module Idris.REPL(getClient, getPkg, getPkgCheck, getPkgClean, getPkgMkDoc,
getPkgREPL, getPkgTest, getPort, getIBCSubDir,
idris, idrisMain, loadInputs,
opt, runClient, runMain, ver) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ASTUtils
import Idris.Apropos (apropos, aproposModules)
import Idris.REPL.Parser
import Idris.Erasure
import Idris.Error
import Idris.IBC
import Idris.ErrReverse
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Docstrings (Docstring, overview, renderDocstring, renderDocTerm)
import Idris.Help
import Idris.IdrisDoc
import Idris.Prover
import Idris.Parser hiding (indent)
import Idris.Primitives
import Idris.Coverage
import Idris.Docs hiding (Doc)
import Idris.Completion
import qualified Idris.IdeMode as IdeMode
import Idris.Chaser
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Colours hiding (colourise)
import Idris.Inliner
import Idris.CaseSplit
import Idris.DeepSeq
import Idris.Output
import Idris.Interactive
import Idris.WhoCalls
import Idris.TypeSearch (searchByType)
import Idris.IBC (loadPkgIndex, writePkgIndex)
import Idris.REPL.Browse (namesInNS, namespacesInNS)
import Idris.ElabDecls
import Idris.Elab.Type
import Idris.Elab.Clause
import Idris.Elab.Data
import Idris.Elab.Value
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Version_idris (gitHash)
import Util.System
import Util.DynamicLinker
import Util.Net (listenOnLocalhost, listenOnLocalhostAnyPort)
import Util.Pretty hiding ((</>))
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.Execute (execute)
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Unify
import Idris.Core.WHNF
import Idris.Core.Constraints
import IRTS.Compiler
import IRTS.CodegenCommon
import IRTS.Exports
import IRTS.System
import Control.Category
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Prelude hiding ((<$>), (.), id)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Trifecta.Result(Result(..))
import System.Console.Haskeline as H
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict ( StateT, execStateT, evalStateT, get, put )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( lift )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Network
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List hiding (group)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Version
import Data.Word (Word)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import System.FSNotify (withManager, watchDir)
import System.FSNotify.Devel (allEvents, doAllEvents)
import Numeric ( readHex )
import Debug.Trace
repl :: IState
-> [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> InputT Idris ()
repl orig mods efile
do let quiet = opt_quiet (idris_options orig)
i <- lift getIState
let colour = idris_colourRepl i
let theme = idris_colourTheme i
let mvs = idris_metavars i
let prompt = if quiet
then ""
else showMVs colour theme mvs ++
let str = mkPrompt mods ++ ">" in
(if colour && not isWindows
then colourisePrompt theme str
else str) ++ " "
x <- H.catch (H.withInterrupt $ getInputLine prompt)
(ctrlC (return $ Just ""))
case x of
Nothing -> do lift $ when (not quiet) (iputStrLn "Bye bye")
return ()
Just input ->
do ms <- H.catch (H.withInterrupt $ lift $ processInput input orig mods efile)
(ctrlC (return (Just mods)))
case ms of
Just mods -> let efile' = fromMaybe efile (listToMaybe mods)
in repl orig mods efile'
Nothing -> return ()
where ctrlC :: InputT Idris a -> SomeException -> InputT Idris a
ctrlC act e = do lift $ iputStrLn (show e)
showMVs c thm [] = ""
showMVs c thm ms = "Holes: " ++
show' 4 c thm (map fst ms) ++ "\n"
show' 0 c thm ms = let l = length ms in
"... ( + " ++ show l
++ " other"
++ if l == 1 then ")" else "s)"
show' n c thm [m] = showM c thm m
show' n c thm (m : ms) = showM c thm m ++ ", " ++
show' (n 1) c thm ms
showM c thm n = if c then colouriseFun thm (show n)
else show n
startServer :: PortID -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
startServer port orig fn_in = do tid <- runIO $ forkIO (serverLoop port)
return ()
where serverLoop port = withSocketsDo $
do sock <- listenOnLocalhost port
loop fn orig { idris_colourRepl = False } sock
fn = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe fn_in)
loop fn ist sock
= do (h,_,_) <- accept sock
hSetEncoding h utf8
cmd <- hGetLine h
let isth = case idris_outputmode ist of
RawOutput _ -> ist {idris_outputmode = RawOutput h}
IdeMode n _ -> ist {idris_outputmode = IdeMode n h}
(ist', fn) <- processNetCmd orig isth h fn cmd
hClose h
loop fn ist' sock
processNetCmd :: IState -> IState -> Handle -> FilePath -> String ->
IO (IState, FilePath)
processNetCmd orig i h fn cmd
= do res <- case parseCmd i "(net)" cmd of
Failure err -> return (Left (Msg " invalid command"))
Success (Right c) -> runExceptT $ evalStateT (processNet fn c) i
Success (Left err) -> return (Left (Msg err))
case res of
Right x -> return x
Left err -> do hPutStrLn h (show err)
return (i, fn)
processNet fn Reload = processNet fn (Load fn Nothing)
processNet fn (Load f toline) =
do putIState $!! orig { idris_options = idris_options i
, idris_colourTheme = idris_colourTheme i
, idris_colourRepl = False
setErrContext True
setOutH h
setQuiet True
setVerbose False
mods <- loadInputs [f] toline
ist <- getIState
return (ist, f)
processNet fn c = do process fn c
ist <- getIState
return (ist, fn)
setOutH :: Handle -> Idris ()
setOutH h =
do ist <- getIState
putIState $ case idris_outputmode ist of
RawOutput _ -> ist {idris_outputmode = RawOutput h}
IdeMode n _ -> ist {idris_outputmode = IdeMode n h}
runClient :: PortID -> String -> IO ()
runClient port str = withSocketsDo $ do
res <- X.try (connectTo "localhost" port)
case res of
Right h -> do
hSetEncoding h utf8
hPutStrLn h str
resp <- hGetResp "" h
putStr resp
hClose h
Left err -> do
connectionError err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
where hGetResp acc h = do eof <- hIsEOF h
if eof then return acc
else do l <- hGetLine h
hGetResp (acc ++ l ++ "\n") h
connectionError :: X.SomeException -> IO ()
connectionError _ =
putStrLn "Unable to connect to a running Idris repl"
initIdemodeSocket :: IO Handle
initIdemodeSocket = do
(sock, port) <- listenOnLocalhostAnyPort
putStrLn $ show port
(h, _, _) <- accept sock
hSetEncoding h utf8
return h
idemodeStart :: Bool -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
idemodeStart s orig mods
= do h <- runIO $ if s then initIdemodeSocket else return stdout
setIdeMode True h
i <- getIState
case idris_outputmode i of
IdeMode n h ->
do runIO $ hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "protocol-version" IdeMode.ideModeEpoch n
case mods of
a:_ -> runIdeModeCommand h n i "" [] (IdeMode.LoadFile a Nothing)
_ -> return ()
idemode h orig mods
idemode :: Handle -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
idemode h orig mods
= do idrisCatch
(do let inh = if h == stdout then stdin else h
len' <- runIO $ IdeMode.getLen inh
len <- case len' of
Left err -> ierror err
Right n -> return n
l <- runIO $ IdeMode.getNChar inh len ""
(sexp, id) <- case IdeMode.parseMessage l of
Left err -> ierror err
Right (sexp, id) -> return (sexp, id)
i <- getIState
putIState $ i { idris_outputmode = (IdeMode id h) }
(do let fn = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe mods)
case IdeMode.sexpToCommand sexp of
Just cmd -> runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods cmd
Nothing -> iPrintError "did not understand" )
(\e -> do iPrintError $ show e))
(\e -> do iPrintError $ show e)
idemode h orig mods
runIdeModeCommand :: Handle
-> Integer
-> IState
-> FilePath
-> [FilePath]
-> IdeMode.IdeModeCommand
-> Idris ()
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Interpret cmd) =
do c <- colourise
i <- getIState
case parseCmd i "(input)" cmd of
Failure err -> iPrintError $ show (fixColour False err)
Success (Right (Prove mode n')) ->
(do process fn (Prove mode n')
isetPrompt (mkPrompt mods)
case idris_outputmode i of
IdeMode n h ->
runIO . hPutStrLn h $
IdeMode.convSExp "return"
(IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", "")
_ -> return ())
(\e -> do ist <- getIState
isetPrompt (mkPrompt mods)
case idris_outputmode i of
IdeMode n h ->
runIO . hPutStrLn h $
IdeMode.convSExp "abandon-proof" "Abandoned" n
_ -> return ()
iRenderError $ pprintErr ist e)
Success (Right cmd) -> idrisCatch
(idemodeProcess fn cmd)
(\e -> getIState >>= iRenderError . flip pprintErr e)
Success (Left err) -> iPrintError err
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.REPLCompletions str) =
do (unused, compls) <- replCompletion (reverse str, "")
let good = IdeMode.SexpList [IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
IdeMode.toSExp (map replacement compls,
reverse unused)]
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" good id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.LoadFile filename toline) =
do i <- getIState
putIState $!! orig { idris_options = idris_options i,
