module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Core
( GCore(..), Core
, coreFix, coreSubstAll, substCoreVar
) where
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Classes
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rule
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence
import Ideas.Common.Utils.Uniplate
infixr 2 :%:, :@:
infixr 3 :|:, :>|>, :|>:
infixr 5 :*:
type Core a = GCore (Rule a)
type CoreEnv a = [(Int, GCore a)]
data GCore a
= GCore a :*: GCore a
| GCore a :|: GCore a
| GCore a :>|> GCore a
| GCore a :|>: GCore a
| GCore a :%: GCore a
| GCore a :@: GCore a
| Label Id (GCore a)
| Atomic (GCore a)
| Not (GCore a)
| Remove (GCore a)
| Collapse (GCore a)
| Hide (GCore a)
| Succeed
| Fail
| Rule a
| Var Int
| Let (CoreEnv a) (GCore a)
deriving Show
instance Choice GCore where
empty = Fail
single = Rule
(<|>) = (:|:)
(>|>) = (:>|>)
(|>) = (:|>:)
instance Sequence GCore where
done = Succeed
(~>) = (:*:) . Rule
(<*>) = (:*:)
instance Functor GCore where
fmap f = rec
rec core =
case core of
a :*: b -> rec a :*: rec b
a :|: b -> rec a :|: rec b
a :>|> b -> rec a :>|> rec b
a :|>: b -> rec a :|>: rec b
a :%: b -> rec a :%: rec b
a :@: b -> rec a :@: rec b
Atomic a -> Atomic (rec a)
Not a -> Not (rec a)
Remove a -> Remove (rec a)
Collapse a -> Collapse (rec a)
Hide a -> Hide (rec a)
Let ds a -> Let (map (mapSecond rec) ds) (rec a)
Label l a -> Label l (rec a)
Rule a -> Rule (f a)
Var n -> Var n
Succeed -> Succeed
Fail -> Fail
instance Uniplate (GCore a) where
uniplate core =
case core of
a :*: b -> plate (:*:) |* a |* b
a :|: b -> plate (:|:) |* a |* b
a :>|> b -> plate (:>|>) |* a |* b
a :|>: b -> plate (:|>:) |* a |* b
a :%: b -> plate (:%:) |* a |* b
a :@: b -> plate (:@:) |* a |* b
Label l a -> plate Label |- l |* a
Atomic a -> plate Atomic |* a
Not a -> plate Not |* a
Remove a -> plate Remove |* a
Collapse a -> plate Collapse |* a
Hide a -> plate Hide |* a
Let ds a -> let (ns, bs) = unzip ds
make = Let . zip ns
in plate make ||* bs |* a
_ -> plate core
coreFix :: (GCore a -> GCore a) -> GCore a
coreFix f =
let i = nextVar (f (Var (1)))
in coreRec i (f (Var i))
coreRec :: Int -> GCore a -> GCore a
coreRec n a = Let [(n, a)] (Var n)
coreSubstAll :: GCore a -> GCore a
coreSubstAll = rec []
rec xs (Var i) = fromMaybe (error "coreInf") (lookup i xs)
rec xs (Let ds a) = let this = [ (n, rec this b) | (n, b) <- ds ] ++ xs
in rec this a
rec xs core = descend (rec xs) core
substCoreVar :: Int -> GCore a -> GCore a -> GCore a
substCoreVar i a core =
case core of
Var j | i==j -> a
Let ds _ | i `elem` map fst ds -> core
_ -> descend (substCoreVar i a) core
nextVar :: GCore a -> Int
nextVar p
| null xs = 0
| otherwise = maximum xs + 1
where xs = coreVars p
coreVars :: GCore a -> [Int]
coreVars core =
case core of
Var n -> [n]
Let ds a -> let (ns, bs) = unzip ds
in ns ++ concatMap coreVars (bs ++ [a])
_ -> concatMap coreVars (children core)