module IdeSession.GHC.Responses (
, GhcCompileResponse(..)
, GhcCompileResult(..)
, GhcRunResponse(..)
, GhcVersion(..)
) where
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import IdeSession.Types.Private
import IdeSession.Types.Progress
import IdeSession.Strict.Container
import IdeSession.Util (Diff)
import Text.Show.Pretty
import GHC.Generics
data GhcInitResponse = GhcInitResponse {
ghcInitVersion :: GhcVersion
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
data GhcCompileResponse =
GhcCompileProgress Progress
| GhcCompileDone GhcCompileResult
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
data GhcCompileResult = GhcCompileResult {
ghcCompileErrors :: Strict [] SourceError
, ghcCompileLoaded :: Strict [] ModuleName
, ghcCompileCache :: ExplicitSharingCache
, ghcCompileFileMap :: Strict (Map FilePath) ModuleId
, ghcCompileImports :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff (Strict [] Import))
, ghcCompileAuto :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff (Strict [] IdInfo))
, ghcCompileSpanInfo :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff IdList)
, ghcCompilePkgDeps :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff (Strict [] PackageId))
, ghcCompileExpTypes :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff [(SourceSpan, Text)])
, ghcCompileUseSites :: Strict (Map ModuleName) (Diff UseSites)
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
data GhcRunResponse =
GhcRunOutp ByteString
| GhcRunDone RunResult
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
data GhcVersion = GHC_7_4 | GHC_7_8 | GHC_7_10
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance PrettyVal GhcInitResponse
instance PrettyVal GhcCompileResponse
instance PrettyVal GhcCompileResult
instance PrettyVal GhcRunResponse
instance PrettyVal GhcVersion
instance Binary GhcInitResponse where
put (GhcInitResponse{..}) = do
put ghcInitVersion
get = GhcInitResponse <$> get
instance Binary GhcCompileResponse where
put (GhcCompileProgress progress) = putWord8 0 >> put progress
put (GhcCompileDone result) = putWord8 1 >> put result
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> GhcCompileProgress <$> get
1 -> GhcCompileDone <$> get
_ -> fail "GhcCompileRespone.get: invalid header"
instance Binary GhcCompileResult where
put GhcCompileResult{..} = do
put ghcCompileErrors
put ghcCompileLoaded
put ghcCompileCache
put ghcCompileFileMap
put ghcCompileImports
put ghcCompileAuto
put ghcCompileSpanInfo
put ghcCompilePkgDeps
put ghcCompileExpTypes
put ghcCompileUseSites
get = GhcCompileResult <$> get <*> get <*> get
<*> get <*> get <*> get
<*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
instance Binary GhcRunResponse where
put (GhcRunOutp bs) = putWord8 0 >> put bs
put (GhcRunDone r) = putWord8 1 >> put r
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> GhcRunOutp <$> get
1 -> GhcRunDone <$> get
_ -> fail "GhcRunResponse.get: invalid header"
instance Binary GhcVersion where
put GHC_7_4 = putWord8 0
put GHC_7_8 = putWord8 1
put GHC_7_10 = putWord8 2
get = do
header <- getWord8
case header of
0 -> return GHC_7_4
1 -> return GHC_7_8
2 -> return GHC_7_10
_ -> fail "GhcVersion.get: invalid header"