0.3.3 ----- * Added `bytes` and `binary` instances. * Compiles warning-free on GHC 7.10. 0.3.2 ----- * Simplified `reifyConfig` internals. 0.3.1 ----- * Added `insertHash`. This enables users of the 0.2 era version of `hyperloglog` to manually pick the hash used and load their old data. * Builds warning-free on GHC 7.10 --- * Constraint bumps for `lens` and `generic-deriving` 0.3 --- * Switched to `SipHash`, so the package actually works. ------- * More `#ifdef` bugfixes ------- * `#ifdef` bugfix 0.2.3 ----- * GHC 7.8 compatibility * Bumped `cereal` dependency. 0.2.1 ----- * Exported `insert` from `Data.HyperLogLog`. 0.2 --- * Made compatible with `lens` 4 0.1 --- * Ported `Data.Analytics.Approximate.HyperLogLog` from [analytics](http://github.com/analytics) into a separate package.