{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module IRTS.CodegenJavaScript (codegenJavaScript, codegenNode, JSTarget(..)) where

import IRTS.JavaScript.AST

import Idris.AbsSyntax hiding (TypeCase)
import IRTS.Bytecode
import IRTS.Lang
import IRTS.Simplified
import IRTS.Defunctionalise
import IRTS.CodegenCommon
import Idris.Core.TT
import IRTS.System
import Util.System

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad.RWS hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Numeric
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Data.Traversable hiding (mapM)
import System.IO
import System.Directory

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO

data CompileInfo = CompileInfo { compileInfoApplyCases  :: [Int]
                               , compileInfoEvalCases   :: [Int]
                               , compileInfoNeedsBigInt :: Bool

initCompileInfo :: [(Name, [BC])] -> CompileInfo
initCompileInfo bc =
  CompileInfo (collectCases "APPLY" bc) (collectCases "EVAL" bc) (lookupBigInt bc)
    lookupBigInt :: [(Name, [BC])] -> Bool
    lookupBigInt = any (needsBigInt . snd)
        needsBigInt :: [BC] -> Bool
        needsBigInt bc = any testBCForBigInt bc
            testBCForBigInt :: BC -> Bool
            testBCForBigInt (ASSIGNCONST _ c)  =
              testConstForBigInt c

            testBCForBigInt (CONSTCASE _ c d) =
                 maybe False needsBigInt d
              || any (needsBigInt . snd) c
              || any (testConstForBigInt . fst) c

            testBCForBigInt (CASE _ _ c d) =
                 maybe False needsBigInt d
              || any (needsBigInt . snd) c

            testBCForBigInt _ = False

            testConstForBigInt :: Const -> Bool
            testConstForBigInt (BI _)  = True
            testConstForBigInt (B64 _) = True
            testConstForBigInt _       = False

    collectCases :: String ->  [(Name, [BC])] -> [Int]
    collectCases fun bc = getCases $ findFunction fun bc

    findFunction :: String -> [(Name, [BC])] -> [BC]
    findFunction f ((MN 0 fun, bc):_)
      | fun == txt f = bc
    findFunction f (_:bc) = findFunction f bc

    getCases :: [BC] -> [Int]
    getCases = concatMap analyze
        analyze :: BC -> [Int]
        analyze (CASE _ _ b _) = map fst b
        analyze _              = []

data JSTarget = Node | JavaScript deriving Eq

codegenJavaScript :: CodeGenerator
codegenJavaScript ci =
  codegenJS_all JavaScript (simpleDecls ci)
    (includes ci) [] (outputFile ci) (outputType ci)

codegenNode :: CodeGenerator
codegenNode ci =
  codegenJS_all Node (simpleDecls ci)
    (includes ci) (compileLibs ci) (outputFile ci) (outputType ci)

  :: JSTarget
  -> [(Name, SDecl)]
  -> [FilePath]
  -> [String]
  -> FilePath
  -> OutputType
  -> IO ()
codegenJS_all target definitions includes libs filename outputType = do
  let bytecode = map toBC definitions
  let info = initCompileInfo bytecode
  let js = concatMap (translateDecl info) bytecode
  let full = concatMap processFunction js
  let code = deadCodeElim full
  let (cons, opt) = optimizeConstructors code
  let (header, rt) = case target of
                          Node -> ("#!/usr/bin/env node\n", "-node")
                          JavaScript -> ("", "-browser")

  included   <- concat <$> getIncludes includes
  path       <- (++) <$> getDataDir <*> (pure "/jsrts/")
  idrRuntime <- readFile $ path ++ "Runtime-common.js"
  tgtRuntime <- readFile $ concat [path, "Runtime", rt, ".js"]
  jsbn       <- if compileInfoNeedsBigInt info
                   then readFile $ path ++ "jsbn/jsbn.js"
                   else return ""
  let runtime = (  header
                ++ includeLibs libs
                ++ included
                ++ jsbn
                ++ idrRuntime
                ++ tgtRuntime
  TIO.writeFile filename (  T.pack runtime
                         `T.append` T.concat (map compileJS opt)
                         `T.append` T.concat (map compileJS cons)
                         `T.append` main
                         `T.append` invokeMain
  setPermissions filename (emptyPermissions { readable   = True
                                            , executable = target == Node
                                            , writable   = True
      deadCodeElim :: [JS] -> [JS]
      deadCodeElim js = concatMap collectFunctions js
          collectFunctions :: JS -> [JS]
          collectFunctions fun@(JSAlloc name _)
            | name == translateName (sMN 0 "runMain") = [fun]

          collectFunctions fun@(JSAlloc name (Just (JSFunction _ body))) =
            let invokations = sum $ map (
                    \x -> execState (countInvokations name x) 0
                  ) js
             in if invokations == 0
                   then []
                   else [fun]