idris_outputmode = (IdeMode id h) }
mods <- loadInputs [filename] toline
isetPrompt (mkPrompt mods)
i <- getIState
case (errSpan i) of
Nothing -> let msg = maybe (IdeMode.SexpList [IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
IdeMode.SexpList []])
(\fc -> IdeMode.SexpList [IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
IdeMode.toSExp fc])
(idris_parsedSpan i)
in runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
Just x -> iPrintError $ "didn't load " ++ filename
idemode h orig mods
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.TypeOf name) =
case splitName name of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> process "(idemode)"
(Check (PRef (FC "(idemode)" (0,0) (0,0)) [] n))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.DocsFor name w) =
case parseConst orig name of
Success c -> process "(idemode)" (DocStr (Right c) (howMuch w))
Failure _ ->
case splitName name of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> process "(idemode)" (DocStr (Left n) (howMuch w))
where howMuch IdeMode.Overview = OverviewDocs
howMuch IdeMode.Full = FullDocs
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.CaseSplit line name) =
process fn (CaseSplitAt False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.AddClause line name) =
process fn (AddClauseFrom False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.AddProofClause line name) =
process fn (AddProofClauseFrom False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.AddMissing line name) =
process fn (AddMissing False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.MakeWithBlock line name) =
process fn (MakeWith False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.MakeCaseBlock line name) =
process fn (MakeCase False line (sUN name))
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.ProofSearch r line name hints depth) =
doProofSearch fn False r line (sUN name) (map sUN hints) depth
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.MakeLemma line name) =
case splitName name of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> process fn (MakeLemma False line n)
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Apropos a) =
process fn (Apropos [] a)
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.GetOpts) =
do ist <- getIState
let opts = idris_options ist
let impshow = opt_showimp opts
let errCtxt = opt_errContext opts
let options = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
[(IdeMode.SymbolAtom "show-implicits", impshow),
(IdeMode.SymbolAtom "error-context", errCtxt)])
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" options id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.SetOpt IdeMode.ShowImpl b) =
do setImpShow b
let msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", b)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.SetOpt IdeMode.ErrContext b) =
do setErrContext b
let msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", b)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Metavariables cols) =
do ist <- getIState
let mvs = reverse $ map fst (idris_metavars ist) \\ primDefs
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
let splitMvs = mapSnd (splitPi ist) (mvTys ist mvs)
let mvOutput = map (\(n, (hs, c)) -> (n, hs, c)) $
mapPair show
(\(hs, c, pc) ->
let bnd = [ n | (n,_,_) <- hs ] in
let bnds = inits bnd in
(map (\(bnd, h) -> processPremise ist bnd h)
(zip bnds hs),
render ist bnd c pc))
runIO . hPutStrLn h $
IdeMode.convSExp "return" (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", mvOutput) id
where mapPair f g xs = zip (map (f . fst) xs) (map (g . snd) xs)
mapSnd f xs = zip (map fst xs) (map (f . snd) xs)
splitPi :: IState -> Type -> ([(Name, Type, PTerm)], Type, PTerm)
splitPi ist (Bind n (Pi _ t _) rest) =
let (hs, c, pc) = splitPi ist rest in
((n, t, delabTy' ist [] t False False):hs,
c, delabTy' ist [] c False False)
splitPi ist tm = ([], tm, delabTy' ist [] tm False False)
mvTys :: IState -> [Name] -> [(Name, Type)]
mvTys ist = mapSnd vToP . mapMaybe (flip lookupTyNameExact (tt_ctxt ist))
render :: IState -> [Name] -> Type -> PTerm -> (String, SpanList OutputAnnotation)
render ist bnd t pt =
let prettyT = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist)
(zip bnd (repeat False))
(idris_infixes ist)
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 cols .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) .
annotate (AnnTerm (zip bnd (take (length bnd) (repeat False))) t) $
processPremise :: IState
-> [Name]
-> (Name, Type, PTerm)
-> (String,
SpanList OutputAnnotation)
processPremise ist bnd (n, t, pt) =
let (out, spans) = render ist bnd t pt in
(show n , out, spans)
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.WhoCalls n) =
case splitName n of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> do calls <- whoCalls n
ist <- getIState
let msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
map (\ (n,ns) -> (pn ist n, map (pn ist) ns)) calls)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
where pn ist = displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 1000 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) .
prettyName True True []
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.CallsWho n) =
case splitName n of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> do calls <- callsWho n
ist <- getIState
let msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
map (\ (n,ns) -> (pn ist n, map (pn ist) ns)) calls)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
where pn ist = displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 1000 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) .
prettyName True True []
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.BrowseNS ns) =
case splitOn "." ns of
[] -> iPrintError "No namespace provided"
ns -> do underNSs <- fmap (map $ concat . intersperse ".") $ namespacesInNS ns
names <- namesInNS ns
if null underNSs && null names
then iPrintError "Invalid or empty namespace"
else do ist <- getIState
underNs <- mapM pn names
let msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", (underNSs, underNs))
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
where pn n =
do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
return $
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 1000 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $
prettyName True False [] n <>
case lookupTyExact n ctxt of
Just t ->
space <> colon <> space <> align (group (pprintDelab ist t))
Nothing ->
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.TermNormalise bnd tm) =
do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let tm' = normaliseAll ctxt [] tm
ptm = annotate (AnnTerm bnd tm')
(pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist)
(idris_infixes ist)
(delab ist tm'))
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 80 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $ ptm)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.TermShowImplicits bnd tm) =
ideModeForceTermImplicits h id bnd True tm
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.TermNoImplicits bnd tm) =
ideModeForceTermImplicits h id bnd False tm
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.TermElab bnd tm) =
do ist <- getIState
let ptm = annotate (AnnTerm bnd tm)
(pprintTT (map fst bnd) tm)
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 70 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $ ptm)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.PrintDef name) =
case splitName name of
Left err -> iPrintError err
Right n -> process "(idemode)" (PrintDef n)
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.ErrString e) =
do ist <- getIState
let out = displayS . renderPretty 1.0 60 $ pprintErr ist e
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", IdeMode.StringAtom $ out "")
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes (IdeMode.ErrPPrint e) =
do ist <- getIState
let (out, spans) =
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 80 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $ pprintErr ist e
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", out, spans)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn modes IdeMode.GetIdrisVersion =
let idrisVersion = (versionBranch version,
if not (null gitHash)
then [gitHash]
else [])
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", idrisVersion)
in runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
ideModeForceTermImplicits :: Handle -> Integer -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Bool -> Term -> Idris ()
ideModeForceTermImplicits h id bnd impl tm =
do ist <- getIState
let expl = annotate (AnnTerm bnd tm)
(pprintPTerm ((ppOptionIst ist) { ppopt_impl = impl })
bnd [] (idris_infixes ist)
(delab ist tm))
msg = (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok",
displaySpans .
renderPretty 0.9 80 .
fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $ expl)
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
splitName :: String -> Either String Name
splitName s = case reverse $ splitOn "." s of
[] -> Left ("Didn't understand name '" ++ s ++ "'")
[n] -> Right . sUN $ unparen n
(n:ns) -> Right $ sNS (sUN (unparen n)) ns
where unparen "" = ""
unparen ('(':x:xs) | last xs == ')' = init (x:xs)
unparen str = str
idemodeProcess :: FilePath -> Command -> Idris ()
idemodeProcess fn Warranty = process fn Warranty
idemodeProcess fn Help = process fn Help
idemodeProcess fn (ChangeDirectory f) =
do process fn (ChangeDirectory f)
dir <- runIO $ getCurrentDirectory
iPrintResult $ "changed directory to " ++ dir
idemodeProcess fn (ModImport f) = process fn (ModImport f)
idemodeProcess fn (Eval t) = process fn (Eval t)
idemodeProcess fn (NewDefn decls) = do process fn (NewDefn decls)
iPrintResult "defined"
idemodeProcess fn (Undefine n) = process fn (Undefine n)
idemodeProcess fn (ExecVal t) = process fn (ExecVal t)
idemodeProcess fn (Check (PRef x hls n)) = process fn (Check (PRef x hls n))
idemodeProcess fn (Check t) = process fn (Check t)
idemodeProcess fn (Core t) = process fn (Core t)
idemodeProcess fn (DocStr n w) = process fn (DocStr n w)
idemodeProcess fn Universes = process fn Universes
idemodeProcess fn (Defn n) = do process fn (Defn n)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (TotCheck n) = process fn (TotCheck n)
idemodeProcess fn (DebugInfo n) = do process fn (DebugInfo n)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (Search ps t) = process fn (Search ps t)
idemodeProcess fn (Spec t) = process fn (Spec t)
idemodeProcess fn (ShowProof n') = process fn (ShowProof n')
idemodeProcess fn (WHNF t) = process fn (WHNF t)
idemodeProcess fn (TestInline t) = process fn (TestInline t)
idemodeProcess fn (Execute t) = do process fn (Execute t)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (Compile codegen f) = do process fn (Compile codegen f)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (LogLvl i) = do process fn (LogLvl i)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (Pattelab t) = process fn (Pattelab t)
idemodeProcess fn (Missing n) = process fn (Missing n)
idemodeProcess fn (DynamicLink l) = do process fn (DynamicLink l)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn ListDynamic = do process fn ListDynamic
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn Metavars = process fn Metavars
idemodeProcess fn (SetOpt ErrContext) = do process fn (SetOpt ErrContext)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (UnsetOpt ErrContext) = do process fn (UnsetOpt ErrContext)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (SetOpt ShowImpl) = do process fn (SetOpt ShowImpl)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (UnsetOpt ShowImpl) = do process fn (UnsetOpt ShowImpl)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (SetOpt ShowOrigErr) = do process fn (SetOpt ShowOrigErr)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (UnsetOpt ShowOrigErr) = do process fn (UnsetOpt ShowOrigErr)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (SetOpt x) = process fn (SetOpt x)
idemodeProcess fn (UnsetOpt x) = process fn (UnsetOpt x)
idemodeProcess fn (CaseSplitAt False pos str) = process fn (CaseSplitAt False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (AddProofClauseFrom False pos str) = process fn (AddProofClauseFrom False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (AddClauseFrom False pos str) = process fn (AddClauseFrom False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (AddMissing False pos str) = process fn (AddMissing False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (MakeWith False pos str) = process fn (MakeWith False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (MakeCase False pos str) = process fn (MakeCase False pos str)
idemodeProcess fn (DoProofSearch False r pos str xs) = process fn (DoProofSearch False r pos str xs)
idemodeProcess fn (SetConsoleWidth w) = do process fn (SetConsoleWidth w)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (SetPrinterDepth d) = do process fn (SetPrinterDepth d)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (Apropos pkg a) = do process fn (Apropos pkg a)
iPrintResult ""
idemodeProcess fn (WhoCalls n) = process fn (WhoCalls n)
idemodeProcess fn (CallsWho n) = process fn (CallsWho n)
idemodeProcess fn (PrintDef n) = process fn (PrintDef n)
idemodeProcess fn (PPrint fmt n tm) = process fn (PPrint fmt n tm)
idemodeProcess fn _ = iPrintError "command not recognized or not supported"
mkPrompt [] = "Idris"
mkPrompt [x] = "*" ++ dropExtension x
mkPrompt (x:xs) = "*" ++ dropExtension x ++ " " ++ mkPrompt xs
lit f = case splitExtension f of
(_, ".lidr") -> True
_ -> False
reload :: IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris (Maybe [FilePath])
reload orig inputs = do
i <- getIState
putIState $!! orig { idris_options = idris_options i
, idris_colourTheme = idris_colourTheme i
, imported = imported i
fmap Just $ loadInputs inputs Nothing
watch :: IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris (Maybe [FilePath])
watch orig inputs = do
resp <- runIO $ do
let dirs = nub $ map takeDirectory inputs
inputSet <- fmap S.fromList $ mapM canonicalizePath inputs
signal <- newEmptyMVar
withManager $ \mgr -> do
forM_ dirs $ \dir ->
watchDir mgr dir (allEvents $ flip S.member inputSet) (doAllEvents $ putMVar signal)
race getLine (takeMVar signal)
case resp of
Left _ -> return (Just inputs)
Right _ -> reload orig inputs >> watch orig inputs
processInput :: String ->
IState -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Idris (Maybe [FilePath])
processInput cmd orig inputs efile
= do i <- getIState
let opts = idris_options i
let quiet = opt_quiet opts
let fn = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe inputs)
c <- colourise
case parseCmd i "(input)" cmd of
Failure err -> do iputStrLn $ show (fixColour c err)
return (Just inputs)
Success (Right Reload) ->
reload orig inputs
Success (Right Watch) ->
if null inputs then
do iputStrLn "No loaded files to watch."
return (Just inputs)
do iputStrLn efile
iputStrLn $ "Watching for .idr changes in " ++ show inputs ++ ", press enter to cancel."
watch orig inputs
Success (Right (Load f toline)) ->
do putIState $!! orig { idris_options = idris_options i
, idris_colourTheme = idris_colourTheme i
mod <- loadInputs [f] toline
return (Just mod)
Success (Right (ModImport f)) ->
do clearErr
fmod <- loadModule f (IBC_REPL True)
return (Just (inputs ++ maybe [] (:[]) fmod))
Success (Right Edit) -> do
edit efile orig
return (Just inputs)
Success (Right Proofs) -> do proofs orig
return (Just inputs)
Success (Right Quit) -> do when (not quiet) (iputStrLn "Bye bye")
return Nothing
Success (Right cmd ) -> do idrisCatch (process fn cmd)
(\e -> do msg <- showErr e ; iputStrLn msg)
return (Just inputs)
Success (Left err) -> do runIO $ putStrLn err
return (Just inputs)
resolveProof :: Name -> Idris Name
resolveProof n'
= do i <- getIState
ctxt <- getContext
n <- case lookupNames n' ctxt of
[x] -> return x
[] -> return n'
ns -> ierror (CantResolveAlts ns)
return n
removeProof :: Name -> Idris ()
removeProof n =
do i <- getIState
let proofs = proof_list i
let ps = filter ((/= n) . fst) proofs
putIState $ i { proof_list = ps }
edit :: FilePath -> IState -> Idris ()
edit "" orig = iputStrLn "Nothing to edit"
edit f orig
= do i <- getIState
env <- runIO $ getEnvironment
let editor = getEditor env
let line = case errSpan i of
Just l -> ['+' : show (fst (fc_start l))]
Nothing -> []
let args = line ++ [fixName f]
runIO $ rawSystem editor args
putIState $!! orig { idris_options = idris_options i
, idris_colourTheme = idris_colourTheme i
loadInputs [f] Nothing
return ()
where getEditor env | Just ed <- lookup "EDITOR" env = ed
| Just ed <- lookup "VISUAL" env = ed
| otherwise = "vi"
fixName file | map toLower (takeExtension file) `elem` [".lidr", ".idr"] = file
| otherwise = addExtension file "idr"
proofs :: IState -> Idris ()
proofs orig
= do i <- getIState
let ps = proof_list i
case ps of
[] -> iputStrLn "No proofs available"
_ -> iputStrLn $ "Proofs:\n\t" ++ (show $ map fst ps)
insertScript :: String -> [String] -> [String]
insertScript prf [] = "\n---------- Proofs ----------" : "" : [prf]
insertScript prf (p@"---------- Proofs ----------" : "" : xs)
= p : "" : prf : xs
insertScript prf (x : xs) = x : insertScript prf xs
process :: FilePath -> Command -> Idris ()
process fn Help = iPrintResult displayHelp
process fn Warranty = iPrintResult warranty
process fn (ChangeDirectory f)
= do runIO $ setCurrentDirectory f
return ()
