-- Copyright 2015, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information,
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- Support for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and remote procedure calls using
-- JSON. JSON is a lightweight alternative for XML.
--  $Id: JSON.hs 7524 2015-04-08 07:31:15Z bastiaan $

module Ideas.Text.JSON
   ( JSON(..), Key, Number(..)            -- types
   , InJSON(..)                           -- type class
   , lookupM
   , parseJSON, compactJSON               -- parser and pretty-printers
   , jsonRPC, RPCHandler, propEncoding
   ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Text.Parsing hiding (string, char)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.IO.Error hiding (catch)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import qualified Ideas.Text.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P

data JSON
   = Number  Number        -- integer, real, or floating point
   | String  String        -- double-quoted Unicode with backslash escapement
   | Boolean Bool          -- true and false
   | Array   [JSON]        -- ordered sequence (comma-separated, square brackets)
   | Object  [(Key, JSON)] -- collection of key/value pairs (comma-separated, curly brackets
   | Null
 deriving Eq

type Key = String

data Number = I Integer | D Double deriving Eq

instance Show Number where
   show (I n) = show n
   show (D d) = show d

instance Show JSON where
   show = show . prettyJSON False

compactJSON :: JSON -> String
compactJSON = show . prettyJSON True

prettyJSON :: Bool -> JSON -> Doc
prettyJSON compact = rec
   rec json =
      case json of
         Number n  -> text (show n)
         String s  -> str (escape s)
         Boolean b -> text (if b then "true" else "false")
         Null      -> text "null"
         Array xs  -> make lbracket rbracket (map rec xs)
         Object xs -> make lbrace rbrace (map (uncurry (<:>)) xs)

   x <:> y | compact    = str x <> char ':' <> rec y
           | isSimple y = str x <> string ": " <> rec y
           | otherwise  = align (str x <> char ':' <> line <> indent 2 (rec y))

   str = dquotes . text

   make open close xs
      | compact || length xs < 2 =
           enclose open close (hcat (intersperse comma xs))
      | otherwise =
           align (vsep (zipWith (<+>) (open:repeat comma) xs ++ [close]))

   isSimple (Array xs)  = null xs
   isSimple (Object xs) = null xs
   isSimple _           = True

-- Escape double quote and backslash, and convert to UTF8 encoding
escape :: String -> String
escape = concatMap f . fromMaybe "invalid UTF8 string" . UTF8.encodeM
   f '\n' = "\\\\n"
   f '\r' = ""      -- carriage return (DOS files)
   f '\t' = "\\\\t"
   f '"'  = "\\\""
   f '\\' = "\\\\"
   f c    = [c]

class InJSON a where
   toJSON       :: a -> JSON
   listToJSON   :: [a] -> JSON
   fromJSON     :: Monad m => JSON -> m a
   listFromJSON :: Monad m => JSON -> m [a]
   -- default definitions
   listToJSON   = Array . map toJSON
   listFromJSON (Array xs) = mapM fromJSON xs
   listFromJSON _          = fail "expecting an array"

instance InJSON Int where
   toJSON   = toJSON . toInteger
   fromJSON = liftM fromInteger . fromJSON

instance InJSON Integer where
   toJSON                  = Number . I
   fromJSON (Number (I n)) = return n
   fromJSON _              = fail "expecting a number"

instance InJSON Double where
   toJSON = Number . D
   fromJSON (Number (D n)) = return n
   fromJSON _              = fail "expecting a number"

instance InJSON Char where
   toJSON c   = String [c]
   listToJSON = String
   fromJSON (String [c]) = return c
   fromJSON _ = fail "expecting a string"
   listFromJSON (String s) = return s
   listFromJSON _ = fail "expecting a string"

instance InJSON Bool where
   toJSON = Boolean
   fromJSON (Boolean b) = return b
   fromJSON _           = fail "expecting a boolean"

instance InJSON a => InJSON [a] where
   toJSON   = listToJSON
   fromJSON = listFromJSON

instance (InJSON a, InJSON b) => InJSON (a, b) where
   toJSON (a, b)           = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b]
   fromJSON (Array [a, b]) = liftM2 (,) (fromJSON a) (fromJSON b)
   fromJSON _              = fail "expecting an array with 2 elements"

instance (InJSON a, InJSON b, InJSON c) => InJSON (a, b, c) where
   toJSON (a, b, c)           = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b, toJSON c]
   fromJSON (Array [a, b, c]) = liftM3 (,,) (fromJSON a) (fromJSON b) (fromJSON c)
   fromJSON _                 = fail "expecting an array with 3 elements"

instance (InJSON a, InJSON b, InJSON c, InJSON d) => InJSON (a, b, c, d) where
   toJSON (a, b, c, d)           = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b, toJSON c, toJSON d]
   fromJSON (Array [a, b, c, d]) = liftM4 (,,,) (fromJSON a) (fromJSON b) (fromJSON c) (fromJSON d)
   fromJSON _                    = fail "expecting an array with 4 elements"

instance InJSON IOException where
   toJSON     = toJSON . ioeGetErrorString
   fromJSON (String s) = return (userError s)
   fromJSON _ = fail "excepting a string"

