs, acc)
                  <- try (do (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn
                             acc <- optional accessibility
                             reserved "class"
                             return (doc, argDocs, acc))
                fc <- getFC
                cons <- constraintList syn
                let cons' = [(c, ty) | (c, _, ty) <- cons]
                (n_in, nfc) <- fnName
                let n = expandNS syn n_in
                cs <- many carg
                fds <- option [(cn, NoFC) | (cn, _, _) <- cs] fundeps
                (cn, cd, ds) <- option (Nothing, fst noDocs, []) (classBlock syn)
                accData acc n (concatMap declared ds)
                return [PClass doc syn fc cons' n nfc cs argDocs fds ds cn cd]
             <?> "type-class declaration"
    fundeps :: IdrisParser [(Name, FC)]
    fundeps = do lchar '|'; sepBy name (lchar ',')

    carg :: IdrisParser (Name, FC, PTerm)
    carg = do lchar '('; (i, ifc) <- name; lchar ':'; ty <- expr syn; lchar ')'
              return (i, ifc, ty)
       <|> do (i, ifc) <- name
              fc <- getFC
              return (i, ifc, PType fc)

{- | Parses a type class instance declaration

  Instance ::=
    DocComment_t? 'instance' InstanceName? ConstraintList? Name SimpleExpr* InstanceBlock?

InstanceName ::= '[' Name ']';
instance_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
instance_ syn = do (doc, argDocs)
                     <- try (docstring syn <* reserved "instance")
                   fc <- getFC
                   en <- optional instanceName
                   cs <- constraintList syn
                   let cs' = [(c, ty) | (c, _, ty) <- cs]
                   (cn, cnfc) <- fnName
                   args <- many (simpleExpr syn)
                   let sc = PApp fc (PRef cnfc cn) (map pexp args)
                   let t = bindList (PPi constraint) cs sc
                   ds <- option [] (instanceBlock syn)
                   return [PInstance doc argDocs syn fc cs' cn cnfc args t en ds]
                 <?> "instance declaration"
  where instanceName :: IdrisParser Name
        instanceName = do lchar '['; n_in <- fst <$> fnName; lchar ']'
                          let n = expandNS syn n_in
                          return n
                       <?> "instance name"

-- | Parse a docstring
docstring :: SyntaxInfo
          -> IdrisParser (Docstring (Either Err PTerm),
                          [(Name,Docstring (Either Err PTerm))])
docstring syn = do (doc, argDocs) <- option noDocs docComment
                   ist <- get
                   let doc' = annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) doc
                       argDocs' = [ (n, annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) d)
                                  | (n, d) <- argDocs ]
                   return (doc', argDocs')

{- | Parses a using declaration list

UsingDeclList ::=
  | NameList TypeSig

UsingDeclList' ::=
  | UsingDecl ',' UsingDeclList'

NameList ::=
  | Name ',' NameList
usingDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [Using]
usingDeclList syn
               = try (sepBy1 (usingDecl syn) (lchar ','))
             <|> do ns <- sepBy1 (fst <$> name) (lchar ',')
                    lchar ':'
                    t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
                    return (map (\x -> UImplicit x t) ns)
             <?> "using declaration list"

{- |Parses a using declaration

UsingDecl ::=
  FnName TypeSig
  | FnName FnName+
usingDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser Using
usingDecl syn = try (do x <- fst <$> fnName
                        lchar ':'
                        t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
                        return (UImplicit x t))
            <|> do c <- fst <$> fnName
                   xs <- some (fst <$> fnName)
                   return (UConstraint c xs)
            <?> "using declaration"

{- | Parse a clause with patterns

Pattern ::= Clause;
pattern :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
pattern syn = do fc <- getFC
                 clause <- clause syn
                 return (PClauses fc [] (sMN 2 "_") [clause]) -- collect together later
              <?> "pattern"

{- | Parse a constant applicative form declaration

CAF ::= 'let' FnName '=' Expr Terminator;
caf :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
caf syn = do reserved "let"
             n_in <- fst <$> fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in
             lchar '='
             t <- expr syn
             fc <- getFC
             return (PCAF fc n t)
           <?> "constant applicative form declaration"