process fn (ModImport f) = do fmod <- loadModule f (IBC_REPL True)
case fmod of
Just pr -> isetPrompt pr
Nothing -> iPrintError $ "Can't find import " ++ f
process fn (Eval t)
= withErrorReflection $
do logParser 5 $ show t
getIState >>= flip warnDisamb t
(tm, ty) <- elabREPL recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
let tm' = perhapsForce $ normaliseBlocking ctxt []
[sUN "foreign",
sUN "prim_read",
sUN "prim_write"]
let ty' = perhapsForce $ normaliseAll ctxt [] ty
updateContext (addCtxtDef (sUN "it") (Function ty' tm'))
ist <- getIState
logParser 3 $ "Raw: " ++ show (tm', ty')
logParser 10 $ "Debug: " ++ showEnvDbg [] tm'
let tmDoc = pprintDelab ist tm'
tyDoc = pprintDelab ist (errReverse ist ty')
iPrintTermWithType tmDoc tyDoc
where perhapsForce tm | termSmallerThan 100 tm = force tm
| otherwise = tm
process fn (NewDefn decls) = do
logParser 3 ("Defining names using these decls: " ++ show (showDecls verbosePPOption decls))
mapM_ defineName namedGroups where
namedGroups = groupBy (\d1 d2 -> getName d1 == getName d2) decls
getName :: PDecl -> Maybe Name
getName (PTy docs argdocs syn fc opts name _ ty) = Just name
getName (PClauses fc opts name (clause:clauses)) = Just (getClauseName clause)
getName (PData doc argdocs syn fc opts dataDecl) = Just (d_name dataDecl)
getName (PClass doc syn fc constraints name nfc parms parmdocs fds decls _ _) = Just name
getName _ = Nothing
getClauseName (PClause fc name whole with rhs whereBlock) = name
getClauseName (PWith fc name whole with rhs pn whereBlock) = name
defineName :: [PDecl] -> Idris ()
defineName (tyDecl@(PTy docs argdocs syn fc opts name _ ty) : decls) = do
elabDecl EAll recinfo tyDecl
elabClauses recinfo fc opts name (concatMap getClauses decls)
setReplDefined (Just name)
defineName [PClauses fc opts _ [clause]] = do
let pterm = getRHS clause
(tm,ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS pterm
ctxt <- getContext
let tm' = force (normaliseAll ctxt [] tm)
let ty' = force (normaliseAll ctxt [] ty)
updateContext (addCtxtDef (getClauseName clause) (Function ty' tm'))
setReplDefined (Just $ getClauseName clause)
defineName (PClauses{} : _) = tclift $ tfail (Msg "Only one function body is allowed without a type declaration.")
defineName (PFix fc fixity strs : defns) = do
fmodifyState idris_fixities (map (Fix fixity) strs ++)
unless (null defns) $ defineName defns
defineName (PSyntax _ syntax:_) = do
i <- get
put (addReplSyntax i syntax)
defineName decls = do
elabDecls toplevel (map fixClauses decls)
setReplDefined (getName (head decls))
getClauses (PClauses fc opts name clauses) = clauses
getClauses _ = []
getRHS :: PClause -> PTerm
getRHS (PClause fc name whole with rhs whereBlock) = rhs
getRHS (PWith fc name whole with rhs pn whereBlock) = rhs
getRHS (PClauseR fc with rhs whereBlock) = rhs
getRHS (PWithR fc with rhs pn whereBlock) = rhs
setReplDefined :: Maybe Name -> Idris ()
setReplDefined Nothing = return ()
setReplDefined (Just n) = do
oldState <- get
fmodifyState repl_definitions (n:)
fixClauses :: PDecl' t -> PDecl' t
fixClauses (PClauses fc opts _ css@(clause:cs)) =
PClauses fc opts (getClauseName clause) css
fixClauses (PInstance doc argDocs syn fc constraints pnames acc opts cls nfc parms pextra ty instName decls) =
PInstance doc argDocs syn fc constraints pnames acc opts cls nfc parms pextra ty instName (map fixClauses decls)
fixClauses decl = decl
process fn (Undefine names) = undefine names
undefine :: [Name] -> Idris ()
undefine [] = do
allDefined <- idris_repl_defs `fmap` get
undefine' allDefined []
undefine names = undefine' names []
undefine' [] list = do iRenderResult $ printUndefinedNames list
return ()
undefine' (n:names) already = do
allDefined <- idris_repl_defs `fmap` get
if n `elem` allDefined
then do undefinedJustNow <- undefClosure n
undefine' names (undefinedJustNow ++ already)
else do tclift $ tfail $ Msg ("Can't undefine " ++ show n ++ " because it wasn't defined at the repl")
undefine' names already
undefOne n = do fputState (ctxt_lookup n . known_terms) Nothing
fputState (ctxt_lookup n . known_classes) Nothing
fmodifyState repl_definitions (delete n)
undefClosure n =
do replDefs <- idris_repl_defs `fmap` get
callGraph <- whoCalls n
let users = case lookup n callGraph of
Just ns -> nub ns
Nothing -> fail ("Tried to undefine nonexistent name" ++ show n)
undefinedJustNow <- concat `fmap` mapM undefClosure users
undefOne n
return (nub (n : undefinedJustNow))
process fn (ExecVal t)
= do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
(tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
let ty' = normaliseAll ctxt [] ty
res <- execute tm
let (resOut, tyOut) = (prettyIst ist (delab ist res),
prettyIst ist (delab ist ty'))
iPrintTermWithType resOut tyOut
process fn (Check (PRef _ _ n))
= do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
case lookupNames n ctxt of
ts@(t:_) ->
case lookup t (idris_metavars ist) of
Just (_, i, _, _, _) -> iRenderResult . fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $
showMetavarInfo ppo ist n i
Nothing -> iPrintFunTypes [] n (map (\n -> (n, pprintDelabTy ist n)) ts)
[] -> iPrintError $ "No such variable " ++ show n
showMetavarInfo ppo ist n i
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
(ty:_) -> let ty' = normaliseC (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty in
putTy ppo ist i [] (delab ist (errReverse ist ty'))
putTy :: PPOption -> IState -> Int -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
putTy ppo ist 0 bnd sc = putGoal ppo ist bnd sc
putTy ppo ist i bnd (PPi _ n _ t sc)
= let current = case n of
MN _ _ -> text ""
UN nm | ('_':'_':_) <- str nm -> text ""
_ -> text " " <>
bindingOf n False
<+> colon
<+> align (tPretty bnd ist t)
<> line
current <> putTy ppo ist (i1) ((n,False):bnd) sc
putTy ppo ist _ bnd sc = putGoal ppo ist ((n,False):bnd) sc
putGoal ppo ist bnd g
= text "--------------------------------------" <$>
annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) (text $ show n) <+> colon <+>
align (tPretty bnd ist g)
tPretty bnd ist t = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist) bnd [] (idris_infixes ist) t
process fn (Check t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabREPL recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
ty' = if opt_evaltypes (idris_options ist)
then normaliseC ctxt [] ty
else ty
case tm of
TType _ ->
iPrintTermWithType (prettyIst ist (PType emptyFC)) type1Doc
_ -> iPrintTermWithType (pprintDelab ist tm)
(pprintDelab ist ty')
process fn (Core t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabREPL recinfo ERHS t
iPrintTermWithType (pprintTT [] tm) (pprintTT [] ty)
process fn (DocStr (Left n) w)
| UN ty <- n, ty == T.pack "Type" = getIState >>= iRenderResult . pprintTypeDoc
| otherwise = do
ist <- getIState
let docs = lookupCtxtName n (idris_docstrings ist) ++
map (\(n,d)-> (n, (d, [])))
(lookupCtxtName (modDocN n) (idris_moduledocs ist))
case docs of
[] -> iPrintError $ "No documentation for " ++ show n
ns -> do toShow <- mapM (showDoc ist) ns
iRenderResult (vsep toShow)
where showDoc ist (n, d) = do doc <- getDocs n w
return $ pprintDocs ist doc
modDocN (NS (UN n) ns) = NS modDocName (n:ns)
modDocN (UN n) = NS modDocName [n]
modDocN _ = sMN 1 "NotFoundForSure"
process fn (DocStr (Right c) _)
= do ist <- getIState
iRenderResult $ pprintConstDocs ist c (constDocs c)
process fn Universes
= do i <- getIState
let cs = idris_constraints i
let cslist = S.toAscList cs
iputStrLn $ show (map uconstraint cslist)
let n = length cslist
iputStrLn $ "(" ++ show n ++ " constraints)"
case ucheck cs of
Error e -> iPrintError $ pshow i e
OK _ -> iPrintResult "Universes OK"
process fn (Defn n)
= do i <- getIState
let head = text "Compiled patterns:" <$>
text (show (lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i)))
let defs =
case lookupCtxt n (idris_patdefs i) of
[] -> empty
[(d, _)] -> text "Original definiton:" <$>
vsep (map (printCase i) d)
let tot =
case lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
[t] -> showTotal t i
_ -> empty
iRenderResult $ vsep [head, defs, tot]
where printCase i (_, lhs, rhs)
= let i' = i { idris_options = (idris_options i) { opt_showimp = True } }
in text (showTm i' (delab i lhs)) <+> text "=" <+>
text (showTm i' (delab i rhs))
process fn (TotCheck n)
= do i <- getIState
case lookupNameTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
[] -> iPrintError $ "Unknown operator " ++ show n
ts -> do ist <- getIState
c <- colourise
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
let showN n = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) . text $
showName (Just ist) [] ppo False n
iRenderResult . vsep .
