Module      : Idris.Coverage
Description : The coverage and totality checkers for Idris are in this module.
Copyright   :
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.Coverage where

import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.CaseTree

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output (iWarn, iputStrLn)

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace

import Control.Monad.State.Strict

-- | Generate a pattern from an 'impossible' LHS.
-- We need this to eliminate the pattern clauses which have been
-- provided explicitly from new clause generation.
mkPatTm :: PTerm -> Idris Term
mkPatTm t = do i <- getIState
               let timp = addImpl' True [] [] [] i t
               evalStateT (toTT (mapPT deNS timp)) 0
    toTT (PRef _ _ n) = do i <- lift getIState
                           case lookupNameDef n (tt_ctxt i) of
                                [(n', TyDecl nt _)] -> return $ P nt n' Erased
                                _ -> return $ P Ref n Erased
    toTT (PApp _ t args) = do t' <- toTT t
                              args' <- mapM (toTT . getTm) args
                              return $ mkApp t' args'
    toTT (PDPair _ _ _ l _ r) = do l' <- toTT l
                                   r' <- toTT r
                                   return $ mkApp (P Ref sigmaCon Erased) [Erased, Erased, l', r']
    toTT (PPair _ _ _ l r) = do l' <- toTT l
                                r' <- toTT r
                                return $ mkApp (P Ref pairCon Erased) [Erased, Erased, l', r']
    -- For alternatives, pick the first and drop the namespaces. It doesn't
    -- really matter which is taken since matching will ignore the namespace.
    toTT (PAlternative _ _ (a : as)) = toTT a
    toTT _ = do v <- get
                put (v + 1)
                return (P Bound (sMN v "imp") Erased)

    deNS (PRef f hl (NS n _)) = PRef f hl n
    deNS t = t

-- | Given a list of LHSs, generate a extra clauses which cover the remaining
-- cases. The ones which haven't been provided are marked 'absurd' so
-- that the checker will make sure they can't happen.
-- This will only work after the given clauses have been typechecked and the
-- names are fully explicit!
genClauses :: FC -> Name -> [Term] -> [PTerm] -> Idris [PTerm]
genClauses fc n xs given
   = do i <- getIState
        let lhs_tms = map (\x -> flattenArgs $ delab' i x True True) xs
        -- if a placeholder was given, don't bother generating cases for it
        let lhs_tms' = zipWith mergePlaceholders lhs_tms
                          (map (stripUnmatchable i) (map flattenArgs given))
        let lhss = map pUnApply lhs_tms'
        nty <- case lookupTyExact n (tt_ctxt i) of
                    Just t -> return (normalise (tt_ctxt i) [] t)
                    _ -> fail "Can't happen - genClauses, lookupTyExact"

        let argss = transpose lhss
        let all_args = map (genAll i) (zip (genPH i nty) argss)
        logCoverage 5 $ "COVERAGE of " ++ show n
        logCoverage 5 $ "using type " ++ show nty
        logCoverage 5 $ "non-concrete args " ++ show (genPH i nty)

        logCoverage 5 $ show (lhs_tms, lhss)
        logCoverage 5 $ "Args are: " ++ show argss
        logCoverage 5 $ show (map length argss) ++ "\nAll args:\n" ++ show (map length all_args)
        logCoverage 10 $ "All args are: " ++ show all_args
        logCoverage 3 $ "Original: \n" ++
             showSep "\n" (map (\t -> showTmImpls (delab' i t True True)) xs)
        -- add an infinite supply of explicit arguments to update the possible
        -- cases for (the return type may be variadic, or function type, so
        -- there may be more case splitting that the idris_implicits record
        -- suggests)
        let parg = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
                        (p : _) ->
                          p ++ repeat (PExp 0 [] (sMN 0 "gcarg") Placeholder)
                        _       -> repeat (pexp Placeholder)
        let tryclauses = mkClauses parg all_args
        logCoverage 3 $ show (length tryclauses) ++ " initially to check"
        logCoverage 2 $ showSep "\n" (map (showTm i) tryclauses)
        let new = filter (noMatch i) (nub tryclauses)
        logCoverage 2 $ show (length new) ++ " clauses to check for impossibility"
        logCoverage 4 $ "New clauses: \n" ++ showSep "\n" (map (showTm i) new)
--           ++ " from:\n" ++ showSep "\n" (map (showImp True) tryclauses)
        return new
--         return (map (\t -> PClause n t [] PImpossible []) new)
  where getLHS i term
            | (f, args) <- unApply term = map (\t -> delab' i t True True) args
            | otherwise = []

        -- if an argument has a non-concrete type (i.e. it's a function
        -- that calculates something from a previous argument) we'll also
        -- need to generate a placeholder pattern for it since it could be
        -- anything based on earlier values
        genPH :: IState -> Type -> [Bool]
        genPH ist (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc) = notConcrete ist ty : genPH ist sc
        genPH ist ty = []

        notConcrete ist t | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t,
                           not (isConName n (tt_ctxt ist)) = True
        notConcrete _ _ = False

        pUnApply (PApp _ f args) = map getTm args
        pUnApply _ = []

        flattenArgs (PApp fc (PApp _ f as) as')
             = flattenArgs (PApp fc f (as ++ as'))
        flattenArgs t = t

