{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Module where import Hydra.All import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Standard import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Mantle hydraModuleModule :: Module Meta hydraModuleModule = Module ns elements [hydraMantleModule] $ Just "A model for Hydra namespaces and modules (collections of elements in the same namespace)" where ns = Namespace "hydra/module" mantle = nsref $ moduleNamespace hydraMantleModule mod = nsref ns def = datatype ns elements = [ def "FileExtension" string, def "Module" $ doc "A logical collection of elements in the same namespace, having dependencies on zero or more other modules" $ lambda "m" $ record [ "namespace">: doc "A common prefix for all element names in the module" $ mod "Namespace", "elements">: doc "The elements defined in this module" $ list $ mantle "Element" @@ "m", "dependencies">: doc "Any additional modules this one has a direct dependency upon" $ list $ mod "Module" @@ "m", "description">: doc "An optional human-readable description of the module" $ optional string], def "Namespace" $ doc "A prefix for element names" string]