{- | Parse an argument expression

ArgExpr ::= HSimpleExpr | {- In Pattern External (User-defined) Expression -};
argExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
argExpr syn = let syn' = syn { inPattern = True } in
                  try (hsimpleExpr syn') <|> simpleExternalExpr syn'
              <?> "argument expression"

{- | Parse a right hand side of a function

RHS ::= '='            Expr
     |  '?='  RHSName? Expr
     |  Impossible

RHSName ::= '{' FnName '}';
rhs :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> IdrisParser PTerm
rhs syn n = do lchar '='; expr syn
        <|> do symbol "?=";
               fc <- getFC
               name <- option n' (do symbol "{"; n <- fst <$> fnName; symbol "}";
                                     return n)
               r <- expr syn
               return (addLet fc name r)
        <|> impossible
        <?> "function right hand side"
  where mkN :: Name -> Name
        mkN (UN x)   = if (tnull x || not (isAlpha (thead x)))
                         then sUN "infix_op_lemma_1"
                         else sUN (str x++"_lemma_1")
        mkN (NS x n) = NS (mkN x) n
        n' :: Name
        n' = mkN n
        addLet :: FC -> Name -> PTerm -> PTerm
        addLet fc nm (PLet fc' n nfc ty val r) = PLet fc' n nfc ty val (addLet fc nm r)
        addLet fc nm (PCase fc' t cs) = PCase fc' t (map addLetC cs)
          where addLetC (l, r) = (l, addLet fc nm r)
        addLet fc nm r = (PLet fc (sUN "value") NoFC Placeholder r (PMetavar NoFC nm))

{- |Parses a function clause

RHSOrWithBlock ::= RHS WhereOrTerminator
               | 'with' SimpleExpr OpenBlock FnDecl+ CloseBlock

Clause ::=                                                               WExpr+ RHSOrWithBlock
       |   SimpleExpr '<=='  FnName                                             RHS WhereOrTerminator
       |   ArgExpr Operator ArgExpr                                      WExpr* RHSOrWithBlock {- Except "=" and "?=" operators to avoid ambiguity -}
       |                     FnName ConstraintArg* ImplicitOrArgExpr*    WExpr* RHSOrWithBlock

ImplicitOrArgExpr ::= ImplicitArg | ArgExpr;

WhereOrTerminator ::= WhereBlock | Terminator;
clause :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PClause
clause syn
         = do wargs <- try (do pushIndent; some (wExpr syn))
              fc <- getFC
              ist <- get
              n <- case lastParse ist of
                        Just t -> return t
                        Nothing -> fail "Invalid clause"
              (do r <- rhs syn n
                  let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
                  let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] }
                  (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn
                                               return x,
                                            do terminator
                                               return ([], [])]
                  return $ PClauseR fc wargs r wheres) <|> (do
                  reserved "with"
                  wval <- simpleExpr syn
                  pn <- optProof
                  ds <- some $ fnDecl syn
                  let withs = concat ds
                  return $ PWithR fc wargs wval pn withs)
       <|> do ty <- try (do pushIndent
                            ty <- simpleExpr syn
                            symbol "<=="
                            return ty)
              fc <- getFC
              n_in <- fst <$> fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in
              r <- rhs syn n
              ist <- get
              let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
              let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] }
              (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn
                                           return x,
                                        do terminator
                                           return ([], [])]
              let capp = PLet fc (sMN 0 "match") NoFC
                              (PMatchApp fc n)
                              (PRef fc (sMN 0 "match"))
              ist <- get
              put (ist { lastParse = Just n })
              return $ PClause fc n capp [] r wheres
       <|> do (l, op, nfc) <- try (do
                l <- argExpr syn
                (op, nfc) <- operatorFC
                when (op == "=" || op == "?=" ) $
                     fail "infix clause definition with \"=\" and \"?=\" not supported "
                return (l, op, nfc))
              let n = expandNS syn (sUN op)
              r <- argExpr syn
              fc <- getFC
              wargs <- many (wExpr syn)
              (do rs <- rhs syn n
                  let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] }
                  (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn
                                               return x,
                                            do terminator
                                               return ([], [])]
                  ist <- get
                  let capp = PApp fc (PRef nfc n) [pexp l, pexp r]
                  put (ist { lastParse = Just n })
                  return $ PClause fc n capp wargs rs wheres) <|> (do
                   reserved "with"
                   wval <- bracketed syn
                   pn <- optProof
                   ds <- some $ fnDecl syn
                   ist <- get
                   let capp = PApp fc (PRef fc n) [pexp l, pexp r]
                   let withs = map (fillLHSD n capp wargs) $ concat ds
                   put (ist { lastParse = Just n })
                   return $ PWith fc n capp wargs wval pn withs)
       <|> do pushIndent
              (n_in, nfc) <- fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in
              cargs <- many (constraintArg syn)
              fc <- getFC
              args <- many (try (implicitArg (syn { inPattern = True } ))
                            <|> (fmap pexp (argExpr syn)))
              wargs <- many (wExpr syn)
              let capp = PApp fc (PRef nfc n)
                           (cargs ++ args)
              (do r <- rhs syn n
                  ist <- get
                  let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
                  let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] }
                  (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn
                                               return x,
                                            do terminator
                                               return ([], [])]
                  ist <- get
                  put (ist { lastParse = Just n })
                  return $ PClause fc n capp wargs r wheres) <|> (do
                   reserved "with"
                   ist <- get
                   put (ist { lastParse = Just n })
                   wval <- bracketed syn
                   pn <- optProof
                   ds <- some $ fnDecl syn
                   let withs = map (fillLHSD n capp wargs) $ concat ds
                   return $ PWith fc n capp wargs wval pn withs)
      <?> "function clause"
    optProof = option Nothing (do reserved "proof"
                                  n <- fnName
                                  return (Just n))