        -- Return whether the given clause matches none of the input clauses
        -- (xs)
        noMatch i tm = all (\x -> case matchClause i (stripUnmatchable i (delab' i x True True)) tm of
                                       Right ms -> False
                                       Left miss -> True) xs

        mergePlaceholders :: PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
        mergePlaceholders x Placeholder = Placeholder
        mergePlaceholders (PApp fc f args) (PApp fc' f' args')
            = PApp fc' f' (zipWith mergePArg args args')
           where mergePArg x y = let xtm = mergePlaceholders (getTm x) (getTm y) in
                                     x { getTm = xtm}
        mergePlaceholders x _ = x

        mkClauses :: [PArg] -> [[PTerm]] -> [PTerm]
        mkClauses parg args
            | all (== [Placeholder]) args = []
        mkClauses parg args
            = do args' <- mkArg args
                 let tm = PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) (zipWith upd args' parg)
                 return tm
            mkArg :: [[PTerm]] -> [[PTerm]]
            mkArg [] = return []
            mkArg (a : as) = do a' <- a
                                as' <- mkArg as
                                return (a':as')

-- | Does this error result rule out a case as valid when coverage checking?
validCoverageCase :: Context -> Err -> Bool
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantUnify _ (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
    = let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
          topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
          not (sameFam topx' topy' || not (validCoverageCase ctxt e))
  where sameFam topx topy
            = case (unApply topx, unApply topy) of
                   ((P _ x _, _), (P _ y _, _)) -> x == y
                   _ -> False
validCoverageCase ctxt (InfiniteUnify _ _ _) = False
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantConvert _ _ _) = False
validCoverageCase ctxt (At _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (Elaborating _ _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt _ = True

-- | Check whether an error is recoverable in the sense needed for
-- coverage checking.
recoverableCoverage :: Context -> Err -> Bool
recoverableCoverage ctxt (CantUnify r (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
    = let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
          topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
          r || checkRec topx' topy'
  where -- different notion of recoverable than in unification, since we
        -- have no metavars -- just looking to see if a constructor is failing
        -- to unify with a function that may be reduced later
        checkRec (App _ f a) p@(P _ _ _) = checkRec f p
        checkRec p@(P _ _ _) (App _ f a) = checkRec p f
        checkRec fa@(App _ _ _) fa'@(App _ _ _)
            | (f, as) <- unApply fa,
              (f', as') <- unApply fa'
                 = if (length as /= length as')
                      then checkRec f f'
                      else checkRec f f' && and (zipWith checkRec as as')
        checkRec (P xt x _) (P yt y _) = x == y || ntRec xt yt
        checkRec _ _ = False

        ntRec x y | Ref <- x = True
                  | Ref <- y = True
                  | (Bound, Bound) <- (x, y) = True
                  | otherwise = False -- name is different, unrecoverable
recoverableCoverage ctxt (At _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (Elaborating _ _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage _ _ = False

genAll :: IState -> (Bool, [PTerm]) -> [PTerm]
genAll i (addPH, args)
   = case filter (/=Placeholder) $ fnub $ mergePHs $ fnub (concatMap otherPats (fnub args)) of
          [] -> [Placeholder]
          xs -> ph xs
    ph ts = if addPH then Placeholder : ts else ts

    -- Merge patterns with placeholders in other patterns, to ensure we've
    -- covered all possible generated cases
    -- e.g. if we have (True, _) (False, _) (_, True) (_, False) 
    -- we should merge these to get (True, True), (False, False)
    -- (False, True) and (True, False)
    mergePHs :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
    mergePHs xs = mergePHs' xs xs

    mergePHs' [] all = []
    mergePHs' (x : xs) all = mergePH x all ++ mergePHs' xs all

    mergePH :: PTerm -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
    mergePH tm [] = []
    mergePH tm (x : xs) 
          | Just merged <- mergePTerm tm x = merged : mergePH tm xs
          | otherwise = mergePH tm xs

    mergePTerm :: PTerm -> PTerm -> Maybe PTerm
    mergePTerm x Placeholder = Just x
    mergePTerm Placeholder x = Just x
    mergePTerm tm@(PRef fc1 hl1 n1) (PRef fc2 hl2 n2)
          | n1 == n2 = Just tm
    mergePTerm (PPair fc1 hl1 p1 x1 y1) (PPair fc2 hl2 p2 x2 y2)
          = do x <- mergePTerm x1 x2
               y <- mergePTerm y1 y2
               Just (PPair fc1 hl1 p1 x y)
    mergePTerm (PDPair fc1 hl1 p1 x1 t1 y1) (PDPair fc2 hl2 p2 x2 t2 y2)
          = do x <- mergePTerm x1 x2
               y <- mergePTerm y1 y2
               t <- mergePTerm t1 t2
               Just (PDPair fc1 hl1 p1 x t y)
    mergePTerm (PApp fc1 f1 args1) (PApp fc2 f2 args2)
          = do fm <- mergePTerm f1 f2
               margs <- mergeArgs args1 args2
               Just (PApp fc1 fm margs)
        mergeArgs [] [] = Just []
        mergeArgs (a : as) (b : bs)
                  = do ma_in <- mergePTerm (getTm a) (getTm b)
                       let ma = a { getTm = ma_in }
                       mas <- mergeArgs as bs
                       Just (ma : mas)
        mergeArgs _ _ = Nothing
    mergePTerm x y | x == y = Just x
                   | otherwise = Nothing

