module IdeSession.ExeCabalClient (
) where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import IdeSession.Cabal
import IdeSession.Config
import IdeSession.GHC.API
import IdeSession.RPC.Client (RpcServer, RpcConversation(..), forkRpcServer, rpcConversation, shutdown, findProgram)
import IdeSession.State
import IdeSession.Types.Progress
import IdeSession.Types.Public (UpdateStatus(..))
import IdeSession.Util
invokeExeCabal :: IdeStaticInfo -> IdeCallbacks -> ExeCabalRequest -> (UpdateStatus -> IO ())
-> IO ExitCode
invokeExeCabal ideStaticInfo@IdeStaticInfo{..} ideCallbacks args callback = do
let logFunc = ideCallbacksLogFunc ideCallbacks
mLoc <- findProgram logFunc searchPath ide_backend_exe_cabal
case mLoc of
Nothing ->
fail $ "Could not find ide-backend-exe-cabal"
Just prog -> do
env <- envWithPathOverride configExtraPathDirs
let cwd = case args of
ReqExeDoc{} -> ideSessionDir
_ -> ideDataDir ideStaticInfo
server <- forkRpcServer prog [] (Just cwd) env
exitCode <- rpcRunExeCabal server args callback
shutdown server
return exitCode
(searchPath,ide_backend_exe_cabal) = configIdeBackendExeCabal
SessionConfig{..} = ideConfig
rpcRunExeCabal :: RpcServer -> ExeCabalRequest -> (UpdateStatus -> IO ())
-> IO ExitCode
rpcRunExeCabal server req callback =
rpcConversation server $ \RpcConversation{..} -> do
put req
let go = do response <- get
case response of
ExeCabalProgress pcounter -> do
callback (UpdateStatusProgress pcounter)
ExeCabalDone ec@ExitSuccess -> do
callback UpdateStatusDone
return ec
ExeCabalDone ec@(ExitFailure code) -> do
callback $ UpdateStatusFailed $
"Cabal exited with code " <> Text.pack (show code)
return ec