{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module IdeSession.Strict.Container
  ( StrictContainer(..)
  , Strict(..)
    -- * For convenience, we export the names of the lazy types too
  , Maybe
  , Map
  , IntMap
  , Trie
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Trie (Trie)
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Binary (Binary(..))
import IdeSession.Util.PrettyVal

class StrictContainer t where
  data Strict (t :: * -> *) :: * -> *
  force   :: t a -> Strict t a
  project :: Strict t a -> t a


instance StrictContainer IntMap where
  newtype Strict IntMap v = StrictIntMap { toLazyIntMap :: IntMap v }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

  force m = IntMap.foldl' (flip seq) () m `seq` StrictIntMap m
  project = toLazyIntMap

instance Binary v => Binary (Strict IntMap v) where
  put = put . IntMap.toList . toLazyIntMap
  get = (force . IntMap.fromList) <$> get

instance PrettyVal v => PrettyVal (Strict IntMap v) where
  prettyVal = prettyVal . toLazyIntMap


instance StrictContainer [] where
  newtype Strict [] a = StrictList { toLazyList :: [a] }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

  force m = List.foldl' (flip seq) () m `seq` StrictList m
  project = toLazyList

-- TODO: we can do better than this if we cache the length of the list
instance Binary a => Binary (Strict [] a) where
  put = put . toLazyList
  get = force <$> get

instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal (Strict [] a) where
  prettyVal = prettyVal . toLazyList


instance StrictContainer (Map k) where
  newtype Strict (Map k) v = StrictMap { toLazyMap :: Map k v }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

  force m = Map.foldl' (flip seq) () m `seq` StrictMap m
  project = toLazyMap

instance (Ord k, Binary k, Binary v) => Binary (Strict (Map k) v) where
  put = put . Map.toList . toLazyMap
  get = (force . Map.fromList) <$> get

instance (PrettyVal k, PrettyVal v) => PrettyVal (Strict (Map k) v) where
  prettyVal = prettyVal . toLazyMap


instance StrictContainer Maybe where
  newtype Strict Maybe a = StrictMaybe { toLazyMaybe :: Maybe a }
    deriving (Show)

  force Nothing  = StrictMaybe Nothing
  force (Just x) = x `seq` StrictMaybe $ Just x
  project = toLazyMaybe

instance Binary a => Binary (Strict Maybe a) where
  put = put . toLazyMaybe
  get = force <$> get

deriving instance Eq  a => Eq  (Strict Maybe a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Strict Maybe a)

instance Functor (Strict Maybe) where
  fmap f = force . fmap f . toLazyMaybe

instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal (Strict Maybe a) where
  prettyVal = prettyVal . toLazyMaybe

instance Applicative (Strict Maybe) where
  pure    = force . pure
  -- We need 'force' here because we need to force the result of the
  -- function application
  f <*> a = force $ toLazyMaybe f <*> toLazyMaybe a

instance Alternative (Strict Maybe) where
  empty   = StrictMaybe Nothing
  a <|> b = StrictMaybe $ toLazyMaybe a <|> toLazyMaybe b


instance StrictContainer Trie where
  newtype Strict Trie a = StrictTrie { toLazyTrie :: Trie a }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

  force m = Foldable.foldl (flip seq) () m `seq` StrictTrie m
  project = toLazyTrie

instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal (Strict Trie a) where
  prettyVal = prettyVal . toLazyTrie