map (\(n, t) -> hang 4 $ showN n <+> text "is" <+> showTotal t i) $
process fn (DebugUnify l r)
= do (ltm, _) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS l
(rtm, _) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS r
ctxt <- getContext
case unify ctxt [] (ltm, Nothing) (rtm, Nothing) [] [] [] [] of
OK ans -> iputStrLn (show ans)
Error e -> iputStrLn (show e)
process fn (DebugInfo n)
= do i <- getIState
let oi = lookupCtxtName n (idris_optimisation i)
when (not (null oi)) $ iputStrLn (show oi)
let si = lookupCtxt n (idris_statics i)
when (not (null si)) $ iputStrLn (show si)
let di = lookupCtxt n (idris_datatypes i)
when (not (null di)) $ iputStrLn (show di)
let imps = lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i)
when (not (null imps)) $ iputStrLn (show imps)
let d = lookupDefAcc n False (tt_ctxt i)
when (not (null d)) $ iputStrLn $ "Definition: " ++ (show (head d))
let cg = lookupCtxtName n (idris_callgraph i)
i <- getIState
let cg' = lookupCtxtName n (idris_callgraph i)
sc <- checkSizeChange n
iputStrLn $ "Size change: " ++ show sc
let fn = lookupCtxtName n (idris_fninfo i)
when (not (null cg')) $ do iputStrLn "Call graph:\n"
iputStrLn (show cg')
when (not (null fn)) $ iputStrLn (show fn)
process fn (Search pkgs t) = searchByType pkgs t
process fn (CaseSplitAt updatefile l n)
= caseSplitAt fn updatefile l n
process fn (AddClauseFrom updatefile l n)
= addClauseFrom fn updatefile l n
process fn (AddProofClauseFrom updatefile l n)
= addProofClauseFrom fn updatefile l n
process fn (AddMissing updatefile l n)
= addMissing fn updatefile l n
process fn (MakeWith updatefile l n)
= makeWith fn updatefile l n
process fn (MakeCase updatefile l n)
= makeCase fn updatefile l n
process fn (MakeLemma updatefile l n)
= makeLemma fn updatefile l n
process fn (DoProofSearch updatefile rec l n hints)
= doProofSearch fn updatefile rec l n hints Nothing
process fn (Spec t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let tm' = simplify ctxt [] tm
iPrintResult (show (delab ist tm'))
process fn (RmProof n')
= do i <- getIState
n <- resolveProof n'
let proofs = proof_list i
case lookup n proofs of
Nothing -> iputStrLn "No proof to remove"
Just _ -> do removeProof n
insertMetavar n
iputStrLn $ "Removed proof " ++ show n
insertMetavar :: Name -> Idris ()
insertMetavar n =
do i <- getIState
let ms = idris_metavars i
putIState $ i { idris_metavars = (n, (Nothing, 0, [], False, False)) : ms }
process fn' (AddProof prf)
= do fn <- do
let fn'' = takeWhile (/= ' ') fn'
ex <- runIO $ doesFileExist fn''
let fnExt = fn'' <.> "idr"
exExt <- runIO $ doesFileExist fnExt
if ex
then return fn''
else if exExt
then return fnExt
else ifail $ "Neither \""++fn''++"\" nor \""++fnExt++"\" exist"
let fb = fn ++ "~"
runIO $ copyFile fn fb
prog <- runIO $ readSource fb
i <- getIState
let proofs = proof_list i
n' <- case prf of
Nothing -> case proofs of
[] -> ifail "No proof to add"
((x, _) : _) -> return x
Just nm -> return nm
n <- resolveProof n'
case lookup n proofs of
Nothing -> iputStrLn "No proof to add"
Just (mode, prf) ->
do let script = if mode
then showRunElab (lit fn) n prf
else showProof (lit fn) n prf
let prog' = insertScript script ls
runIO $ writeSource fn (unlines prog')
removeProof n
iputStrLn $ "Added proof " ++ show n
where ls = (lines prog)
process fn (ShowProof n')
= do i <- getIState
n <- resolveProof n'
let proofs = proof_list i
case lookup n proofs of
Nothing -> iPrintError "No proof to show"
Just (m, p) -> iPrintResult $ if m
then showRunElab False n p
else showProof False n p
process fn (Prove mode n')
= do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let ns = lookupNames n' ctxt
let metavars = mapMaybe (\n -> do c <- lookup n (idris_metavars ist); return (n, c)) ns
n <- case metavars of
[] -> ierror (Msg $ "Cannot find metavariable " ++ show n')
[(n, (_,_,_,False,_))]-> return n
[(_, (_,_,_,_,False))] -> ierror (Msg $ "Can't prove this hole as it depends on other holes")
[(_, (_,_,_,True,_))] -> ierror (Msg $ "Declarations not solvable using prover")
ns -> ierror (CantResolveAlts (map fst ns))
prover mode (lit fn) n
i <- getIState
totcheck (fileFC "(input)", n)
mapM_ (\ (f,n) -> setTotality n Unchecked) (idris_totcheck i)
mapM_ checkDeclTotality (idris_totcheck i)
process fn (WHNF t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let tm' = whnf ctxt tm
iPrintResult (show (delab ist tm'))
process fn (TestInline t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let tm' = inlineTerm ist tm
c <- colourise
iPrintResult (showTm ist (delab ist tm'))
process fn (Execute tm)
= idrisCatch
(do ist <- getIState
(m, _) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS (elabExec fc tm)
(tmpn, tmph) <- runIO $ tempfile ""
runIO $ hClose tmph
t <- codegen
progName <- return $ if isWindows then tmpn ++ ".exe" else tmpn
ir <- compile t tmpn (Just m)
runIO $ generate t (fst (head (idris_imported ist))) ir
case idris_outputmode ist of
RawOutput h -> do runIO $ rawSystem progName []
return ()
IdeMode n h -> runIO . hPutStrLn h $
IdeMode.convSExp "run-program" tmpn n)
(\e -> getIState >>= iRenderError . flip pprintErr e)
where fc = fileFC "main"
process fn (Compile codegen f)
| map toLower (takeExtension f) `elem` [".idr", ".lidr", ".idc"] =
iPrintError $ "Invalid filename for compiler output \"" ++ f ++"\""
| otherwise = do opts <- getCmdLine
let iface = Interface `elem` opts
let mainname = sNS (sUN "main") ["Main"]
m <- if iface then return Nothing else
do (m', _) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS
(PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "run__IO"))
[pexp $ PRef fc [] mainname])
return (Just m')
ir <- compile codegen f m
i <- getIState
runIO $ generate codegen (fst (head (idris_imported i))) ir
where fc = fileFC "main"
process fn (LogLvl i) = setLogLevel i
process fn (LogCategory cs) = setLogCats cs
process fn (Pattelab t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ELHS t
iPrintResult $ show tm ++ "\n\n : " ++ show ty
process fn (Missing n)
= do i <- getIState
ppOpts <- fmap ppOptionIst getIState
case lookupCtxt n (idris_patdefs i) of
[] -> iPrintError $ "Unknown name " ++ show n
[(_, tms)] ->
iRenderResult (vsep (map (pprintPTerm ppOpts {ppopt_impl = True}
(idris_infixes i))
_ -> iPrintError $ "Ambiguous name"
process fn (DynamicLink l)
= do i <- getIState
let importdirs = opt_importdirs (idris_options i)
lib = trim l
handle <- lift . lift $ tryLoadLib importdirs lib
case handle of
Nothing -> iPrintError $ "Could not load dynamic lib \"" ++ l ++ "\""
Just x -> do let libs = idris_dynamic_libs i
if x `elem` libs
then do logParser 1 ("Tried to load duplicate library " ++ lib_name x)
return ()
else putIState $ i { idris_dynamic_libs = x:libs }
where trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
process fn ListDynamic
