module IdeSession.Types.Public (
, Type
, Name
, IdInfo(..)
, IdProp(..)
, IdScope(..)
, SourceSpan(..)
, EitherSpan(..)
, SourceError(..)
, SourceErrorKind(..)
, ModuleName
, ModuleId(..)
, PackageId(..)
, ImportEntities(..)
, Import(..)
, SpanInfo(..)
, RunBufferMode(..)
, RunResult(..)
, BreakInfo(..)
, Value
, VariableEnv
, Targets(..)
, UpdateStatus(..)
, idInfoQN
, haddockLink
) where
import Prelude hiding (span)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), getWord8, putWord8)
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON, defaultOptions)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import IdeSession.Util ()
import IdeSession.Util.PrettyVal
import IdeSession.Types.Progress
data IdNameSpace =
| DataName
| TvName
| TcClsName
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data IdInfo = IdInfo {
idProp :: !IdProp
, idScope :: !IdScope
deriving (Eq, Generic)
type Name = Text
type Type = Text
data IdProp = IdProp {
idName :: !Name
, idSpace :: !IdNameSpace
, idType :: !(Maybe Type)
, idDefinedIn :: !ModuleId
, idDefSpan :: !EitherSpan
, idHomeModule :: !(Maybe ModuleId)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
data IdScope =
| Local
| Imported {
idImportedFrom :: !ModuleId
, idImportSpan :: !EitherSpan
, idImportQual :: !Text
| WiredIn
deriving (Eq, Generic)
data SourceSpan = SourceSpan
{ spanFilePath :: !FilePath
, spanFromLine :: !Int
, spanFromColumn :: !Int
, spanToLine :: !Int
, spanToColumn :: !Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
data EitherSpan =
ProperSpan !SourceSpan
| TextSpan !Text
deriving (Eq, Generic)
data SourceError = SourceError
{ errorKind :: !SourceErrorKind
, errorSpan :: !EitherSpan
, errorMsg :: !Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data SourceErrorKind = KindError | KindWarning | KindServerDied
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
type ModuleName = Text
data ModuleId = ModuleId
{ moduleName :: !ModuleName
, modulePackage :: !PackageId
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
data PackageId = PackageId
{ packageName :: !Text
, packageVersion :: !(Maybe Text)
, packageKey :: !Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
data ImportEntities =
ImportOnly ![Text]
| ImportHiding ![Text]
| ImportAll
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data Import = Import {
importModule :: !ModuleId
, importPackage :: !(Maybe Text)
, importQualified :: !Bool
, importImplicit :: !Bool
, importAs :: !(Maybe ModuleName)
, importEntities :: !ImportEntities
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data SpanInfo =
SpanId IdInfo
| SpanQQ IdInfo
deriving (Eq, Generic)
data RunBufferMode =
| RunLineBuffering { runBufferTimeout :: Maybe Int }
| RunBlockBuffering { runBufferBlockSize :: Maybe Int
, runBufferTimeout :: Maybe Int
deriving (Typeable, Show, Generic, Eq)
data RunResult =
| RunProgException String
| RunGhcException String
| RunForceCancelled
| RunBreak
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Generic)
data BreakInfo = BreakInfo {
breakInfoModule :: ModuleName
, breakInfoSpan :: SourceSpan
, breakInfoResultType :: Type
, breakInfoVariableEnv :: VariableEnv
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Generic)
type Value = Text
type VariableEnv = [(Name, Type, Value)]
data Targets = TargetsInclude [FilePath] | TargetsExclude [FilePath]
deriving (Typeable, Generic, Eq, Show)
data UpdateStatus =
UpdateStatusFailed Text
| UpdateStatusRequiredRestart
| UpdateStatusCrashRestart Text
| UpdateStatusServerDied Text
| UpdateStatusProgress Progress
| UpdateStatusDone
deriving (Typeable, Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Show SourceSpan where
show (SourceSpan{..}) =
spanFilePath ++ "@"
++ show spanFromLine ++ ":" ++ show spanFromColumn ++ "-"
++ show spanToLine ++ ":" ++ show spanToColumn
instance Show IdProp where
show (IdProp {..}) =
Text.unpack idName ++ " "
++ "(" ++ show idSpace ++ ")"
++ (case idType of Just typ -> " :: " ++ Text.unpack typ; Nothing -> [])
++ " defined in "
++ show idDefinedIn
++ " at " ++ show idDefSpan
++ (case idHomeModule of Just home -> " (home " ++ show home ++ ")"
Nothing -> "")
instance Show IdScope where
show Binder = "binding occurrence"
show Local = "defined locally"
show WiredIn = "wired in to the compiler"
show (Imported {..}) =
"imported from " ++ show idImportedFrom
++ (if Text.null idImportQual
then []
else " as '" ++ Text.unpack idImportQual ++ "'")
++ " at "++ show idImportSpan
instance Show EitherSpan where
show (ProperSpan srcSpan) = show srcSpan
show (TextSpan str) = Text.unpack str
instance Show ModuleId where
show (ModuleId mo pkg) = show pkg ++ ":" ++ Text.unpack mo
instance Show PackageId where
show (PackageId name (Just version) _pkey) =
Text.unpack name ++ "-" ++ Text.unpack version
show (PackageId name Nothing _pkey) =
Text.unpack name
instance Show IdInfo where
show IdInfo{..} = show idProp ++ " (" ++ show idScope ++ ")"
instance Show SpanInfo where
show (SpanId idInfo) = show idInfo
show (SpanQQ idInfo) = "quasi-quote with quoter " ++ show idInfo
instance Binary IdNameSpace where
put VarName = putWord8 0
put DataName = putWord8 1
