module Ideas.Common.Traversal.Tests
( testIterator, testNavigator, tests
, uniGen, listGen
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Iterator
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Utils
import Ideas.Common.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Common.Utils.Uniplate
import Test.QuickCheck
testIterator :: (Show a, Eq a, Iterator a) => String -> Gen a -> TestSuite
testIterator s gen = suite (s ++ " Iterator")
[ suite "previous/next"
[ prop gen "previous; next" $ hasPrevious ==>> previous >=> next ==! id
, prop gen "next; previous" $ hasNext ==>> next >=> previous ==! id
, suite "next/final"
[ prop gen "isFinal" $ isFinal . final
, prop gen "next to final" $ fixp next === final
, suite "previous/first"
[ prop gen "isFirst" $ isFirst . first
, prop gen "previous to first" $ fixp previous === first
, suite "position"
[ prop gen "pos previous" $
hasPrevious ==>> fmap position . previous ==! pred . position
, prop gen "pos next" $
hasNext ==>> fmap position . next ==! succ . position
, prop gen "pos first" $
(==0) . position . first
, prop gen "pos final" $
position . final === position . fixp next
testNavigator :: (Show a, Eq a, Navigator a) => String -> Gen a -> TestSuite
testNavigator s gen = suite (s ++ " Navigator")
[ suite "up/down"
[ prop gen "down; up" $ hasDown ==>> down >=> up ==! id
, prop gen "up; down" $ hasUp ==>> up >=> down ==! leftMost
, prop gen "up; downLast" $ hasUp ==>> up >=> downLast ==! rightMost
, suite "left/right"
[ prop gen "right; left" $ hasRight ==>> right >=> left ==! id
, prop gen "left; right" $ hasLeft ==>> left >=> right ==! id
, suite "up/left+right"
[ prop gen "left; up" $ hasLeft ==>> left >=> up === up
, prop gen "right; up" $ hasRight ==>> right >=> up === up
, suite "down/downLast"
[ prop gen "down; rightMost" $ liftM rightMost . down === downLast
, prop gen "downLast; leftMost" $ liftM leftMost . downLast === down
, prop gen "down is leftMost" $ isNothing . (down >=> left)
, prop gen "downLast is rightMost" $ isNothing . (downLast >=> right)
, suite "location"
[ prop gen "loc up" $ hasUp ==>>
fmap locationList . up ==! init . locationList
, prop gen "loc down" $ hasDown ==>>
fmap locationList . down ==! (++[0]) . locationList
, prop gen "loc downLast" $ hasDown ==>>
fmap locationList . downLast ==! (\a -> locationList a ++ [arity a1])
, prop gen "loc left" $ hasLeft ==>>
fmap locationList . left ==! changeLast pred . locationList
, prop gen "loc right" $ hasRight ==>>
fmap locationList . right ==! changeLast succ . locationList
, prop gen "childnr" $
childnr === fromMaybe 0 . listToMaybe . reverse . locationList
locationList :: Navigator a => a -> [Int]
locationList = fromLocation . location
tests :: TestSuite
tests =
suite "Iterators"
[ testIterator "List" listGen
, testIterator "Mirror" $ liftM makeMirror listGen
, testIterator "Leafs" $ liftM makeLeafs uniGen
, testIterator "PreOrder" $ liftM makePreOrder uniGen
, testIterator "PostOrder" $ liftM makePostOrder uniGen
, testIterator "Horizontal" $ liftM makeHorizontal uniGen
, testIterator "LevelOrder" $ liftM makeLevelOrder uniGen
] <>
suite "Navigators"
[ testNavigator "Uniplate" uniGen
, testNavigator "Mirror" $ liftM makeMirror uniGen
_go :: IO ()
_go = runTestSuiteResult True tests >>= print
infixr 0 ===, ==!
(===) :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bool
(f === g) a = f a == g a
(==!) :: Eq b => (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bool
f ==! g = f === Just . g
infixr 0 ==>>
(==>>) :: Testable prop => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> prop) -> a -> Property
(p ==>> f) a = p a ==> f a
prop :: (Testable prop, Show a) => Gen a -> String -> (a -> prop) -> TestSuite
prop gen s = useProperty s . forAll gen
changeLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
changeLast _ [] = []
changeLast f [x] = [f x]
changeLast f (x:xs) = x:changeLast f xs
data T a = T a [T a] deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Uniplate (T a) where
uniplate (T a xs) = plate (T a) ||* xs
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (T a) where
arbitrary = sized genT
genT n = do
a <- arbitrary
i <- if n==0 then return 0 else choose (0, 5)
xs <- vectorOf i (genT (n `div` 2))
return (T a xs)
listGen :: Gen (ListIterator Int)
listGen = arbitrary
uniGen :: Gen (UniplateNavigator (T Int))
uniGen = arbitrary