    fillLHS :: Name -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PClause -> PClause
    fillLHS n capp owargs (PClauseR fc wargs v ws)
       = PClause fc n capp (owargs ++ wargs) v ws
    fillLHS n capp owargs (PWithR fc wargs v pn ws)
       = PWith fc n capp (owargs ++ wargs) v pn
            (map (fillLHSD n capp (owargs ++ wargs)) ws)
    fillLHS _ _ _ c = c

    fillLHSD :: Name -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PDecl -> PDecl
    fillLHSD n c a (PClauses fc o fn cs) = PClauses fc o fn (map (fillLHS n c a) cs)
    fillLHSD n c a x = x

{-| Parses with pattern

WExpr ::= '|' Expr';
wExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
wExpr syn = do lchar '|'
               expr' (syn { inPattern = True })
            <?> "with pattern"

{- | Parses a where block

WhereBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock Decl+ CloseBlock;
whereBlock :: Name -> SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser ([PDecl], [(Name, Name)])
whereBlock n syn
    = do reserved "where"
         ds <- indentedBlock1 (decl syn)
         let dns = concatMap (concatMap declared) ds
         return (concat ds, map (\x -> (x, decoration syn x)) dns)
      <?> "where block"

{- |Parses a code generation target language name

Codegen ::= 'C'
        |   'Java'
        |   'JavaScript'
        |   'Node'
        |   'LLVM'
        |   'Bytecode'
codegen_ :: IdrisParser Codegen
codegen_ = do n <- fst <$> identifier
              return (Via (map toLower n))
       <|> do reserved "Bytecode"; return Bytecode
       <?> "code generation language"

{- |Parses a compiler directive
StringList ::=
  | String ',' StringList

Directive ::= '%' Directive';