          countInvokations :: String -> JS -> State Int ()
          countInvokations name (JSAlloc _ (Just (JSFunction _ body))) =
            countInvokations name body

          countInvokations name (JSSeq seq) =
            void $ traverse (countInvokations name) seq

          countInvokations name (JSAssign _ rhs) =
            countInvokations name rhs

          countInvokations name (JSCond conds) =
            void $ traverse (
                runKleisli $ arr id *** Kleisli (countInvokations name)
              ) conds

          countInvokations name (JSSwitch _ conds def) =
            void $ traverse (
              runKleisli $ arr id *** Kleisli (countInvokations name)
            ) conds >> traverse (countInvokations name) def

          countInvokations name (JSApp lhs rhs) =
            void $ countInvokations name lhs >> traverse (countInvokations name) rhs

          countInvokations name (JSNew _ args) =
            void $ traverse (countInvokations name) args

          countInvokations name (JSArray args) =
            void $ traverse (countInvokations name) args

          countInvokations name (JSIdent name')
            | name == name' = get >>= put . (+1)
            | otherwise     = return ()

          countInvokations _ _ = return ()

      processFunction :: JS -> [JS]
      processFunction =
        collectSplitFunctions . (\x -> evalRWS (splitFunction x) () 0)

      includeLibs :: [String] -> String
      includeLibs =
        concatMap (\lib -> "var " ++ lib ++ " = require(\"" ++ lib ++"\");\n")

      getIncludes :: [FilePath] -> IO [String]
      getIncludes = mapM readFile

      main :: T.Text
      main =
        compileJS $ JSAlloc "main" (Just $
          JSFunction [] (
            case target of
                 Node       -> mainFun
                 JavaScript -> jsMain

      jsMain :: JS
      jsMain =
        JSCond [ (exists document `jsAnd` isReady, mainFun)
               , (exists window, windowMainFun)
               , (JSTrue, mainFun)
          exists :: JS -> JS
          exists js = jsTypeOf js `jsNotEq` JSString "undefined"

          window :: JS
          window = JSIdent "window"

          document :: JS
          document = JSIdent "document"

          windowMainFun :: JS
          windowMainFun =
            jsMeth window "addEventListener" [ JSString "DOMContentLoaded"
                                             , JSFunction [] ( mainFun )
                                             , JSFalse

          isReady :: JS
          isReady = JSParens $ readyState `jsEq` JSString "complete" `jsOr` readyState `jsEq` JSString "loaded"

          readyState :: JS
          readyState = JSProj (JSIdent "document") "readyState"

      mainFun :: JS
      mainFun =
        JSSeq [ JSAlloc "vm" (Just $ JSNew "i$VM" [])
              , JSApp (JSIdent "i$SCHED") [JSIdent "vm"]
              , JSApp (
                  JSIdent (translateName (sMN 0 "runMain"))
                ) [JSNew "i$POINTER" [JSNum (JSInt 0)]]
              , JSWhile (JSProj jsCALLSTACK "length") (
                  JSSeq [ JSAlloc "func" (Just jsPOP)
                        , JSAlloc "args" (Just jsPOP)
                        , JSApp (JSProj (JSIdent "func") "apply") [JSThis, JSIdent "args"]

      invokeMain :: T.Text
      invokeMain = compileJS $ JSApp (JSIdent "main") []

optimizeConstructors :: [JS] -> ([JS], [JS])
optimizeConstructors js =
    let (js', cons) = runState (traverse optimizeConstructor' js) M.empty in
        (map (allocCon . snd) (M.toList cons), js')
    allocCon :: (String, JS) -> JS
    allocCon (name, con) = JSAlloc name (Just con)

    newConstructor :: Int -> String
    newConstructor n = "i$CON$" ++ show n

    optimizeConstructor' :: JS -> State (M.Map Int (String, JS)) JS
    optimizeConstructor' js@(JSNew "i$CON" [ JSNum (JSInt tag)
                                           , JSArray []
                                           , a
                                           , e
                                           ]) = do
      s <- get
      case M.lookup tag s of
           Just (i, c) -> return $ JSIdent i
           Nothing     -> do let n = newConstructor tag
                             put $ M.insert tag (n, js) s
                             return $ JSIdent n

    optimizeConstructor' (JSSeq seq) =
      JSSeq <$> traverse optimizeConstructor' seq

    optimizeConstructor' (JSSwitch reg cond def) = do
      cond' <- traverse (runKleisli $ arr id *** Kleisli optimizeConstructor') cond
      def'  <- traverse optimizeConstructor' def
      return $ JSSwitch reg cond' def'

    optimizeConstructor' (JSCond cond) =
      JSCond <$> traverse (runKleisli $ arr id *** Kleisli optimizeConstructor') cond

    optimizeConstructor' (JSAlloc fun (Just (JSFunction args body))) = do
      body' <- optimizeConstructor' body
      return $ JSAlloc fun (Just (JSFunction args body'))