    -- for every constant in a term (at any level) take next one to make sure
    -- that constants which are not explicitly handled are covered
    nextConst (PConstant fc c) = PConstant NoFC (nc' c)
    nextConst o = o

    nc' (I c) = I (c + 1)
    nc' (BI c) = BI (c + 1)
    nc' (Fl c) = Fl (c + 1)
    nc' (B8 c) = B8 (c + 1)
    nc' (B16 c) = B16 (c + 1)
    nc' (B32 c) = B32 (c + 1)
    nc' (B64 c) = B64 (c + 1)
    nc' (Ch c) = Ch (chr $ ord c + 1)
    nc' (Str c) = Str (c ++ "'")
    nc' o = o

    otherPats :: PTerm -> [PTerm]
    otherPats o@(PRef fc hl n) = ph $ ops fc n [] o
    otherPats o@(PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) xs) = ph $ ops fc n xs o
    otherPats o@(PPair fc hls _ l r)
        = ph $ ops fc pairCon
                ([pimp (sUN "A") Placeholder True,
                  pimp (sUN "B") Placeholder True] ++
                 [pexp l, pexp r]) o
    otherPats o@(PDPair fc hls p t _ v)
        = ph $ ops fc sigmaCon
                ([pimp (sUN "a") Placeholder True,
                  pimp (sUN "P") Placeholder True] ++
                 [pexp t,pexp v]) o
    otherPats o@(PConstant _ c) = ph [o, nextConst o]
    otherPats arg = return Placeholder

    ops fc n xs o
        | (TyDecl c@(DCon _ arity _) ty : _) <- lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i)
            = do xs' <- mapM otherPats (map getExpTm xs)
                 let p = resugar (PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) (zipWith upd xs' xs))
                 let tyn = getTy n (tt_ctxt i)
                 case lookupCtxt tyn (idris_datatypes i) of
                         (TI ns _ _ _ _ : _) -> p : map (mkPat fc) (ns \\ [n])
                         _ -> [p]
    ops fc n arg o = return Placeholder

    getExpTm (PImp _ True _ _ _) = Placeholder -- machine inferred, no point!
    getExpTm t = getTm t

    -- put it back to its original form
    resugar (PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) [_,_,t,v])
      | n == sigmaCon
        = PDPair fc [] TypeOrTerm (getTm t) Placeholder (getTm v)
    resugar (PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) [_,_,l,r])
      | n == pairCon
        = PPair fc [] IsTerm (getTm l) (getTm r)
    resugar t = t

    dropForce force (x : xs) i | i `elem` force
        = upd Placeholder x : dropForce force xs (i + 1)
    dropForce force (x : xs) i = x : dropForce force xs (i + 1)
    dropForce _ [] _ = []

    getTy n ctxt = case lookupTy n ctxt of
                          (t : _) -> case unApply (getRetTy t) of
                                        (P _ tyn _, _) -> tyn
                                        x -> error $ "Can't happen getTy 1 " ++ show (n, x)
                          _ -> error "Can't happen getTy 2"

    mkPat fc x = case lookupCtxt x (idris_implicits i) of
                      (pargs : _)
                         -> PApp fc (PRef fc [] x) (map (upd Placeholder) pargs)
                      _ -> error "Can't happen - genAll"

    fnub :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
    fnub xs = fnub' [] xs

    fnub' :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
    fnub' acc (x : xs) | x `qelem` acc = fnub' acc (filter (not.(quickEq x)) xs)
                       | otherwise = fnub' (x : acc) xs
    fnub' acc [] = acc