Directive' ::= 'lib'            CodeGen String_t
           |   'link'           CodeGen String_t
           |   'flag'           CodeGen String_t
           |   'include'        CodeGen String_t
           |   'hide'           Name
           |   'freeze'         Name
           |   'access'         Accessibility
           |   'default'        Totality
           |   'logging'        Natural
           |   'dynamic'        StringList
           |   'name'           Name NameList
           |   'error_handlers' Name NameList
           |   'language'       'TypeProviders'
           |   'language'       'ErrorReflection'
directive :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
directive syn = do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "lib")
                   cgn <- codegen_
                   lib <- fmap fst stringLiteral
                   return [PDirective (DLib cgn lib)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "link")
                    cgn <- codegen_; obj <- fst <$> stringLiteral
                    return [PDirective (DLink cgn obj)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "flag")
                    cgn <- codegen_; flag <- fst <$> stringLiteral
                    return [PDirective (DFlag cgn flag)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "include")
                    cgn <- codegen_
                    hdr <- fst <$> stringLiteral
                    return [PDirective (DInclude cgn hdr)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "hide"); n <- fst <$> fnName
                    return [PDirective (DHide n)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "freeze"); n <- fst <$> iName []
                    return [PDirective (DFreeze n)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "access"); acc <- accessibility
                    return [PDirective (DAccess acc)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "default"); tot <- totality
                    i <- get
                    put (i { default_total = tot } )
                    return [PDirective (DDefault tot)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "logging")
                    i <- fst <$> natural
                    return [PDirective (DLogging i)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "dynamic")
                    libs <- sepBy1 (fmap fst stringLiteral) (lchar ',')
                    return [PDirective (DDynamicLibs libs)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "name")
                    ty <- fst <$> fnName
                    ns <- sepBy1 (fst <$> name) (lchar ',')
                    return [PDirective (DNameHint ty ns)]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_handlers")
                    fn <- fst <$> fnName
                    arg <- fst <$> fnName
                    ns <- sepBy1 (fst <$> name) (lchar ',')
                    return [PDirective (DErrorHandlers fn arg ns) ]
             <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "language"); ext <- pLangExt;
                    return [PDirective (DLanguage ext)]
             <|> do fc <- getFC
                    try (lchar '%' *> reserved "used")
                    fn <- fst <$> fnName
                    arg <- fst <$> iName []
                    return [PDirective (DUsed fc fn arg)]
             <?> "directive"

pLangExt :: IdrisParser LanguageExt
pLangExt = (reserved "TypeProviders" >> return TypeProviders)
       <|> (reserved "ErrorReflection" >> return ErrorReflection)

{- | Parses a totality

Totality ::= 'partial' | 'total'

totality :: IdrisParser Bool
        = do reserved "total";   return True
      <|> do reserved "partial"; return False

{- | Parses a type provider

Provider ::= DocComment_t? '%' 'provide' Provider_What? '(' FnName TypeSig ')' 'with' Expr;
ProviderWhat ::= 'proof' | 'term' | 'type' | 'postulate'
provider :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
provider syn = do doc <- try (do (doc, _) <- docstring syn
                                 lchar '%'
                                 reserved "provide"
                                 return doc)
                  provideTerm doc <|> providePostulate doc
               <?> "type provider"
  where provideTerm doc =
          do lchar '('; n <- fst <$> fnName; lchar ':'; t <- typeExpr syn; lchar ')'
             fc <- getFC
             reserved "with"
             e <- expr syn <?> "provider expression"
             return  [PProvider doc syn fc (ProvTerm t e) n]
        providePostulate doc =
          do reserved "postulate"
             n <- fst <$> fnName
             fc <- getFC
             reserved "with"
             e <- expr syn <?> "provider expression"
             return [PProvider doc syn fc (ProvPostulate e) n]

{- | Parses a transform

Transform ::= '%' 'transform' Expr '==>' Expr
transform :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
transform syn = do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "transform")
                    -- leave it unchecked, until we work out what this should
                    -- actually mean...
--                     safety <- option True (do reserved "unsafe"
--                                               return False)
                   l <- expr syn
                   fc <- getFC
                   symbol "==>"
                   r <- expr syn
                   return [PTransform fc False l r]
                <?> "transform"

{- * Loading and parsing -}
{- | Parses an expression from input -}
parseExpr :: IState -> String -> Result PTerm
parseExpr st = runparser (fullExpr defaultSyntax) st "(input)"

{- | Parses a constant form input -}
parseConst :: IState -> String -> Result Const
parseConst st = runparser (fmap fst constant) st "(input)"

{- | Parses a tactic from input -}
parseTactic :: IState -> String -> Result PTactic
parseTactic st = runparser (fullTactic defaultSyntax) st "(input)"

