module Idris.Chaser(
buildTree, getImports
, getModuleFiles
, ModuleTree(..)
) where
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Unlit
import Idris.Error
import Idris.IBC
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
import Util.System (readSource, writeSource)
data ModuleTree = MTree { mod_path :: IFileType,
mod_needsRecheck :: Bool,
mod_time :: UTCTime,
mod_deps :: [ModuleTree] }
deriving Show
latest :: UTCTime -> [ModuleTree] -> UTCTime
latest tm [] = tm
latest tm (m : ms) = latest (max tm (mod_time m)) (ms ++ mod_deps m)
getModuleFiles :: [ModuleTree] -> [IFileType]
getModuleFiles ts = nub $ execState (modList ts) [] where
modList :: [ModuleTree] -> State [IFileType] ()
modList [] = return ()
modList (m : ms) = do modTree [] m; modList ms
modTree path (MTree p rechk tm deps)
= do let file = chkReload rechk p
let depMod = latest tm deps
let needsRechk = rechk || depMod > tm
st <- get
if needsRechk then put $ nub (getSrc file : updateToSrc path st)
else put $ nub (file : st)
mapM_ (modTree (getSrc p : path)) deps
ibc (IBC _ _) = True
ibc _ = False
chkReload False p = p
chkReload True (IBC fn src) = chkReload True src
chkReload True p = p
getSrc (IBC fn src) = getSrc src
getSrc f = f
updateToSrc path [] = []
updateToSrc path (x : xs) = if getSrc x `elem` path
then getSrc x : updateToSrc path xs
else x : updateToSrc path xs
extractFileName :: String -> String
extractFileName ('"':xs) = takeWhile (/= '"') xs
extractFileName ('\'':xs) = takeWhile (/= '\'') xs
extractFileName x = build x []
build [] acc = reverse $ dropWhile (== ' ') acc
build ('\\':' ':xs) acc = build xs (' ':acc)
build (x:xs) acc = build xs (x:acc)
getIModTime (IBC i _) = getModificationTime i
getIModTime (IDR i) = getModificationTime i
getIModTime (LIDR i) = getModificationTime i
getImports :: [(FilePath, [ImportInfo])]
-> [FilePath]
-> Idris [(FilePath, [ImportInfo])]
getImports acc [] = return acc
getImports acc (f : fs) = do
i <- getIState
let file = extractFileName f
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
ids <- allImportDirs
idrisCatch (do
fp <- findImport ["."] ibcsd file
let parsef = fname fp
case lookup parsef acc of
Just _ -> getImports acc fs
_ -> do
exist <- runIO $ doesFileExist parsef
if exist then do
src_in <- runIO $ readSource parsef
src <- if lit fp then tclift $ unlit parsef src_in
else return src_in
(_, _, modules, _) <- parseImports parsef src
getImports ((parsef, modules) : acc)
(fs ++ map import_path modules)
else getImports ((parsef, []) : acc) fs)
(\_ -> getImports acc fs)
lit (LIDR _) = True
lit _ = False
fname (IDR fn) = fn
fname (LIDR fn) = fn
fname (IBC _ src) = fname src
buildTree :: [FilePath]
-> [(FilePath, [ImportInfo])]
-> FilePath
-> Idris [ModuleTree]
buildTree built importlists fp = evalStateT (btree [] fp) []
addFile :: FilePath -> [ModuleTree] ->
StateT [(FilePath, [ModuleTree])] Idris [ModuleTree]
addFile f m = do fs <- get
put ((f, m) : fs)
return m
btree :: [FilePath] -> FilePath ->
StateT [(FilePath, [ModuleTree])] Idris [ModuleTree]
btree stk f =
do i <- lift getIState
let file = extractFileName f
lift $ logLvl 1 $ "CHASING " ++ show file ++ " (" ++ show fp ++ ")"
ibcsd <- lift $ valIBCSubDir i
ids <- lift allImportDirs
fp <- lift $ findImport ids ibcsd file
lift $ logLvl 1 $ "Found " ++ show fp
mt <- lift $ runIO $ getIModTime fp
if (file `elem` built)
then return [MTree fp False mt []]
else if file `elem` stk then
do lift $ tclift $ tfail
(Msg $ "Cycle detected in imports: "
++ showSep " -> " (reverse (file : stk)))
else do donetree <- get
case lookup file donetree of
Just t -> return t
_ -> do ms <- mkChildren file fp
addFile file ms
where mkChildren file (LIDR fn) = do ms <- children True fn (file : stk)
mt <- lift $ runIO $ getModificationTime fn
return [MTree (LIDR fn) True mt ms]
mkChildren file (IDR fn) = do ms <- children False fn (file : stk)
mt <- lift $ runIO $ getModificationTime fn
return [MTree (IDR fn) True mt ms]
mkChildren file (IBC fn src)
= do srcexist <- lift $ runIO $ doesFileExist (getSrcFile src)
ms <- if srcexist then
do [MTree _ _ _ ms'] <- mkChildren file src
return ms'
else return []
mt <- lift $ idrisCatch (runIO $ getModificationTime fn)
(\c -> runIO $ getIModTime src)
ibcOutdated <- lift $ fn `younger` (getSrcFile src)
ibcValid <- return True
return [MTree (IBC fn src) (ibcOutdated || not ibcValid) mt ms]
getSrcFile (IBC _ src) = getSrcFile src
getSrcFile (LIDR src) = src
getSrcFile (IDR src) = src
younger ibc src = do exist <- runIO $ doesFileExist src
if exist then do
ibct <- runIO $ getModificationTime ibc
srct <- runIO $ getModificationTime src
return (srct > ibct)
else return False
children :: Bool -> FilePath -> [FilePath] ->
StateT [(FilePath, [ModuleTree])] Idris [ModuleTree]
children lit f stk =
do exist <- lift $ runIO $ doesFileExist f
if exist then do
lift $ logLvl 1 $ "Reading source " ++ show f
let modules = maybe [] id (lookup f importlists)
ms <- mapM (btree stk . import_path) modules
return (concat ms)
else return []