# *H Y L O G E N* [![Hackage Status](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/hylogen.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hylogen) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/sleexyz/hylogen](https://badges.gitter.im/sleexyz/hylogen.svg)](https://gitter.im/sleexyz/hylogen?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) ![]() ![](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SoftAdeptAlaskajingle-size_restricted.gif) [demo reel](https://hylogen.com) ![]() Hylogen is a purely functional shader language [embedded in Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/Embedded_domain_specific_language) that compiles to GLSL, featuring: - simple syntax - standard operators (`+`, `*`, [`*^`, `<.>`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector-space)) - compat. w/ your fav haskell goodies (higher-order functions, type inference, swanky polymorphism). ![]() The quickest way to get started with Hylogen is with [`hylide`](https://github.com/sleexyz/hylide), a livecoding WebGL renderer with: - hot-reloading - audio-reactive primitives - texture backbuffering ![]() ## Install ``` cabal update cabal install hylogen hylide ``` This will install Hylogen and Hylide. ![]() ## Usage Here's a simple Hylogen program, saved as `Example.hs`: ```haskell module Example where import Hylogen.WithHylide output :: Program output = toProgram color color :: Vec4 color = vec4 (a, a, a, 1) where k = 20 f = (*k) . sin . (/k) a = sum [ cos (x_ uvN * f time + x_ mouse ) , sin (y_ uvN * f time + y_ mouse ) ] ``` Run hylide: ``` $ hylide Example.hs ``` Now go to [localhost:5678](http://localhost:5678) in your browser. You'll see a live rendering of the generated GLSL: ```GLSL void main() { float _7 = uvN.x; float _10 = (time / 20.0); float _9 = sin(_10); float _8 = (_9 * 20.0); float _6 = (_7 * _8); float _11 = mouse.x; float _5 = (_6 + _11); float _4 = cos(_5); float _3 = (0.0 + _4); float _15 = uvN.y; float _18 = (time / 20.0); float _17 = sin(_18); float _16 = (_17 * 20.0); float _14 = (_15 * _16); float _19 = mouse.y; float _13 = (_14 + _19); float _12 = sin(_13); float _2 = (_3 + _12); vec4 _1 = vec4(_2, _2, _2, 1.0); gl_FragColor = _1; } ``` Hylide will recompile on file changes, sending fresh shaders to the WebGL context via websockets. ![]() ## References - [The_Force](https://github.com/shawnlawson/The_Force) by Shawn Lawson. Live-coding audio-reactive shaders! - [data-reify](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-reify) by Andy Gill, to keep intermediate AST representations from exploding by preserving the GHC heap's internal sharing ## Resources - [demo reel](https://hylogen.com) - [examples](https://github.com/sleexyz/hylogen-yay) - [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hylogen) - [hylide](https://github.com/sleexyz/hylide) ![]() conceived of at the [recurse center](https://www.recurse.com/) :)