module Ideas.Common.Utils.TestSuite
TestSuite, module Data.Monoid
, suite, useProperty, usePropertyWith
, assertTrue, assertNull, assertEquals, assertIO
, assertMessage, assertMessageIO
, onlyWarnings, rateOnError
, runTestSuite, runTestSuiteResult
, Result, subResults, findSubResult
, justOneSuite, allMessages, topMessages
, nrOfTests, nrOfErrors, nrOfWarnings
, timeInterval, makeSummary, printSummary
, Message, message, warning, messageLines
, Status, HasStatus(..)
, isError, isWarning, isOk
, Rating, HasRating(..)
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import System.IO
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Result)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
newtype TestSuite = TS (S.Seq Test)
data Test = Case String (IO Message)
| Suite String TestSuite
instance Monoid TestSuite where
mempty = TS mempty
TS xs `mappend` TS ys = TS (xs <> ys)
tests :: TestSuite -> [Test]
tests (TS xs) = toList xs
makeTestSuite :: Test -> TestSuite
makeTestSuite = TS . S.singleton
suite :: String -> [TestSuite] -> TestSuite
suite s = makeTestSuite . Suite s . mconcat
useProperty :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> TestSuite
useProperty = flip usePropertyWith stdArgs
usePropertyWith :: Testable prop => String -> Args -> prop -> TestSuite
usePropertyWith s args =
makeTestSuite . Case s . liftM make . quickCheckWithResult args {chatty=False}
make qc =
case qc of
Success {} ->
Failure {reason = msg} ->
message msg
NoExpectedFailure {} ->
message "no expected failure"
GaveUp {numTests = i} ->
warning ("passed only " ++ show i ++ " tests")
InsufficientCoverage {numTests = i} ->
warning ("only performed " ++ show i ++ " tests")
assertTrue :: String -> Bool -> TestSuite
assertTrue s = assertIO s . return
assertNull :: Show a => String -> [a] -> TestSuite
assertNull s xs = assertMessages s (null xs) (map show xs)
assertEquals :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> TestSuite
assertEquals s x y = assertMessage s (x==y) $
"not equal " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y
assertMessage :: String -> Bool -> String -> TestSuite
assertMessage s b = assertMessages s b . return
assertMessages :: String -> Bool -> [String] -> TestSuite
assertMessages s b xs = makeTestSuite . Case s $ return $
if b then mempty else mconcat (map message xs)
assertIO :: String -> IO Bool -> TestSuite
assertIO s = makeTestSuite . Case s . liftM f
f b = if b then mempty else message "assertion failed"
assertMessageIO :: String -> IO Message -> TestSuite
assertMessageIO s = makeTestSuite . Case s
onlyWarnings :: TestSuite -> TestSuite
onlyWarnings = changeMessages $ \m ->
m { messageStatus = messageStatus m `min` Warning
, messageRating = mempty
rateOnError :: Int -> TestSuite -> TestSuite
rateOnError n = changeMessages $ \m ->
if isError m then m { messageRating = Rating n } else m
changeMessages :: (Message -> Message) -> TestSuite -> TestSuite
changeMessages f = changeTS
changeTS (TS xs) = TS (fmap changeTest xs)
changeTest (Case s io) = Case s (liftM f io)
changeTest (Suite s t) = Suite s (changeTS t)
runTestSuite :: Bool -> TestSuite -> IO ()
runTestSuite chattyIO = void . runTestSuiteResult chattyIO
runTestSuiteResult :: Bool -> TestSuite -> IO Result
runTestSuiteResult chattyIO ts = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
ref <- newIORef 0
result <- runner ref chattyIO ts
newline ref
return result
runner :: IORef Int -> Bool -> TestSuite -> IO Result
runner ref chattyIO = runTS
runTS :: TestSuite -> IO Result
runTS ts = do
(res, dt) <- getDiffTime (foldM addTest mempty (tests ts))
returnStrict res { diffTime = dt }
runTest :: Test -> IO Result
runTest t =
case t of
Suite s xs -> runSuite s xs
Case s io -> runTestCase s io
runSuite ::String -> TestSuite -> IO Result
runSuite s ts = do
when chattyIO $ do
newline ref
putStrLn s
reset ref
result <- runTS ts
returnStrict (suiteResult s result)
runTestCase :: String -> IO Message -> IO Result
runTestCase s io = do
msg <- io `catch` handler
case messageStatus msg of
_ | not chattyIO -> return ()
Ok -> dot ref
_ -> do
newlineIndent ref
print msg
reset ref
returnStrict (caseResult (s, msg))
handler :: SomeException -> IO Message
handler = return . message . show
addTest :: Result -> Test -> IO Result
addTest res t = liftM (res <>) (runTest t)
type WriteIO a = IORef Int -> IO a
newline :: WriteIO ()
newline ref = do
i <- readIORef ref
when (i>0) (putChar '\n')
reset ref
newlineIndent :: WriteIO ()
newlineIndent ref = do
newline ref
putStr " "
writeIORef ref 3
dot :: WriteIO ()
dot ref = do
i <- readIORef ref
unless (i>0 && i<60) (newlineIndent ref)
putChar '.'