-- Parser

parseJSON :: String -> Either String JSON
parseJSON = parseSimple json
   json :: Parser JSON
   json = choice
      [ Null          <$ P.reserved lexer "null"
      , Boolean True  <$ P.reserved lexer "true"
      , Boolean False <$ P.reserved lexer "false"
      , Number . either I D <$> naturalOrFloat -- redefined in Ideas.Text.Parsing
      , String . fromMaybe [] . UTF8.decodeM <$> P.stringLiteral lexer
      , Array  <$> P.brackets lexer (sepBy json (P.comma lexer))
      , Object <$> P.braces lexer (sepBy keyValue (P.comma lexer))

   keyValue :: Parser (String, JSON)
   keyValue = (,) <$> P.stringLiteral lexer <* P.colon lexer <*> json

   lexer :: P.TokenParser a
   lexer = P.makeTokenParser $ emptyDef
      { reservedNames = ["true", "false", "null"] }


data RPCRequest = Request
   { requestMethod :: String
   , requestParams :: JSON
   , requestId     :: JSON

data RPCResponse = Response
   { responseResult :: JSON
   , responseError  :: JSON
   , responseId     :: JSON

instance Show RPCRequest where
   show = show . toJSON

instance Show RPCResponse where
   show = show . toJSON

instance InJSON RPCRequest where
   toJSON req = Object
      [ ("method", String $ requestMethod req)
      , ("params", requestParams req)
      , ("id"    , requestId req)
   fromJSON json =
      case lookupM "method" json of
         Just (String s) ->
            let pj = fromMaybe Null (lookupM "params" json)
                ij = fromMaybe Null (lookupM "id" json)
            in return (Request s pj ij)
         Just _  -> fail "expecting a string as method"
         Nothing -> fail "no method specified"

instance InJSON RPCResponse where
   toJSON resp = Object
      [ ("result", responseResult resp)
      , ("error" , responseError resp)
      , ("id"    , responseId resp)
   fromJSON obj = do
      rj <- lookupM "result" obj
      ej <- lookupM "error"  obj
      ij <- lookupM "id"     obj
      return (Response rj ej ij)

okResponse :: JSON -> JSON -> RPCResponse
okResponse x y = Response
   { responseResult = x
   , responseError  = Null
   , responseId     = y

errorResponse :: JSON -> JSON -> RPCResponse
errorResponse x y = Response
   { responseResult = Null
   , responseError  = x
   , responseId     = y

lookupM :: Monad m => String -> JSON -> m JSON
lookupM x (Object xs) = maybe (fail $ "field " ++ x ++ " not found") return (lookup x xs)
lookupM _ _ = fail "expecting a JSON object"


type RPCHandler = String -> JSON -> IO JSON

jsonRPC :: JSON -> RPCHandler -> IO RPCResponse
jsonRPC input rpc =
   case fromJSON input of
      Nothing  -> return (errorResponse (String "Invalid request") Null)
      Just req -> do
         json <- rpc (requestMethod req) (requestParams req)
         return (okResponse json (requestId req))
       `catch` handler req
   handler :: RPCRequest -> IOException -> IO RPCResponse
   handler req e = return (errorResponse (toJSON e) (requestId req))

-- Testing parser/pretty-printer

instance Arbitrary JSON where
   arbitrary = sized arbJSON

instance Arbitrary Number where
   arbitrary = oneof [liftM I arbitrary, liftM (D . fromInteger) arbitrary]

arbJSON :: Int -> Gen JSON
arbJSON n
   | n == 0 = oneof
        [ liftM Number arbitrary, liftM String myStringGen
        , liftM Boolean arbitrary, return Null
   | otherwise = oneof
        [ arbJSON 0
        , do i  <- choose (0, 6)
             xs <- replicateM i rec
             return (Array xs)
        , do i  <- choose (0, 6)
             xs <- replicateM i myStringGen
             ys <- replicateM i rec
             return (Object (zip xs ys))
   rec = arbJSON (n `div` 2)

myStringGen :: Gen String
myStringGen = do
   n <- choose (1, 10)
   replicateM n $ elements $
      ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']

propEncoding :: Property
propEncoding = property $ \a ->
   parseJSON (show a) == Right a