    optimizeConstructor' (JSAssign lhs rhs) = do
      lhs' <- optimizeConstructor' lhs
      rhs' <- optimizeConstructor' rhs
      return $ JSAssign lhs' rhs'

    optimizeConstructor' js = return js

collectSplitFunctions :: (JS, [(Int,JS)]) -> [JS]
collectSplitFunctions (fun, splits) = map generateSplitFunction splits ++ [fun]
    generateSplitFunction :: (Int,JS) -> JS
    generateSplitFunction (depth, JSAlloc name fun) =
      JSAlloc (name ++ "$" ++ show depth) fun

splitFunction :: JS -> RWS () [(Int,JS)] Int JS
splitFunction (JSAlloc name (Just (JSFunction args body@(JSSeq _)))) = do
  body' <- splitSequence body
  return $ JSAlloc name (Just (JSFunction args body'))
      splitCondition :: JS -> RWS () [(Int,JS)] Int JS
      splitCondition js
        | JSCond branches <- js =
            JSCond <$> processBranches branches
        | JSSwitch cond branches def <- js =
            JSSwitch cond <$> (processBranches branches) <*> (traverse splitSequence def)
        | otherwise = return js
          processBranches :: [(JS,JS)] -> RWS () [(Int,JS)] Int [(JS,JS)]
          processBranches =
            traverse (runKleisli (arr id *** Kleisli splitSequence))

      splitSequence :: JS -> RWS () [(Int, JS)] Int JS
      splitSequence js@(JSSeq seq) =
        let (pre,post) = break isBranch seq in
            case post of
                 [_] -> JSSeq <$> traverse splitCondition seq
                 [call@(JSCond _),rest@(JSApp _ _)]     -> do
                   rest' <- splitCondition rest
                   call' <- splitCondition call
                   return $ JSSeq (pre ++ [rest', call'])
                 [call@(JSSwitch _ _ _),rest@(JSApp _ _)] -> do
                   rest' <- splitCondition rest
                   call' <- splitCondition call
                   return $ JSSeq (pre ++ [rest', call'])
                 (call:rest) -> do
                   depth <- get
                   put (depth + 1)
                   new <- splitFunction (newFun rest)
                   tell [(depth, new)]
                   call' <- splitCondition call
                   return $ JSSeq (pre ++ (newCall depth : [call']))
                 _ -> JSSeq <$> traverse splitCondition seq

      splitSequence js = return js

      isBranch :: JS -> Bool
      isBranch (JSApp (JSIdent "i$CALL") _) = True
      isBranch (JSCond _)                   = True
      isBranch (JSSwitch _ _ _)             = True
      isBranch _                            = False

      newCall :: Int -> JS
      newCall depth =
        JSApp (JSIdent "i$CALL") [ JSIdent $ name ++ "$" ++ show depth
                                 , JSArray [jsOLDBASE, jsMYOLDBASE]

      newFun :: [JS] -> JS
      newFun seq =
        JSAlloc name (Just $ JSFunction ["oldbase", "myoldbase"] (JSSeq seq))

splitFunction js = return js

translateDecl :: CompileInfo -> (Name, [BC]) -> [JS]
translateDecl info (name@(MN 0 fun), bc)
  | txt "APPLY" == fun =
         allocCaseFunctions (snd body)
      ++ [ JSAlloc (
               translateName name
           ) (Just $ JSFunction ["oldbase"] (
               JSSeq $ jsFUNPRELUDE ++ map (translateBC info) (fst body) ++ [
                 JSCond [ ( (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) `jsInstanceOf` "i$CON" `jsAnd` (JSProj (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) "app")
                          , JSApp (JSProj (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) "app") [jsOLDBASE, jsMYOLDBASE]
                          , ( JSNoop
                            , JSSeq $ map (translateBC info) (defaultCase (snd body))

  | txt "EVAL" == fun =
         allocCaseFunctions (snd body)
      ++ [ JSAlloc (
               translateName name
           ) (Just $ JSFunction ["oldbase"] (
               JSSeq $ jsFUNPRELUDE ++ map (translateBC info) (fst body) ++ [
                 JSCond [ ( (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) `jsInstanceOf` "i$CON" `jsAnd` (JSProj (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) "ev")
                          , JSApp (JSProj (translateReg $ caseReg (snd body)) "ev") [jsOLDBASE, jsMYOLDBASE]
                          , ( JSNoop
                            , JSSeq $ map (translateBC info) (defaultCase (snd body))
    body :: ([BC], [BC])
    body = break isCase bc

    isCase :: BC -> Bool
    isCase bc
      | CASE {} <- bc = True
      | otherwise          = False

    defaultCase :: [BC] -> [BC]
    defaultCase ((CASE _ _ _ (Just d)):_) = d

    caseReg :: [BC] -> Reg
    caseReg ((CASE _ r _ _):_) = r

    allocCaseFunctions :: [BC] -> [JS]
    allocCaseFunctions ((CASE _ _ c _):_) = splitBranches c
    allocCaseFunctions _                  = []

