{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, StandaloneDeriving, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module IdeSession.Util (
    -- * Misc util
  , accessorName
  , lookup'
  , envWithPathOverride
  , writeFileAtomic
  , setupEnv
  , relInclToOpts
  , parseProgressMessage
  , ignoreDoesNotExist
  , interruptible
    -- * Simple diffs
  , Diff(..)
  , applyMapDiff
    -- * Manipulating stdout and stderr
  , swizzleStdout
  , swizzleStderr
  , redirectStderr
  , captureOutput
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, forM_, mplus)
import Crypto.Classes (blockLength, initialCtx, updateCtx, finalize)
import Crypto.Types (BitLength)
import Data.Accessor (Accessor, accessor)
import Data.Binary (Binary(..))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (MD5Digest, MD5Context)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged, untag)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (typeOf)
import Foreign.C.Types (CFile)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr, nullPtr)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.IO (unsafeUnmask)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile, renameFile)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath (splitFileName, (<.>), (</>))
import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath, searchPathSeparator)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile)
import System.Posix (Fd)
import System.Posix.Env (setEnv, unsetEnv)
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types (CPid(..))
import Text.Show.Pretty
import qualified Control.Exception            as Ex
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text         as Att
import qualified Data.Binary                  as Bin
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder.Internal as Bin (writeN)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get.Internal     as Bin (readNWith)
import qualified Data.Binary.Put              as Bin (putBuilder)
import qualified Data.ByteString              as BSS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy         as BSL
import qualified Data.Text                    as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign            as Text
import qualified System.Posix.Files           as Files

import IdeSession.Strict.Container
import qualified IdeSession.Strict.Map as StrictMap

foreign import ccall "fflush" fflush :: Ptr CFile -> IO ()


-- | Show an exception together with its most precise type tag.
showExWithClass :: Ex.SomeException -> String
showExWithClass (Ex.SomeException ex) = show (typeOf ex) ++ ": " ++ show ex

-- | Translate record field '_name' to the accessor 'name'
accessorName :: String -> Maybe String
accessorName ('_' : str) = Just str
accessorName _           = Nothing

-- | Prelude.lookup as an accessor
lookup' :: Eq a => a -> Accessor [(a, b)] (Maybe b)
lookup' key =
    accessor (lookup key) $ \mVal list ->
      case mVal of
        Nothing  -> delete key list
        Just val -> override key val list
    override :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
    override a b [] = [(a, b)]
    override a b ((a', b') : xs)
      | a == a'   = (a, b) : xs
      | otherwise = (a', b') : override a b xs

    delete :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
    delete _ [] = []
    delete a ((a', b') : xs)
      | a == a'   = xs
      | otherwise = (a', b') : delete a xs

envWithPathOverride :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe [(String, String)])
envWithPathOverride []            = return Nothing
envWithPathOverride extraPathDirs = do
    env <- getEnvironment
    let path  = fromMaybe "" (lookup "PATH" env)
        path' = intercalate [searchPathSeparator]
                  (extraPathDirs ++ splitSearchPath path)
        env'  = ("PATH", path') : filter (\(var, _) -> var /= "PATH") env
    return (Just env')

-- | Writes a file atomically.
-- The file is either written successfully or an IO exception is raised and
-- the original file is left unchanged.
-- On windows it is not possible to delete a file that is open by a process.
-- This case will give an IO exception but the atomic property is not affected.
-- Returns the hash of the file; we are careful not to force the entire input
-- bytestring into memory (we compute the hash as we write the file).
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> BSL.ByteString -> IO MD5Digest
writeFileAtomic targetPath content = do
  let (targetDir, targetFile) = splitFileName targetPath
  createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir
    (openBinaryTempFile targetDir $ targetFile <.> "tmp")
    (\(tmpPath, handle) -> hClose handle >> removeFile tmpPath)
    (\(tmpPath, handle) -> do
        let bits :: Tagged MD5Digest BitLength ; bits = blockLength
        hash <- go handle initialCtx $ makeBlocks (untag bits `div` 8) content
        hClose handle
        renameFile tmpPath targetPath
        return hash)
    go :: Handle -> MD5Context -> [BSS.ByteString] -> IO MD5Digest
    go _ _   []       = error "Bug in makeBlocks"
    go h ctx [bs]     = BSS.hPut h bs >> return (finalize ctx bs)
    go h ctx (bs:bss) = BSS.hPut h bs >> go h (updateCtx ctx bs) bss

-- | @makeBlocks n@ splits a bytestring into blocks with a size that is a
-- multiple of 'n', with one left-over smaller bytestring at the end.
-- Based from the (unexported) 'makeBlocks' in the crypto-api package, but
-- we are careful to be as lazy as possible (the first -- block can be returned
-- before the entire input bytestring is forced)
makeBlocks :: Int -> BSL.ByteString -> [BSS.ByteString]
makeBlocks n = go . BSL.toChunks
    go [] = [BSS.empty]
    go (bs:bss)
      | BSS.length bs >= n =
          let l = BSS.length bs - (BSS.length bs `rem` n)
              (bsInit, bsTail) = BSS.splitAt l bs
          in bsInit : go (bsTail : bss)
      | otherwise =
          case bss of
            []         -> [bs]
            (bs':bss') -> go (BSS.append bs bs' : bss')