-- | Parse module header and imports
parseImports :: FilePath -> String -> Idris (Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [ImportInfo], Maybe Delta)
parseImports fname input
    = do i <- getIState
         case parseString (runInnerParser (evalStateT imports i)) (Directed (UTF8.fromString fname) 0 0 0 0) input of
              Failure err -> fail (show err)
              Success (x, annots, i) ->
                do putIState i
                   fname' <- runIO $ Dir.makeAbsolute fname
                   sendHighlighting $ addPath annots fname'
                   return x
  where imports :: IdrisParser ((Maybe (Docstring ()), [String],
                                 Maybe Delta),
                                [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], IState)
        imports = do whiteSpace
                     (mdoc, mname, annots) <- moduleHeader
                     ps            <- many import_
                     mrk           <- mark
                     isEof         <- lookAheadMatches eof
                     let mrk' = if isEof
                                   then Nothing
                                   else Just mrk
                     i     <- get
                     return ((mdoc, mname, ps, mrk'), annots, i)
        addPath :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] -> FilePath -> [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]
        addPath [] _ = []
        addPath ((fc, AnnNamespace ns Nothing) : annots) path =
           (fc, AnnNamespace ns (Just path)) : addPath annots path
        addPath (annot:annots) path = annot : addPath annots path

-- | There should be a better way of doing this...
findFC :: Doc -> (FC, String)
findFC x = let s = show (plain x) in
             case span (/= ':') s of
               (failname, ':':rest) -> case span isDigit rest of
                 (line, ':':rest') -> case span isDigit rest' of
                   (col, ':':msg) -> let pos = (read line, read col) in
                                         (FC failname pos pos, msg)

-- | Check if the coloring matches the options and corrects if necessary
fixColour :: Bool -> ANSI.Doc -> ANSI.Doc
fixColour False doc = ANSI.plain doc
fixColour True doc  = doc

-- | A program is a list of declarations, possibly with associated
-- documentation strings.
parseProg :: SyntaxInfo -> FilePath -> String -> Maybe Delta ->
             Idris [PDecl]
parseProg syn fname input mrk
    = do i <- getIState
         case runparser mainProg i fname input of
            Failure doc     -> do -- FIXME: Get error location from trifecta
                                  -- this can't be the solution!
                                  -- Issue #1575 on the issue tracker.
                                  --    https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/issues/1575
                                  let (fc, msg) = findFC doc
                                  i <- getIState
                                  case idris_outputmode i of
                                    RawOutput h  -> iputStrLn (show $ fixColour (idris_colourRepl i) doc)
                                    IdeMode n h -> iWarn fc (P.text msg)
                                  putIState (i { errSpan = Just fc })
                                  return []
            Success (x, i)  -> do putIState i
                                  return $ collect x
  where mainProg :: IdrisParser ([PDecl], IState)
        mainProg = case mrk of
                        Nothing -> do i <- get; return ([], i)
                        Just mrk -> do
                          release mrk
                          ds <- prog syn
                          i' <- get
                          return (ds, i')

{- | Load idris module and show error if something wrong happens -}
loadModule :: FilePath -> Idris (Maybe String)
loadModule f
   = idrisCatch (loadModule' f)
                (\e -> do setErrSpan (getErrSpan e)
                          ist <- getIState
                          iWarn (getErrSpan e) $ pprintErr ist e
                          return Nothing)

{- | Load idris module -}
loadModule' :: FilePath -> Idris (Maybe String)
loadModule' f
   = do i <- getIState
        let file = takeWhile (/= ' ') f
        ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
        ids <- allImportDirs
        fp <- findImport ids ibcsd file
        if file `elem` imported i
          then do iLOG $ "Already read " ++ file
                  return Nothing
          else do putIState (i { imported = file : imported i })
                  case fp of
                    IDR fn  -> loadSource False fn Nothing
                    LIDR fn -> loadSource True  fn Nothing
                    IBC fn src ->
                      idrisCatch (loadIBC True fn)
                                 (\c -> do iLOG $ fn ++ " failed " ++ pshow i c
                                           case src of
                                             IDR sfn -> loadSource False sfn Nothing
                                             LIDR sfn -> loadSource True sfn Nothing)
                  return $ Just file