    -- quick check for constructor equality
    quickEq :: PTerm -> PTerm -> Bool
    quickEq (PConstant _ n) (PConstant _ n') = n == n'
    quickEq (PRef _ _ n) (PRef _ _ n') = n == n'
    quickEq (PPair _ _ _ l r) (PPair _ _ _ l' r') = quickEq l l' && quickEq r r'
    quickEq (PApp _ t as) (PApp _ t' as')
        | length as == length as'
           = quickEq t t' && and (zipWith quickEq (map getTm as) (map getTm as'))
    quickEq Placeholder Placeholder = True
    quickEq x y = False

    qelem :: PTerm -> [PTerm] -> Bool
    qelem x [] = False
    qelem x (y : ys) | x `quickEq` y = True
                     | otherwise = qelem x ys

upd :: t -> PArg' t -> PArg' t
upd p' p = p { getTm = p' }

-- | Check whether function and all descendants cover all cases
-- (partial is okay, as long as it's due to recursion)
checkAllCovering :: FC -> [Name] -> Name -> Name -> Idris ()
checkAllCovering fc done top n | not (n `elem` done)
   = do i <- get
        case lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
             [tot@(Partial NotCovering)] ->
                    do let msg = show top ++ " is " ++ show tot ++ " due to " ++ show n
                       putIState i { idris_totcheckfail = (fc, msg) : idris_totcheckfail i }
                       addIBC (IBCTotCheckErr fc msg)
             [Partial _] ->
                case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph i) of
                     [cg] -> mapM_ (checkAllCovering fc (n : done) top)
                                   (calls cg)
                     _ -> return ()
             x -> return () -- stop if total
checkAllCovering _ _ _ _ = return ()

-- | Check if, in a given group of type declarations mut_ns, the
-- constructor cn : ty is strictly positive, and update the context
-- accordingly
checkPositive :: [Name]       -- ^ the group of type declarations
              -> (Name, Type) -- ^ the constructor
              -> Idris Totality
checkPositive mut_ns (cn, ty')
    = do i <- getIState
         let ty = delazy' True (normalise (tt_ctxt i) [] ty')
         let p = cp i ty
         let tot = if p then Total (args ty) else Partial NotPositive
         let ctxt' = setTotal cn tot (tt_ctxt i)
         putIState (i { tt_ctxt = ctxt' })
         logCoverage 5 $ "Constructor " ++ show cn ++ " is " ++ show tot ++ " with " ++ show mut_ns
         addIBC (IBCTotal cn tot)
         return tot
    args t = [0..length (getArgTys t)-1]

    cp i (Bind n (Pi _ aty _) sc)
         = posArg i aty && cp i sc
    cp i t | (P _ n' _ , args) <- unApply t,
             n' `elem` mut_ns = all noRec args
    cp i _ = True

    posArg ist (Bind _ (Pi _ nty _) sc) = noRec nty && posArg ist sc
    posArg ist t = posParams ist t

    noRec arg = all (\x -> x `notElem` mut_ns) (allTTNames arg)

    -- If the type appears recursively in a parameter argument, that's
    -- fine, otherwise if it appears in an argument it's not fine.
    posParams ist t | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t
       = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_datatypes ist) of
              Just ti -> checkParamsOK (param_pos ti) 0 args
              Nothing -> and (map (posParams ist) args)
    posParams ist t = noRec t

    checkParamsOK ppos i [] = True
    checkParamsOK ppos i (p : ps)
          | i `elem` ppos = checkParamsOK ppos (i + 1) ps
          | otherwise = noRec p && checkParamsOK ppos (i + 1) ps

-- | Calculate the totality of a function from its patterns.  Either
-- follow the size change graph (if inductive) or check for
-- productivity (if coinductive)
calcTotality :: FC -> Name -> [([Name], Term, Term)] -> Idris Totality
calcTotality fc n pats
    = do i <- getIState
         let opts = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
                            [fs] -> fs
                            _ -> []
         case mapMaybe (checkLHS i) (map (\ (_, l, r) -> l) pats) of
            (failure : _) -> return failure
            _ -> checkSizeChange n
    checkLHS i (P _ fn _)
        = case lookupTotalExact fn (tt_ctxt i) of
               Just (Partial _) -> return (Partial (Other [fn]))
               _ -> Nothing
    checkLHS i (App _ f a) = mplus (checkLHS i f) (checkLHS i a)
    checkLHS _ _ = Nothing

checkTotality :: [Name] -> FC -> Name -> Idris Totality
checkTotality path fc n
    | n `elem` path = return (Partial (Mutual (n : path)))
    | otherwise = do
        t <- getTotality n
        i <- getIState
        ctxt' <- do ctxt <- getContext
                    tclift $ simplifyCasedef n (getErasureInfo i) ctxt
        setContext ctxt'
        ctxt <- getContext
        i <- getIState
        let opts = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
                            [fs] -> fs
                            _ -> []
        t' <- case t of
                Unchecked ->
                    case lookupDef n ctxt of
                        [CaseOp _ _ _ _ pats _] ->
                            do t' <- if AssertTotal `elem` opts
                                        then return $ Total []
                                        else calcTotality fc n pats
                               logCoverage 2 $ "Set to " ++ show t'
                               setTotality n t'
                               addIBC (IBCTotal n t')
                               return t'
                        [TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) ty] ->
                            case unApply (getRetTy ty) of
                              (P _ tyn _, _) -> do
                                 let ms = case lookupCtxt tyn (idris_datatypes i) of
                                       [TI _ _ _ _ xs@(_:_)] -> xs
                                       ts -> [tyn]
                                 checkPositive ms (n, ty)
                              _-> return $ Total []
                        _ -> return $ Total []
                x -> return x
        case t' of
            Total _ -> return t'
            Productive -> return t'
            e -> do w <- cmdOptType WarnPartial
                    if TotalFn `elem` opts
                       then do totalityError t'; return t'
                       else do when (w && not (PartialFn `elem` opts)) $
                                   warnPartial n t'
                               return t'
    totalityError t = do i <- getIState
                         let msg = show n ++ " is " ++ show t
                         putIState i { idris_totcheckfail = (fc, msg) : idris_totcheckfail i}
                         addIBC (IBCTotCheckErr fc msg)