    splitBranches :: [(Int, [BC])] -> [JS]
    splitBranches = map prepBranch

    prepBranch :: (Int, [BC]) -> JS
    prepBranch (tag, code) =
      JSAlloc (
        translateName name ++ "$" ++ show tag
      ) (Just $ JSFunction ["oldbase", "myoldbase"] (
          JSSeq $ map (translateBC info) code

translateDecl info (name, bc) =
  [ JSAlloc (
       translateName name
     ) (Just $ JSFunction ["oldbase"] (
         JSSeq $ jsFUNPRELUDE ++ map (translateBC info)bc


jsALLOCMYOLDBASE = JSAlloc "myoldbase" (Just $ JSNew "i$POINTER" [])

translateReg :: Reg -> JS
translateReg reg
  | RVal <- reg = jsRET
  | Tmp  <- reg = JSRaw "//TMPREG"
  | L n  <- reg = jsLOC n
  | T n  <- reg = jsTOP n

translateConstant :: Const -> JS
translateConstant (I i)                    = JSNum (JSInt i)
translateConstant (Fl f)                   = JSNum (JSFloat f)
translateConstant (Ch c)                   = JSString $ translateChar c
translateConstant (Str s)                  = JSString $ concatMap translateChar s
translateConstant (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = JSType JSIntTy
translateConstant StrType                  = JSType JSStringTy
translateConstant (AType (ATInt ITBig))    = JSType JSIntegerTy
translateConstant (AType ATFloat)          = JSType JSFloatTy
translateConstant (AType (ATInt ITChar))   = JSType JSCharTy
translateConstant Forgot                   = JSType JSForgotTy
translateConstant (BI 0)                   = JSNum (JSInteger JSBigZero)
translateConstant (BI 1)                   = JSNum (JSInteger JSBigOne)
translateConstant (BI i)                   = jsBigInt (JSString $ show i)
translateConstant (B8 b)                   = JSWord (JSWord8 b)
translateConstant (B16 b)                  = JSWord (JSWord16 b)
translateConstant (B32 b)                  = JSWord (JSWord32 b)
translateConstant (B64 b)                  = JSWord (JSWord64 b)
translateConstant c =
  JSError $ "Unimplemented Constant: " ++ show c

translateChar :: Char -> String
translateChar ch
  | '\a'   <- ch       = "\\u0007"
  | '\b'   <- ch       = "\\b"
  | '\f'   <- ch       = "\\f"
  | '\n'   <- ch       = "\\n"
  | '\r'   <- ch       = "\\r"
  | '\t'   <- ch       = "\\t"
  | '\v'   <- ch       = "\\v"
  | '\SO'  <- ch       = "\\u000E"
  | '\DEL' <- ch       = "\\u007F"
  | '\\'   <- ch       = "\\\\"
  | '\"'   <- ch       = "\\\""
  | '\''   <- ch       = "\\\'"
  | ch `elem` asciiTab = "\\u" ++ fill (showHex (ord ch) "")
  | ord ch > 255       = "\\u" ++ fill (showHex (ord ch) "")
  | otherwise          = [ch]
    fill :: String -> String
    fill s = case length s of
                  1 -> "000" ++ s
                  2 -> "00"  ++ s
                  3 -> "0"   ++ s
                  _ ->          s

    asciiTab =
      ['\NUL', '\SOH', '\STX', '\ETX', '\EOT', '\ENQ', '\ACK', '\BEL',
       '\BS',  '\HT',  '\LF',  '\VT',  '\FF',  '\CR',  '\SO',  '\SI',
       '\DLE', '\DC1', '\DC2', '\DC3', '\DC4', '\NAK', '\SYN', '\ETB',
       '\CAN', '\EM',  '\SUB', '\ESC', '\FS',  '\GS',  '\RS',  '\US']

translateName :: Name -> String
translateName n = "_idris_" ++ concatMap cchar (showCG n)
  where cchar x | isAlphaNum x = [x]
                | otherwise    = "_" ++ show (fromEnum x) ++ "_"

jsASSIGN :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> Reg -> JS
jsASSIGN _ r1 r2 = JSAssign (translateReg r1) (translateReg r2)

jsASSIGNCONST :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> Const -> JS
jsASSIGNCONST _ r c = JSAssign (translateReg r) (translateConstant c)

jsCALL :: CompileInfo -> Name -> JS
jsCALL _ n =
  JSApp (
    JSIdent "i$CALL"
  ) [JSIdent (translateName n), JSArray [jsMYOLDBASE]]

jsTAILCALL :: CompileInfo -> Name -> JS
jsTAILCALL _ n =
  JSApp (
    JSIdent "i$CALL"
  ) [JSIdent (translateName n), JSArray [jsOLDBASE]]