{- | Load idris code from file -}
loadFromIFile :: Bool -> IFileType -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
loadFromIFile reexp i@(IBC fn src) maxline
   = do iLOG $ "Skipping " ++ getSrcFile i
        idrisCatch (loadIBC reexp fn)
                (\err -> ierror $ LoadingFailed fn err)
    getSrcFile (IDR fn) = fn
    getSrcFile (LIDR fn) = fn
    getSrcFile (IBC f src) = getSrcFile src

loadFromIFile _ (IDR fn) maxline = loadSource' False fn maxline
loadFromIFile _ (LIDR fn) maxline = loadSource' True fn maxline

{-| Load idris source code and show error if something wrong happens -}
loadSource' :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
loadSource' lidr r maxline
   = idrisCatch (loadSource lidr r maxline)
                (\e -> do setErrSpan (getErrSpan e)
                          ist <- getIState
                          case e of
                            At f e' -> iWarn f (pprintErr ist e')
                            _ -> iWarn (getErrSpan e) (pprintErr ist e))

{- | Load Idris source code-}
loadSource :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
loadSource lidr f toline
             = do iLOG ("Reading " ++ f)
                  i <- getIState
                  let def_total = default_total i
                  file_in <- runIO $ readSource f
                  file <- if lidr then tclift $ unlit f file_in else return file_in
                  (mdocs, mname, imports_in, pos) <- parseImports f file
                  ai <- getAutoImports
                  let imports = map (\n -> ImportInfo True n Nothing [] NoFC NoFC) ai ++ imports_in
                  ids <- allImportDirs
                  ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
                  mapM_ (\(re, f, ns, nfc) ->
                               do fp <- findImport ids ibcsd f
                                  case fp of
                                      LIDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f
                                      IDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f
                                      IBC fn src ->
                                        do loadIBC True fn
                                           let srcFn = case src of
                                                         IDR fn -> Just fn
                                                         LIDR fn -> Just fn
                                                         _ -> Nothing
                                           srcFnAbs <- case srcFn of
                                                         Just fn -> fmap Just (runIO $ Dir.makeAbsolute fn)
                                                         Nothing -> return Nothing
                                           sendHighlighting [(nfc, AnnNamespace ns srcFnAbs)])
                        [(re, fn, ns, nfc) | ImportInfo re fn _ ns _ nfc <- imports]

                  -- process and check module aliases
                  let modAliases = M.fromList
                        [ (prep alias, prep realName)
                        | ImportInfo { import_reexport = reexport
                                     , import_path = realName
                                     , import_rename = Just (alias, _)
                                     , import_location = fc } <- imports
                      prep = map T.pack . reverse . Spl.splitOn [pathSeparator]
                      aliasNames = [ (alias, fc)
                                   | ImportInfo { import_rename = Just (alias, _)
                                                , import_location = fc } <- imports
                      histogram = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (comparing fst) $ aliasNames
                  case map head . filter ((/= 1) . length) $ histogram of
                    []       -> logLvl 3 $ "Module aliases: " ++ show (M.toList modAliases)
                    (n,fc):_ -> throwError . At fc . Msg $ "import alias not unique: " ++ show n

                  i <- getIState
                  putIState (i { default_access = Hidden, module_aliases = modAliases })
                  clearIBC -- start a new .ibc file
                  -- record package info in .ibc
                  imps <- allImportDirs
                  mapM_ addIBC (map IBCImportDir imps)
                  mapM_ (addIBC . IBCImport)
                    [ (reexport, realName)
                    | ImportInfo { import_reexport = reexport
                                 , import_path = realName
                                 } <- imports
                  let syntax = defaultSyntax{ syn_namespace = reverse mname,
                                              maxline = toline }
                  ist <- getIState
                  -- Save the span from parsing the module header, because
                  -- an empty program parse might obliterate it.
                  let oldSpan = idris_parsedSpan ist
                  ds' <- parseProg syntax f file pos

                  case (ds', oldSpan) of
                    ([], Just fc) ->
                      -- If no program elements were parsed, we dind't
                      -- get a loaded region in the IBC file. That
                      -- means we need to add it back.
                      do ist <- getIState
                         putIState ist { idris_parsedSpan = oldSpan
                                       , ibc_write = IBCParsedRegion fc :
                                                     ibc_write ist
                    _ -> return ()