    warnPartial n t
       = do i <- getIState
            case lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i) of
               [x] -> do
                  iWarn fc . pprintErr i . Msg $ "Warning - " ++ show n ++ " is " ++ show t
--                                ++ "\n" ++ show x
--                   let cg = lookupCtxtName Nothing n (idris_callgraph i)
--                   iputStrLn (show cg)

checkDeclTotality :: (FC, Name) -> Idris Totality
checkDeclTotality (fc, n)
    = do logCoverage 2 $ "Checking " ++ show n ++ " for totality"
         i <- getIState
         let opts = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_flags i) of
                              Just fs -> fs
                              _ -> []
         when (CoveringFn `elem` opts) $ checkAllCovering fc [] n n
         t <- checkTotality [] fc n
         return t

-- If the name calls something which is partial, set it as partial
verifyTotality :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
verifyTotality (fc, n)
    = do logCoverage 2 $ "Checking " ++ show n ++ "'s descendents are total"
         ist <- getIState
         case lookupTotalExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
              Just (Total _) -> do
                 let ns = getNames (tt_ctxt ist)

                 case getPartial ist [] ns of
                      Nothing -> return ()
                      Just bad -> do let t' = Partial (Other bad)
                                     logCoverage 2 $ "Set to " ++ show t'
                                     setTotality n t'
                                     addIBC (IBCTotal n t')
              _ -> return ()
    getNames ctxt = case lookupDefExact n ctxt of
                         Just (CaseOp  _ _ _ _ _ defs)
                           -> let (top, def) = cases_compiletime defs in
                                  map fst (findCalls' True def top)
                         _ -> []

    getPartial ist [] [] = Nothing
    getPartial ist bad [] = Just bad
    getPartial ist bad (n : ns)
        = case lookupTotalExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
               Just (Partial _) -> getPartial ist (n : bad) ns
               _ -> getPartial ist bad ns

-- | Calculate the size change graph for this definition
-- SCG for a function f consists of a list of:
--    (g, [(a1, sizechange1), (a2, sizechange2), ..., (an, sizechangen)])
-- where g is a function called
-- a1 ... an are the arguments of f in positions 1..n of g
-- sizechange1 ... sizechange2 is how their size has changed wrt the input
-- to f
--    Nothing, if the argument is unrelated to the input
buildSCG :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
buildSCG (_, n) = do
   ist <- getIState
   case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph ist) of
       [cg] -> case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
           Just (CaseOp _ _ _ pats _ cd) ->
             let (args, sc) = cases_totcheck cd in
               do logCoverage 2 $ "Building SCG for " ++ show n ++ " from\n"
                                ++ show pats ++ "\n" ++ show sc
                  let newscg = buildSCG' ist n (rights pats) args
                  logCoverage 5 $ "SCG is: " ++ show newscg
                  addToCG n ( cg { scg = newscg } )
           _ -> return () -- CG comes from a type declaration only
       [] -> logCoverage 5 $ "Could not build SCG for " ++ show n ++ "\n"
       x -> error $ "buildSCG: " ++ show (n, x)

delazy = delazy' False -- not lazy codata
delazy' all t@(App _ f a)
     | (P _ (UN l) _, [_, _, arg]) <- unApply t,
       l == txt "Force" = delazy' all arg
     | (P _ (UN l) _, [P _ (UN lty) _, _, arg]) <- unApply t,
       l == txt "Delay" && (all || lty /= txt "Infinite") = delazy arg
     | (P _ (UN l) _, [P _ (UN lty) _, arg]) <- unApply t,
       l == txt "Delayed" && (all || lty /= txt "Infinite") = delazy' all arg
delazy' all (App s f a) = App s (delazy' all f) (delazy' all a)
delazy' all (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (fmap (delazy' all) b) (delazy' all sc)
delazy' all t = t

data Guardedness = Toplevel | Unguarded | Guarded | Delayed
  deriving Show

buildSCG' :: IState -> Name -> [(Term, Term)] -> [Name] -> [SCGEntry]
buildSCG' ist topfn pats args = nub $ concatMap scgPat pats where
  scgPat (lhs, rhs) = let lhs' = delazy lhs
                          rhs' = delazy rhs
                          (f, pargs) = unApply (dePat lhs') in
                            findCalls [] Toplevel (dePat rhs') (patvars lhs')
                                      (zip pargs [0..])