jsFOREIGN :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> String -> [(FType, Reg)] -> JS
jsFOREIGN _ reg n args
  | n == "isNull"
  , [(FPtr, arg)] <- args =
      JSAssign (
        translateReg reg
      ) (
        JSBinOp "==" (translateReg arg) JSNull

  | n == "idris_eqPtr"
  , [(_, lhs),(_, rhs)] <- args =
      JSAssign (
        translateReg reg
      ) (
        JSBinOp "==" (translateReg lhs) (translateReg rhs)
  | otherwise =
     JSAssign (
       translateReg reg
     ) (
       JSFFI n (map generateWrapper args)
      generateWrapper :: (FType, Reg) -> JS
      generateWrapper (ty, reg)
        | FFunction   <- ty =
            JSApp (JSIdent "i$ffiWrap") [ translateReg reg
                                        , JSIdent "oldbase"
                                        , JSIdent "myoldbase"
        | FFunctionIO <- ty =
            JSApp (JSIdent "i$ffiWrap") [ translateReg reg
                                        , JSIdent "oldbase"
                                        , JSIdent "myoldbase"

      generateWrapper (_, reg) =
        translateReg reg

jsREBASE :: CompileInfo -> JS
jsREBASE _ = JSAssign jsSTACKBASE (JSProj jsOLDBASE "addr")

jsSTOREOLD :: CompileInfo ->JS

jsADDTOP :: CompileInfo -> Int -> JS
jsADDTOP info n
  | 0 <- n    = JSNoop
  | otherwise =
      JSBinOp "+=" jsSTACKTOP (JSNum (JSInt n))

jsTOPBASE :: CompileInfo -> Int -> JS
jsTOPBASE _ n  = JSAssign jsSTACKTOP (JSBinOp "+" jsSTACKBASE (JSNum (JSInt n)))

jsBASETOP :: CompileInfo -> Int -> JS
jsBASETOP _ n = JSAssign jsSTACKBASE (JSBinOp "+" jsSTACKTOP (JSNum (JSInt n)))

jsNULL :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> JS
jsNULL _ r = JSAssign (translateReg r) JSNull

jsERROR :: CompileInfo -> String -> JS
jsERROR _ = JSError

jsSLIDE :: CompileInfo -> Int -> JS
jsSLIDE _ 1 = JSAssign (jsLOC 0) (jsTOP 0)
jsSLIDE _ n = JSApp (JSIdent "i$SLIDE") [JSNum (JSInt n)]

jsMKCON :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> Int -> [Reg] -> JS
jsMKCON info r t rs =
  JSAssign (translateReg r) (
    JSNew "i$CON" [ JSNum (JSInt t)
                  , JSArray (map translateReg rs)
                  , if t `elem` compileInfoApplyCases info
                       then JSIdent $ translateName (sMN 0 "APPLY") ++ "$" ++ show t
                       else JSNull
                  , if t `elem` compileInfoEvalCases info
                       then JSIdent $ translateName (sMN 0 "EVAL") ++ "$" ++ show t
                       else JSNull

jsCASE :: CompileInfo -> Bool -> Reg -> [(Int, [BC])] -> Maybe [BC] -> JS
jsCASE info safe reg cases def =
  JSSwitch (tag safe $ translateReg reg) (
    map ((JSNum . JSInt) *** prepBranch) cases
  ) (fmap prepBranch def)
      tag :: Bool -> JS -> JS
      tag True  = jsCTAG
      tag False = jsTAG

      prepBranch :: [BC] -> JS
      prepBranch bc = JSSeq $ map (translateBC info) bc

      jsTAG :: JS -> JS
      jsTAG js =
        (JSTernary (js `jsInstanceOf` "i$CON") (
          JSProj js "tag"
        ) (JSNum (JSInt $ negate 1)))

      jsCTAG :: JS -> JS
      jsCTAG js = JSProj js "tag"

jsCONSTCASE :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> [(Const, [BC])] -> Maybe [BC] -> JS
jsCONSTCASE info reg cases def =
  JSCond $ (
    map (jsEq (translateReg reg) . translateConstant *** prepBranch) cases
  ) ++ (maybe [] ((:[]) . ((,) JSNoop) . prepBranch) def)
      prepBranch :: [BC] -> JS
      prepBranch bc = JSSeq $ map (translateBC info) bc

jsPROJECT :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> Int -> Int -> JS
jsPROJECT _ reg loc 0  = JSNoop
jsPROJECT _ reg loc 1  =
  JSAssign (jsLOC loc) (
    JSIndex (
      JSProj (translateReg reg) "args"
    ) (
      JSNum (JSInt 0)
jsPROJECT _ reg loc ar =
  JSApp (JSIdent "i$PROJECT") [ translateReg reg
                              , JSNum (JSInt loc)
                              , JSNum (JSInt ar)