-- | First restore the environment to the specified initial environment, then
-- apply the given overrides
setupEnv :: [(String, String)] -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO ()
setupEnv initEnv overrides = do
  -- Delete everything in the current environment
  curEnv <- getEnvironment
  forM_ curEnv $ \(var, _val) -> unsetEnv var

  -- Restore initial environment
  forM_ initEnv $ \(var, val) -> setEnv var val True

  -- Apply overrides
  forM_ overrides $ \(var, mVal) ->
    case mVal of
      Just val -> setEnv var val True
      Nothing  -> unsetEnv var

relInclToOpts :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [String]
relInclToOpts sourcesDir relIncl =
   ["-i"]  -- reset to empty
   ++ map (\path -> "-i" ++ sourcesDir </> path) relIncl

parseProgressMessage :: Text -> Either String (Int, Int, Text)
parseProgressMessage = Att.parseOnly parser
    parser :: Att.Parser (Int, Int, Text)
    parser = do
      _    <- Att.char '['                ; Att.skipSpace
      step <- Att.decimal                 ; Att.skipSpace
      _    <- Att.string (Text.pack "of") ; Att.skipSpace
      numS <- Att.decimal                 ; Att.skipSpace
      _    <- Att.char ']'                ; Att.skipSpace
      rest <- parseCompiling `mplus` Att.takeText
      return (step, numS, rest)

    parseCompiling :: Att.Parser Text
    parseCompiling = do
      compiling <- Att.string (Text.pack "Compiling") ; Att.skipSpace
      _         <- parseTH                            ; Att.skipSpace
      modName   <- Att.takeTill isSpace
      return $ Text.concat [compiling, Text.pack " ", modName]

    parseTH :: Att.Parser ()
    parseTH = Att.option () $ void $ Att.string (Text.pack "[TH]")

-- | Ignore "does not exist" exception
ignoreDoesNotExist :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoreDoesNotExist = Ex.handle $ \e ->
  if isDoesNotExistError e then return ()
                           else Ex.throwIO e

-- | Define interruptiple operations
-- (TODO: Stick in reference to blog post)
interruptible :: IO a -> IO a
interruptible act = do
  st <- Ex.getMaskingState
  case st of
    Ex.Unmasked              -> act
    Ex.MaskedInterruptible   -> unsafeUnmask act
    Ex.MaskedUninterruptible -> act

  Simple diffs

data Diff a = Keep | Remove | Insert a
  deriving (Show, Functor, Generic)

instance Binary a => Binary (Diff a) where
  put Keep       = Bin.putWord8 0
  put Remove     = Bin.putWord8 1
  put (Insert a) = Bin.putWord8 2 >> Bin.put a

  get = do
    header <- Bin.getWord8
    case header of
      0 -> return Keep
      1 -> return Remove
      2 -> Insert <$> Bin.get
      _ -> fail "Diff.get: invalid header"

instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal (Diff a) -- relies on Generics

applyMapDiff :: forall k v. Ord k
             => Strict (Map k) (Diff v)
             -> Strict (Map k) v -> Strict (Map k) v
applyMapDiff diff = foldr (.) id (map aux $ StrictMap.toList diff)
    aux :: (k, Diff v) -> Strict (Map k) v -> Strict (Map k) v
    aux (_, Keep)     = id
    aux (k, Remove)   = StrictMap.delete k
    aux (k, Insert x) = StrictMap.insert k x

  Manipulations with stdout and stderr.

swizzleStdout :: Fd -> IO a -> IO a
swizzleStdout = swizzleHandle (stdout, stdOutput)

swizzleStderr :: Fd -> IO a -> IO a
swizzleStderr = swizzleHandle (stderr, stdError)

swizzleHandle :: (Handle, Fd) -> Fd -> IO a -> IO a
swizzleHandle (targetHandle, targetFd) fd act =
    Ex.bracket swizzle unswizzle (\_ -> act)
    swizzle :: IO Fd
    swizzle = do
      -- Flush existing handles
      hFlush targetHandle
      fflush nullPtr

      -- Backup stdout, then replace stdout with the given fd
      backup <- dup targetFd
      _ <- dupTo fd targetFd

      return backup

    unswizzle :: Fd -> IO ()
    unswizzle backup = do
      -- Flush handles again
      hFlush targetHandle
      fflush nullPtr

      -- Restore stdout
      _ <- dupTo backup targetFd
      closeFd backup

redirectStderr :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
redirectStderr fp act = do
  Ex.bracket (openFd fp WriteOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags)
             closeFd $ \errorLogFd ->
    swizzleStderr errorLogFd $
    mode = Files.unionFileModes Files.ownerReadMode Files.ownerWriteMode

captureOutput :: IO a -> IO (String, a)
captureOutput act = do
  withSystemTempFile "suppressed" $ \fp handle -> do
    fd <- handleToFd handle
    a  <- swizzleStdout fd . swizzleStderr fd $ act
    closeFd fd
    suppressed <- readFile fp
    return (suppressed, a)


#if !MIN_VERSION_text(1,2,1)
instance Binary Text where
  get   = do units <- Bin.get
             Bin.readNWith (units * 2) $ \ptr ->
               Text.fromPtr (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral units)

  put t = do put (Text.lengthWord16 t)
             Bin.putBuilder $
               Bin.writeN (Text.lengthWord16 t * 2)
                          (\p -> Text.unsafeCopyToPtr t (castPtr p))

deriving instance Binary CPid