module Ideas.Common.ExerciseTests where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Classes
import Ideas.Common.Context
import Ideas.Common.Derivation
import Ideas.Common.Environment
import Ideas.Common.Exercise
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rule
import Ideas.Common.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Common.View
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
checkExercise :: Exercise a -> IO ()
checkExercise ex = do
stdgen <- getStdGen
runTestSuite True (exerciseTestSuite stdgen ex)
exerciseTestSuite :: StdGen -> Exercise a -> TestSuite
exerciseTestSuite stdgen ex = suite ("Exercise " ++ show (exerciseId ex)) $
[ assertTrue "exercise terms defined" (not (null xs))
, assertTrue "equivalence implemented" $
let eq a b = equivalence ex (inContext ex a) (inContext ex b)
in length (nubBy eq xs) > 1
, assertTrue "similarity implemented" $
let sim a b = similarity ex (inContext ex a) (inContext ex b)
in length (nubBy sim xs) > 1
, checkExamples stdgen ex
] ++
case testGenerator ex of
Nothing -> []
Just gen ->
[ useProperty "parser/pretty printer" $ forAll showAsGen $
checkParserPrettyEx ex . inContext ex . fromS
, suite "Soundness non-buggy rules" $
let eq a b = equivalence ex (fromS a) (fromS b)
myGen = showAs (prettyPrinterContext ex) (liftM (inContext ex) gen)
myView = makeView (Just . fromS) (S (prettyPrinterContext ex))
args = stdArgs {maxSize = 10, maxSuccess = 10}
in [ usePropertyWith (showId r) args $
propRule eq (liftView myView r) myGen
| r <- ruleset ex
, not (isBuggy r)
, useProperty "soundness strategy/generator" $
forAll showAsGen $
maybe False (isReady ex) . fromContext
. applyD (strategy ex) . inContext ex . fromS
showAsGen = showAs (prettyPrinter ex) gen
xs | isJust (randomExercise ex) =
take 10 (randomTerms stdgen ex Nothing)
| otherwise = map snd (examples ex)
data ShowAs a = S {showS :: a -> String, fromS :: a}
instance Show (ShowAs a) where
show a = showS a (fromS a)
showAs :: (a -> String) -> Gen a -> Gen (ShowAs a)
showAs f = liftM (S f)
checkParserPretty :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (String -> Either String a) -> (a -> String) -> a -> Bool
checkParserPretty eq p pretty a =
either (const False) (eq a) (p (pretty a))
checkParserPrettyEx :: Exercise a -> Context a -> Bool
checkParserPrettyEx ex ca =
let f = mapSecond make . parser ex
make = setEnvironment (environment ca) . newContext . navigation ex
in checkParserPretty (similarity ex) f (prettyPrinterContext ex) ca
propRule :: Show a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Rule a -> Gen a -> Property
propRule eq r gen =
forAll gen $ \a ->
let xs = applyAll r a in
not (null xs) ==>
forAll (elements xs) $ \b ->
a `eq` b
checkExamples :: StdGen -> Exercise a -> TestSuite
checkExamples stdgen ex
| null xs = mempty
| otherwise = suite "Examples" $
concatMap (checksForTerm True stdgen ex) xs
xs = map snd (examples ex)
checksForTerm :: Bool -> StdGen -> Exercise a -> a -> [TestSuite]
checksForTerm leftMost _ ex a =
[ case defaultDerivation ex a of
Just d -> checksForDerivation ex d
Nothing -> [assertTrue ("no derivation for " ++ prettyPrinter ex a) False]
| leftMost
checksForDerivation :: Exercise a -> Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a) -> [TestSuite]
checksForDerivation ex d =
assertMessage "start term is suitable"
(maybe False (isSuitable ex) (fromContext start))
(prettyPrinterContext ex start)
, assertMessage "start term is not ready"
(maybe True (not . isReady ex) (fromContext start))
(prettyPrinterContext ex start)
, assertMessage "final term is suitable"
(maybe True (isSuitable ex) (fromContext final))
(prettyPrinterContext ex start)
, assertMessage "final term is ready"
(maybe False (isReady ex) (fromContext final))
(prettyPrinterContext ex start ++ " => " ++
prettyPrinterContext ex final)
, assertNull "parser/pretty-printer" $ take 1 $ flip map (filter p1 ts) $ \hd ->
let s = prettyPrinterContext ex hd
in "parse error for " ++ s ++ ": parsed as "
++ either show (prettyPrinter ex) (parser ex s)
, assertNull "equivalences" $ take 1 $ flip map (filter p2 pairs) $ \(x, y) ->
"not equivalent: " ++ prettyPrinterContext ex x
++ " with " ++ prettyPrinterContext ex y
, let xs = filter p3 (triples d) in
let (x, (r, _), y) = head xs in
rateOnError 5 $ assertMessage "no similar steps"
(null xs)
( prettyPrinterContext ex x ++
" with " ++ prettyPrinterContext ex y ++
" using " ++ show r)
, assertNull "self similarity" $ take 1 $ do
x <- terms d
guard (not (similarity ex x x))
return $ "term not similar to itself: " ++ prettyPrinterContext ex x
assertNull "parameters" $ take 1 $ do
(r, env) <- steps d
maybeToList (checkReferences r env)
start = firstTerm d
final = lastTerm d
ts = terms d
p1 = not . checkParserPrettyEx ex
pairs = [ (x, y) | x <- ts, y <- ts ]
p2 (x, y) = not (equivalence ex x y)
p3 (x, (_, _), y) = similarity ex x y &&
on (==) (maybe False (isReady ex) . fromContext) x y