jsOP :: CompileInfo -> Reg -> PrimFn -> [Reg] -> JS
jsOP _ reg op args = JSAssign (translateReg reg) jsOP'
    jsOP' :: JS
      | LNoOp <- op = translateReg (last args)

      | LWriteStr <- op,
        (_:str:_) <- args = JSAssign (translateReg reg)
                               (JSApp (JSIdent "i$putStr") [translateReg str])

      | (LZExt (ITFixed IT8) ITNative)  <- op = jsUnPackBits $ translateReg (last args)
      | (LZExt (ITFixed IT16) ITNative) <- op = jsUnPackBits $ translateReg (last args)
      | (LZExt (ITFixed IT32) ITNative) <- op = jsUnPackBits $ translateReg (last args)

      | (LZExt _ ITBig)        <- op = jsBigInt $ JSApp  (JSIdent "String") [translateReg (last args)]
      | (LPlus (ATInt ITBig))  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "add" [rhs]
      | (LMinus (ATInt ITBig)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "subtract" [rhs]
      | (LTimes (ATInt ITBig)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "multiply" [rhs]
      | (LSDiv (ATInt ITBig))  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "divide" [rhs]
      | (LSRem (ATInt ITBig))  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "mod" [rhs]
      | (LEq (ATInt ITBig))    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "equals" [rhs]
      | (LSLt (ATInt ITBig))   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "lesser" [rhs]
      | (LSLe (ATInt ITBig))   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "lesserOrEquals" [rhs]
      | (LSGt (ATInt ITBig))   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "greater" [rhs]
      | (LSGe (ATInt ITBig))   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "greaterOrEquals" [rhs]

      | (LPlus ATFloat)  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "+" lhs rhs
      | (LMinus ATFloat) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "-" lhs rhs
      | (LTimes ATFloat) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "*" lhs rhs
      | (LSDiv ATFloat)  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "/" lhs rhs
      | (LEq ATFloat)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "==" lhs rhs
      | (LSLt ATFloat)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "<" lhs rhs
      | (LSLe ATFloat)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp "<=" lhs rhs
      | (LSGt ATFloat)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp ">" lhs rhs
      | (LSGe ATFloat)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)      <- args = translateBinaryOp ">=" lhs rhs

      | (LPlus (ATInt ITChar)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsCall "i$fromCharCode" [
            JSBinOp "+" (
              jsCall "i$charCode" [translateReg lhs]
            ) (
              jsCall "i$charCode" [translateReg rhs]

      | (LTrunc (ITFixed IT16) (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                               <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "&" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg arg) (JSNum (JSInt 0xFF))

      | (LTrunc (ITFixed IT32) (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                                <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "&" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg arg) (JSNum (JSInt 0xFFFF))

      | (LTrunc (ITFixed IT64) (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                                <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg arg) "and" [
              jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFF)
            ]) "intValue" []

      | (LTrunc ITBig (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                       <- args =
          jsMeth (translateReg arg) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LLSHR (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp ">>" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LLSHR (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp ">>" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LLSHR (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsPackUBits32  (
            JSBinOp ">>" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LLSHR (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "shiftRight" [translateReg rhs]

      | (LSHL (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "<<" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LSHL (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "<<" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LSHL (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits32  (
            JSBinOp "<<" (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg lhs) (jsUnPackBits $ translateReg rhs)

      | (LSHL (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "shiftLeft" [translateReg rhs]) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LAnd (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "&" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LAnd (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "&" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LAnd (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "&" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LAnd (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "and" [translateReg rhs]

      | (LOr (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)         <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "|" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LOr (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "|" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LOr (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "|" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LOr (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "or" [translateReg rhs]

      | (LXOr (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "^" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LXOr (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "^" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LXOr (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "^" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LXOr (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "xor" [translateReg rhs]

      | (LPlus (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                   <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "+" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LPlus (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "+" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LPlus (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "+" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LPlus (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "add" [translateReg rhs]) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LMinus (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "-" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LMinus (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "-" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LMinus (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "-" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LMinus (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "subtract" [translateReg rhs]) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LTimes (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "*" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LTimes (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "*" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LTimes (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "*" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LTimes (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                     <- args =
          jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "multiply" [translateReg rhs]) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LEq (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                 <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "==" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LEq (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                  <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "==" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LEq (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                  <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "==" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LEq (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                   <- args =
          jsMeth (jsMeth (translateReg lhs) "equals" [translateReg rhs]) "and" [
            jsBigInt (JSString $ show 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

      | (LLt (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)         <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "<" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLt (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "<" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLt (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "<" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLt (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args = invokeMeth lhs "lesser" [rhs]

      | (LLe (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)         <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "<=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLe (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "<=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLe (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "<=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LLe (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args = invokeMeth lhs "lesserOrEquals" [rhs]

      | (LGt (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)         <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp ">" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LGt (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp ">" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))
      | (LGt (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp ">" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LGt (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args = invokeMeth lhs "greater" [rhs]