put TvName = putWord8 2
put TcClsName = putWord8 3
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> return VarName
1 -> return DataName
2 -> return TvName
3 -> return TcClsName
_ -> fail "IdNameSpace.get: invalid header"
instance Binary SourceErrorKind where
put KindError = putWord8 0
put KindWarning = putWord8 1
put KindServerDied = putWord8 2
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> return KindError
1 -> return KindWarning
2 -> return KindServerDied
_ -> fail "SourceErrorKind.get: invalid header"
instance Binary ImportEntities where
put (ImportOnly names) = putWord8 0 >> put names
put (ImportHiding names) = putWord8 1 >> put names
put ImportAll = putWord8 2
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> ImportOnly <$> get
1 -> ImportHiding <$> get
2 -> return ImportAll
_ -> fail "ImportEntities.get: invalid header"
instance Binary Import where
put Import{..} = do
put importModule
put importPackage
put importQualified
put importImplicit
put importAs
put importEntities
get = Import <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary SourceError where
put SourceError{..} = do
put errorKind
put errorSpan
put errorMsg
get = SourceError <$> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary IdProp where
put IdProp{..} = do
put idName
put idSpace
put idType
put idDefinedIn
put idDefSpan
put idHomeModule
get = IdProp <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary IdScope where
put Binder = putWord8 0
put Local = putWord8 1
put Imported{..} = do putWord8 2
put idImportedFrom
put idImportSpan
put idImportQual
put WiredIn = putWord8 3
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> return Binder
1 -> return Local
2 -> Imported <$> get <*> get <*> get
3 -> return WiredIn
_ -> fail "IdScope.get: invalid header"
instance Binary SourceSpan where
put (SourceSpan{..}) = do
put spanFilePath
put spanFromLine
put spanFromColumn
put spanToLine
put spanToColumn
get = SourceSpan <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary EitherSpan where
put (ProperSpan span) = putWord8 0 >> put span
put (TextSpan text) = putWord8 1 >> put text
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> ProperSpan <$> get
1 -> TextSpan <$> get
_ -> fail "EitherSpan.get: invalid header"
instance Binary ModuleId where
put ModuleId{..} = put moduleName >> put modulePackage
get = ModuleId <$> get <*> get
instance Binary PackageId where
put PackageId{..} = do
put packageName
put packageVersion
put packageKey
get = PackageId <$> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary IdInfo where
put IdInfo{..} = put idProp >> put idScope
get = IdInfo <$> get <*> get
instance Binary RunBufferMode where
put RunNoBuffering = putWord8 0
put RunLineBuffering{..} = do putWord8 1
put runBufferTimeout
put RunBlockBuffering{..} = do putWord8 2
put runBufferBlockSize
put runBufferTimeout
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> return RunNoBuffering
1 -> RunLineBuffering <$> get
2 -> RunBlockBuffering <$> get <*> get
_ -> fail "RunBufferMode.get: invalid header"
instance Binary Targets where
put (TargetsInclude l) = do
putWord8 0
put l
put (TargetsExclude l) = do
putWord8 1
put l
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> TargetsInclude <$> get
1 -> TargetsExclude <$> get
_ -> fail "Targets.get: invalid header"
$(concat <$> mapM (deriveJSON defaultOptions)
[ ''BreakInfo
, ''EitherSpan
, ''IdInfo
, ''IdNameSpace
, ''IdProp
, ''IdScope
, ''Import
, ''ImportEntities
, ''ModuleId
, ''PackageId
, ''RunBufferMode
, ''RunResult
, ''SourceError
, ''SourceErrorKind
, ''SourceSpan
, ''SpanInfo
, ''UpdateStatus
instance PrettyVal IdNameSpace
instance PrettyVal IdInfo
instance PrettyVal IdProp
instance PrettyVal IdScope
instance PrettyVal SourceSpan
instance PrettyVal EitherSpan
instance PrettyVal SourceError
instance PrettyVal SourceErrorKind
instance PrettyVal ModuleId
instance PrettyVal PackageId
instance PrettyVal ImportEntities
instance PrettyVal Import
instance PrettyVal SpanInfo
instance PrettyVal RunBufferMode
instance PrettyVal RunResult
instance PrettyVal BreakInfo
instance PrettyVal Targets
instance PrettyVal UpdateStatus
idInfoQN :: IdInfo -> String
idInfoQN IdInfo{idProp = IdProp{idName}, idScope} =
case idScope of
Binder -> Text.unpack idName
Local{} -> Text.unpack idName
Imported{idImportQual} -> Text.unpack idImportQual ++ Text.unpack idName
WiredIn -> Text.unpack idName
haddockSpaceMarks :: IdNameSpace -> String
haddockSpaceMarks VarName = "v"
haddockSpaceMarks DataName = "v"
haddockSpaceMarks TvName = "t"
haddockSpaceMarks TcClsName = "t"
haddockLink :: IdProp -> IdScope -> String
haddockLink IdProp{..} idScope =
case idScope of
Imported{idImportedFrom} ->
dashToSlash (modulePackage idImportedFrom)
++ "/doc/html/"
++ dotToDash (Text.unpack $ moduleName idImportedFrom) ++ ".html#"
++ haddockSpaceMarks idSpace ++ ":"
++ Text.unpack idName
_ -> "<local identifier>"
dotToDash = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '-' else c)
dashToSlash p = case packageVersion p of
Nothing -> Text.unpack (packageName p) ++ "/latest"
Just version -> Text.unpack (packageName p) ++ "/" ++ Text.unpack version