= do i <- getIState
iputStrLn "Dynamic libraries:"
showLibs $ idris_dynamic_libs i
where showLibs [] = return ()
showLibs ((Lib name _):ls) = do iputStrLn $ "\t" ++ name; showLibs ls
process fn Metavars
= do ist <- getIState
let mvs = map fst (idris_metavars ist) \\ primDefs
case mvs of
[] -> iPrintError "No global holes to solve"
_ -> iPrintResult $ "Global holes:\n\t" ++ show mvs
process fn NOP = return ()
process fn (SetOpt ErrContext) = setErrContext True
process fn (UnsetOpt ErrContext) = setErrContext False
process fn (SetOpt ShowImpl) = setImpShow True
process fn (UnsetOpt ShowImpl) = setImpShow False
process fn (SetOpt ShowOrigErr) = setShowOrigErr True
process fn (UnsetOpt ShowOrigErr) = setShowOrigErr False
process fn (SetOpt AutoSolve) = setAutoSolve True
process fn (UnsetOpt AutoSolve) = setAutoSolve False
process fn (SetOpt NoBanner) = setNoBanner True
process fn (UnsetOpt NoBanner) = setNoBanner False
process fn (SetOpt WarnReach) = fmodifyState opts_idrisCmdline $ nub . (WarnReach:)
process fn (UnsetOpt WarnReach) = fmodifyState opts_idrisCmdline $ delete WarnReach
process fn (SetOpt EvalTypes) = setEvalTypes True
process fn (UnsetOpt EvalTypes) = setEvalTypes False
process fn (SetOpt DesugarNats) = setDesugarNats True
process fn (UnsetOpt DesugarNats) = setDesugarNats False
process fn (SetOpt _) = iPrintError "Not a valid option"
process fn (UnsetOpt _) = iPrintError "Not a valid option"
process fn (SetColour ty c) = setColour ty c
process fn ColourOn
= do ist <- getIState
putIState $ ist { idris_colourRepl = True }
process fn ColourOff
= do ist <- getIState
putIState $ ist { idris_colourRepl = False }
process fn ListErrorHandlers =
do ist <- getIState
iPrintResult $ case idris_errorhandlers ist of
[] -> "No registered error handlers"
handlers -> "Registered error handlers: " ++ (concat . intersperse ", " . map show) handlers
process fn (SetConsoleWidth w) = setWidth w
process fn (SetPrinterDepth d) = setDepth d
process fn (Apropos pkgs a) =
do orig <- getIState
when (not (null pkgs)) $
iputStrLn $ "Searching packages: " ++ showSep ", " pkgs
mapM_ loadPkgIndex pkgs
ist <- getIState
let mods = aproposModules ist (T.pack a)
let names = apropos ist (T.pack a)
let aproposInfo = [ (n,
delabTy ist n,
fmap (overview . fst) (lookupCtxtExact n (idris_docstrings ist)))
| n <- sort names, isUN n ]
if (not (null mods)) || (not (null aproposInfo))
then iRenderResult $ vsep (map (\(m, d) -> text "Module" <+> text m <$>
ppD ist d <> line) mods) <$>
vsep (map (prettyDocumentedIst ist) aproposInfo)
else iRenderError $ text "No results found"
where isUN (UN _) = True
isUN (NS n _) = isUN n
isUN _ = False
ppD ist = renderDocstring (renderDocTerm (pprintDelab ist) (normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) []))
process fn (WhoCalls n) =
do calls <- whoCalls n
ist <- getIState
iRenderResult . vsep $
map (\(n, ns) ->
text "Callers of" <+> prettyName True True [] n <$>
indent 1 (vsep (map ((text "*" <+>) . align . prettyName True True []) ns)))
process fn (CallsWho n) =
do calls <- callsWho n
ist <- getIState
iRenderResult . vsep $
map (\(n, ns) ->
prettyName True True [] n <+> text "calls:" <$>
indent 1 (vsep (map ((text "*" <+>) . align . prettyName True True []) ns)))
process fn (Browse ns) =
do underNSs <- namespacesInNS ns
names <- namesInNS ns
if null underNSs && null names
then iPrintError "Invalid or empty namespace"
else do ist <- getIState
iRenderResult $
text "Namespaces:" <$>
indent 2 (vsep (map (text . showSep ".") underNSs)) <$>
text "Names:" <$>
indent 2 (vsep (map (\n -> prettyName True False [] n <+> colon <+>
(group . align $ pprintDelabTy ist n))
process fn (MakeDoc s) =
do istate <- getIState
let names = words s
parse n | Success x <- runparser (fmap fst name) istate fn n = Right x
parse n = Left n
(bad, nss) = partitionEithers $ map parse names
cd <- runIO $ getCurrentDirectory
let outputDir = cd </> "doc"
result <- if null bad then runIO $ generateDocs istate nss outputDir
else return . Left $ "Illegal name: " ++ head bad
case result of Right _ -> iputStrLn "IdrisDoc generated"
Left err -> iPrintError err
process fn (PrintDef n) =
do result <- pprintDef n
case result of
[] -> iPrintError "Not found"
outs -> iRenderResult . vsep $ outs
process fn (TransformInfo n)
= do i <- getIState
let ts = lookupCtxt n (idris_transforms i)
let res = map (showTrans i) ts
iRenderResult . vsep $ concat res
where showTrans :: IState -> [(Term, Term)] -> [Doc OutputAnnotation]
showTrans i [] = []
showTrans i ((lhs, rhs) : ts)
= let ppTm tm = annotate (AnnTerm [] tm) .
pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst i) [] [] [] .
delab i $ tm
ts' = showTrans i ts in
ppTm lhs <+> text " ==> " <+> ppTm rhs : ts'
process fn (PPrint fmt width (PRef _ _ n))
= do outs <- pprintDef n
iPrintResult =<< renderExternal fmt width (vsep outs)
process fn (PPrint fmt width t)
= do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
ty' = normaliseC ctxt [] ty
iPrintResult =<< renderExternal fmt width (pprintDelab ist tm)
showTotal :: Totality -> IState -> Doc OutputAnnotation
showTotal t@(Partial (Other ns)) i
= text "possibly not total due to:" <$>
vsep (map (showTotalN i) ns)
showTotal t@(Partial (Mutual ns)) i
= text "possibly not total due to recursive path:" <$>
align (group (vsep (punctuate comma
(map (\n -> annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) $
text (show n))
showTotal t i = text (show t)
showTotalN :: IState -> Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation
showTotalN i n = case lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
[t] -> showTotal t i
_ -> empty
displayHelp = let vstr = showVersion version in
"\nIdris version " ++ vstr ++ "\n" ++
"--------------" ++ map (\x -> '-') vstr ++ "\n\n" ++
concatMap cmdInfo helphead ++
concatMap cmdInfo help
where cmdInfo (cmds, args, text) = " " ++ col 16 12 (showSep " " cmds) (show args) text
col c1 c2 l m r =
l ++ take (c1 length l) (repeat ' ') ++
m ++ take (c2 length m) (repeat ' ') ++ r ++ "\n"
pprintDef :: Name -> Idris [Doc OutputAnnotation]
pprintDef n =
do ist <- getIState
ctxt <- getContext
let ambiguous = length (lookupNames n ctxt) > 1
patdefs = idris_patdefs ist
tyinfo = idris_datatypes ist
return $ map (ppDef ambiguous ist) (lookupCtxtName n patdefs) ++
map (ppTy ambiguous ist) (lookupCtxtName n tyinfo) ++
map (ppCon ambiguous ist) (filter (flip isDConName ctxt) (lookupNames n ctxt))
where ppDef :: Bool -> IState -> (Name, ([([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)], [PTerm])) -> Doc OutputAnnotation
ppDef amb ist (n, (clauses, missing)) =
prettyName True amb [] n <+> colon <+>
align (pprintDelabTy ist n) <$>
ppClauses ist (map (\(ns, lhs, rhs) -> (map fst ns, lhs, rhs)) clauses) <> ppMissing missing
ppClauses ist [] = text "No clauses."