  -- Under a delay, calls are excluded from the graph - if it's a call to a
  -- non-total function we'll find that in the final totality check
  findCalls cases Delayed ap@(P _ n _) pvs args = []
  findCalls cases guarded ap@(App _ f a) pvs pargs
     -- under a call to "assert_total", don't do any checking, just believe
     -- that it is total.
     | (P _ (UN at) _, [_, _]) <- unApply ap,
       at == txt "assert_total" = []
     -- don't go under calls to functions which are asserted total
     | (P _ n _, _) <- unApply ap,
       Just opts <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_flags ist),
       AssertTotal `elem` opts = []
     -- under a guarded call to "Delay Infinite", we are 'Delayed', so don't
     -- check under guarded constructors.
     | (P _ (UN del) _, [_,_,arg]) <- unApply ap,
       Guarded <- guarded,
       del == txt "Delay"
           = findCalls cases Delayed arg pvs pargs
     | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap,
       Delayed <- guarded,
       isConName n (tt_ctxt ist)
           = -- Still under a 'Delay' and constructor guarded, so check
             -- just the arguments to the constructor, remaining Delayed
             concatMap (\x -> findCalls cases guarded x pvs pargs) args
     | (P _ ifthenelse _, [_, _, t, e]) <- unApply ap,
       ifthenelse == sNS (sUN "ifThenElse") ["Bool", "Prelude"]
       -- Continue look inside if...then...else blocks
       -- TODO: Consider whether we should do this for user defined ifThenElse
       -- rather than just the one in the Prelude as a special case
       = findCalls cases guarded t pvs pargs ++
         findCalls cases guarded e pvs pargs
     | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap,
       caseName n && n /= topfn,
       notPartial (lookupTotalExact n (tt_ctxt ist))
       -- case block - look inside the block, as long as it was covering
       -- (i.e. not currently set at Partial) to get a more accurate size
       -- change result from the top level patterns (also to help pass
       -- information through from guarded corecursion accurately)
       = concatMap (\x -> findCalls cases Unguarded x pvs pargs) args ++
             if n `notElem` cases
                then findCallsCase (n : cases) guarded n args pvs pargs
                else []
     | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap,
       Delayed <- guarded
       -- Under a delayed recursive call just check the arguments
           = concatMap (\x -> findCalls cases Unguarded x pvs pargs) args
     | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap
        -- Ordinary call, not under a delay.
        -- If n is a constructor, set 'args' as Guarded
        = let nguarded = case guarded of
                              Unguarded -> Unguarded
                              x -> if isConName n (tt_ctxt ist)
                                      then Guarded
                                      else Unguarded in
              mkChange n args pargs ++
                 concatMap (\x -> findCalls cases nguarded x pvs pargs) args
    where notPartial (Just (Partial NotCovering)) = False
          notPartial _ = True
  findCalls cases guarded (App _ f a) pvs pargs
        = findCalls cases Unguarded f pvs pargs ++ findCalls cases Unguarded a pvs pargs
  findCalls cases guarded (Bind n (Let t v) e) pvs pargs
        = findCalls cases Unguarded t pvs pargs ++
          findCalls cases Unguarded v pvs pargs ++ findCalls cases guarded e (n : pvs) pargs
  findCalls cases guarded (Bind n t e) pvs pargs
        = findCalls cases Unguarded (binderTy t) pvs pargs ++
          findCalls cases guarded e (n : pvs) pargs
  findCalls cases guarded (P _ f _ ) pvs pargs
      | not (f `elem` pvs) = [(f, [])]
  findCalls _ _ _ _ _ = []

  -- Assumption is that names are preserved in the case block (shadowing
  -- dealt with by the elaborator) so we can just assume the top level names
  -- are okay for building the size change
  findCallsCase cases guarded n args pvs pargs
      = case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
           Just (CaseOp _ _ _ pats _ cd) ->
                concatMap (fccPat cases pvs pargs args guarded) (rights pats)
           Nothing -> []

  fccPat cases pvs pargs args g (lhs, rhs)
      = let lhs' = delazy lhs
            rhs' = delazy rhs
            (f, pargs_case) = unApply (dePat lhs')
            -- pargs is a pair of a term, and the argument position that
            -- term appears in. If any of the arguments to the case block
            -- are also on the lhs, we also want those patterns to appear
            -- in the parg list so that we'll spot patterns which are
            -- smaller than then
            newpargs = newPArg args pargs
            -- Now need to update the rhs of the case with the names in the
            -- outer definition: In rhs', wherever we see what's in pargs_case,
            -- replace it with the corresponding thing in pargs
            csubs = zip pargs_case args
            newrhs = doCaseSubs csubs (dePat rhs')
            pargs' = pargs ++ addPArg newpargs pargs_case in
               findCalls cases g newrhs pvs pargs'
      doCaseSubs [] tm = tm
      doCaseSubs ((x, x') : cs) tm
           = doCaseSubs (subIn x x' cs) (substTerm x x' tm)

      subIn x x' [] = []
      subIn x x' ((l, r) : cs)
          = (substTerm x x' l, substTerm x x' r) : subIn x x' cs