                  -- Parsing done, now process declarations

                  let ds = namespaces mname ds'
                  logLvl 3 (show $ showDecls verbosePPOption ds)
                  i <- getIState
                  logLvl 10 (show (toAlist (idris_implicits i)))
                  logLvl 3 (show (idris_infixes i))
                  -- Now add all the declarations to the context
                  v <- verbose
                  when v $ iputStrLn $ "Type checking " ++ f
                  -- we totality check after every Mutual block, so if
                  -- anything is a single definition, wrap it in a
                  -- mutual block on its own
                  elabDecls toplevel (map toMutual ds)
                  i <- getIState
                  -- simplify every definition do give the totality checker
                  -- a better chance
                  mapM_ (\n -> do logLvl 5 $ "Simplifying " ++ show n
                                  updateContext (simplifyCasedef n $ getErasureInfo i))
                           (map snd (idris_totcheck i))
                  -- build size change graph from simplified definitions
                  iLOG "Totality checking"
                  i <- getIState
                  mapM_ buildSCG (idris_totcheck i)
                  mapM_ checkDeclTotality (idris_totcheck i)

                  -- Redo totality check for deferred names
                  let deftots = idris_defertotcheck i
                  iLOG $ "Totality checking " ++ show deftots
                  mapM_ (\x -> do tot <- getTotality x
                                  case tot of
                                       Total _ -> setTotality x Unchecked
                                       _ -> return ()) (map snd deftots)
                  mapM_ buildSCG deftots
                  mapM_ checkDeclTotality deftots

                  iLOG ("Finished " ++ f)
                  ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
                  iLOG "Universe checking"
                  let ibc = ibcPathNoFallback ibcsd f
                  i <- getIState
                  addHides (hide_list i)

                  -- Save module documentation if applicable
                  i <- getIState
                  case mdocs of
                    Nothing   -> return ()
                    Just docs -> addModDoc syntax mname docs

                  -- Finally, write an ibc if checking was successful
                  ok <- noErrors
                  when ok $
                    idrisCatch (do writeIBC f ibc; clearIBC)
                               (\c -> return ()) -- failure is harmless
                  i <- getIState
                  putIState (i { default_total = def_total,
                                 hide_list = [] })
                  return ()
    namespaces :: [String] -> [PDecl] -> [PDecl]
    namespaces []     ds = ds
    namespaces (x:xs) ds = [PNamespace x NoFC (namespaces xs ds)]

    toMutual :: PDecl -> PDecl
    toMutual m@(PMutual _ d) = m
    toMutual (PNamespace x fc ds) = PNamespace x fc (map toMutual ds)
    toMutual x = let r = PMutual (fileFC "single mutual") [x] in
                 case x of
                   PClauses{} -> r
                   PClass{} -> r
                   PData{} -> r
                   PInstance{} -> r
                   _ -> x

    addModDoc :: SyntaxInfo -> [String] -> Docstring () -> Idris ()
    addModDoc syn mname docs =
      do ist <- getIState
         docs' <- elabDocTerms recinfo (parsedDocs ist)
         let modDocs' = addDef docName docs' (idris_moduledocs ist)
         putIState ist { idris_moduledocs = modDocs' }
         addIBC (IBCModDocs docName)
        docName = NS modDocName (map T.pack (reverse mname))
        parsedDocs ist = annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) docs

{- | Adds names to hide list -}
addHides :: [(Name, Maybe Accessibility)] -> Idris ()
addHides xs = do i <- getIState
                 let defh = default_access i
                 let (hs, as) = partition isNothing xs
                 unless (null as) $
                   mapM_ doHide
                     (map (\ (n, _) -> (n, defh)) hs ++
                       map (\ (n, Just a) -> (n, a)) as)
  where isNothing (_, Nothing) = True
        isNothing _            = False

        doHide (n, a) = do setAccessibility n a
                           addIBC (IBCAccess n a)