modifyIORef ref (+1)
reset :: WriteIO ()
reset = (`writeIORef` 0)
data Result = Result
{ suites :: S.Seq (String, Result)
, cases :: S.Seq (String, Message)
, diffTime :: !NominalDiffTime
, nrOfTests :: !Int
, nrOfWarnings :: !Int
, nrOfErrors :: !Int
, resultRating :: !Rating
instance Show Result where
show result =
"(tests: " ++ show (nrOfTests result) ++
", errors: " ++ show (nrOfErrors result) ++
", warnings: " ++ show (nrOfWarnings result) ++
", " ++ show (diffTime result) ++ ")"
instance Monoid Result where
mempty = Result mempty mempty 0 0 0 0 mempty
x `mappend` y = Result
{ suites = suites x <> suites y
, cases = cases x <> cases y
, diffTime = diffTime x + diffTime y
, nrOfTests = nrOfTests x + nrOfTests y
, nrOfWarnings = nrOfWarnings x + nrOfWarnings y
, nrOfErrors = nrOfErrors x + nrOfErrors y
, resultRating = resultRating x <> resultRating y
instance HasStatus Result where
getStatus r | nrOfErrors r > 0 = Error
| nrOfWarnings r > 0 = Warning
| otherwise = Ok
instance HasRating Result where
rating = rating . resultRating
rate n a = a {resultRating = Rating n}
suiteResult :: String -> Result -> Result
suiteResult s res = mempty
{ suites = S.singleton (s, res)
, nrOfTests = nrOfTests res
, nrOfWarnings = nrOfWarnings res
, nrOfErrors = nrOfErrors res
, resultRating = resultRating res
caseResult :: (String, Message) -> Result
caseResult x@(_, msg) =
case getStatus msg of
Ok -> new
Warning -> new { nrOfWarnings = 1 }
Error -> new { nrOfErrors = 1 }
new = mempty
{ cases = S.singleton x
, nrOfTests = 1
, resultRating = messageRating msg
subResults :: Result -> [(String, Result)]
subResults = toList . suites
topMessages :: Result -> [(String, Message)]
topMessages = toList . cases
allMessages :: Result -> [(String, Message)]
allMessages res =
topMessages res ++ concatMap (allMessages . snd) (subResults res)
findSubResult :: String -> Result -> Maybe Result
findSubResult name = listToMaybe . recs
recs = concatMap rec . subResults
rec (n, t)
| n == name = [t]
| otherwise = recs t
justOneSuite :: Result -> Maybe (String, Result)
justOneSuite res =
case subResults res of
[x] | S.null (cases res) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
timeInterval :: Result -> Double
timeInterval = fromRational . toRational . diffTime
printSummary :: Result -> IO ()
printSummary = putStrLn . makeSummary
makeSummary :: Result -> String
makeSummary result = unlines $
[ line
, "Tests : " ++ show (nrOfTests result)
, "Errors : " ++ show (nrOfErrors result)
, "Warnings : " ++ show (nrOfWarnings result)
, ""
, "Time : " ++ show (diffTime result)
, ""
, "Suites: "
] ++ map f (subResults result)
++ [line]
line = replicate 75 '-'
f (name, r) = " " ++ name ++ " " ++ show r
data Message = M
{ messageStatus :: !Status
, messageRating :: !Rating
, messageLines :: [String]
deriving Eq
instance Show Message where
show a = st ++ sep ++ msg
msg = intercalate ", " (messageLines a)
sep = if null st || null msg then "" else ": "
st | isError a = "error"
| isWarning a = "warning"
| null (messageLines a) = "ok"
| otherwise = ""
instance Monoid Message where
mempty = M mempty mempty mempty
M s r xs `mappend` M t q ys = M (s <> t) (r <> q) (xs <> ys)
instance HasStatus Message where
getStatus = messageStatus
instance HasRating Message where
rating = rating . messageRating
rate n a = a {messageRating = Rating n}
message :: String -> Message
message = M Error (Rating 0) . return
warning :: String -> Message
warning = M Warning mempty . return
data Status = Ok | Warning | Error
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Monoid Status where
mempty = Ok
mappend = max
class HasStatus a where
getStatus :: a -> Status
isOk, isWarning, isError :: HasStatus a => a -> Bool
isOk = (== Ok) . getStatus
isWarning = (== Warning) . getStatus
isError = (== Error) . getStatus
data Rating = Rating !Int | MaxRating
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Monoid Rating where
mempty = MaxRating
mappend = min
class HasRating a where
rating :: a -> Maybe Int
rate :: Int -> a -> a
instance HasRating Rating where
rating (Rating n) = Just n
rating MaxRating = Nothing
rate = const . Rating
getDiffTime :: IO a -> IO (a, NominalDiffTime)
getDiffTime action = do
t0 <- getCurrentTime
a <- action
t1 <- getCurrentTime
return (a, diffUTCTime t1 t0)
returnStrict :: Monad m => a -> m a
returnStrict a = a `seq` return a