  addPArg (Just (t, i) : ts) (t' : ts') = (t', i) : addPArg ts ts'
  addPArg (Nothing : ts) (t' : ts') = addPArg ts ts'
  addPArg _ _ = []

  newPArg :: [Term] -> [(Term, Int)] -> [Maybe (Term, Int)]
  newPArg (t : ts) pargs = case lookup t pargs of
                                Just i -> Just (t, i) : newPArg ts pargs
                                Nothing -> Nothing : newPArg ts pargs
  newPArg [] pargs = []

  expandToArity n args
     = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
            [ty] -> expand 0 (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty) args
            _ -> args
     where expand i (Bind n (Pi _ _ _) sc) (x : xs) = x : expand (i + 1) sc xs
           expand i (Bind n (Pi _ _ _) sc) [] = Just (i, Same) : expand (i + 1) sc []
           expand i _ xs = xs

  mkChange n args pargs = [(n, expandToArity n (sizes args))]
      sizes [] = []
      sizes (a : as) = checkSize a pargs : sizes as

      -- find which argument in pargs <a> is smaller than, if any
      checkSize a ((p, i) : ps)
          | a == p = Just (i, Same)
          | (P _ (UN as) _, [_,_,arg,_]) <- unApply a,
            as == txt "assert_smaller" && arg == p
                  = Just (i, Smaller)
          | smaller Nothing a (p, Nothing) = Just (i, Smaller)
          | otherwise = checkSize a ps
      checkSize a [] = Nothing

      -- the smaller thing we find must be defined in the same group of mutally
      -- defined types as <a>, and not be coinductive - so carry the type of
      -- the constructor we've gone under.

      smaller (Just tyn) a (t, Just tyt)
         | a == t = isInductive (fst (unApply (getRetTy tyn)))
                                (fst (unApply (getRetTy tyt)))
      smaller ty a (ap@(App _ f s), _)
          | (P (DCon _ _ _) n _, args) <- unApply ap
               = let tyn = getType n in
                     any (smaller (ty `mplus` Just tyn) a)
                         (zip args (map toJust (getArgTys tyn)))
      -- check higher order recursive arguments
      smaller ty (App _ f s) a = smaller ty f a
      smaller _ _ _ = False

      toJust (n, t) = Just t

      getType n = case lookupTyExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
                       Just ty -> delazy (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty) -- must exist

      isInductive (P _ nty _) (P _ nty' _) =
          let (co, muts) = case lookupCtxt nty (idris_datatypes ist) of
                                [TI _ x _ _ muts] -> (x, muts)
                                _ -> (False, []) in
              (nty == nty' || any (== nty') muts) && not co
      isInductive _ _ = False

  dePat (Bind x (PVar ty) sc) = dePat (instantiate (P Bound x ty) sc)
  dePat t = t

  patvars (Bind x (PVar _) sc) = x : patvars sc
  patvars _ = []

checkSizeChange :: Name -> Idris Totality
checkSizeChange n = do
   ist <- getIState
   case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph ist) of
       [cg] -> do let ms = mkMultiPaths ist [] (scg cg)
                  logCoverage 5 ("Multipath for " ++ show n ++ ":\n" ++
                            "from " ++ show (scg cg) ++ "\n" ++
                            show (length ms) ++ "\n" ++
                            showSep "\n" (map show ms))
                  logCoverage 6 (show cg)
                  -- every multipath must have an infinitely descending
                  -- thread, then the function terminates
                  -- also need to checks functions called are all total
                  -- (Unchecked is okay as we'll spot problems here)
                  let tot = map (checkMP ist n (getArity ist n)) ms
                  logCoverage 4 $ "Generated " ++ show (length tot) ++ " paths"
                  logCoverage 5 $ "Paths for " ++ show n ++ " yield " ++
                       (showSep "\n" (map show (zip ms tot)))
                  return (noPartial tot)
       [] -> do logCoverage 5 $ "No paths for " ++ show n
                return Unchecked
  where getArity ist n
          = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
                 [ty] -> arity (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty)
                 _ -> error "Can't happen: checkSizeChange.getArity"

type MultiPath = [SCGEntry]

mkMultiPaths :: IState -> MultiPath -> [SCGEntry] -> [MultiPath]
mkMultiPaths ist path [] = [reverse path]
mkMultiPaths ist path cg = concatMap extend cg
  where extend (nextf, args)
           | (nextf, args) `inPath` path = [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]
           | [Unchecked] <- lookupTotal nextf (tt_ctxt ist)
               = case lookupCtxt nextf (idris_callgraph ist) of
                    [ncg] -> mkMultiPaths ist ((nextf, args) : path) (scg ncg)
                    _ -> [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]
           | otherwise = [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]

        inPath :: SCGEntry -> [SCGEntry] -> Bool
        inPath f [] = False
        inPath f (g : gs) = smallerEq f g || f == g || inPath f gs

        smallerEq :: SCGEntry -> SCGEntry -> Bool
        smallerEq (f, args) (g, args')
            = f == g && not (null (filter smallers args))
                     && filter smallers args == filter smallers args'
        smallers (Just (_, Smaller)) = True
        smallers _ = False