      | (LGe (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)         <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp ">=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LGe (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp ">=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))
      | (LGe (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp ">=" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LGe (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)          <- args = invokeMeth lhs "greaterOrEquals" [rhs]

      | (LUDiv (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)           <- args =
          jsPackUBits8 (
            JSBinOp "/" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LUDiv (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsPackUBits16 (
            JSBinOp "/" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LUDiv (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args =
          jsPackUBits32 (
            JSBinOp "/" (jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)) (jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs))

      | (LUDiv (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)            <- args = invokeMeth lhs "divide" [rhs]

      | (LSDiv (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                   <- args =
          jsPackSBits8 (
            JSBinOp "/" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits8 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits8 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSDiv (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackSBits16 (
            JSBinOp "/" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits16 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits16 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSDiv (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackSBits32 (
            JSBinOp "/" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits32 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits32 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSDiv (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args = invokeMeth lhs "divide" [rhs]

      | (LSRem (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                   <- args =
          jsPackSBits8 (
            JSBinOp "%" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits8 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits8 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSRem (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackSBits16 (
            JSBinOp "%" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits16 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits16 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSRem (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args =
          jsPackSBits32 (
            JSBinOp "%" (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits32 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg lhs)
            ) (
              jsUnPackBits $ jsPackSBits32 $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg rhs)

      | (LSRem (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_)                    <- args = invokeMeth lhs "mod" [rhs]

      | (LCompl (ITFixed IT8)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                <- args =
          jsPackSBits8 $ JSPreOp "~" $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg arg)

      | (LCompl (ITFixed IT16)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args =
          jsPackSBits16 $ JSPreOp "~" $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg arg)

      | (LCompl (ITFixed IT32)) <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args =
          jsPackSBits32 $ JSPreOp "~" $ jsUnPackBits (translateReg arg)

      | (LCompl (ITFixed IT64)) <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args =
          invokeMeth arg "not" []

      | (LPlus _)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "+" lhs rhs
      | (LMinus _)  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "-" lhs rhs
      | (LTimes _)  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "*" lhs rhs
      | (LSDiv _)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "/" lhs rhs
      | (LSRem _)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "%" lhs rhs
      | (LEq _)     <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "==" lhs rhs
      | (LSLt _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "<" lhs rhs
      | (LSLe _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "<=" lhs rhs
      | (LSGt _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp ">" lhs rhs
      | (LSGe _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp ">=" lhs rhs
      | (LAnd _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "&" lhs rhs
      | (LOr _)     <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "|" lhs rhs
      | (LXOr _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "^" lhs rhs
      | (LSHL _)    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "<<" rhs lhs
      | (LASHR _)   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp ">>" rhs lhs
      | (LCompl _)  <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = JSPreOp "~" (translateReg arg)

      | LStrConcat  <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "+" lhs rhs
      | LStrEq      <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "==" lhs rhs
      | LStrLt      <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = translateBinaryOp "<" lhs rhs
      | LStrLen     <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = JSProj (translateReg arg) "length"
      | (LStrInt ITNative)      <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "parseInt" [translateReg arg]
      | (LIntStr ITNative)      <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "String" [translateReg arg]
      | (LSExt ITNative ITBig)  <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsBigInt $ jsCall "String" [translateReg arg]
      | (LTrunc ITBig ITNative) <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsMeth (translateReg arg) "intValue" []
      | (LIntStr ITBig)         <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsMeth (translateReg arg) "toString" []
      | (LStrInt ITBig)         <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsBigInt $ translateReg arg
      | LFloatStr               <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "String" [translateReg arg]
      | LStrFloat               <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "parseFloat" [translateReg arg]
      | (LIntFloat ITNative)    <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = translateReg arg
      | (LIntFloat ITBig)       <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsMeth (translateReg arg) "intValue" []
      | (LFloatInt ITNative)    <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = translateReg arg
      | (LChInt ITNative)       <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "i$charCode" [translateReg arg]
      | (LIntCh ITNative)       <- op
      , (arg:_)                 <- args = jsCall "i$fromCharCode" [translateReg arg]

      | LFExp       <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.exp" [translateReg arg]
      | LFLog       <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.log" [translateReg arg]
      | LFSin       <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.sin" [translateReg arg]
      | LFCos       <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.cos" [translateReg arg]
      | LFTan       <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.tan" [translateReg arg]
      | LFASin      <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.asin" [translateReg arg]
      | LFACos      <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.acos" [translateReg arg]
      | LFATan      <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.atan" [translateReg arg]
      | LFSqrt      <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.sqrt" [translateReg arg]
      | LFFloor     <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.floor" [translateReg arg]
      | LFCeil      <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = jsCall "Math.ceil" [translateReg arg]
      | LFNegate    <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = JSPreOp "-" (translateReg arg)