ppClauses ist cs = vsep (map pp cs)
where pp (vars, lhs, rhs) =
let ppTm t = annotate (AnnTerm (zip vars (repeat False)) t) .
pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist)
(zip vars (repeat False))
[] [] .
delab ist $
in group $ ppTm lhs <+> text "=" <$> (group . align . hang 2 $ ppTm rhs)
ppMissing _ = empty
ppTy :: Bool -> IState -> (Name, TypeInfo) -> Doc OutputAnnotation
ppTy amb ist (n, TI constructors isCodata _ _ _)
= kwd key <+> prettyName True amb [] n <+> colon <+>
align (pprintDelabTy ist n) <+> kwd "where" <$>
indent 2 (vsep (map (ppCon False ist) constructors))
key | isCodata = "codata"
| otherwise = "data"
kwd = annotate AnnKeyword . text
ppCon amb ist n = prettyName True amb [] n <+> colon <+> align (pprintDelabTy ist n)
helphead =
[ (["Command"], SpecialHeaderArg, "Purpose"),
([""], NoArg, "")
replSettings :: Maybe FilePath -> Settings Idris
replSettings hFile = setComplete replCompletion $ defaultSettings {
historyFile = hFile
idris :: [Opt] -> IO (Maybe IState)
idris opts = do res <- runExceptT $ execStateT totalMain idrisInit
case res of
Left err -> do putStrLn $ pshow idrisInit err
return Nothing
Right ist -> return (Just ist)
where totalMain = do idrisMain opts
ist <- getIState
case idris_totcheckfail ist of
((fc, msg):_) -> ierror . At fc . Msg $ "Could not build: "++ msg
[] -> return ()
loadInputs :: [FilePath] -> Maybe Int -> Idris [FilePath]
loadInputs inputs toline
= idrisCatch
(do ist <- getIState
opts <- getCmdLine
let loadCode = case opt getOutput opts of
[] -> not (NoREPL `elem` opts)
_ -> True
importlists <- getImports [] inputs
logParser 1 (show (map (\(i,m) -> (i, map import_path m)) importlists))
let ninputs = zip [1..] inputs
ifiles <- mapWhileOK (\(num, input) ->
do putIState ist
modTree <- buildTree
(map snd (take (num1) ninputs))
let ifiles = getModuleFiles modTree
logParser 1 ("MODULE TREE : " ++ show modTree)
logParser 1 ("RELOAD: " ++ show ifiles)
when (not (all ibc ifiles) || loadCode) $
tryLoad False IBC_Building (filter (not . ibc) ifiles)
return (input, ifiles))
inew <- getIState
let tidata = idris_tyinfodata inew
case errSpan inew of
Nothing ->
do putIState $!! ist { idris_tyinfodata = tidata }
ibcfiles <- mapM findNewIBC (nub (concat (map snd ifiles)))
tryLoad True (IBC_REPL True) (mapMaybe id ibcfiles)
_ -> return ()
exports <- findExports
case opt getOutput opts of
[] -> performUsageAnalysis (getExpNames exports)
_ -> return []
return (map fst ifiles))
(\e -> do i <- getIState
case e of
At f e' -> do setErrSpan f
iWarn f $ pprintErr i e'
ProgramLineComment -> return ()
_ -> do setErrSpan emptyFC
iWarn emptyFC $ pprintErr i e
return [])
tryLoad :: Bool -> IBCPhase -> [IFileType] -> Idris ()
tryLoad keepstate phase [] = warnTotality >> return ()
tryLoad keepstate phase (f : fs)
= do ist <- getIState
let maxline
= case toline of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just l -> case f of
IDR fn -> if any (fmatch fn) inputs
then Just l
else Nothing
LIDR fn -> if any (fmatch fn) inputs
then Just l
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
loadFromIFile True phase f maxline
inew <- getIState
let tidata = idris_tyinfodata inew
let patdefs = idris_patdefs inew
ok <- noErrors
if ok then
do when (not keepstate) $ putIState $!! ist
ist <- getIState
putIState $!! ist { idris_tyinfodata = tidata,
idris_patdefs = patdefs }
tryLoad keepstate phase fs
else warnTotality
ibc (IBC _ _) = True
ibc _ = False
fmatch ('.':'/':xs) ys = fmatch xs ys
fmatch xs ('.':'/':ys) = fmatch xs ys
fmatch xs ys = xs == ys
findNewIBC :: IFileType -> Idris (Maybe IFileType)
findNewIBC i@(IBC _ _) = return (Just i)
findNewIBC s@(IDR f) = do ist <- get
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir ist
let ibc = ibcPathNoFallback ibcsd f
ok <- runIO $ doesFileExist ibc
if ok then return (Just (IBC ibc s))
else return Nothing
findNewIBC s@(LIDR f) = do ist <- get
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir ist
let ibc = ibcPathNoFallback ibcsd f
ok <- runIO $ doesFileExist ibc
if ok then return (Just (IBC ibc s))
else return Nothing
mapWhileOK f [] = return []
mapWhileOK f (x : xs) = do x' <- f x
ok <- noErrors
if ok then do xs' <- mapWhileOK f xs
return (x' : xs')
else return [x']
idrisMain :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
idrisMain opts =
do mapM_ setWidth (opt getConsoleWidth opts)
let inputs = opt getFile opts
let quiet = Quiet `elem` opts
let nobanner = NoBanner `elem` opts
let idesl = Idemode `elem` opts || IdemodeSocket `elem` opts
let runrepl = not (NoREPL `elem` opts)
let verbose = runrepl || Verbose `elem` opts
let output = opt getOutput opts
let ibcsubdir = opt getIBCSubDir opts
let importdirs = opt getImportDir opts
let bcs = opt getBC opts
let pkgdirs = opt getPkgDir opts
let optimise = case opt getOptLevel opts of
[] -> 2
xs -> last xs
setOptLevel optimise
let outty = case opt getOutputTy opts of
[] -> if Interface `elem` opts then
Object else Executable
xs -> last xs
let cgn = case opt getCodegen opts of
[] -> Via IBCFormat "c"
xs -> last xs
let cgFlags = opt getCodegenArgs opts
sequence_ (opt getOptimisation opts)
script <- case opt getExecScript opts of
[] -> return Nothing
x:y:xs -> do iputStrLn "More than one interpreter expression found."
runIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
[expr] -> return (Just expr)
let immediate = opt getEvalExpr opts
let port = getPort opts
when (DefaultTotal `elem` opts) $ do i <- getIState
putIState (i { default_total = DefaultCheckingTotal })
tty <- runIO $ isATTY
setColourise $ not quiet && last (tty : opt getColour opts)
mapM_ addLangExt (opt getLanguageExt opts)
setREPL runrepl
setQuiet (quiet || isJust script || not (null immediate))
setVerbose verbose
setCmdLine opts
setOutputTy outty
setNoBanner nobanner
setCodegen cgn
mapM_ (addFlag cgn) cgFlags
mapM_ makeOption opts
case bcs of
[] -> return ()
xs -> return ()
case ibcsubdir of
[] -> setIBCSubDir ""
(d:_) -> setIBCSubDir d
setImportDirs importdirs
setNoBanner nobanner
when (not (NoBasePkgs `elem` opts)) $ do
addPkgDir "prelude"
addPkgDir "base"
mapM_ addPkgDir pkgdirs
when (not (NoBuiltins `elem` opts)) $ do x <- loadModule "Builtins" (IBC_REPL True)
addAutoImport "Builtins"
return ()
when (not (NoPrelude `elem` opts)) $ do x <- loadModule "Prelude" (IBC_REPL True)
addAutoImport "Prelude"
return ()
when (runrepl && not idesl) initScript
nobanner <- getNoBanner
when (runrepl &&
not quiet &&
not idesl &&
not (isJust script) &&
not nobanner &&
null immediate) $
iputStrLn banner
orig <- getIState
mods <- if idesl then return [] else loadInputs inputs Nothing
let efile = case inputs of
[] -> ""
(f:_) -> f
runIO $ hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
ok <- noErrors
when ok $ case output of
[] -> return ()
(o:_) -> idrisCatch (process "" (Compile cgn o))
(\e -> do ist <- getIState ; iputStrLn $ pshow ist e)
case immediate of
[] -> return ()
exprs -> do setWidth InfinitelyWide
mapM_ (\str -> do ist <- getIState
c <- colourise
case parseExpr ist str of
Failure err -> do iputStrLn $ show (fixColour c err)
runIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Success e -> process "" (Eval e))
runIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
case script of
Nothing -> return ()
Just expr -> execScript expr
idrisCatch (do dir <- getIdrisUserDataDir
exists <- runIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir
unless exists $ logLvl 1 ("Creating " ++ dir)
runIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dir </> "repl"))
(\e -> return ())
historyFile <- fmap (</> "repl" </> "history") getIdrisUserDataDir
when ok $ case opt getPkgIndex opts of
(f : _) -> writePkgIndex f
_ -> return ()
when (runrepl && not idesl) $ do
startServer port orig mods
runInputT (replSettings (Just historyFile)) $ repl (force orig) mods efile
let idesock = IdemodeSocket `elem` opts
when (idesl) $ idemodeStart idesock orig inputs
ok <- noErrors
when (not ok) $ runIO (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
makeOption (OLogging i) = setLogLevel i
makeOption (OLogCats cs) = setLogCats cs
makeOption TypeCase = setTypeCase True
makeOption TypeInType = setTypeInType True
makeOption NoCoverage = setCoverage False
makeOption ErrContext = setErrContext True
makeOption _ = return ()
addPkgDir :: String -> Idris ()
addPkgDir p = do ddir <- runIO $ getIdrisLibDir
addImportDir (ddir </> p)
addIBC (IBCImportDir (ddir </> p))
runMain :: Idris () -> IO ()
runMain prog = do res <- runExceptT $ execStateT prog idrisInit
case res of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Uncaught error: " ++ show err
Right _ -> return ()
execScript :: String -> Idris ()
execScript expr = do i <- getIState
c <- colourise
case parseExpr i expr of
Failure err -> do iputStrLn $ show (fixColour c err)
runIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Success term -> do ctxt <- getContext
(tm, _) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS term
res <- execute tm
runIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
getIdrisUserDataDir :: Idris FilePath
getIdrisUserDataDir = runIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "idris"
getInitScript :: Idris FilePath
getInitScript = do idrisDir <- getIdrisUserDataDir
return $ idrisDir </> "repl" </> "init"
initScript :: Idris ()
initScript = do script <- getInitScript
idrisCatch (do go <- runIO $ doesFileExist script
when go $ do
h <- runIO $ openFile script ReadMode
runInit h
runIO $ hClose h)
(\e -> iPrintError $ "Error reading init file: " ++ show e)
where runInit :: Handle -> Idris ()
runInit h = do eof <- lift . lift $ hIsEOF h
ist <- getIState
unless eof $ do
line <- runIO $ hGetLine h
script <- getInitScript
c <- colourise
processLine ist line script c
runInit h
processLine i cmd input clr =
case parseCmd i input cmd of
Failure err -> runIO $ print (fixColour clr err)
Success (Right Reload) -> iPrintError "Init scripts cannot reload the file"
Success (Right (Load f _)) -> iPrintError "Init scripts cannot load files"
Success (Right (ModImport f)) -> iPrintError "Init scripts cannot import modules"
Success (Right Edit) -> iPrintError "Init scripts cannot invoke the editor"
Success (Right Proofs) -> proofs i
Success (Right Quit) -> iPrintError "Init scripts cannot quit Idris"
Success (Right cmd ) -> process [] cmd
Success (Left err) -> runIO $ print err
getFile :: Opt -> Maybe String
getFile (Filename str) = Just str
getFile _ = Nothing
getBC :: Opt -> Maybe String
getBC (BCAsm str) = Just str
getBC _ = Nothing
getOutput :: Opt -> Maybe String
getOutput (Output str) = Just str
getOutput _ = Nothing
getIBCSubDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getIBCSubDir (IBCSubDir str) = Just str
getIBCSubDir _ = Nothing
getImportDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getImportDir (ImportDir str) = Just str
getImportDir _ = Nothing
getPkgDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgDir (Pkg str) = Just str
getPkgDir _ = Nothing
getPkg :: Opt -> Maybe (Bool, String)
getPkg (PkgBuild str) = Just (False, str)
getPkg (PkgInstall str) = Just (True, str)
getPkg _ = Nothing
getPkgClean :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgClean (PkgClean str) = Just str
getPkgClean _ = Nothing
getPkgREPL :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgREPL (PkgREPL str) = Just str
getPkgREPL _ = Nothing
getPkgCheck :: Opt -> Maybe String
getPkgCheck (PkgCheck str) = Just str
getPkgCheck _ = Nothing
getPkgMkDoc :: Opt
-> Maybe String
getPkgMkDoc (PkgMkDoc str) = Just str
getPkgMkDoc _ = Nothing
getPkgTest :: Opt
-> Maybe String
getPkgTest (PkgTest f) = Just f
getPkgTest _ = Nothing
getCodegen :: Opt -> Maybe Codegen
getCodegen (UseCodegen x) = Just x
getCodegen _ = Nothing
getCodegenArgs :: Opt -> Maybe String
getCodegenArgs (CodegenArgs args) = Just args
getCodegenArgs _ = Nothing
getConsoleWidth :: Opt -> Maybe ConsoleWidth
getConsoleWidth (UseConsoleWidth x) = Just x
getConsoleWidth _ = Nothing
getExecScript :: Opt -> Maybe String
getExecScript (InterpretScript expr) = Just expr
getExecScript _ = Nothing
getPkgIndex :: Opt -> Maybe FilePath
getPkgIndex (PkgIndex file) = Just file
getPkgIndex _ = Nothing
getEvalExpr :: Opt -> Maybe String
getEvalExpr (EvalExpr expr) = Just expr
getEvalExpr _ = Nothing
getOutputTy :: Opt -> Maybe OutputType
getOutputTy (OutputTy t) = Just t
getOutputTy _ = Nothing
getLanguageExt :: Opt -> Maybe LanguageExt
getLanguageExt (Extension e) = Just e
getLanguageExt _ = Nothing
getTriple :: Opt -> Maybe String
getTriple (TargetTriple x) = Just x
getTriple _ = Nothing
getCPU :: Opt -> Maybe String
getCPU (TargetCPU x) = Just x
getCPU _ = Nothing
getOptLevel :: Opt -> Maybe Int
getOptLevel (OptLevel x) = Just x
getOptLevel _ = Nothing
getOptimisation :: Opt -> Maybe (Idris ())
getOptimisation (AddOpt p) = Just $ addOptimise p
getOptimisation (RemoveOpt p) = Just $ removeOptimise p
getOptimisation _ = Nothing
getColour :: Opt -> Maybe Bool
getColour (ColourREPL b) = Just b
getColour _ = Nothing
getClient :: Opt -> Maybe String
getClient (Client x) = Just x
getClient _ = Nothing
getPort :: [Opt] -> PortID
getPort [] = defaultPort
getPort (Port p:xs)
| all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) p = PortNumber $ fromIntegral (read p)
| otherwise = getPort xs
getPort (_:xs) = getPort xs
opt :: (Opt -> Maybe a) -> [Opt] -> [a]
opt = mapMaybe
ver = showVersion version ++ suffix
suffix = if gitHash =="" then "" else "-" ++ gitHash
defaultPort :: PortID
defaultPort = PortNumber (fromIntegral 4294)
banner = " ____ __ _ \n" ++
" / _/___/ /____(_)____ \n" ++
" / // __ / ___/ / ___/ Version " ++ ver ++ "\n" ++
" _/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) \n" ++
" /___/\\__,_/_/ /_/____/ Type :? for help \n" ++
"\n" ++
"Idris is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. \n" ++
"For details type :warranty."
warranty = "\n" ++