-- If any route along the multipath leads to infinite descent, we're fine.
-- Try a route beginning with every argument.
--   If we reach a point we've been to before, but with a smaller value,
--   that means there is an infinitely descending path from that argument.

checkMP :: IState -> Name -> Int -> MultiPath -> Totality
checkMP ist topfn i mp = if i > 0
                     then let paths = (map (tryPath 0 [] mp) [0..i-1]) in
--                               trace ("Paths " ++ show paths) $
                               collapse paths
                     else tryPath 0 [] mp 0
    tryPath' d path mp arg
           = let res = tryPath d path mp arg in
                 trace (show mp ++ "\n" ++ show arg ++ " " ++ show res) res

    mkBig (e, d) = (e, 10000)

    tryPath :: Int -> [((SCGEntry, Int), Int)] -> MultiPath -> Int -> Totality
    tryPath desc path [] _ = Total []
--     tryPath desc path ((UN "believe_me", _) : _) arg
--             = Partial BelieveMe
    -- if we get to a constructor, it's fine as long as it's strictly positive
    tryPath desc path ((f, _) : es) arg
        | [TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) _] <- lookupDef f (tt_ctxt ist)
            = case lookupTotalExact f (tt_ctxt ist) of
                   Just (Total _) -> Unchecked -- okay so far
                   Just (Partial _) -> Partial (Other [f])
                   x -> Unchecked -- An error elsewhere, set as Unchecked to make
                                  -- some progress
        | [TyDecl (TCon _ _) _] <- lookupDef f (tt_ctxt ist)
            = Total []
    tryPath desc path (e@(f, args) : es) arg
        | [Total a] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) = Total a
        | e `elem` es && allNothing args = Partial (Mutual [f])
    tryPath desc path (e@(f, nextargs) : es) arg
        | [Total a] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) = Total a
        | [Partial _] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) = Partial (Other [f])
        | Just d <- lookup (e, arg) path
            = if desc - d > 0 -- Now lower than when we were last here
                   then -- trace ("Descent " ++ show (desc - d) ++ " "
                        --      ++ show (path, e)) $
                        Total []
                   else Partial (Mutual (map (fst . fst . fst) path ++ [f]))
        | e `elem` map (fst . fst) path
           && not (f `elem` map fst es)
              = Partial (Mutual (map (fst . fst . fst) path ++ [f]))
        | [Unchecked] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) =
            let argspos = zip nextargs [0..]
                pathres =
                  do (a, pos) <- argspos
                     case a of
                        Nothing -> -- gone up, but if the
                                   -- rest definitely terminates without any
                                   -- cycles (including the path so far, which
                                   -- we take as inaccessible) the path is fine
                            return $ tryPath 0 (map mkBig (((e, arg), desc) : path)) es pos
                        Just (nextarg, sc) ->
                          if nextarg == arg then
                            case sc of
                              Same -> return $ tryPath desc (((e, arg), desc) : path)
                                                       es pos
                              Smaller -> return $ tryPath (desc+1)
                                                          (((e, arg), desc) : path)
                              _ -> trace ("Shouldn't happen " ++ show e) $
                                      return (Partial Itself)
                            else return Unchecked in
--                   trace (show (desc, argspos, path, es, pathres)) $
                   collapse pathres

        | otherwise = Unchecked

allNothing :: [Maybe a] -> Bool
allNothing xs = null (collapseNothing (zip xs [0..]))

collapseNothing :: [(Maybe a, b)] -> [(Maybe a, b)]
collapseNothing ((Nothing, t) : xs)
   = (Nothing, t) : filter (\ (x, _) -> case x of
                                             Nothing -> False
                                             _ -> True) xs
collapseNothing (x : xs) = x : collapseNothing xs
collapseNothing [] = []

noPartial :: [Totality] -> Totality
noPartial (Partial p : xs) = Partial p
noPartial (_ : xs)         = noPartial xs
noPartial []               = Total []

collapse :: [Totality] -> Totality
collapse xs = collapse' Unchecked xs
collapse' def (Total r : xs)   = Total r
collapse' def (Unchecked : xs) = collapse' def xs
collapse' def (d : xs)         = collapse' d xs
-- collapse' Unchecked []         = Total []
collapse' def []               = def

totalityCheckBlock :: Idris ()
totalityCheckBlock = do
         ist <- getIState
         -- Do totality checking after entire mutual block
         mapM_ (\n -> do logElab 5 $ "Simplifying " ++ show n
                         ctxt' <- do ctxt <- getContext
                                     tclift $ simplifyCasedef n (getErasureInfo ist) ctxt
                         setContext ctxt')
                 (map snd (idris_totcheck ist))
         mapM_ buildSCG (idris_totcheck ist)
         mapM_ checkDeclTotality (idris_totcheck ist)