      | LStrCons    <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = invokeMeth lhs "concat" [rhs]
      | LStrHead    <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = JSIndex (translateReg arg) (JSNum (JSInt 0))
      | LStrRev     <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args = JSProj (translateReg arg) "split('').reverse().join('')"
      | LStrIndex   <- op
      , (lhs:rhs:_) <- args = JSIndex (translateReg lhs) (translateReg rhs)
      | LStrTail    <- op
      , (arg:_)     <- args =
          let v = translateReg arg in
              JSApp (JSProj v "substr") [
                JSNum (JSInt 1),
                JSBinOp "-" (JSProj v "length") (JSNum (JSInt 1))

      | LSystemInfo <- op
      , (arg:_) <- args = jsCall "i$systemInfo"  [translateReg arg]
      | LExternal nul <- op
      , nul == sUN "prim__null"
      , (_)         <- args = JSNull
      | otherwise = JSError $ "Not implemented: " ++ show op
          translateBinaryOp :: String -> Reg -> Reg -> JS
          translateBinaryOp op lhs rhs =
            JSBinOp op (translateReg lhs) (translateReg rhs)

          invokeMeth :: Reg -> String -> [Reg] -> JS
          invokeMeth obj meth args =
            JSApp (JSProj (translateReg obj) meth) $ map translateReg args

jsRESERVE :: CompileInfo -> Int -> JS
jsRESERVE _ _ = JSNoop

jsSTACK = JSIdent "i$valstack"

jsCALLSTACK = JSIdent "i$callstack"

jsSTACKBASE = JSIdent "i$valstack_base"

jsSTACKTOP = JSIdent "i$valstack_top"

jsOLDBASE = JSIdent "oldbase"

jsMYOLDBASE = JSIdent "myoldbase"

jsRET :: JS
jsRET = JSIdent "i$ret"

jsLOC :: Int -> JS
jsLOC n = JSIndex jsSTACK (JSBinOp "+" jsSTACKBASE (JSNum (JSInt n)))

jsTOP :: Int -> JS
jsTOP n = JSIndex jsSTACK (JSBinOp "+" jsSTACKTOP (JSNum (JSInt n)))

jsPUSH :: [JS] -> JS
jsPUSH args = JSApp (JSProj jsCALLSTACK "push") args

jsPOP :: JS
jsPOP = JSApp (JSProj jsCALLSTACK "pop") []

translateBC :: CompileInfo -> BC -> JS
translateBC info bc
  | ASSIGN r1 r2          <- bc = jsASSIGN info r1 r2
  | ASSIGNCONST r c       <- bc = jsASSIGNCONST info r c
  | UPDATE r1 r2          <- bc = jsASSIGN info r1 r2
  | ADDTOP n              <- bc = jsADDTOP info n
  | NULL r                <- bc = jsNULL info r
  | CALL n                <- bc = jsCALL info n
  | TAILCALL n            <- bc = jsTAILCALL info n
  | FOREIGNCALL r _ (FStr n) args
                          <- bc = jsFOREIGN info r n (map fcall args)
  | TOPBASE n             <- bc = jsTOPBASE info n
  | BASETOP n             <- bc = jsBASETOP info n
  | STOREOLD              <- bc = jsSTOREOLD info
  | SLIDE n               <- bc = jsSLIDE info n
  | REBASE                <- bc = jsREBASE info
  | RESERVE n             <- bc = jsRESERVE info n
  | MKCON r _ t rs        <- bc = jsMKCON info r t rs
  | CASE s r c d          <- bc = jsCASE info s r c d
  | CONSTCASE r c d       <- bc = jsCONSTCASE info r c d
  | PROJECT r l a         <- bc = jsPROJECT info r l a
  | OP r o a              <- bc = jsOP info r o a
  | ERROR e               <- bc = jsERROR info e
  | otherwise                   = JSRaw $ "//" ++ show bc
 where fcall (t, arg) = (toFType t, arg)

toAType (FCon i)
    | i == sUN "JS_IntChar" = ATInt ITChar
    | i == sUN "JS_IntNative" = ATInt ITNative
toAType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toAType")

toFnType (FApp c [_,_,s,t])
    | c == sUN "JS_Fn" = toFnType t
toFnType (FApp c [_,_,r])
    | c == sUN "JS_FnIO" = FFunctionIO
toFnType (FApp c [_,r])
    | c == sUN "JS_FnBase" = FFunction
toFnType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toFnType")

toFType (FCon c)
    | c == sUN "JS_Str" = FString
    | c == sUN "JS_Float" = FArith ATFloat
    | c == sUN "JS_Ptr" = FPtr
    | c == sUN "JS_Unit" = FUnit
toFType (FApp c [_,ity])
    | c == sUN "JS_IntT" = FArith (toAType ity)
toFType (FApp c [_,fty])
    | c == sUN "JS_FnT" = toFnType fty
toFType t = error (show t ++ " not yet defined in toFType")